TIIK DAILY N KM K AS KAN Tlmr "lav. n,. The Daily Nebraskan ... . . ' "', ir in 111,..., i. ii l.il r 1 1 Si I'll. .11 m. Hiilliin,., .im.iMir'v VmWn' ';K"ITV l-t LI I. Alll.N """ ,J" '' f II.. M..,l,nt I'uD- llniiri . ! "'"'". "1 i.IiipuIm, M,.,r ' ""uri'M. IWaivh Klniftn nii.v unitler nl loi. iimiIi' .1. 1x7:1. Hi. I In rnlf . ' II M-nii-st,'. MHI il Jtv.r . l-'lvp IVmN Allies,, nl) riiiiiiiiiilr.itl,,n l.i IK KVII.Y NhllKXMiXN , , . ... s"i'l..i, ., l.i,,,.,,,,. N,... lil.KII.DNK-l,,!,,,,,,, ',. ' Kh-iiIiikh' III1HH! ..licoiary Opinion K-lliioial mill Imi hi ik-k.m i.ffi,- 1 " "f -imsi'i i ,,r 1 1. ii llnli.lliitf. In sniitli A IliilnMra Ili-llr I'urtnun llarhvrt Kruivnrtl, J,. IM'I' i'c hours. .'1 to 11, XV. ... .--liny. TlillPsilny,' IVIiir.iwr-i.- v mini l-ilmii',1 llu.-li . H.ilx.rt I'. CTiiIk Ii.m I. h . Ml,.. KMI lllnl I "I lllll.H ilnl'v . l mill k I ti tr l.ilil.ir Mii.;n. 'I'm s.Im v. Nat ur.lay. .XMi.'iiil.' l-lrl i l nr i :: I I .lll.ir Nichl I .lil.ir -Nlulil l.ilil.ir i'llllllllrt'y IvllfM-y Office 1 1 ii ii rn t llll-lll i.. i; I .M.in.im'' llffi.r.l XI. H,.k. Frinilt I ry Ajm'I. Itl-ii,'. M;ill;l,'tT . C Ir.-iiliill.Mi Mn.inui'r Ml; lit l.ilil.ir f.ir II. I- I-mi,' Edward M. Buck Jluuli XsoKtiint Nl hi I ilil.n . Tin- oli stand iiro lii.jn.ir inni .!un. With them passes Hi,, uiii at ':!': i. field Hint saw the Scarlet ('i'. ..! In ills glory, that .saw il sui'i. i- d fi :it, and saw some of 111.' he.-: no 'i Hint 'ever carried til.', pipkin for ..' hrasha come and jco. ricturi; yourself having s. .-;i all nth those historic old hoard:-: ha..' noon. Smo tin? grout Fiitlien'onl i.i-m lug tho tail for hln ga'n- t lit..- :,.:-t time. Ret-all Iho tim, s nh.-n Fiero hcrlain, tho nee of Nchr.i il.a .:..;.'. v reeled off loiitf ond runs and e-isi'ii a placo on tho first A!) ni- football toait.s. ISrlnjr t i ir.:r. ! ninoty-yard end run that N.nr- He::, made npainxt ....Xobraslsa f "' y apo and the droplock, hy Paid Midi on mat !.n! Syracuse i;j '' ",'): fclor!n.; ri:ty of ),.. did !i:, :- ' nr.' to ! j-tlpersodod hy IV ..; .si ! Tho pr. ,.t-i tra :no in I ho :; ii:(! th" srliiM-1 vrs U.--0.1 at a fit!-:::: .;!;: to n:arl tin1 iloiditip of th'.- : t! turo and tho time to clour a ".ay, X'.hat will sooon ho dodiris. "That Pitiful Spectacle" llrloi'ly hill oinphatlt'iilly wo would niif;Kosl that Iho small iiorooiit a i;o of hours who l.y ill i onsidorod ail Ions nro In tho hahlt of ilisonilitin Urn Collo!.'i In tho cyi-s of ontsldoi-.i i.lnmlil ho i i i f In tlioir plaoo- and made to slay ihoro. W'htitovrr a man's p"r 'ional ini llnal ions In tho matter of imldio conditot may ho, it ;i fdo lona folly for his follows to allow Mm to injnro Ihoir n imtation as well oi Ma own. A caso in point of viov is tho loci ni'o hy a M'oniinoiit sni'a'.or in Dartmouth hall a few weeks aco when the eiijoyinelit of Iho evening xvas f-jmlli-il for a nonninely inloro;!oil an dii nee hy a few men netinfr childish ly and without thought: at'oUier In Indiiated hy tho justified ohjeitlon of 'anno no tnhois of tho freshman class to tho aelions of a fow individual members who reflect on tho xvhole irroi'p. "I.t-t no one snpose that tho fr. sliman wo 'hVraeks xvise" in tho grandstands or who ludds his head Mull witli an affected patrician air on to campus Is typcal of 102(1." xva 'he v, ay a correspodoiit to The Dart nioiilh put it. In that i.talement ! ceiit.