THE DAILY NEBRASKAN DELTA UPSILON WINS CAGE .MEET (Continued from Page 1) after which Johnson made two free t ..rows; and the score stood 10 to 6 at the end of the half. Mi'elanz, the shifty Delt gua'rd, made the first counter of the sec ond half, and it looked for a minute If you're guilty of heart breaking the easiest way for you to escape punish ment for such a terrible crime is to send a box of Rudge & Guenzel's deli cious candies as a Valentine. as though the Delta were going to come back as every one thought they would, but after Smaha made a free throw and then a field goal from the center of the floor the Delt support ers began to lose hope. Another field goal made by Woustaupal, the rangy D. U. center, made the D. U.s score twice that of the Delta. The Delts had hard luck on sev. eral long shots which balanced on the rim, but always shied at the net ting. Johnson made a free throw, and Smaha another basket. With 3 seconds to play, Olds made the final basket of the gam and the third field goal for the Delts. The score was 18 to 12 at the end of the game. Smaha was by far the outstanding player on both teams. He made 13 of the D. U.s 18 points, and many of his baskets were long hard shots. Both teams guarded closely and it was hard to get within shooting dis tance of the basket. Delta Upsilon George, f 1 Smaha, C, f '. 6 Woustaupal, c 1 Smaha, G., g 0 Barrett, g 0 PLENTY OF OIL LEFT . YET SAYS SCHRAMM (Continued from Page 1) f g ft 0 1 1 0 0 f pts 0 2 13 3 0 0 Stanford University California Summer Quarter, 1924 Tuesday, 24 June, to Sat urday, 30 August. Second half begins 28 July Opportunities to work for A. B and for higher de grees, or to do special work, in the oceanic cli mate of the San Francisco peninsula. Courses in the regu lar, academic and scientific branches, and in law. Information from Office 20. Stanford University California Totals 8 2 8 18 Delta Tau Delta fg ft f pts Holland, f . 0 3 0 3 Olds, f 10 12 Johnson, c 0 3 13 Hubka, g 0 0 10 Mielenz, g 2 0 0 4 Totals 3 6 3 12 Dr. Katner Addresses Dentistry Students Dr. G. F. Katner visited the Den- al College Wednesday. In the eve ning he gave a lecture on "Detital Castings" to the Operative Study club of the college. Dr. Katner is associated with the Ransan and Ran dolph- Manufacturing company of Toledo, Ohio. sixty-five gallons of oil to the ton of shale, also yielding ammonium sulDhate as a by-product. Some shales. In reply to queries con sive while others are thin-bedded Shale is either black, brown, or gray or any of these combinations depend ing upon the richness of the shale. Oil cannot be economically recov ered from shale unless it is handled UDon a large scale, Professor Schramm asserted further. This means the erection and equipment of plants costing several millions of dol lars. Large American companies are becoming interested in American oil shales. In reply to quqeries con cerning the possibility of drainage of oil from Tea Pot Dome, Professor Schramm gave as his opinion that it would be several years before the recovery of oil on Salt Creek field proper would have any effect on the Tea Pot Dome. RENT-A-FORDS We have recently added 7 new closed cars to our line. These include 4-door sedans, new type coupes and 1 Tudor sedan. Get you car early. Standing time at 20 cents per hour is usually cheap- pa THE MOGUL BARBER SHOP 127 No. 12th. . than the, mileasre on a delivery Cl UIMl Ww W trip an hour later. Your co-operation in this will be appreciated, es pecially on party nights when the dates all come within the same half hour. It will help us to give you better service. We appreciate your patronage. MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P Street. Telephone B6819 Always Open ing name and telephone number to P. O. Box 1448, City. BE A NEWSPAPER correspondent with the Heacock Plan and earn a good income while learning; we show you how; begin actual work at once; all or spare time; experi ence unnecessary; no canvassing; .5 M .. . . aena ior narticuinvu t. Training Bureau, Buffalofry"' RENT-AORD-ShoveTy-Munson Motor Co., phonel K AW J" Street TUCKER-SHEAN Manufacturing Jewelers . Manufacturers of Sorority and Fra ternity Pins and Crests; Class Pins, Rings, Fobs, Presen tation Jewels, Medals and Badges. We carry in stock a full line of Loving and Trophy Cups. Original designs in colors and estimates furnished free. You won't fumble this cap! Professional jugglers could handle the old style shaving cream caps and never once drop one down the drain or under the bath tub. But for most of us, this new Williams Hinge Cap puts an end to an ancient nuisance. , Williams Shaving Cream is just as much pleasanter to use as is the Hinge-Cap. It softens the beard with uncanny speed. The thicker lather holds the moisture in against the skin where it is needed. This lather lu bricates the skin, too, so that painful razor friction is eliminated. And when your shave is done, that famous ingredient in Williams which helps the skin, leaves your face cool, soothed and refreshed. No coloring matter is used in Williams it is a pure, natural white shaving cream. 'WoOOofflGBD: Shmui Cream Bob Well, I ordered my flowers for Valentines got them yesterday, did you? Jim No what kind of flowers shall I get? Bob Oh, anything so long as it is from Chapin Bros. IAUI II Protect your health and Drink. TOWlff A liquid food drink thoroughly aged, not green or unfinished, a quality product from the House of Anheuser - Busch LOUIS siiiiii llFW ST. !S Served at hotels, clubs and cafes Buy it by the case for your home SIP Stacomb Neatly Combed Hair Neatly combed in the morning but Tvhat about three o'clock in the afternoon ? For "miry, unruly hairfor toft, fluffy hair for any kind of hair that won't si 17 combed all day use Stacomb then your hair will stay combed just at you want it. Ideal alter washing your hair. Leave the hair toft and lustrous. Ask yisr barber for a Stacomb Rub. At all druggists. S4 1 Extr'a Trousers To Match Suit fo MEN! Choose now. This sale means real money to you! By spend ing now you save later in this $11 Special Purchase 485 Suits UUUUIIIHIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIHMIIIIIIIllllItllinillllllllllllllHilil Excellently tailored in styles for all men. You may choose from such fabrics as Wor steds, Cassimeres and Chevi ots in Stripes, Checks and Mixtures. now :iPflltlllUUIHIimrl(tllHlimMIIUmiUII!1tfll1lll(lltMi:U and get an extra pair of trouseri to match the suit for $1.00 0 Another Decided Savings Offered uiits audi O'coats 00 SALE STARTS FRIDAY Fur Collar Overcoats, Fancy Belted Overcoats, Black and Grey Chesterfields and Men's and Young Men's Suits in all the new models and shades. (H)9)75 ttiUitiiitiiitiiuiUMiimimuiutimimmiiniHHiKiHUHJi 4tHiiimmiitiuimitiiiM.HtiimttiiiiiiHut:iii'HiiirfitiiitM $40.00 Values 'SI i ELI SHIRE, PRES. t. -. Tax, arncs Main the Hair Stay Ctmlei i!