T. HE Daily Christmas w I'm ' R AS KAN Christmas Edition H LINCOLN, NLT.KANKA. Till USDAY, DKCK.MLKK L'l, VM: Bill TREE 1 E fiO Of! BUS TONIGHT vesical Program Is Planned for m L. Annual Celebra tion ASK FOR NO DONATIONS mt3 slid Sororities Arrange Parlies on Other Nifflits Tonli'l't is Christmas night, for the ; (lf ,.. diversity f Nebrav ; vnmity at 7: IH this evening tc program "'-" t!"! ,Co,r:1 k,r .school will conduct j dnuh.u .ration- -that of tlio vacation co lll(,idl,t Willi Chritina;! ami that ot cjristmas Its-It -will etnrr. ril(,r tin- au-piccs "f " A" 11 nl v,Tily Tarty committee an elnbor- a(l,y J.-. Or.'ll '! I liriM 111(13 " uIar H;M!t.l Cliius 111 UK' person ui but wt-'r.' inn supposed that ,a program of singing. "" last but cot l.-.vt !'v candy for all those who atidul the l"''f;raiii have boon ar fa,,;,,! to li- l r I'"' students make a fitting celebration for tho Fnivel sity. Good Program. Tl,e pro,':ram fur the evening will start off willi sim-ing by tho entire audience. Print. m1 copies of th esongs to lie Kim;: w ill b diestributed. Fol ImviTg tin' community singing the Vesper Clioir will sing. Mi'fs I.onoro Rurket. a former Ne braska (.(ml. 'i.t. and a well-known so prano of Lincoln, will then sing a soio. Tlio Vesper Choir will again sing ami another solo w ill he given. Community singing will conclude the program proper. Imt following the close of the final sing 01.1 Saint Nich olas ttill distribute the sweet moats. First in Years. Tlio community Christmas celebra tion by the University community is tho first le hi in years. Several years ago a beautifully ligbteil tree was ;i nart of the program h''M in behalf of the Near Fast Relief and after th" night of the program the tree was kept light. . I throughout the holiday season, and hundreds of Lincoln people made special trips to the min ims to view Hie t,ve. There will be no collections for the benefit, of any one no money asked whatever at the Thursday eiiiing urogram. Uniwr sity nmhoriiie have not as yet stated definitely that the tree will burn thrniK-hent the week, but it is. said that thay are favorable to the id-i a:al p'an to do so. I'ratevn'ti.-s ;u:, sororities, mo t of them. IcM heir Christmas parties on other nights than the community proL-ra ;: i nigh!, and a ( l ow il of several hundred I'nier. ity men ami women is eie ,t,.,i t .,((, ,,, 1 1 i program to night at 7:1.". MTC 10 BUY CANDLES No Fived p, iCc for ' Candles -Fuiula for Hus:;nn Relief llu a ( an, lb-: This is th,. cry on the (.iinpua tu 'hi.v and v,:,t.-rday. The can, lb-.-', vlii.a ar,- b.-ing s.,1,1 at no iiv.-d pi-c, ar,- to lie lighted in tie.' win lows of th, homes or the Mml-hls. and nit, r the (eb-br.ition at the cam-I'U:-- ( hristtmis tree tonight, the m-m-I'er.-j of t,,. Vesper Choir of the 1'ni Mr,:l y. w. c. A. will sing in front of nil th" houses wle re these, lighted C'tnl!, i nr, found. The proceeds from the sab- of the candles will go to the Kussiun Student Itelief. The Wspi r Choir ask that ail iduil. iil.j who intend to have cand'eM lu tle ir windows call Kllen Smith hall fain-time during the day to rem. I 'li'ir locations. The Choir, because "f the nu.'ub. r of place.; which it will lm v; to go, will probably be I.i'o. mid patience u counselled for those '. brants of the "White Christinas " wh. live out 'in t lift city. Stmbnts in war-rid. leu Kurope are K"iiig to school in the valiant attempt to a. ipure that broader outlook which w.l be the saving of the Kuropean countries. Kdueateil men. ten years from now, will bn the young men who are now- in tho rr.ivcrsltes. striving to b t themselves to be those men win win ho the rulers of tl.e European states after thn war reae tton in finished. nd the suffering In these conn tries hi so acute that the students arc unable to procure enough to eat avoid the pangs of hunger. When n .'tops to consider that horn one can have luxuries undreamed ot In nu..