The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1923, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
rubllaaad Sunday, Tuasa'ay, Wednesday
Tkuraday and rnda anaratnia el
by the University Nebraska.
enecial rate
mmtmm MpAVidtfd far ill SsCtlMI 1105. Act
el October X, 117, authoriaed January 20,
Accepted lor mailing at
Under Ike Direction el tke Student Publl
catien naara.
Entered a aecend-claaa matter at tke
FoetoHice in Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act
f Co-rese, March 3, 187W.
Subscription rate - S2.00 a year
91.25 a semester. '
incle Copy Fire cents
Address all communications te
Statinn A. Lincoln. Nebraska
Editorial and Business Offices, University
Hail 10.
Day 142 University Escnanr.
Niekt - - B6S82
Emmett V. Maun..
Howard Buffett
....Manaffnr Editor
William Bertwell News Editor
N.wa Editor
ut.n to
aul C Richardson..
Clifford M. Hicks Business Mana-er
Clarence EickhoS...-.Asst. Business Manaer
Otto Skold .Circulation Manager
Every afternoon witk tke esceptio
Friday and Sunday.
Nebraska spirit is assuming pro-
portions that will equal the fight
that the Cornhusker football team
will put up against the Notre Dame
squad. Classes, groups of students,
and individuals are meeting the issue
and allowing their real Nebraska
spirit to declare itself. There is,
however, plenty of opportunity for
students to keep the good work mov
Bear in mind that there is one
thing that every Nebraskan intends
to do and that is to fight. Fight does
not mean to say so, but it means also
to really do it. It is for you to fight,
it is for the team to fight, and it
will surely follow that Notre Dame
will know that she has hit an element
that did not yield readily.
The W. A. A. will be selling cash
ions at the stadium during the foot
ball game Saturday. The women
have bought a great number of the
cushions and they are very anxious
to sell them. When you buy one,
bear it in mind that the W. A. A.
gives half of the profit from the sales
toward the stadium.
You are a student at the University
of Nebraska and you are a member
of the student body, freshman. Now
that you are here, and that you prob
ably will be here for four years, isn't
it logical that you will make a pledge
toward the Memorial stadium? Would
you care about claiming the stadium
as part of your institution if you did
not help pay for it?
The payments are easy and the
cause is worthy. Make a pledge.
The Rag Doll says that since we
have had Homecomingweek, Mid-
Semester week might be termed
farewell week.
First fish to second fish: Aw, 40
take a walkl
Wonder if the colored gentlemen
who was standing on 0 street this
morning with a shotgun in his arms
was looking for rabbits.
Let us whisper a dark secret.
The fuse blew outl
Why does a chicken run across the
She probably would be in a stew
if she didn't.
This is a singular case, murmured
the verb.
, The Rag Doll Rays that she was
recently told that she was the only
doll on the staff, but she is used to
being stuffed.
We never knew before that pro
fessorswere common laborers. How
ever, we heard one called a low
grader the other day.
She sat in the barber's chair
She spilled a wicked line . :'
He giggled and gazed and gapped
And cut it all off behind.
"Oh, what a blot on my life," Bald
the man who spilled ink on his auto
Do you realize that if you counted
all the telephone poles on the way
to school every day people might be
gin to think of you as polish.
sity know that there are traditions
here and it is not their place to try
to break them. Although this is
democratic institution, freshmen
cannot come here and expect to mold
the environment to suit their partic
ular desires and fancies. They are
expected to accept the leadership of
upperclassmen until they become up-
perclassmen themselves. They are
not given full consideration until
they have become a part of the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
No tradition can be enforced. No
man at Nebraska can be forced to
observe any of the practices that
have been in effect for many years
but he will find a cold greeting and
a lonely world about the campus if
he does not choose to live as Ne
braskans live. He cannot expect
anything else and the cold facts are
that he will get nothing else. His
attitude may be called independence,
but it could better be termed stub-
If there is an objection to green
caps, it is solely one of the many ob
jections that are found every place
that you may go. It is not a joke
and it is not done for the funny ap
pearance that it may give to some
persons. Look into the real situa
tion from the standpoint of a student
in what we call the greatest insti
tution on earth.
he were told not to wear a green cap,
he would be the first to buy one and
wear it. He reminds me of a person
who commits murder just to see his
name in the paper. He doesn't be
long here! C. N.
