1.1 Ji jjUl'-tTHMfc I Ti I f f ' 1 THE DAILY NEBKASKAN The Daily Nebraskan Publlaaaat Sunday. Tiwaaar, WaoWaday, Tn,uraaa and FruUf MraH at waak by tha Uuivarait at Nafcraaka. Accaptad for mailinc at apacial rata ml Mlif. di-ovkW tor in Sactioa 1103, Act af Octobar S. 1317. autharua4 January 20. 1922. OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY PUBLICATION Uuatar tha Direction of tba Student Publl uuu Board. Eatarad aa aacend-claaa ovattar at tba Poatotnca in Lincoln, Nabraana, undar Act ml Uanu, March 3. 1179. Subacrtntioa rata $1.25 a Simffia Copy aanaaatsr. ..$2.00 a yaar .FWa cants Addrasa ail communication to THE DAILY NEB HAS KAN Statiaa A. Lincoln. Naoraaaa Editorial and Buainasa Officaa, L'nivaruty Hail. 10. Phones. 142 L'nivaraitT Exchanrw Booa2 Day .. Niht Enunatt V. Maun.. ..Editor Howard Buffatt.- Edita count that the expansion of the ex tension work has brought to the eve ning classes people not otherwise connected with the school. The writer's wife took the family car to the Social Science building during a class Friday evening, and upon returning to go home found tne RAG CARPET Conducted by CaroVyft'Airy a The modern Amazors have once more come into their own. Now it is rifling that has attracted the fair ones, and who knows but what I0Un1 tne ,.i. J ffc- hnilJmm mi - . l , 9ULUC Ul WidV ajf at. air taken out of all four tires andi . . . . , tii rnu,r one tare tempered with. This made , foumlations when the women it necessary for her to secure aid. aI1 start shootin? at once. If the The writer asks the Daily Neoras-! ... ... ... nues are any uiu-uk uj.o uucj if.in rn nil ni is n liiis cumiiieui. auj at The Rag Doll says that she was out riding late last Saturday night and she noticed that a lot of cars seemed to be having engine trouble. reminder not only to the students who were involved in this affair, but all students, that they owe a "Juty to the University not to resort to in terference with property and thereby casting a reflection upon their school. A LINCOLN ALUMNUS. Notices they'll all be "repeaters We heard an authority remark the other day that the "stiffs" in Bessey hall aren't the only "dead ones" on the campus. Lou Hill a fhia iHsm.irkoH the other dav She: Father says you have more! aI1 that maje dry lectures in S. S. bearable was deciphering tne "handwriting on the wall." money than brains. He: Shows how much he knows. Fra broke. She: Yes, father added that you were. Willi EDITORIAL. STAFF m BertweU. N U,,.h Cm- ai r nt li.nl.iai . -X Sutar Editor Editor Camp Fire The Y. W. C. A. is offering The girl "with a line" generally has a hook on one end and some poor fish generally swallows it. 1309 O St. Up one flight, turn to the right COLLEGE CLOTHES HIGH CLASS BUT NOT HIGH PRICED The old grads come back to tell of old U hall when she stood alone, and cows lowed 'round her dooT. Couldn't we stake a few old bossies around on the Campus to make it seem more natural? a 1 Vimr n-a an.- mm-hlv admire .nws Editor' ;n r.mI) Fire leadership un-!T. t 1 Da.i p.c Vews Editor f . (13 wuaeyuua uwcoj I Aer thi unervision of Mrs. r . r . i rr . j . Ann m amt Clifford m hTc Bu..nea Man.,- Teal. The classes will begin the first ! we 3tand in the Temple line to eat daranca Eickhoff Ami. Buin.a Mawrn-1 ionday in November at 4 o'clock i Ottn I . . ,t .11 :t- at Lueil smiui nau. AU giria muei H He may not be good looking, but he has money to burn. She Well, I never suffered vntb heat when I was oat with him. OFFICE HOCKS Ery aftarnoon with tha axcapn Friday and Sunday. ' C ilia; w m - r, I i ested, who have not registered with ' taat-3 a ,iurn sight better than being i Miss Appleby should do so at once. a era-y quilt. HUSKERS MEET TIGERS. Nebraska leaves this week to meet the Missouri eleven on the Columbia gridiron. The Corohoakers will not appear ag-ain in the stadium until they meet the fast travelling Notre Dame squad. Missouri has not been hitting a very fast pace this season, but the Tigers have given