The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1923, Image 2

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The Daily Ncbraskan
I'ulilWliiM Siniiliiy, Tiii'Hilay, Weiliii'Hilii.v,
TliuiHthi v iiinl Kfldiiy innriiliiif of I'lirli
wirk l v ' t I iilvi't-Hlty nf Ni'lirimkn.
Aci'i'lili'il f.r iiiiilllnif l Hin'iliil rnto of
noNliim' iimvlili'.l fur In Sivtlnn 11011. Aol
of OcmIht ;:, l:'7, Hiitlmri.i'il Jnnuiiry :'0,
ViiiIit llie lilrffllnii f tit MiuliMtt I'uh
llrullnii llmiril.
Klltrivil II s Hi'i-ollil cliiss luillttT lit llio
pOKt ! I'h- iii I.Iiu'iiIii. Ni'l.rnska. uniliT t lu
Act i'f ('"iiwii ss. M:i n h S. !7it.
tulv. rii'lli.ii ntli- ,,,r
Jl '.'5 II KI'IIU'-IlT
hlllltli' 'I'I.V . l'lvf Out
'lilrs nil '"iiiiniuii Ml i"iix l'
I UK lltll.V MlltMv N
Sl.'i'lnll A. I.lllinlll, ' l.
TKl.i:rlliN l l nWorsitv II'.'.
I vrnlliu" HiiKH'i
lMili'i-isI iiinl l'lisliifss iifl'ivs In sntli-
nil-nT I'f I'ilM'llli'lll Hi' III'' A'lllllllls-
trnli.'i' II. ill.
llcrhi-rl lln'iv m il. .Ir Ilililor
WiirJ.irif 111:111 Miinueliiir ililol
ll.'lcn Kiitunirr p...liito htlltnr
Cliiirl . Vittn'll . Malil TiIIht
llowiinl ItniO'tt MkIiI Ililit'T . V.11111 Mirlit Killltir
riiiiniK'i'.v lir- . Iliiini's MiiinisiT
I llf (iir.l M M'rl. t. Ilnslm'i Mgr.
( .r 1 .1.1:. 'I I ( ir ii'-il ion M :i iiim'r
in 111 1: ihh i;s
r.'-i. v. : .!-'.!!v
M 1: T'l'l r. :; .l.nli .
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I -I it I II I- I'..
Kiium-M A. Mniin XIrIiI IMltnr
lliit'i - l-t:uit NisM Vilitor
It is not silwuvs o:isy
To niiologizt'
To hop in over
To n.lniit error
To lie unselfish
To tnko advioo
To he charitable
To be considerate
To keep on tryins
To think r.nd tr.t n act
To profit hy mistakes
To forgive and forg t
To Mioulder a deservnl Maine
The HaUeuram.
vpnlont mnnnor, It has given us rapid
anil comfortnlo transportation to the
farthest points of civilization,' It has
given us wonderful savings In time
wonderful Improvements 2 11 nian-innde
processes, it has harnessed rivers, it
has exploited the a'r it has proved
over and over again that "Ideas
alone can alter" and wo must realize
that what we are in life will depend
mainly on what Ideas wo havo.
So with Purdue, its students, cam
pus, and organizations. We don't care
to merely "carry on." It is no honor
to leave conditions the same your af
ter year, even though those condi
tions arc good. What we want is
better conditions. Perfection is far
beyond the vision of the most agile
mind we have no conception of what
perfection really is yet wo Instinct
ively move in directions whic'i we
believe are for the general improve
ent, nnd which wo believe lead to-
ord that invisile Vtopia perfection.
ir.- progress that we must place
men in office it is for progress that
we must form budgets that we must
outline plans, that we must draw up
new constitutions. Why should soci
eties continue in the same grooves
year after year? Preak loose. Let
your instincts carry you toward that
invisible perfection as long as they
are right go ahead. No one ever
succeeded who didn't try, and u
achievement ever shook the voii!
into recognition unless it started
with an Idea. Try it! Speak it'
Don't let custom and convention rule
forever just because they are custom i
and convention. Ideas! Purdue K
trip through Ohio will bo chosen this
evening by the commltteo In charge
of selection. Forty men will l
chosen to mnko the trip, the Itiner
ary of which now includes the fol
lowing Ohio cities: Cleveland, Toledo
and Youngstown.
