The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1923, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
I'ulitlHln'il Siimliiy, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thiirmliiv mid Friday morning of each
week ly Hie IniverHlty of Nebraska.
Aiti'I'UhI tor inn illiiK ut special rnte of
jiohi. it; i- provided for 111 Section 1103. Act
of October J, JlWi, autuorizeu Juuunij -u,
Under the Dlrectlmi f the HtuUent 1'uD
llcutlon liottrd.
Kntereil n second-clans mutter at the
DOHlolfire in Lincoln. Neliranka, uuder the
Aft i ntu-Texs, iJrcu o, mm.
8ulicriition rate - 2-M J'"'
fl.iO a nemeNier
VliiKle cipy Five Centii
Address all coininniirationg to
Sliitlon A. Lincoln, Neb.
T KI. K I' II ON KS I Hi verHlt y 142.
Kvenlnirs mmi
Kditorlal mid business offices in nouth
west corner of basement of the Admlnla
trilMon Mull.
Ilerlirrt ItroHiiell. Jr.
Miir.lorie Uyiiimi .Mimimlii Kdltol
Helen Kuniiiier AsMoidnte Kdltor
ClinrleN A. Mitchell Nliclit Kdltor
Howard lliirfett. Nlirlit Kdltor
Kmmett V. Miinn Nlitht Kdltor
Chmineev Klut-ey UnsineNs Mummer
Clifford M. HIcUs Asht. Hiisiness Msrr.
riureoee KtcUhnff Circulation MunuKer
Editor. 4-fi dally.
MiiiiiDiinu Kdltor. 3-fl dully.
Riislncss M.-iniiirer, 4-H dally.
Emmett V. Muun Nlg-lit Kdltor
William Curd Assistant Xljrlit Editor
until tomorrow." And this is not un
usual. Procrastination is probably the
most popular of the many vices which
attach themselves to everyday life
and few are immune therefrom.
But now that the semester is near
ing a close, it is time to sprint Es
pecially does this pertain to those
students who have been misled at the
start by the wily "thief of time." A
final spurt oft-times places a runner
in the lead. This might be made ap
plicable to scholastic work as well
Sprint, before it is too late Penn
State Collegian.
Welcome to the high school men
and women of Nebraska who are vis
iting the University today to cele
brate High School Fete Day!
Sessions of the Nebraska State
Historical Teachers' Association are
open to students. Those interested
in history, economics, and geography
will do well to review the program
carefully and take advantage of the
fine talks and discussions.
The decision to prohibit campus
organizations which are in debt from
proceeding with further activities
which may lead to increased indebt
edness unless the members of those
organizations personally guarantee
the financial success of the new en
terprise should meet with widespread
Deficits at the student activities of
fice for organizations in which there
is no accepted method of checking ex
penditures have been growing for
several years. The new ruling should
be effective in stopping any further
careless expenditure of society funds.
With a personal guarantee by all
members, there is bound to be a more
efficient handling of organization finances.
( Notices of (tellers i interest will hi
iii'liited in this column for two consecu
live days. Copy tdicnld be In the Ns
iraskaii office bv flro ociock.J
Palladian open meeting, Senior pro
gram Friday evening, May 11.
Art Club
Art Club Spring Party in the Art
Gallery Saturday evening May 12 for
all members of the school of Fine
Arts and their guests.
Vocational Men
Vocational men's meeting Friday
May 11, 7:30 at 1133 M street.
Special Chess-nut Meeting Friday,
May 11, at 7:30 at the Temple.
Everyone be present.
Open meeting, Friday, S o'clock.
This will be parent's and landlord's
meeting. A program has been pre
pared for entertainment.
Lutheran Church
Lutheran Club Social meeting, Fri
day, May 11, at the Y. M. C. A.
Kappa Phi
Kappa Phi pledge service, Saturday
afternoon in Faculty Hall, Temple
Convocation today will interest all
University students. For many it will
be the first opportunity to hear the
man who has been officially named
by the state legislature as Nebraska's
poet laureate John G. Neihardt.
