The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1923, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
I'ulillslieil Sumln.v, Tut-sdn.v, Wednesday,
Tbursiliiv und I'TUtny morning 01 tutu
i, i,,-" t ,,, i hIvi.imIiv of Nebraska.
Am-i'ttul fr milium; ut special rnte of
pOHlaiii- iiroviilcil ror in sucuon jhm,
of ihtnlicr I!"1". authorized January -'0,
Under the lHrectlon of llie Student Pub
lication isoaru.
Kntiri'd as si-ooiid-cliiHS mutter at t lie
postomci' In I.Uionlii, I'liriiBKii, uimur ie
Act of Cum-Ti'SH, March 3, 1ST(.
SubMvrlptluii rule $2.00 a year
yi.'co a teimHirr
8lnKle copy rtv Cnin
Aililnsti all ooinuiuiicntlons to
Si 11 1 ion A, Lincoln, Nclt.
TEI:rlH)M-i 1'nivprnlly 14'i.
KvfiihiRN IMIHH'i
Kdllorinl and hiislncss offices in south
west corner of basement of the Adminis
tration Hall.
Herbert llrownell. Jr. Killtor
Murjorle Wyninii Managing Kdltol
Helen Kiimmer Hielnte Kditor
riinrles A. Mllcliell Night Editor Uiiffett Night Editor
Kmniett V. .Maun Night Editor
riiuunrey Kinney ...uslne Manager
Clifford Jl. IIIcUh Ast. ItiiHlness Mgr.
Clureiice Elrklioff Circulation Manager
Editor. dally.
Managing Killtor. 3-f daily.
Business Ma nailer. 4-0 dally.
Night E.litir Cli.irles A. Mlteliell
William Hcrtuell Ass't. Night Editor
lution offered by Mr. Judson, seems
to be the logical settlement and will
no doubt be very acceptable to lovers
of literature on the campus.
Delay in offering Mr. Neihardt a
position on the faculty may be fatal
to the opportunity to his native state
of keeping him. An expression- of
opinion from ' students and faculty
members on this question is wasted
The conclusion is foregone, however
Nebraska University wants Nebras
ka's poet laureate.
The Smoking Rule
(Notices of general Interest will bt
limited in this column for two consecu
the days. Copy should be in the Ne'
lniiHliiin office by five oclock.i
Alpha Kappi Psi
There will be a business meeting
of Alpha Kappa Psi at 7:30, Thursday
evening in Social Science 307.
Bizad Staff
Bizad magazine staff picture Thurs
day at 12, Dole's. , ..
Sigma Delta Chi
There will be an important meeting
of Sigma Delta Chi this evening at
7:15 p. m. in the Cornhusker office.
AH members are urged to attend as
there is some important business to
Flagrant violations of the "smoking
on the campus" rule have served to
start a movement to have some mea
sures taken to prevent the reckless
disregard of the order.
Perhaps the tearing down of the
iron fence has caused many to wonder
just what is included in the campus
proper. Perhaps some have thought
that smoking was prohibited only
during certain hours. But neither of
these excuses account for the smoking
during the morning and afternoon not
only around buildings but actually in
many of the halls.
Suggestions that the rule be en
tirely withdrawn have not met with
favorable responses at all for practi
cally everyone realizes the valid rea
son for which the rules were enacted.
It is not that people believe that
the rules are not needed, but rather
the conviction that utter disregard of
this rule will lead to disregard of
Cannot the smoking rule be made
more definite? Cannot definite times
and places be attached to the regula
tion and some effort made to enforce
the rule? Such enforcement would
not have to be strenuous or continued
for any great length of time than
enough to bring to mind the new rule.
Students realize that respect to the
institution alone is enough to validate
the smoking rule.
It is hard to lay down any definite
area but there are certain places
which no one will question should be
in the limits of the "no smoking''
zone. For example, let the rule be
set so that no smoking would be al
lowed in any University building at
any time of day or night and none
allowed within so many yards of the
buildings. Or, let a boundary be
placed from eleventh to fourteenth
and from II ti U streets.
