The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1923, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Pul.IistK'd Sninliiy, Tiicb.Ih.v, WediiiHiliiy.
ThnrKilu, iiml Krldny mopnhiir of turn
wrrk l.y'llic 1 i hvimiy of Nrbniska.
Aivi-ili-il tor iiuilliun Hi nimvIiiI rnto of
liOHliiiii' irviil"' I'nr in Si-ctlun 110.'!. Art
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a formal entertainment. ' Please begin
your outline with the making of an
encasement. x
S. In your own words describe the
process of congratulating a newly en.
gaged person. Should there be a dif
ference between the congratulations of
a gentleman and a lady? If so, why
A. Y1 h what Instruments are the
following eaten: Teas, pork chops,
naslieil potatoes, lobster salad, hay,
deml tnsse, gravy, coin bread, and
In a moie serious vein, however, do
net college students deserve some of
the criticism they receive along this
r.e? Wo have lost much of the ar
tificiality, which custom used to re
quire, but we have at the same time
lct a wholesome consideration for
College students should take ;he
lead in knowing and practicing the
small courtesies that make life pleasant.
i i i i riii Inti rosl
roMrii for two
.- viirnM I'o in
by Viv. orliii'k
will b.
Till- Nf
Wednesday, February 7.
Green Goblin meeting at Delta Up
sllon house at 7:30.
Girls Commercial club dinner at ft,
at Kllen Smtih hall.
Thursday, February 8.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting, 7 p. ni.,
at ITllen Smith Hall.
Friday, February 9.
Helta Tsl dance at Kllen Smith Hall.
Kappa Sigma mid-winter party,
Lincoln hotel ball room.
1 hi Omega Pi house dance.
Mystic Fish tea, 4 to 6 o'clock. El
len Smith hall.
Homecoming Glee Club party,
Acacia house.
Saturday, February 10.
I H it a Tpsilon house dance.
All University party at the Armory.
Mil Gamma formal, Lincoln hotel.
French Scholarship
Offered lo Graduates
Graduate students of American uni
versities are offered a number of
French scholarships, not to exceed
fifteen, by the Society for American
Field Service In open competition.
The scholarships amounting In value
to $200 to 8000 francs are granted
for one year and are subject to re
newal for the second year.
, .Is oi study range from agri
culture to zoology. Applicants must
o at least 0 years of age and must
have a degree from four years' study.
Vim her informat'on may be obtained
from Dr. I. L. Kendel, 522 Finn ave
nue, New York.
friend's name.
"It's my brother's turn to wear the
family suit this time, so I suppose I'll
have to rent one," remarked a sophomore.
Another intends to wear his father's
suit if father doesn't find out. "He
doesn't like for me to wear his euit,"
he explained, '"because I have to let
out the hems In the irouser legs,"
Three students from Kuivpe v. ill
form ;in opinion oi the universities of
the middle-wist during their st;iy on
our campus next week. This visit j
of the foreigners is of especial inter
est to us as two or three Nebraska
men travelled in Kurope last summer
inspecting the i (Ideational institutions
of the countries, which are represent
ed on the present tour.
Organizations are being given a
chance to meet with one or more of
the students en Tuesday, Wednesday
or Thursday of next week. This is a
fine oppoitunity for small groups, who
are making a special study of condi
tions in Europe, to secure first-hand
infonnation on the problem. The
students will discuss not only the con
ditions in the universities of the con
tinent, but also the political and eco
nomic questions confronting the old
Nebraska is fortunate to be includ
ed in the itinerary of these men from
abroad. A cordial and appreciative
reception from the whole student body
should do something toward creating-
closer and more friendly relations
between our country and lands across
the ocean.
Trizes of ?1,"0 to $."0 are being of
fered to any university or college in
the country for efsays on the suh.'ect.
"Cancellation of the Allied Debts."
This contest is only one of a num
ber which have been opened to col
lege students this year. -More national
organizations and business firms each
winter offer prizes to men and women
in the colleges for essays on vital
questions of the day. Sometimes
these essays are used for propaganda
alone; others are collected to reflect
the views of the young people of the
country on certain subjects.
