f0BMER HUSKERS ON TEAM The cream ol former Nebraska bas- 'tall teams have been assembled "lor (ho banner of the Omaha Ath Sic club to Play against crack teams Nebraska and Iowa. The team will compose Clarence cmlth forwnrd and captain of the 1002 team; Bailey, guard and captain 1 1" ism- Beacon, center; Fattey and Smith forwards, and Panels Swan- MaBxwcll. former Omaha University .i.r also will hold down a guard po tion on the team. He Is the only player not a former Nebraska student. Meier Luncheonettes MEIER DRUG CO. "Always the Best" DANCING SCHOOL NEW TERM Learn to Dance for $..00. Private or Class Lessons Any Time. THE FRVNZMATHES ACADEMY 1018 N St. rhone B6034 TtR "PICTURE S NOMl7Sfs,. I ALL THIS WEEK A Romance of the Unloved Leatrice Joy as Minnie. Marshall Neilan Presents "M I N N I E" Absolutely the most human picture Neilan has ever made. See it with chuckle, choke, cheer. K1.U.TO SYMPHONV FLAYERS SHOWS START AT 1, 8, 6. 7, 9. Mr1 Vtr. Night Mf. Thll. 10f. COLONIAL ALL THIS Week ALL THIS WEEK Wm. Fox Production FAST MAIL "FAST MAIL" RIVALS KANSAS TORNADO Picture Sweeps Everything Before It In Rushing Cy clone of Actions and Thrills MHms START AT 1. . A, 7. . Milt. l.V. Sight 25c-. Ml. 10c. M IINCOLNS LITTLE TMEATEBl ALL THIS WEEK Jesse L. Lasky Presents Rodolph Valentino in "THE YOUNG RAJAH" The latest and greatest of Valentino love-dramas. The brilliant supporting cast in cludes Wanda Hawley and Charles Ogle. 1.1 Kit' CONCHRT ORCHESTRA SHOWS START AT I. . ft. 7. . Ml. SOr. Nlrlit HOC. Clill. IQf. pMBBTY MON., TUES., WED. Two Hours of real entertainment Jerry and her Piano Girls A Novel Divcrtisse. WERNER AMEROS TRIO Versatile Entertainers MILLS & DUNCAN "Two Wise Crackers" MUSICAL HUNTERS "A Morning in the Woods" OLIVE & MACK In "Lobby Love." PEARL WHITE In the Hi Mvsterr Picture "PLUNDER" BABICH AM THB ORCHESTRA. SHOW START t:M, 7:M. :M Mat, ton. Mrkt 40e. OtL Ifta. HUSKERS PREPARE FOR INVASION OF DRAKE BULLDOGS Iowans Will Be Here Next Tues day Evening to Open Sea son on the Local Court. COZIER SECOND IN POINTS Showing Made by "Pony Team" on Kansas Trip Is Pleas ing to Coach Frank. After winning one game and losing one on their invasion into Kansas, the Ilu-kcr Hasketeors returned Sun i. ay and immediately settled down to the task of preparing for the PraV Bulldog game, which will open the home cage season for the Cornhusk ers next Tuesday at the Armory. The outstanding feature of the trip wis the performance of the small llusker team, which went. In apainst the Jay hawkers during the second half and outplayed them, and defeated the Kansas Aggies Saturday night at Manhattan. Coach Frank discovered a number of weaknesses on his team in the K. IT. and Kansas Apgie contests, and he erpects to spend the week ironing out the wrinkles in the play of the Scarlet and Cream cagesters The combination which worked most efectively in the games on the trip, after Usher was injured, was: for wards, Kenny Cozier and Milo Tip ton; center, Captain Slim Warren; guards, eorge Scott and Mutt Volz. The spectacular goal-shooting of Milo Tipton in the last few minutes of play featured the Kansas Aggie t;)t. The Ags were leading at the end of the first half, and with but a few minutes to go, the score was tied, 15 to 15. It was at this point in the game when Tipton brought the stand? to their feet by shooting three spec tacular baskets In rapid succession, thus cinching the contest for the Huskers. In a number of points scored by in dividual players so far this season. Captain Browning of Missouri Is in he load. Cozier of Nebraska is in second place, while Mil.' Tipton am": Captain Warren are '.a seventh aid eight places, respect! -; 5 AGGIES PREPARE FOR HARD COURT SEASON Kansans Have Hardest Schedule in History of School Few Regulars Back. (Special to Nebraskan.) Jan. 8, 1923. The Kansas Aggie basketball squad Is being put through the paces daily in preparation for the hardest schedule of recent years. The squad was cut to nineteen men bfore the vacation, eleven of these men being ordered to report to Coach Curliss on January 28. Dur ing the remainder of the vacation the squad was rut through a five hour workout daily ia anticipation of the coming battles. Four letter men and several other players of last year's squad are out for the team. The freshman squad of last year furnished the Varsity a wealth of new material and these men are giving the letter men a sift fight for positions on the team. Captain Faval Foval, a two letter man, holding down a position at for ward Is already showing mid-season form and gives promise of making it very uncomfortable for any oppos ing guards. The Nichols gymnasium has been repaired and new seats Installed to accommodate the largest crowds that have ever witnessed a Aggie