Perhaps there would be exempt
areas, say on the drill field, but such
exceptions should be cut to an ab
solute minimum to prevent repetition
of the condition of uncertainty alout
the rulings which we believe is in a
large measure responsible for the lack
of respect for the standing rule.
Christian Science Society
The Christian Science Society of the
University meets Thursday evening at
7:30, Faculty Hall, Temple.
Meeting of all Engineers who plan
on taking inspection trip. Final ar
rangements and grouping of squads
will be made at this meeting for the
Blue River trip. March 6 at M. E.
All Bandmen
All bandmen who were registered
last semester but who are not now
registered and have uniforms and
band books, please turn in both imme
diately. Books to Professor Quick.
Theta Sigma Phi.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting at
7:00 p. m. at Ellen Smith Hall,
Scabbard and Blade.
Scabbard and Blade regular meet
ing in room 205 Nebraska Hall,
Thursday, March 1, at 7:30 P. M.
We Want Neihardt
Thursday, March 1.
Sigma Delta Chi, Cornhusker office,
7:15 p. m.
Centurion meeting, 7:00; Ellen
Theta Sigma Phi, Ellen Smith Hall
at 7:00.
Xi Delta, 7:1.1, Ellen Smith hall.
Friday, March 2.
Silver Serpent meeting, Ellen Smith
hall at 5:00.
Silver Lynx house dance.
Phi Mu house dance.
Scabbard and Blade dinner dance,
Lincoln Hotel.
Phi Delta Chi house dance.
Saturday, March 3.
Order of the Golden Fleece Lunch
eon, Ellen Smith Hall, at 12:00.
Phi Mu Formal Banquet, The Lin
coln Hotel.
Delta Zeta Spring Party, Chamber
of Commerce.
Phi Omega Pi formal banquet, the
Lincoln, G:30.
Bushnell Guild formal Lincoln hotel.
Phi Tau Epsilon house dance.
Engineers Spring party, K. C. hall.
Alpha Gamma Rho house dance.
Sigma Phi Eosilon house dance.
Union open house.
Is Nebraska to lose her poet laure
ate? This may happen unless the
regents take favorable action on the
announced intention of Frank Judson,
president of the Board of Regents to
offer John G. Neihardt, Nebraska's
laureate, a position on the University
The story conies to Lincoln through
the Omaha Bee that Carleton College
at Northfield, Minnesota, is trying to
take Neihardt from Nebraska by of
fering him a place on the faculty of
that institution. Is it true that the
old saying a great man is never ap
preciated in his own country is to
hold true once more? Does Minne
sota appreciate our poetical genius
more than we ourselves?
Michigan and Miami Universities
have brought great poets to their
campuses with the plan of influencing
and inspiring the students through
their contact with these artists. A
distinct field for this work is evident
in every board educational insttiution.
Nebraska is no exception and should
not lag behind in this respect.
That the offer will be tempting
to the Nebraska poet is evidenced by
the fact that Mr. Neihardt is en
gaged in writing an epic on life on
the p.diries which is highly praised.
On this work, he will labor for three
years with a slender income. The 80-
Faculty Refutes
Monitor's Charges
merits open to the public.
"There are some people who do not
believe in the advancement of medi
cine and surgery," said Prof. O. O,
Stoland, head of the department of
physiology, "but the majority of
people do and if they are to support
the development of medicine and sur
gery, they must understand the neces
sity for vivisection on the lower ani
mals. It is necessary for the phy
sician and surgeon to become trained
for his service to mankind by his ex
periments on the lower animals.
"In' our treatment of dogs, rabbits,
and other animals with which we
work we are very humane. All dogs
upon which we operate are given an
anaesthetic from which in no case
they are allowed to recover. This is
muc more humane than shooting the
dogs, as is done in the, city pounds
from which we obtain most of our
dogs. After we receive the dogs they
get better treatment, food, and shelter
than they have probably ever known
A Kansan reporter made a recent
visit to the drab shack, that has been
called "the most pitiful spot in Kan
sas," where the dogs are kept to be
fed up that they may be used for sci
entific purposes. If a group of bark
ing dogs, divided into small numbers
in separate inclosures 'with large steel
troughs of water, bones, and a double
walled shed with plenty of straw for
bedding, can be called pitiful, this is
undoubtedly a pitiful spot. It is true
a better place could be provided, and
it K5 the hope of all concerned that
this will be done soon.