-ia, Botany Professors Z.eave for Boston Dr. Pool mid Prof. J. k. Weaver of tlio Potany department plan to leave Lincoln Saturday for Boston where they v ill attend the national nnnual meeting of the Amer ican Association for the Advance ment of Science, from December "P, to 30. Dr. Tool wil give a paper at the meeting, and I'rof. Weaver will give two papers, one to the Botanical So ciety of America and the other lu the Ideological Society of America. IRE GORHHUSKER OUT Complete Orfyanivition of Staff of Nebraska Annual Publi cation ASSIGN TWENTY-FIVE- Compulacry E'aff Meeting Called for Thursday Afternoon in Office Additional Conihu.-lo-r staff up pointnionts were announced yest.rday afternoon as follows: Classes. Lola lieike.s. Hugh 'Wilson. Dorothy Taylor. Francis Weintz. Lay Phelps. Organizations. Z.dla Gillmor. Dors Trot I. Florence -Miller. John Townetid. Athletics. Howard Ruffett. Sarah SurLer. Zolla Roope. Art. Alplionsino C'lapp. Howard Turner. Yiilorn Hulling, r. Helen Kuinnier. Military. Kobert F. Craig. Sieve King. William Bortwell. Pdnnehard Anderson. Student Life. Marjorie Wymau. Carolyn Airy. Kno Gronawalt. Irnia Wiltse. I. eland Snyder. Editorial Stenographers. Fdna Kent. Kntheriuo Koch. A coinpul ory meeting of all niem- b, rs of the staff has lieeti canea ioi ! .'! o'clock Thursday afternoon in tl ! Coruhuslicr office in the- basement of I the Administration buildings. All ap 'pointers who expect to sf-rvo on the j staff must attend this initial meeting Ceiiel'al plans will be outlined so , that the work may be started before i the holidays. ' More appointments to both -the ed- iioiial and biisine-s stall's may be an ; noiinc d aft. r the Chii-tmas rer.-ss. i The C,in;hr,-k, r -al. - campaign will be (allied on soon after the openim: : of rchnol and before tie- ! cii.ni: ol : t he Second i ell.e.-tef. ! The ;,i.point:uen1s iinnoune. d today I ... ! ma !-' by the editor of the var ! ions ,! paltinei.ti of the boolr. I V. A. A. To Entertain ! Children in Armory Piftein unfortunate lidl" children will he 'lie guests of the no-ii,!- i i ot , the V. A. A. at a ( lu'b tmas party in , the Armory. y. -id. a toy p. ihapi two toys -doi" will I"- varm unilercbilhir.g. idoekil.g'. caps, ven shoes, pad. , !:i!,i to r, ei.e th,- things he need.-loo-t. (if oim-i', there will be cand, nnl nut.) in little stockings tied to a large Christmas tree, which u II be lghted during the party. At.r Fomo lively games, the gifts will bo distributed, and a luncheon will be Fcrvcd. Tho committee on sists of the following: Plnnohe Gram li. h. .b ssie lloitt. Marie Snnv( ly. Itefr. shmonts: Rosalie l'latner. Ln V. rne Brubnker, and I-ois Ptder.-a n. December Number of Awgwan Is Published The mistletoe season Is gludly ac claimed in Mt- ".Smackers" number of Awgwan which appeared on the cam pus today. The history of tho cus tom of kisxing under the m'st'etoo Is discussed at length in various places with cautions to look first. Dunihells aro given an opportunity to guess what is wrong with a dra ing that appears in the center of tho hook. All the innocence of youth is recalled by a "days ot real Fport" cartoon. The book is duite a mem orial to the flapper and the finale hopper. Copies may be rescurpd at Station A in University hall today and Friday. APPONTMEHTS 7 f y jCjM fWJ ft Episccpalion Club Meets on Tuesday Tin: Kpiscopalian club of tho versity held its monthly meetmt: the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening Cla. Harold Morgan, he first pre:;i-i dent of tho club, Kev. McMillan, stu dent pastor, anil quaiuiru joynci.i m-esident ot tho club made ,hort speec hes, rians for tho coming year wero discussed was read. and tho constitution E H MEN AT 0HI1 BANQUET Twenty-two Lcttermen Guesta of Omaha Alumni at University Club Twenty-two football letter men, ae companieil by the coaches, were given a banquet at the University club in Omaha last night, by tho Omaln alumni in celebration of the success ot the football season. Chancellor Avery, Coach Dawson, Harold Holt. alumni secretary; Coaches Frank and Day. John Sell. ek. ag-nt of .