basket ball game. SPRING FOOTBALL PRACTISE STARTS FOR JAYHAWKERS Football staged a comeback at the University of Kansas today when eighty men turned out In response to Coach George "Potsy" Clark's Initial call for spring practice. At least thirty men will report next week. The candidates will be divided Into two squads, Coach Clark announced, each to meet three times a week for an hour of work. Ten minutes of wrest ling will be on the program for each man, followed by lecture work and demonstrations In blocking, tackling and all fundamentals of the game. Practically every man who made the Kansas team this past season was se lected from the siuad In spring prac tice last year, and Coach Clark has announced that the same policy will be followed this year. Spring practice will continue nntil the first of April and during March outdoor practice will be held six days a week. FEARLESS FIDO. Fable: Once upon a time there was a chap who made a bunch of resolutions on New Tear's and kept every !ngle one. "Aesop's Film Fables." Opposing Gridiron Captains in 1923 Ira Young, '24, of Iowa State Co1 lego, has been chosen captain of the 1923 football team at Ames Iowa by the letter men of the Cyclone school. Young is one of tho youngest men iver captain at Ames. He is 20 5 ears old and described by the Stu dent Dally as "having the earmarks of a capable leader for the heavy siason vblch lies ahead of the Cy clone team next fall." Young has already won two letters in football. He will be the only two letter man on the Ames team. Tie nlso won his "A" in basketbnll last winter and is exptected to make a strong bid for the 1923 cage team under the direction of Conch Chand ler. Tho new captain was forced to quit his track training last spring when he injuride his leg in prac tice. Young was graduated from Jeffer son high school, Jefferson, la., when he was a letter man in football, bas ketball and track. SGHULTE TALKS TO TRACK CANDIDATES SCHULTE TALKS TO TRACK Coach Wants 500 Men Out This Season Letter Men to Help Train Novices. Student Managers for Track. Candidates for Sophomore can didate and Junior Assistant Man ager in Track should meet In Coach Schulte's office Tuesday afternoon at 3. Sixty track candidates attended the meeting of all track men held by Coach Schulte at the Armory last Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Coac l Schulte gave a talk to the men out lining the work that has to be done and the handicaps which must be overcome if Nebraska is to have a winning track team again in 1923. Equipment was issued to all letter and numeral track men, and to fresh men who placed in the high school state meet last year. Coach Schulte declared that be wants at least five hundred men out for track, and he is confident of his ability to handle that many men. He explained to the men concerning the shortage of material for track can didates, and expressed the hope that the me? would see to it that all track equipment would be used, and not left lying around in the lockers. Coach Schulte has worked out a system of coaching whereby each letter man will coach the novices in his event. According to the plans, the board track on the military field will be ready for use this week and the intensive training period will be gin immediately. An average of nearly 800 motor vehicle licenses a day are being issued at the Lancaster county treas urer's office. Issuing of licenses bepan late Tuesday morning- and up to Mon day noon 8,250 had been disposed of. County Treasurer A. E. Sutherland said the licenses would average at least $12 apiece. Thus the sale of 1023 licenses has swelled the county coffers by about $40,000. The num ber issued during the past five and a half days includes about a sixth of the total number of all motor vehicles in the county. No date has yet been set by the law enforcement officers when new licenses must be had. The number being issued daily is evidence that they are being procured as rapidly as possible. OUR FOUNTAIN Clean and Sanitary TRY IT Then You'll Know Why. It Is Always Busy. Eat Lunch AT OUR STORE Let Us Furnish the Punch for Your Next Party. BUTLER DRUG CO. The Students' Store" POSITION IN VALLEY BASKETS STANDINGS Missouri at Top of List with Two Victories and Kansas and Ames Tied for Second. The Missouri Valley standings alter the games Saturday follow: G. W. L. Pet. l'ts. Op. Missouri 2 2 0 1.000 78 39 Kansas 1 1 0 1.000 30 20 Iowa Slate 1 1 0 1.000 29 IS Nebraska 2 1 1 .500 41 45 Oklahoma 1 0 1 .000 18 29 Kansas Aggies 1 0 1 .000 17 28 Grinnell 1 0 1 .000 17 2S Drake 1 0 1 .000 22 50 Washington ....0 0 0 .000 0 0 All of the Valley teams but Wash ington have been in action and there was little upsetting of the advance information. Kansas and Missouri are showing championship talent