Not all classes have been dismissed
for the assembly so that there will
be some that cannot hear the noted
poet. Arrangements to have another
convocation addressed by Mr. Nei
hardt at a different time of day should
be made to give all students an op
portunity to hear the man who has
been urged as a member of the fac
ulty of the University. Nebraskans
have a chance to show how much
they want Mr. Neihardt connected
with this institution.
Interest in the inspection of the
R. O. T. C. unit here by officers of
the United States Army to determine
whether or not it will receive the
rank of "honor unit" increases as the
day of review approaches. Early next
week, the men of the military depart
ment will be examined and all stu
dents will have an opportunity to see
the maneuvers.
Nebraska's fine showing at the sum
mer camp at Fort Snelling last sum
mer was largely responsible for the
opportunity which came this spring
to have the inspection of the local
unit. That more enthusiasm for the
summer camp has been shown this
spring than ever before is a good
indication that the men of the regi
ment are working to make the review
a success and to place Nebraska mili
tary department on a recognized par
with any in the country.
Friday, May 11
"An Adventure for Two" at Temple
Delta Zeta house dance.
Alpha Theta Chi house dance.
Bushnell Guild house dance.
University Union Soicety picnic.
Chi Omega picnic and house dance.
Freshman commission banq'iet, Y.
M. C. A.
Lutheran Club, Y. M. C. A.
Kappa Phi-Wesley Guild picnic, Ep
woith Tark.
Delta Sigma Delta, Lincoln Hotel.
Saturday, May 12
Chi Omega Spring party, Lincoln
Komensky Klub, Faculty hall.
Phi Kappa Psi picnic, Crete.
Art Club spring party, Art Gallery.
Alpha Phi spring party, house.
Pi Beta house dance.
Senior Advisory Board breakfast
and installation, Ellen Smith hall.
Senior Girls party, 3 to 5, Ellen
Smith hall.
Lambda Chi Alpha house dfti'.co.
"An Adventure for Two" at Temple
Anyone Having Automobiles
Should Confer with J. Wil
bur Wolfe Under
classmen Excused.
- (Continued from Page One).
Judges: Prof. Paul Conner, Depart
ment of Economics, University of Ne
braska; Mason Wheeler, attorney,
Lincoln (Nebraska debating team
against Wisconsin, 1906); Prof. G. O.
Virtue, Department of Ecenomics,
University of Nebraska.
University Place, East-Central (Au
brey Can-ell, Norris Chadderdon,
Elmo Phillips) -Brady, Western dis
trict I (David Johnson, Sidney Mc
Caig, Leland Cover). Won by Uni
versity Place, 2 to 1. Judges: Prof.
E. McNeill, Department of Ecenomics,
University of Nebraska (debater at
Doane, Lale); Leonard Kline, attor
ney, Lincoln (Nebraska debating team
against Kansas 1916); Prof. Maurice
Weseen, Department of English, Uni
versity of Nebraska.
"A strong finish marks a good
race." This is true in all lines of en
deavor. With but a few weeks of
the college year remaining, the ex
pression might be of particular sig
nificance when applied to scholastic
work at this institution.
With the usual exodus of below
grades at mid-semester, and the like
exodus of some of the students, each
worthy son of Penn State made an
earnest vow perhaps it was only a
resolution to get to work and place
himself well beyond the danger line.
These resolutions were made in good
faith, but alas, they were not kept
in good faith. There is a tendency ;
among students to reserve the old ;
adage "never put off until tomorrow 1
what yon can do today," and give it
the more modern interpretation of
"never do today what yen can put off
The pre
ferred tml
hnery of
who appro
date really
fina things.
"Style and
Quality AmumT
bops and KM
D. B. HSK & CO.
Faculty members are 'especially
urged to arrange to accompany the
members of the senior class on their
annual picnic to be given this year
at Morkey's Park on May 17. Any
faculty member who can provide a car
to assist in transportation of the
graduating class to Crete is requested
to notify J. Wilbur Wolfe at the Bush
nell Guild house.