Nebraska, some hard battles in the history of the two institutions and there is pienty of cause to watch Missouri when the : Eisners meet their squad Saturday. P. E. O. Girl. AU gu-'-s who are P. E. O's either in this state or elsewhere, are asked :o call and give their names to Mar 1 own stuff. i Prof. I'm getting some rare work -a M UVtkb lua vaaaQ Yes, we print our from the new freshmen. Assistant Rare" Prof. Yes, not well done. He was wild about it. Ho couldn't do without it. Tr mi TT-r.il tn him- gnrzt McMillen, F 4300 or Winifred i He said that if he lost it. Main B 1SS3. We want to reach . never De the same. every P. E. 0. in school in order that . And we'd like to tell you what vou mav be a member of the P. E. , was. 0. Canipu3 club. Our definition of a dumbbell that he Ls like a fraction with 0 a numerator and size 14 for a ! nominator. is for de- it; I The worid is so full of a number But. gosh it doesn't rhyme with ! of things. No wonder we stumble same. against them in the dark. Pern S-adenti Banquet for all former dents at Lincoln Hotel, October 23, -5 o'clock. Peru 3TU-. Tuesday. Cavaipfire Cli Campfire training classes epen November 1 a: Ellen Smith halL Up-' perrriassmen may register for this course. See Miss Appieby. Stndent Council. Regular Student Council meeting toniirht at o o'clock at Eurrough's cafe. "THREE WISE FOOLS." The University Players will f.-iur nprtirrnances of the "Three Wise Foois" this week. It has oft an been said, and the ticket sales show the assertions to be true, that the Players are not receiving the support from students that they do from the persons who live in the city of Lin-coin. It :s rfre tasty true spoken .irama is decaying, have reached a point now will zo to a ao lower ebb wnere it may rise when theater-iroers tire of their present form of amuse ment. Students, representing tht men and women who will lead the nation, are the ones who will decide whether the drama shail Live or die. Certainly its expression and intimate contact wth ail persons will cause a favorable vote when the time comes E!;ad staff meeting Tuesday at 11 to decide the fate of th stage. o'jiock at the Commercial Club, So- ' ciai Science. Wesley CoilcL j Regular meeting of the WesleJ i Guild Thursday at 7:30, Socit.' j Science 113. j Ellen Smith hall at 5 o'clock. Super Six A Good Candy Bar A chocolate cream center, dipper! in cream carmel, rolled in No. 1 Spanish blanched roasted peanuts dipped in heavy Milk Chocolate. Who could resist? Manufactured by McDowell's at 136 No. 12th Street Veapers. Candle-lighting Vesper service ai . ization offices. World Forum Luncheon. Ku Slur Klan organizer will talk Wednesday at the Y. W. C. A. lunch- I wn. Grand Hotel. Tickets at organ- 136 No. 12th Street Jno. W. McDowell H. F. Austin 1 tne It may where it or even SaaketbalL Basketball practice will be heid from 4:4o to o p. m. Monday. Wed nesday and F-dar nights. All play ers are asked to turn out. Persliiag Rifles. Pershing Rifles w.Il meet Wednes at T p. m. All members should be Bizd Staff Meeting. Shirt Values AWAIT YOU HERE. SEE THEM NOW 00 $2 1 Collar attached Shirts easily worth $3.00 VARSITY 316 No. 12th St. We Deliver PAY YOL'R PLEDGE- Now that the stadium has ;een aeoica: -har -h e zreater snars ci Freshman Commiaaioa. Freshman commission meeting tie work has been done, and that Tiesda there is a zat debt ti pay on the at srrucrure. tnis is tne t:me to pay your second sledge. The staaium was constructed almost entirely by iicati and students and it must be those same persons who are to pay the mony that they have promised. There are hug3 obligations far the committee to meet. Your piedge w.U help pay them. Union Bnainesa Meeting. Union Business meeting Tuesday at T p. m. Al Imembers should be present. ran Spoil An important meeting Tuesday evening at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. Any member with a car, bring the car if possible. The student directory will be out 3oon. Next to looking through the Cornhusker in the spring. there seems to be no greater satisfaction than looking through the directory even toush it is but a list of names. Y. W. C A. The Y. W. C. A. services will be held at the Home Economics parlors, Ag coilege. Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. Miss Appieby will be the speaker. TO THE UNIVERSITY GIRLS . ae alumni have returned home, i What wa3 their impression of the ! institution that they left five, ten ' or fifteen years agi? Student3 here can but feei that it was favorable, j The new stadium, the football team, : the high tone of the spir.t, and the j increased enrollment certainly spoke ' strongly for those who have fol lowed in the rank3 of the visitors. SINCERITY. There is no more admirable trait of character than that quality known ! as sincerity. It is a silent, invisible attr.bute. but it betrays rtseif in the j Sincerity does not necessarily im ply perfection, or even excellence, but it is allied with a desire for truth and it is the grain that distin guishes that which is ethical from the unethical. It implies honesty of purpose frank, conscientious and undissembling. It is not to be" as sumed; it is inspired. It is not given to exploitation by it3 possessor, for it is a state of mind, not a material possession. As evidenced in the at titude of mind, it manifests itself in the desire to accept responsibility gravely and to discharge it dutifully and weiL Sincerity's ereed is con tained in the wirds of Aristotle: "AH actions directed by choice aim at seme good." H. I. P. Q AN FORD'sj "The Ink That Made The Fountain Pen Possible We invite your inspection of our new and splendid stocks of coats, suits, dresses, blouses, hosiery, gloves, shoes and dry goods. Which we have selected with the utmost care for your approval. SPECIAL SALES NOW ON i I A3 Al 1 1 X ap annnaMw vraciis ! I 1 X RE J I Congenial work for college graduates In d"''"g upon one's lifowork there is one Tery important coasideratioa every far-seeing man will make. He will select a field where the edu cation gained through, his college career will not be wasted. An ideal future is offered by the Fire, Marine anrl Casualty Insurance business. Insurance is close co the interests of every busi rtaat ic is close to the interests of the officials of every business. It is a matter which will bring you into im,Tl,''jn contact with, big men and big affairs. The Insurance Company of North America is a national, historical institution founded in, 1792 with over a century and a quarter of well earned prestige. Conservative policies and de pendable service have been responsible for the grow ib. and for the constructive activities of die Company in the development of the entire insurance profession. Insurance Company of North America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insurance Company of North America anar prmatcMj mmrj form af wamrmtet aaoaat aft. my Jyw pencil -rr J BOSTON STO Campus Opinion Some students while, celebrating the rally Friday evening undoubtedly permitted their zeal to overcome their judgment, or in an endeavor to play a prank did sot take into ae- NUS"? -a-rGai )B the stivlmt or pro. the sopeib YEMJS oaVrrraLi all ior perfect pencil worii. 17 black degrees 3 copying. A i i erm Leaal Prau-iiCaV nriiki i V isj ELa can au RENT A TYPEWRITER THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OFAIUSIC ADRIAN M., NEWENS, DIrctor Offers thorough training in Music, Dramatic Art. A targe faculty of specialists in all departments. Anyone may enter. Full information on request. Opposite the Campus. Phone B 1392 11th & R Sts. One Month $3.00 Four Months $10.00 C. J. MOSHER CO. Dutributon of Royal and Corona Typewriters 1223 O Street Phone B-2157 M B-i555 cuinx 325 N. 17 th. Lauiiw& Cleaning IXT -a J." DO rr. Kttr CM. THE EVAJVS WAY Greek Letter Blankets Fraternity and sorority houses should let us clean blank ets and comforters this week. Just phone our office and a salesman will calL