Thcta Sigma Phi
Tho Glee club men are scheduled
to leave Ann Arbor early Friday
afternoon. They will hold their first
concert at S:15 o'clock Saturday eve
ning at Watto high school under tho
auspices of the junior class of that
, .. ,. r, mm f e mam-M-m
,!;:!!:;' mil'iB..!.1!'"'"''""1'1"""' 1 m
Bill-board Ball
K. C. Hail
Admission $1 plus tax
Saturday April 21
Pon't forcer the fllee Club concert
tonight and Saturday. Per the first
time in mar.y years, students have ar.
opportunity to hear a home toneiit
by an official T'niversity of X.-braska
Glee Club. It's a fine opportunity to
boost a worthy student activity.
Another call for more men lor
spring football prat tice should be an
necessary. Every cridiron candidate
realizes the importance of th- sprira
practice. Kvc-ry candidate realizes
the bard job which tho coat lies have
to build up a new team which shall
uphold the fine record of our past
teams. The answer to the call should
be a rrompt and willing one.
At last it has happened! Ev r since
the Kosmct Klub reorganized after
a period of inactivity due to the war.
students have been watching for lie
announcement that their play won'. 1
be shown in Omaha. And alumni in
Omaha have always been eager f
further the effotts of the meml.o
of Kosn.vt in this regard.
Tiie Kosmc-t play ha always 1" -t
recognized as a worthy r.-pn sana
tion of stude: t dramatic talent in the
University. Xtver before. howe- r
have rvoplo outside the University
community bad the banco to s- t
one of these annual pi o im lions. Tim
the club has taken the big forward
Etc p. ' The Yellow Lant.-rn" will lv
ehown i i,tbe Brandies in the metrop
olis C'f Nebraska on May 7. Omaha i
alumni ar'- enthusiast ic over th11
rrospects for a suc.-flll perform
snce and the men of the Medical Col
lege are fioing 11. ir sba' e to make it
successful. The contribution of the
cast and bonis members toward the
carrying cut of this big proj-ct
fiould not be overlook'-d.
No University Week tour of Ne-
l, . . ;. ., . t.:..p.s. t.-l y ti;e Univer
sity t!: y.-ar. Th.- Kosnu-t Klub
Omaha production will be a worthy
Substitute to carry to the p-ople oi
Neraska a tr:e cobeer-tion of stud t.t
ability and stude-r.t taUnt at Xebrafba
(, ,.f irem-rsi T:itT'St will !)
printi"! In ttii oo!iinin fo Inn fwi'i'fu
tiv, iI:ivp. ""'.v t"'iilil I'o In 'lie N
liruskim offii-o I r fiv. or'.urk i
Alpha Kappa Psi Din"er.
Alpha Kappa Psi monthly dinner.
'Woodburn. 4- South Fourteenth.
Saturday. April 21. 6:1-"..
All men interested in participating
in a handicap wrestling match with
the Varsity are requested to leave
their names at Pr. Clapp's office.
Clarence Fanbel will cr.teitain the i
Pelians and their friends in Social
Science Auditorium instead of in
Faculty Hall this Friday at S:l."
sharp. Everyone invited.
Pershing Rifles.
Important meeting of all Pershinv
Rifle members at 5 p. m. Friday.
April 20 in Nebraska Hall. Short
important meeting. Every new mem
ber out.
La Trentaine.
La Trentaine will meet at :"!
Saturday in Faculty Hall in the
Temple. A business session will fol
low the play and raper.
Union will hold an open meeting
Friday at S:30. Everyone invited.
Phi neta Kappa.
Thi Beta Kappa initiation and din
ner, Ellen Smith Hall, 6 p. m., Friday.
April 20.
Girls' Tennis Tournament.
Girls sign up for te All-Girls'
Singles Tennis Tournament. Sign up
on the poster in the gym before Fri
day noon.
No worlds revolve on conjecture;
no discoveries follow guesswork; no
achievements are the product of
minds that wander aimlessly from
oru? subject to another. The modern
world demands ideas those lines
plainable thoughts which take definite
shape only after a period of thinking,
an active exej-eise of the "nind. Cam
pus organizations are crowded with
men who are ready to follow, who
can carry out brilliantly the program
of a society, -who can assume ih
position of an executive and steer an
organization in the same wide
straight channel that it has followed
ever since it was founded; and the
University will go on and on and i
organization w ill go on and on and al
umni who return will find no trouble
In finding the marks of the organiza
tion which they left because they
are doing the same things year after
Originality has provided us automo
Iles to ride in, it has built us houses
heated and lighted in the most con-
Friday, April 20.