Un Wdassmen who can furnish au
tom "k to take seniors to the picnic
on ...t uuy are also asked to com
municate with Mr. Wolfe. Excuses
will be granted students who can
furnish sufficient transportation, ac
cording to announcement from the of
fice of the Executive Dean.
Chancellor and Mrs. Avery, who are
providing the picnic lunch for the af
fair, drove to Crete Wednesday to
make final arrangements for the din
ner, which will be served under the
trees in Horkey's Park.
The boats will be in condition for
the day, and there will be plenty of
them, according to present plans.
The dance floor in the pavilion has
been put iiito condition, and music
will be furnished by a popular Uni
versity orchestra. ,
If the groom is poor and bald and
bow-legged, it is romance pure and
undented. ,
Another good way to g et thin to
music is to keep on working while
the dinner bell rings.
Transportation Co.
Change of schedule
of Lincoln-Beatrice
Route Effective Im
mediately. Leaving Lincoln at
8:30 A. M., 12:30 P.
M., and 4:30 P. M.
Leaving Beatrice at
10:15 A.M., 2:15 P.
M., and 6:15 P. M..
Lincoln Depot 117
No. 9th St. B2595
Beatrice Depot
Owl Pharmacy.
Transportation Co.
Globe Special
A let down in Price but no let-up in Quality
Tan or Black Oxfords that hold their own
in any company. Made of quality calf with
the new stitching, giving them the "Snap"
and "Dash" of much higher-priced models.
More Value than you men have caught up
with, in years.
115 N. 11th St.
Little Building
Our new Athletic union suits are
so good looking that you needn't be
surprised to see some fellow going
down the street like this.
$1.00 upward
house of JtuppcMheimer wotfckrfhes
the Candy that
Mother's Day Sunday, May 13th.
For the sweetest person
in all the world Mother
are these delicious can
dies for Mother's Day es
pecially made.
"Gold's Best" Chocolates
will please Mother al
ways fresh and pure,
they carry a message of
sweetness and love as no
other gift can. Each
piece is a delicious sur
prise. Send your sweet
thoughts Mother's Day
in a box of these tooth
some sweets. One pound
lKmAY-23 boxes only 95c
Other Boxes,, large and small, showing many unique ideas.
Many Other Candy Novelties for Mother's Day.
Real Tie
SERVICEABLE, beautiful, and
distir:ctively'up-to-date are these
remarkable Cheney Tubulars. They
appeal to lovers of attractive neck
wear as perhaps no other tie can.
They offer positive good looks with
the additional guarantee of a long
life of good wear. You can't equal
them anywhere for a really good
buy. Your haberdasher has them in
stock now.
Sold by
Farquhar, Speier & Simon, Mayer Bros., Rudge
& Cuenzel, Magee's, Armstrong Clothing Co.,
and Gold & Co.
Do You Need Extra Courses?
Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in History, English,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics,
Philosophy, Sociology, etc, given by comtpondmc: Inquire
how credits earned may be applied on present college program.
2 ImwrBttg of QHjirago
Would You Like
to Ma Ice $500
During Summer Vacation?
An unusual opportunity
is offered to college men
and women to earn
enough money during
the coming summer
vacation topaynextyear s
tuition and expenses.
Write Today for Particulars
"vs. mr
Knife& Scissors
sT4" . "V.
It will surprise you to learn how
easily a substantial sum of money
can be earned by selling the Premier
Knife and Scissors Sharpener right
in yourown home town or city. Every
housewife wants one the minute she
sees it because it is such an im. $
provement over the old-fashioned whetstone. Just a stroke or
two of the Premier Sharpener on any knife or scissors blade
produces a keen-cutting edge instantly. Written guarantee
makes it easy to 6ell. Write at once for complete information or nd
50c for sample, stating what territory you wish us to reserve for you.
Primlsr Mfg. Ct., 806 U East Grand Boulevard, Datrolt, Mch.