and the title of Valley champions will probably have to be argued out be tween these two unless the Cornhusk ers or possibly Iowa State cojnes through with a surprise. Tho season is still very young and there is plenty of time for the development of a pennant winner. . There wil bo seven Valley games this week and most of the teams will have had a chance to compare thei- it nw Clearance of DRESSES Tho lcnrlino- sit trnr-t inn nf thp Dress Section is an ex tensive selection of Twill from various lines, 29.75, 35.00 and 39.75. The size selections may be broken, but you may be able to find yours at the Phenomenal Price Crisp new Taffetas, Canton and Flat Crepes, Satin Canton and other soft Silk materials included Other Dresses at 5.00, 9.75, 12.95 24.50 and 39.75 Winter Suits Sacrificed Every Winter Suit must be sold at once. All our finest fur-trimmed and tailored models are included. Many now priced below cost of production. Choose tomorrow for the greatest values. Clearance of Blouses A good number of distinctive, exquisite Blouses made of the finest Canton Crepe Satin and other novelty materials, are being sacrificed in this great Clearance Sale. Mayer relatlvo abilities. Kansas and Iowa State seem to have tho hendllner for the next few days. Oklahoma did not show up very well against the Cyclone crew but Bhe should bo able to beat the Washington squad. Th St. Louis aggregation could show the Huskers a good time last year and it may be that they will nose out some of the more favored teams. Grlnnell was not meat for the Tig ers and they niay be considered as at least a five hundred team if not better. The Cornhuskers are worry ing the better teams for the brilliant fight put up at Lawrence and the mauling that the Aggies suffered Sat urday night. The new stars on thr Nebraska team Bprung some real sur prises and they may be called to carry the Husker standard to the top of Ihe percentage column. Tho games to be played this week arc: Jan. 8 Washington vs. Oklahoma at Norman. Jan. 11 Kansas vs. Iowa State at Ames. Jan. 12 Oklahoma vs. Washington at St. Louis. Jan. 12 Kansa vs. Grlnnell Bl Grinnell. Jan. 13 Kansa vs. Drake at Des Moines. Jan. 13 Oklahoma vs. Missouri at Columbia. Jan. 13 Kansas Aggies vs. Wash ington at St. Louis. Forty naval and mining engineers left Paris for Deusseldorf Sunday night, there to await instructions OUR GREATEST RANG Cord and Silk Dresses gleaned 19 75 Eli Shire, Pres. VALLEY BASKET BALL TEAMS OPEN SEASON Missouri and Kansas Cagesters Emerge in Initial Con ference Games. Four of tho Missouri Valley bas ketball teams opened tho conference season Friday night, Missouri and Kansas emerging from their game tho victors of the first cage tilt. These two earns tied for first place in tho conference last year and show indications of championship talent this season. Grinnell tumbled before Second 3 If you contemplate making any changes in your work for the second semester, 'consult us concerning our result getting courses in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking, Secretarial Training, Salesmanship and Busi ness Efficiency, Higher Accounting, etc. New Classes for Your Benefit. The Best Possible Training at the Least Possible Cost. PhoneB43S7 for Appointment. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS T. A. Blakeslee, A. B., Ph. B., President. Approved by State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Accredited bv American Association of Vocational Schools Corner O and 14th Streets Lincoln, Nebraska COATS, Hundreds of marvelous approved stle and every size, tremendously reduced. Beautiful high-grade Coats are sacri ficed in this group. Draped, Straight Line and Blouse Models of fine cloth at Wonderful fur-trimmed and embroid ered models are sensationally reduced. Coats with large collars of Kit Coney, Wolf, Caracul and Raccoon. Beautifully made and lined. Colors Navy, Brown, Black and Polo Cloth. Reduced to Choice of 100 luxuriously modeled Coats and Wraps at a fraction of actual worth. Models in Armondale, Arabelle and Veldetta. Lavishly trimmed in squirrel, fox, nutria, wolf and raccoon; rich in coloring, at Clearance of 100 Fancy WASH WAISTS Sizes to 40 only, made of fine dimity and Cotton Pangee that sold at 2.95. WTiile they j (( last, your choice 1 JJ the Tigers but did well to keep the. score where It was. Nebraska was lilt' , um yii lux: dU imwni;t " slanght. The round-robin tournament 111 mu v.t,i:i ,- ,-m't KIYI'M CIIUIl teams a chance to try the mettle of the other squads In the valley. low: ka, 20. 17. A t nL-ltthintn fit. (H-lolinma A. M., 35; Oklahoma City college, 25. At Cedar Kails, la. lown Stata Teachers, 22; Cornell, 21. Semester WRAPS garments embracing every material, trimming, color and 19 75 mm 2500 3500 Goo in il