I'alladian annual banquet for gjrls.
Catholic Student Club party at K.
of C. Hall.
Acacia house dance
Xi Psi Thi dental student smoker.
Phi Pelta Chi banquet, Lincoln
A!;. h:i I'Mta Phi spring party, Lincoln.
Phi V.t ta Kappa Recc-Dtion, Ellen
Smith Hall. 5-11 o'clock.
Alpha Sigma Phi dance, Antelope
Saturday, April 21
Theta Sigma Thi Billboard Ball. K.
C. Hall.
La Trentaine meeting at 7:30,
Faculty HalL
Theta Sigma Phi Bill Board ball,
K. C. HalL
Pelta Zeta house dance.
Fan-Fresbyterian club dinner at
Grand Hotel. C:15.
Phi Mu spring I'rty, Commercial
Delta Gamma srrrg party, Ellen
Smith Hall.
Phi Delta Chi spring party, Lincoln
Silver Serpent Circus, Armory.
Delta Delta Delta spring party.
Lutheran Club Banquet, Elks Club.
American Association for senior
women 3:00, Ellen Smith Hall.
Varsity Glee Club members who
will take the club's spring vacation
The New
Trouser Crease Plain Toe Oxfords
The College Style for Young Fellows
Black and Brown Calfskin leather
with Gable edge leather flange
heel. See these in our windows.
115 No. 11th St.
Sunday morning they will leave To
ledo for Cleveland, where they are
to play Monday evening In the Rain
bow Hooin of tho Wlnton hotel under
the auspices of tho nltunnl associa
tion. Following tho concert here a
dance will bo held In the hotel
Te third concert will be held Tnes
day evening at Youngstown under tl
auspices of the local alumni asS(,c,a
Hon In the South High School audi"
torlum. A dance will bo KVtu or
the concert at tho Hotel Ohio mi ,
igan Daily. ' '
See the New Earbobs on Center Aisle.
See Primrose House X. V. Toiletries, Center Aisle
v 14-
FINDING the right style of
shoe is like finding the right shape
collar it saves a lot of time.
That's whyso many Florsheim lasts
are so popular season alter season.
Most Styles 10.00
Fred Schmidt & Bro.
917-21 "O" Street
.. .........
Catholic Student Club Party
I I I I I l l ' l J J
." "; " "i" "i "l" i" "i " l i '
IC of C. Hall
Northwall's Orchestra
Friday Night, April 20
' 3j yyriT'iffiZgiliSffug'&ir&k
Let Every Girl He Ueady! This
I Emphasises the Rudge & Guenzel Yogue of
Quality at Ponular Prices
Four IJig Iots
6 Pairs for $11.50
I oiors , ""v s"
- i
Chiffon Silk
i Black ' . - Hose
! White "- I Ingrain Ture
Silver - V V - J Si,k
I African ; "3 ;' 1 I lCt C,0X
Brown and s ' ' ' ( J FancT Lace
Beige X W"' Fronts
Lot 1 Black silk hosiery with dainty Paris lace clox. Full
fashioned. Lisle tops. ?1.9." pair.
Lot 2 Heavy silk hosiery with silk to the top. All
black with attractive colored top. Sl.9.1 pair.
Lot 3 All silk pure dye silk hosiery in all the popular shoe
shades for summer wear. S1.93 pair.
Lot i ChiiFon silk hosiery. Beautifully sheer and trim
for dress occasions. Full fashioned in black, polo,
camel, dune and grey. $1.93 pair. '
Hosiery Sale on Street Floor
How do you know
you can't afford Europe?
Have you ascertained the cost of cross
ing on one of our delightful cabin ships?
Do you know that accommodations can
be obtained as low as $120 with the
best food and service that the ship
affords, full use of spacious decks,
attractive public rooms and all the
pleasures of a sea voyage in itself the
ideal summer vacation?
Our cabin fleet includes some of tht
finest ships in the North Atlantic.
The atmosphere aboard them is truly
cosmopolitan men of affairs travelling
with their families, students, people of
refinement from many walks of life
Write toaaj for our booklet "Your Trip
to Europe" and detailed information.
Akttjcam Lrxi jz
r- Red Star tixf
Com r awt
or Local Agents.
a! Dearborn St., Chicago
Local Agent
Burlington Depot Office, 7th & P Sts.
i 1
f T