In regard to other points laid bare
by the inquiry, one professor states
that since his time at the university
six years, he has never received a
shipment of dogs from Hiawatha,
Kan. The "poor little turtle" that
was provided with no water hap
pened to be a dry-land turtle that
needed no water except from the
apple peelings that it had been eat
ing. The "half dozen Indian mon
keys" consists of four in all that are
used only for observation by a profes
sor in the department of zoology.
"The only way that children's pets
may become the property of the Uni
versity," said the professor, "is that
they may be taken up by the city
police department and bought by us,
or that they may be sold to us by
someone who has stolen them and
claims to be their own."
The Kansas state law does not
provide punishment for the use of
animals for scientific purposes in the
state institutions. University Daily
was sent from the Rock Island arsen
al is valued at J7.000, according to
Captain W. P. Schwatel of the mil
itary department. This gun Has au
effective range of 11,200 metres or
13,000 yards and fires a projectile
weighing 95 pounds.
The 75-milHmetre howitzer which is
expected soon, is sometimes referred
to as the "Angel of France," accord
ing to Captain T. L. Futch of the
military department.
"It is considered the best model
three-inch gun," said Captain Futch.
Iowa State Student.
Engagement Note
The engagement of Fanner Al
Falfa, Paul Terry's famous cartoon
character to Miss Etta Prune is an
nounced. Miss Prune is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Watta Prune of Light-
wines, Kentucky, She is a spinster of
uncertain age and a non-professloual.
But t is understood she has screen
aspirations. The famous Al will take
the great mariage step in 'tanner
Al Falwa's Bride" one of the "Aesop's
Film Fables" now In the making.
Watch yer step, Al, old boy!
Learn to Dance Well
In a Few Lessons.
Phone L6028
S Vall's
Barber Shop
131 No. 13th St.
A 155-millimetre howitzer has been
receifed by the military department
at Iowa State, and lour three-inch
howitzers and one 75-millimetre gun
are axpected in the near future.
The 155-millimetre howitzer, which
We guarantee to teach you to
dance in six lessons.
B4258 1220D
ji 12th & M Sts.
J" Have You Met Us Yet? J
at the
Cafeteria-Y. M. C. A.
"Filling Station for
Hungry People"
$5.50 Meal Ticket
for $5.00
Open 6:30 A. M. and
Close 7:30 P.M.
Charges of cruelty in the use of
animals for vivisection in the Uni
versity of Kansas, made in the Chris
tian Science Monitor for February 13,
have been answered by F. J. Kelly,
dean of administration, and Frof. O.
O. Stoland, head of the department of
physiology, who say that the writer
of the article has given readers un
faliliar with actual facU a wrong im
pression of the work done here and
of the treatment of the animals.
Legislators at Topeka and the fac
ulty an dofficials of the University
have received marked copies of the
Instructors who use the animals
for experimentation believe that the
artille shows on the surface its pra
judice point of view and that no fair-
minded person would take it seri
In regard to the writer's statement
that she was not allowed to enter the
rooms in the animal house where ex
periments were being performed,
Dean Kelly said, "This is possibly
true, but by applying for a permit
at the chancellor's office or my office
anyone may visit any room of the
university at any time. Anyone can
see the reasons for not leaving the
laboratories and scientific experi
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With This Book Disappointments in Love Become a Thing of the Past.
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PRICE: Each book Nicely bound, 72c. Three Copies, $2
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The Weather Flag
is apt to forecast anything
in the spring
from a cold wave
to a warm rain
but to the man
with a fancy whip cord Coat
from Magee's
it always means
"Fair and Warm"
, $35
Saturday Nite
$1.00 PLUS TAX
at all times
A Photo by Dole
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