Theta Sigma Phi.
Meeting of Theta Sigma Phi Thurs
day at 7 p. m.
Union Meetings.
Union open meeting Friday at 8:30
m. An evening of entertainment
Everyone invited.
Cadet officers' meeting Thursday,
November S at 5 o'clock in room
309, Nebraska hall. Important. De
merits assigned for absentees.
Komensky Ktab
Komensky Klub meeting Saturday,
November 10, at. 8. Faculty hall.
Catholic Students' Club.
Catholic Students Club member
ship dance Friday night, 8 o'clock, at
Ellen Smith hall.
Biikd Girls.
Meeting of all Bizad girls Thurs-
day at 11:15 in room 109.
Manorah Sociaty.
Professor Alexis will address the
Monorail society Sunday at 8 p. m.
in Faculty hall, on "Prophecies in
the Old Testament."
Bitad Day.
Bizad day, Friday, at the Ag cam
pus. a emn-mmmeaat
Bitad Day Committee.
All members of Bizad Day ribbon
selling' committee please report to
chairman Helen Gutl:erie and Cut
tnn Morris. Social Science hall at
8 a.m. Thursday.
Presbyterian Church Meeting-.
A special meeting of young people
Sunday night at the church op 18th
and M. Dr. Nyce is the leader and
will give a talk.
Committee on Rooters.
The committee of rooters for the
team Saturday will meet at Nebraska
hall at 1 o'clock Saturday.
Traditional rally and huge torch
light parade at 7 p. m., starting at
the Armory and marching to the Lin
coln hotel. Coach Rockne and Cap
tain Brown will give talk3.
Green Gobli'is.
The Green Gobli i meeting has
been changed from the Omega Beta
Pi house this evening to room 105
Nebraska hall. Every member is
urged to be on time at 7 o'clock as
the meeting is important. Dr. Con-
dca will speak.
W. A. A.
W. A. A. meeting will be in Social
Science auditorium in place of Ellen
Smith hall Wednesday at 7 o'clock.
Board meeting at 6 o'clock.
Mystic Fish.
Mystic Fish meeting Wednesday
at Ellen Smith hall at 7 o'clock.
Penning; Rifles.
Important meeting Wednesday at
15. It is imperative that all mem
bers be present.
Every year the students in the
College of Business Administration
take a day off to play and to get
together to build up the spirit of that
college. Although quite young as
far as the University is concerned,
that college has grown very rapidly
and has become one of the most im
portant units in this institution. To
keep up that standard and to assert
themselves, the students in it are
taking a holiday. By so doing, they
are helping Nebraska and are making
their college better for their action.
If you are a Bizad student, you
should attend the annual celebration
and get in with your college. The!
college needs your support and you
mill benefit by the concentrated ef-!
fort being made.
In the history of the University of
Nebraska there was probably never
a more enthusiastic rally and profit
able rally than was held the night
before Thanksgiving last year. Even
when the Huskers held Michigan to
a tie, even when the team returned
victorious from" Pitt, there was cer
tainly no more enthusiasm than was
shown by the students at the Notre
Dame rally last year. But that is
The point now is for every stu
dent in the University to enter the
notation in his X book to the effect
that fee wi3 be at the rally Friday
evening. This will be the final test
and it is for the students to prove
their worth.
There still seems to be the impres-
Student Opinion. 4
Contributions to this column are very
welcome and invited. Student opinion is
valuable to the editorial staff of the paper.
consequently we welcome it.
To the Editor:
Owing to happenings of late, and
comments written on the subject of
the freshman green caps, the writer
has taken it up on himself to discuss
the subject.