-caed the whole trnlh of the lunt-t- r. Tnilividiials in )ieer taste are not r U' tentative, lml will ho eon- sal, 'rod so in: less tin y arc deal:, d T the ironp of which tiny nr. :anh a small part. Th.' instances we have i il d are not i-olat-i'i. Tiny are representa tive of !ir ailn s of conduct ar.d et i qiutto that occur all loo o" n ami which serve to misrepresent the ('el- I I. re. 1 'a rt moot li cannot niter, i- nor can any coiiepe to have its nam' in- J iiii'ed Py an irresponsible f-w. The i llo'lnn Transcript has rc f. rr. d to "ll; it 1-iMfnl s 1 1 laelo - (he fo'.lepe j eolleae laiy." It is a it;esti.ia in oi.r laiial as to which is the mere piiifnl the 'hey" whose poor tasle is r.t '"as't. or the averauro slmh nf whoso "dii'f. !'- !l e re- an fNaa s of teleranee T! iv s the yule Is to p.i urn I1:! r: tnont h. Advertising the L'nivero Plate niifversit i. s ami cub ie -n, ir.-s t a-lvi rt isi d r. !.! . in Hi'' entire eouei ie siMa'ie- t ma 'mi'.e I 1 i:i tie- i.niiie I le ty. content to hlnsh unseen. Only in recent years have the ad nrniatialive heads of universities recoKiil.ed the necessity of adv-rMs-Imk the merits of their Inst in! ions to a somewhat indifferent public. And even at thai, the work has pained momentum w it c.oiuKial ihve wlowneas. An advertisement for this Univer sity does throe thlnps: it obtains for il-. graduates a "standing' through out the coimlrv: it brings the ltl- zen or the tat. li to a keen roallza- i Hon of xv hat their tax dolhir in ar- lually being spent for; and it 1 est j of till stimulates in tho minds of hlph school graduates a desire for higher learning, a discontent with their al lotment of superficial education. The K. V. founty Club organiza tions are among the best advertising; mediums ever promulgated for the j ,-pread or I'niversily propaganda, j Publicity bureaus may pound out copy by the mile ror the use of slate papers; registrars may send out neat lillle booklets explaining the rirric nli; and administrative oficers may speak in every town hall In every city, but the hist word which can he said for K. V. comes from the lips of tin I'eme Town Ptiuh iit who has "la pn away to collece." K. 1'. sltrleiil - are pi-mnl of tle ir institution, proud ot II ; slatiding ami its a iTom pi ishmer.t j. proud or those who l-i'pres.'iit it. It is a ju.-t triable and worthy pride. K. V. fount v cluiis are going to sju'ead message oT the fnixersity unto the uttermost par : of the slate of Katvsas this C'hri.-lrras vacation. Cot behind and push! -Vniversit Daily ICansan. call tit Student Activities office and straighten up outstanding bills liefote Christinas vacation. Americanization, (iirls are needed for Americaniza tion work under the auspices of tin fnixersity V. V. ('. A. Sen Mies Appleby at Kllen Smith hall. NOTICE! The railro.nl companies auk that the students buy tickets early so tli.it an estimate may be made as to how much equipment will be needed for the Christmas rush. Tickets will be put on sale Mon ciay morning at the local ticket offices, and will be dated ahead. If the students will co-operate with the railroads in this matter, the students will save themselves the trouble of