-iud. m activities, and James Tyson, student manager, were present at the ban (pie;. Howard Hunter, Omaha attorney made the sp.-. eh of welcome to the team. Arrangements were in charge of Vincent Haskell of the alumni a : Mtei.itinn who sent the invitations to tin coaches nnd. litter men sen" lime ago. It was r.pected that as fi.,(ant roach Swauson, who is in n l. i t.i ( Ti.olov of the "We-(em ess,aper 1' ii ion. world a!-o b1 :.l! the banquet. Coach Pchull.' (oiildjsii not be v.resent. as be is out on ; i dr tour In the wevt.-rn part stale. Son.o ot fhe men makiiiL' will not return to Lincoln go dir.it to their homes Christinas holidays. th but for trip will tin A V AW.' 1 Merry Christmas! 'WED CABINET il UNABLE IKE SPEECH .,,, ,T , T. Daniels Called by "Urgent Engage- merit to Washing ton DELAYED BY BREAKDOWN Former Naval Secretary to Have Spoken at Convoca . tion ilon. Joseplitts Daniels, formor j secretary of tho navy, vlio was to; have spoken at a special convocation J at II o'clock today at the Tempi-'- j was forced to leave Lincoln, on tho midnight train last night to fulfill an urgent engagement m Aaslitngton D. C. Xo convocation will bo held. Mr. Da:ii, arrival in the city was delayed by a breakdown on the Rock Island lines and v. :n forced to come bv auto to fill hi; F.p-aking engage.. lllrlll at li Fork club nqu the a of the Lincoln Knif. and hotel last I evening, j The gm ' committee i Morri-s. y, I was tn.-t by a reception composed of Chief Justice Regent P. L. Hall. F. P. id. Prof.---or M. M. Fog7- ; .xpi'e- ed li i.'il'-elf ;is be- i ?n:ivi ly m i Mr. Daub-! ; ! ing anxious i and promi - to visit tho Lmversity 1 Professor Fogsr. at j whoso imitation he was to speak this I morning, that ho would come to Lin i (-(dn th- next time that ho wa-, in tho ! middle west. j "Tho Challenge of Pence" was the bj, ef upon which Mr. Dam-H an -. s, ,; Hie piombrrs of tho Knb'o and Fork club. ITo was Introduced by J. I-;. I.awr. n. e. Law, '11, oditior of the Lincoln Star. At his right at the banquet table wcro seated Govornor-el.-ct an 1 Mrs. Charles V. Bryan. (Continued on Pace Four). i L UL at -Tfl Along with Santa Claus The Staff of the Daily Nebraskan wishes the students and faculty of the University Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year iv S .i"' f it iM. WW A -A! Km.. 'A 'I f Ajrsrsborg Publishes Article on Mollusks H. P. K sor at the Agershorg, a new profes I'niversity thi3 year, has published a paper in the Novcnib; r i ;ii,- of the Journal of Experimental Zoology.' Th.) tiilo of tho articlo it. J "Some Observations of Qualitative Clymical and Physical Stimulations in Xudibranehiate Mollusks "With Special Keferetiee to tho Itolo of Khinophores." f. HQ IIIV.'V lfI OUI.U G "RJfJ FEED" 'Fanners . Family Fun Feed" Wi'l Feature Organized Ag Week T! l-'arnier's Family Fun Feed, ov-or. d by ih" College of Agrieui- i to: . w ill be one of the lai'-'e get 1 1, er - v, ims of Organised .griciil W. .k. which begins the second .i-marv. Mn j of i i '; ii-itial event hold in ... Moil v. Mil Organized Agricul a. .'. bi-ji-ka, and it, ot'f. rs a ee ;';ir all i-'iors to gel. togeli;e. acquainted, f'-pecial en- insti-rt 'i.e; boon arranged. Alpha a,,,i (imicroii Nu. honorary so :. w id take active part in sta - Mill . ha j and i t.-r: j ; . a t iim Tl in A f, , i : open to all int. i.-ullure. and will b- -led held a1 Wednesday ." o'eloel.. The y--;,l Agriculture ai'ternoon, January , program for Organized i promises to be betiPr: Twelve organized Agri than ever, cull in al f-oci ties of Nebraska, many having several divisions, will unite for their animal nice! burs. Ineiu 1 ; on their programs aro such men a: David Friday, President of the Mi h-i:-an Ag'i, ultural College , who will speak at a mass meeting Thursday afternoon on "A State Agricultural U?lvcrsily Student Is Married Tvwscla: Mildred Wylaml and Albert 1 lasting:) were iniirrlcd nt tho First Pre: bMei ian chiir.di Tuesday at 1 o'icok. Tho brido l.i tho daughter of Dr. ami Mrs. A. Li. Wyland of Un derwood, Iowa nnd is n member of (lamina l'bi J'.eia. She !.) iv senior in the Vnivcrsily. Mr. Hasting i Is tho son of Mrs. Franklin Kohl Hasings ft Colo-ado Springs) atxi I a !lie;ele - of fleta Tlleta I''i of UlWJ Si ale r-iiv.