In the first place, let it be clearly
understood, that I am strongly in
favor of the strict enforcement of
the practice that has become a tra
dition at Nebraska. However, let it
also be understood that I realize the
necessity of using good judgment in
this enforcement.
But anyone who feels that the men
who wear the green at Nebraska are
treated unjust, or too severely, let
him visit some of our neighboring,
say in the Missouri Valley. Then if
he finds that the freshmen at Nebras
ka suffer undue punishment (if
indeed they do suffer at all), it is
reaLy the duty of each of us to criti
cize. As an instance, see what our neigh
bor. University of Missouri does with
her freshmen . In the first place, as
here, the freshman must buy their j
caps. The matter of fellowship is j
carried out to a more full extent by j
having the freshmen of the Law col
lege wear purple; the freshmen of
the School of Engineering, green; the j
School of Journalism, yellow, etc. j
Besides this, the freshman must,
not be out after 9:30 any night, or!
be caught in any pool hall of the city)
until Thanksgiving, the day of their
Olympics. If a freshman be caught j
walking on the grass of the campus, j
or be caught smoking on the campus j
he is subject to punishment as the j
student senate sees fit.
The punishment that the student
senate usually imposes on the offen
ders is one that here, is considered,
harsh. The freshman must be taught
that he is doty bound to be loyal j
to the school and conform to the-
school's traditions ard laws. If he
Wrestling Candidates..
All candidates for the varsity
wrestling are urged to report at once
to Head Coach R. G. Clap, gyn, 206,
as training starts immediately.
Don't forget the meeting this af
ternoon in the Armory at 5 o'clock.
Coach Adkins wants every man out
who intends to make the varsity
swimming team.
Xi Delta.
Xi Delta meeting at 7 o'clock
Ellen Smith hall, important.
Latheran Clnb.
Initiation of new members Friday,
November 9. Meet at the Temple
building, at 6:45.
Kappa Phi.
Pledging at St Paul church Thurs
day at 7 p. m.
Basketball Practice.
Varsity basketball practice will be
held this afternoon at 4:30 instead
of the usual practice held at 5 on
Scabbard and Blade.
Scabbard and Blade meeting at
7:00 Thursday evening at Nebraska
hall. Important.
Deliaa Literary Society.
Closed meeting Saturday night for
initiation. Meet in Faculty hall at
7:15 sharp. All initiates wear old
clothes. On Friday night all mem
bers in Faculty hall at 8:15 p. m. to
go to Union Hall.
Organized Rooters.
Students who are to be the organ
ized rooters' section at the game are
requested to meet at Nebraska hall
at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Gamma Lambda meeting at Acacia
house, 7:30.
Women's Athletic Association gen
eral meeting at Ellen Smith hall, at
7. Board meeting at 6.
Xi Delta meeting at 7 o'clock at
Ellen Smith halL Important.
Alpha Xi Delta dance at, the Lin
coln. Alpha Gamma Rho dance at K. C.
Bizad day.
Traditional rally and huge torch
light parade at 7 p. ra.
Delta Delta Delta freshman party.
Pi Kappa Phi fall party, Cham
ber of Commerce.
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New Ford Roadsters and Tourings 12c per mile
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No hour charge of any kind on week days up to 6 p. m.
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Call B212S and we will deliver a car and take you home
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he should be subject to punishment,
and the punishment at our neighbor
ing school is the well yielded paddle.
si on among many on the campus that is determined to violate these laws
the green cap enforcement rule is a
jcke. It is such if you but consider
it such, and if yon do, you are trying
to shatter a Nebraska tradition by
sheer stubborness that is not the con
census of pinion. You have adopted
a stand that you know is not in keep
ing with the customs of many years
and that is not agreeable to the ma
jority. Although the majority is not
always right this matter of green
Dear ixntor: j
Why t let freshTian express
his opinion about tius young man
who refuse i to wear his green cap?
Does he wast to make a name for
himself or does he want to lose the !
caps merits consideration for more! name of a loyal Nebraska freshman?)
To try mind be has already lost it,
and has gained the reputation of
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