Middiewesiern colleges hav e scarce
ly been represented in the prize lisis
of the national contests already closed
this year. Perhaps they do not real
ize that the prizes may come to them
if they will only make an effort. The
next i'f w years a:e bound to s.-e more
representation from schools in this
part of the country. That the ton
tests are a paying pre position to those
conductpG them is shown by the In
creasing' numl er.
Episcopal Students,
rieture for the Episcopal Students
,' ill he taken at Pole's Studio at 12:30
Wednesday. It is very important that
ail are present.
There will be no Catholic Club party
Friday night on account of the death
:' the r.ishop.
Square and Compass Club.
Tiie Square and Compass club will
hold its regular business meeting in
the Faculty hall. Temple building.
Tuesday February 1,1, at 7:15. A good
speaker will address the meeting. All
Masons are cordially invited, whether
or not they are members of the Square
and Compass club.
Alpha Kappa Psi.
Alpha Kappa Tsi will hold a busi
ness meeting Wednesday, February 7,
at 4.?0, at the Commercial Club rooms.
Nebraska Glee Club.
University of Nebraska Glee Club
will have a rehearsal and business
meeting. Art Gallery, Wednesday. 7
Episcopal Club.
Episcopal Club of University of Ne
braska will have the group picture
taken at Dole's Studio at 1125 O St..
at 12:20 sharp, Wednesday. February
7. Every member must be present.
In the Cclleg-c World.
Three brothers and a pair of twins
make up the first team of the varsity
basketball team in the Alaska Agri
cultural college at Fairbanks. This
amisual combination represents the
farthest north college in the world
and has defeated every team in the
interior of Alaska.
A "Mother Goose" costume ball was
given by the women's athletic associ
ation at the University of Texas.
Pitching horseshoes is the latest
j sport to bp introduced on the Uni
versity of Texas campus. Twenty
five sets have been distributed to dif
ferent house in answer to the pleas
of farmer boys for some sport they
The student who thought his wor
ries were over when he obtained nis
ticket to theformal now finds that they
have just begun if he doesn't own a
dress suit
"Why worn' ibout a suit?" asks a
junior. "Let toe girls find them. 1
told five different girls that the first
one who brought me a suit could go
to the prom with me. The stunt
worked last year, so I'm going to try
it again this time.'
"I know where I can find a coat
and vest," declared one student, "but
I can't locate any trousers that will
lit men." Another student owns a
suit, but is doing a little detective
work to find it. He loaned it to a
friend, but doesn't remember bis
Preliminary t'-y-outs for ihe first
track meet bring us lace to lace with
the fact that we are out for anoiher
Missouri-Valley championship. "Five
hundrtu men out lor track," is the
goal set by Sehulie, and Schulte
knows that without this number, he
cannot bring back another pennant.
The cold weather has perhaps been
keeping some men away from the prao
tices during the last week or two, but
the K. C. A. C. will come whether or
not the weather changes.
A Course in Planners
Mav Soon Be Started
As a result of criticism from out
siders that the American college stu
dents of today elo nut know or at least
do not pi-actiee good manners, some
universities are discussing the possi
bility of establishing a course in
Notice the following examination
which might be submitted to the fresh
man class in etiquette under the plan:
(The professor politely enters and
the entire class stands up' and bids
her. "Good Morning." The roll is po
litely called and the following ques
tions put on the board):
1. Please describe the following
and explain when they may be prop
erly used: A soup spoon, a salad
fork, a handshake, a wink, an excuse,
a tuxedo and a formal invitation.
2. Outline in detail the steps taken
by a gentleman in escorting a lady to
Pxliadian open meeting Friday eve
ning, will be in charge of the alumni.
All former Palladians are especially
urged -to come.
Art Club.
Members of ihe Art Club meet in
the Art Gallery Thursday, at 12:30,
for the Cornhusker picture.
Mathematics Club.
Math. Club picture for the Corn
husker to be taken at Dole's, 12:20
sharp, Thursday, February S. Every
member must be there.
Ag. Club.
Ag. Club meeting Wednesday Feb
ruary 7. at D. I. 301. !
McCook Club Picture. j
McCook club pictures, 12:15, Thurs-j
day at Dole's Studio.
A. S. C. E.
Kegular meeting of A. S. C. C. wi:h
business and program, at 7:30 p. m..
Wednesday. February 7, M. A. 10S.