standing up during the ride homo for the holidays. Xebraskan will be tho last number until Thursday, January 4. Calendar Thursday. December 21. Christian Science society, Faculty hull. 7:.1d. W. A. A. parly. I P in-, KHou Smith hall. ' Friday, December 22. X u Med dinner, Crand hotel SNAPPY SUITS TO ORDER $35 to $50 No Friday Tho Thursday issi Paper. e of the Daily Young men's men's 'Vvlos. in wo.iions an a i 1 a la- ce y e id o leu: NO HTM It's the Best rincc to Shop After All! Linen Handkerchiefs U-NOTICE I N.,1 bra of '.-. ': r ' 1 1 Interest will I" ,e ; : -' .-,1 i a I I i . 1 1-'.: ' f'T I t II en live ,':i l I "..,'- . I.. .,, I..- 1-1 I !l,. N.' .!.. 'I .I'' el'fi. ' '- " " IH'Wk ' make as ever clelight- I ful remembrances. . ... H -tZU--i.'l')-i.:xirt i-'-tr'- I goods; and joung r7ZSI 1 f L'JZi V. H '-'''"'": ' f-iiLJS)?' .'! l x k to s.loct from. 1 V - lZTIi '.' I 3, ' J-I,WW 8 g EM 1 f r-? I i MacCartity Wilson & Ryan, Inc. We wish you an old fashioned 'Merry Christmas" ira-iifcj,,aT.x:!'s n tit il'tlin:: ,: ii :r s o:ua -si us in or The spirit, of Christina ' ' prevadod th.- college atim- ;' '- .. a notio'-al,;,' ;i;iticipat:on . : amy for imxt week is i-,- ! prevalent. rhaps it is t ' , - - !Y mo.a am! the seniors, im.r 'hin t! soph"!.'orcs alid the jiinie,'- v. : : lookii-e.' forward to this irr--at ' : the year. Tlio freshmen who 1 lie:-" in the fall with s-n li c, -hopo? and desires for sue i. v iil r turn, some happy xvilh the .,;, r?i.it (?,. !r ti si na.-, boon doi future holds- great promises otln rs sa '.dor and . xviser. realization Hint failing gra be considered more seriousl; The seniors are tho stud have the most vague, yet mo-t !' ! ing longing for homo. They r a'is taht this is the last Christmas va -, Hon iliev will have the oppo-i':i:it of anticipating during their Tni-. ,-r-sity career. The beautiful holiday will l,o very nacrod to them and wil bo xvith a deep sense of Inyaltv ta their school that tiny v.iii t'i'i their minds as they speed hom-wa.: It Is only the studoats who hav a;, prerlated teir opportunities in thi- im portant business of going to -( -lm- ' wlio will realize the most the s.v - i sentiment of the Christina- .-': orth of its id by lis r.n.l po-l. : 1! to t! In ! ace I in- i dm : t:;l'I,s out - is iimiiVs' r pis :,1 i tie. a-amla. t it at ion purv. y it's of licent and ii The Forum. j Tin- Forum will hold their no ; meeting Wednesday. January 7 at '7 p. ni.. in T.a'.v lei. Topic ror discus- j sien being "Th- rl,;i Sulr-idy Pill" j 1 ; ,'"'1 o , u lie - I lis e ','1 isi'li i is iavited. I lei All W should b W. A. A. at tin Ii) In lp A. A. lie mlier w ho ran Armory Thursday j ':,. rta:n the 'i!ll - mn. Chri I- ri v. :e an! tl; for (!:.-,. with lie- d"-' m'ln w in REMEMBER c Barber Shop 131 No. 13th St. University Women. All F n i r-r-it y women who are .no- j ing to slay in Lincoln during the j holidays are ashed to s.-e MKs Apple- by a! tlm Y. W. C. A. r. carding the j r 1. 1 , rtaium. nt the Fiiiv-'i'sity ' Y. W.'' is idaiining on holding for thesn ' 'Urn n im Chri.-1 mas day. S 1 nl. 'vl 'I'll -1 V V'.' It " - ':' ' . V '.- - : t ' .