The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1923, Image 4

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G. A. Grubb, Acting Dean Last
Year, I Head of School
Clinic Is Improved.
The new semester sees several
changes in the Dental College. Dr.
G. A. Grubb, who Is dean this year,
was acting dean last year. There are
two new members of the faculty and
one of last years staff has resigned.
The new men are Dr. Fred Webster,
who will bo head of the Operative
Department, and Dr. B. L. Hooper,
who becomes heud of the Prosthetic
Department, taking the place left
vacant by the resignation of Dr. J. I.
The appearance of the Dental Col
lege Clinic has also made a change
during the summer. All the wood
work has ben freshly painted and a
new floor covering has been laid
down. The room used by the Pros
thetic department has been greatly
improved according to Dean Grubb.
It has been divided into two rooms,
one for laboratory purposes and the
other is an impression room. One
lecture room has been changed to a
surgical room.
You should make this store for younger
men your store. The location should be
an appeal to your sense of economy. It's
on account of lower rents that you can
find here lower prices on real quality mer
chandise. More and more University Men
become patrons of this STORE
Members of the Faculty:
get acquainted with the values offered
in this store.
15 steps west of
Terminal Building.
e rotes? uncou mm.
Three Instructors Secured for
Civil Engineering; Two for
Applied Mechanics.
Tin Pnllncn of Emrineerimr has
added five new members to its
teaching faculty, three in the de
partment of civil engineering and
two in the department of applied me
chanics. A third addition may be
made later in the department of
applied mechanics. The new faculty
members are as follows:
Henrv J. Kesner, assistant profes
sor of civil engineering, has degrees
of B. A., B. Sc. in C. E., and U fc.
from the University of Colorado. He
has also studied at the Armour In
stitute of Technology.
Otto E. Hajrer. instructor in civil
engineering, has a C. E. degree from
Lehigh university. lie will instruct
in surveying.
Walter Scott. B. Sc. in C. E.,
U. of N. '23, returns as assistant in
structor in civil engineering.
Edwin A. Grone, assistant instruc
tor in engineering drawing, has a
decree of B. Sc. in C. E. from tne
University of Nebraska, '08.
Joe Smay, instructor in engineer
ing drawing, receives his degree of
B. Sc., in Arch. E. from Iowa State
college in 1923.
Dr. Carl Dunbar of the department
of geology, Yale University, is spend
ing a month doing geological survey
for the University of Nebraska. Dr.
Dunbar, who h h specialist in
palaeontology, is engaged in iden
tifying species of the fossil fauna
in the Pennsylvania formations of
Nebraska. He spent two weeks in
the field with Dr. G. E. Condra and
Prof. N. A. Bengston and the re
mainder of the time 'he is working
in the laboratory. The results of
this work with other studies will be
Eat in Our Downstairs Cafeteria
Feminine Apparel for the School, College and University Girl.
Store News
Rush Week!
i I MM' M Vk U :W .11. !J H I'te&sJ
i-iL igc i "l J
xfy it , In j... I rw'j'vill Z
included in a lengthy publication on
the "Carboniferous deposits of Ne
braska"; work on the publication has
been under way for several years.
Dr. Dunbar expressed surprise that
such a detailed study had already
been made.
Two hundred and sJxty-thrce Ne
braska high school track men, repre
senting fifty-six high schools, were
awarded the state numeral by the
University of Nebraska athletic for
homo course track records for 1922
1023. Dark blue and light blue dia
monds with the year in white are
awarded according to the number of
points made, the dark blue represent
ing the higher score. One hundred
and twenty-seven received full blue
numerals and 136, haff-blue numer
als. Farman won the state numeral
banner for the highest percentage of
numeral winners out of the total
number" of men in school.
Dean C. C. Engberg returned
Thursday from his summer Vacation
at his cottage at Olga, Wash.
L. A. Wolfanger, '18, and R. D.
Wood, '24, have returned from mak
ing a soil survey of Webster county.
Mr. Wolfanger is preparing a report
on the county, after which he will
leave for Columbia University where
he will be assistant in geography and
When We Advertise We Tell You the Truth
We are solidly established right here in
Lincoln with every opportunity to. serve you
RIGHT and with every willingness to do
more for you than a "strange" drug store
which treats you as a stranger. The mar
kets are open to all druggists alike; our
goods are just as fine quality as any drug
gist anywhere can or does sell. We quote
the lowest prices .on all goods the fairest
cost for highest grade. We guarantee your
trading satisfaction which few other stores
attempt. Truly our drug store can do more
for you than any other store do it better,
and do it quicker by prompter delivery.
Why not find out?
Fifteen Forty-five "O" Street.
I bought this at
Rudge & Guenzel Co.
There $ a Store
You'll Want
to Know
For fifteen years now Farquhars
has been Nebraska,s leading
clothing store for college men.
Thousands of Nebraskans, past
and present, have come here to
get the benefit of clothes chosen
especially for them.
And so to the new Nebraskans
the class of 1927-we e : cthis
invitation to make this your
clothing headquarters-to call on
us not only for your clothes, but
for advice on what to wear and
when to wear it.
We're at Your Service Always
Nebraska's Leading College Clothiers