Kearney Club Picture.
The Kearney club picture for th
Cornhusker will be taken Saturday,
at 12 sharp.
Lutheran Club.
Lutheran club social meeting Fri
day, February 9, Y. M. C. A. room at
Temple at 8 p. m.
Mystic Fish Tea.
The Mystic Fish tea on Friday,
February 9, will be from 4-6 instead
of from 2 to 6 as previously an
nounced. All Freshmen girls are cor
dially invited to call.
Geography Studants.
Geography students may get finai
grades at Room 210, Nebraska hal'
from 3-5, Wednesday.
University Art Club.
University Art club picture will be
taken Thursday promptly at 12: W in
the Art Gallery. All members are
requested to be present.
Green Goblins.
Green Goblin picture to be taken
it Dole's Studio, Wednesday at 12:00
Girls Commercial Club.
The monthly dinner of the Girls'
Commercial club will be held Wednes
day, February 8, at 6 o'clock in Elleii
Smith halL Tickets may be secured
for fifty cents from any officer or
any member of the social committer.
Kearney Club
Kearney Club party postponed till
a week from Saturday, February 10.
Ohio State University is preparing
to instruct a student body of 10,000
in 1925. says the business manager
of that institution.
A chapter of the Ku Klux Klan is
rumored to hold midnight meetings
on the campus of the University of
Minnesota. The membership ar;
shrouded in mystery.
The Rible cannot be used to refute
science, declares the head of the ani
mal biology department of the Uni
versity of Minnesota in answer tc
ihe Minnesota ministers who have at
tempted to oust evolution from state-
public schools.
$35 to $50
Young men's goods; and young
men's styles. All that is new
in woolens are here. A big store
and a large stock to select from.
Wc- also remodel, repair, clean
and press garments for men and
MzcCartty-Wilson & Ryan, Inc.
i:2 NORTH 11st St
The interests of the English univer
sities are almost wholly political due
to the educational and sotial system,
writes a Rhodes scholar from Oxford
To promote the playing of handball
a tournament has been slartee1 by the
upper-classment at Harvard. The
players will be ranked according to
As a reward for football services 30
varsity "O's" have been awarded by
Ohio State college. Eight were
ed for wrestling, eight for basketball,
14 for baseball, 1G for track, eight
for cross-country, seven for tennis
five for rifle shooiing. and four for
Assuming' that men for women's
formals are not chosen from choiee.
but for convenience and reasons of
.S21.00 and $31.00
Real Savings Now
Gugenheim Bros.
923 O Street, Lincoln Neb.
Here are two new dance hits with
all the thrills saxophones, chro
matic scales, harps, the veiled
trombone, the muted comet all
on Brunswick Records, the
world's truest reproductions, to
put new life into the old phono
graph to-night
JSCS fiiwn.lrh Witch Fox Trot
ivy Vox Trot
tSS9 Burning Rand F Trot
Annt Hmr'l Children
Blue ox Trot
(jsliatrTjones plays them
They play on any
"Great Scott!
What arc you wearing
those things for?"
"They're dimmers!
My trousers are so slick
I'm afraid 111 get pinched
for having bright lights
so I'm wearing these dimmers
till I get down
to Magee's
to buy a new suit!"
---------- i
Trucker, hean
1123 0 STREET.
Complete Supplies for AH Departments
of the University.
We have purchased 122,000 pairs
1T. P. Army Munson shoes, sizes
5 1-2 10 32 which was the entire
surplus Flock t one of the largest
U. S. Government shoe contractors.
This shoe is guaranteed one hun
dred percent solid leather, color
dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and,
waterproof. The actual value of
this shoe is $6.00. Owing to Ihis
tremendous buy we can offer same
to the public at $2.95.
Pend correct size. Pay postman
on delivery or send money order.
If shoes are not as represented we
will cheerfully refund your money
promptly upon request.
National Bay State Shoe Company,
293 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
at all times
A Photo by Dole
It's the Best Place to Shop After All!
If I studied much
I'd be sure I wasn't
hurting my eyes and
I'd have our optome
trist examine them.
Wouldn't You?
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The Insurance Company of North America is a
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mtt frmcfcmOj tmy farm of namrmmn nrrpt lift.