-- ' J e' ' Cr.pt.3t 8luHcnt5. Any slmbnts wlio are planning to remain in the ity during the Christ-ma-; holidays, are invited to come at any time to the Paptist student, house 1110 ( street, which will ho open for their use. All Organizations. Officers of all student organizations ucKerNiiean 1123 0 STREET. Jewelers T "lit i I we are faced with 'h poet of getting a job or p. r!, position we s Idem' stop to o ft-what kind of recommends ! o; could secure. Yet wo ha.i !;. an application for any position 1 we are asked to give referi-ne.-s. essential that emiiloyors know record whiih the applicant has mad. As a first means of learning of tl.i record, references are a-ked. A nun. her of students will 1- sr.- ii, Vn;ver--:ty at the end of this .-...-.. -t-to find po-dtions. They will lc , :.i! upon to a-k faculty members to ,.-!v ttir-m recommendations. Fmployors usually discount recommendations carried by tl, plleant. This is -only na'ural human nalure ns it is. Tier, verv fe-.v individuals who wid their opinions of person in a thp ner-nn himself will read desire to please Is too strong. So though it la hard not to know xvhat tho writer will nay about mm. It is ha tT not to ask for a reeom . mendation to carry with one. It is as difficult for the person who is called upon to write a recom mendation a3 it is for the person whose position may depend upon the recommendation. Most persons try lo lie xairiy in int-n wi'. " - - .- i try to give all the praise tney nnn estly can. They prefer that their opinions be treated confidentially. Opticians Stationers THE STORE OF PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR XMAS COMPLETE SUPPLIES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY i i --j a t i:h Oh l M, r i Th - ! The annual exodus of students from 'the Fnlvorsity for the Christmas va cation start esoon. Friday trains will he crowded. The wise ones have al ready secured, their tickets. Others may well purchase theirs today. Don't forget today and Friday to wkh your Instructors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ask any member of ((Tl I he erenaders what this ad is for. New Years is Coming i ; v vr .-K'.-M' mm; ft SSuyOie lie Would Gifts fJk Matchless Values in Neckwear Imported and Domestic Silks and Knits featured at 50c, $1.00, $1.35, $1.50, $2.00 1 Gloves Street (llojcs Dress ( ilixvcs I)rim'r (ilnxo Full Dress 50c to $8.50 Sweaters Slmvl Collars Full Omts Sweater 'i.i'il (''.irdier.iti .t.l.'ket- $3.50 to $10.75 Belts and Buckles Silver l!iickle Lc.'ltlief Fells .Mono'jTiim Fit -Ules Felts witli Fuekles 75c to $4.00 Shirts DrosN Shirts Silk Shit'! s Silk MiNttires Flannel $1.00 to $G,00 Hosiery Silk Hose Wool . e Silk ail, I Wi-.l l.ivle II, ,m' 19c to $2.00 Pajamas I'laiti Silk Silk Mixlure Flannelette Fancy Silk Mixture Men's $1.50 to $G,50 Women's 75c to $G.00 HOLIDAY HOUSE SLIPPERS $1.00 to $3.00 Men, women and children BRUSH and SILK MUFFLERS SILK and WOOL UNION SUITS SUSPENDER and GARTER SETS 75c to $1.35 Jewelry Novelties Van Huesen Collars Brush and Velour Hats Full Dress "Vests Lounging and Eath Robes Tuxedo Suits Packard and Edwin Cl.ipp Shoes Cloth, Bolixia and Fur Caps Pelt Lined Coats, Leather Vests, Corduroy Suits I. MEN! We Feature Women's Silk Hose and Evenim Pumps for Gifts Dr. Kahlers Corrective Shoes for Women Spj C l.il r. ' .i ' mi & SIMON IlEPMAN SPEIER eatssou 'I CONF, loXb .,.4 o il Ground Gripper Shoes for Men, Women and Children rr, wnr.