-rsilv. Tliey -'.ill make tlie:r home in Lincoln. IDCC mas:1 iliu ATTEND MESSIAH Claris D:f-:r.i'";'.ed Durinp,' ?ro grtim iri Nc-.vly E-il:"rpnd Armory Wednesday HAVE Id ANY SOLOISTS Beautiful Service Fre-ented by University Musical Organi zations More than a thousand people at tended Handel's "Messiah," given by the .VniversMy Chonn of two hun dred and fifty voices, the rniverslty orchestra, and a striiu: quintet com posed of Kdward .1. Walt. Wiliam T Quick. Mrs. August M.!. r. Mis.-, Lil lian I-::ehe. nnd Mark Pierce with Miss Do'ina Custin at the piano. nu Mrs. Valitlf i'.urlinghani Ito'-s nt the pipe organ, under the. direction of Mrs. Carrie 11. Raymond, at. 10 o'clock We, Inc., lay in the enlarged T'nivor sity Armory. The trumpet obligaU) in the final bass solo was played by i Mr. Don Perry. The soloists wire: soprano. Miss Margaret Ferry; contralto, Mi'-s Sy! via Colo: tenor, Francis Piers, and bass, Oscar Bennett. The. choir of nino ladies which gave the major theme in the "Lift, up your heads, O. i'e gtilos" chorus vas com posed of th.- following: Allude-lle Drown, inn; Croft, Harriet Cruise, Ruth Alcorn, until Carpenter, Mary Hall Thomas, Ruth Dreamer, Margaret Getty?, and Myrtle Kemp. i At the (lose of the program, Mrs. ' Raymond, who directed the produ lion, was given a bouquet ot red j roses. Loud applause greeted the I presentation. ' "The Messiah" was written in IT It. ! bv George Frederick Handel, who is ; now regarded as one of the masters of music of all time. The FnivorMty chorus pros, nts the oratio every year t jnM, belo.-e the beginning ot the Christmas holidays. Formerly, no ;,pace large enough to accommodate ! the crowd has be.-n available, but "! with the' Ihrowiiig tog, .'.her of the ! two rooms of tho second floor of the Armory, all the students .were able to atur.d as well as a sprinkling of town p, opl wv.ho were particular inter. scd in the production. Tearioi.-Tv hleneTier were crrct- ed at th eV.U ill,: i nalded stage in follows : ba'i k of the room, so that j se far to tho rear would he to see Die singers on in. i lie west end. The program 1 he Prophecy. Con-fort Ye My People. And the Glory of the Lord Revealed. Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts Tenor Choi u Shall Pa P.a.-s - P.nt Who Mav Abide tho Fay of His Coming. The Nativity. i'.e-lnrinl Symphony. S-.prano There Were Sbepr-rds Abiding in the Field. And Lo1 Tie AlU'cI or the Lord Cam- Fnlo Them. And the Angel Said Fnfo Th.-m. Fear Not. And Suddenly There Was With the Ai ! a M'llliiud- of tho Heaven ly Host. Chorus Glory to God in the High st. Contrail e Plilld o- Then Shall the Fyos of I!,. Opened. He Shall Feed Like a Shepord. -Come Fnto Him All Ye th His Flock Soprano That Labor. The Passion. Chorus -Heboid the Lamb ot God. T. nor- Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart. Behold and See if There Pe Any Sorrow Like Unto TIi3 Sor- row. Ho Was Cut tur out or Land of the Living. But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell. Chorus-Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates. The Rcssurection. Soprano I Know That My Ke demer Liveth. Quartet and Chorus Since by Man Came Death. By Man Cume Also the Resurrection. For As in Adam All Died. Evpn So in Christ Shall All Be Mado Alive. Bass Behold! I Tell You a Mys tery. The Trumppt Shall Sound. Chorus Hallaloujah,! The Lord God Omnipotent Ueigneth. Kicking Turkey out of Europe is n noble business, kicking Europe out of Turkey is wicked. THREE THOUSAND m mm S UU nUit HUM mm ocprqc H! ILIi HLULOO 3croT:d i-pretiter y'ef; dralion to Start tbe First Week in January VIIL PUEITr.H DIi;ErJTI0N3 ;?lan Ar- t S'aulents Unrolled Du'in" the First Ccrnc:tcr. Registration for the s, ootid semes tMf will Ixg'n i : n -dial.' ly after the t'hri.-lmas holidays. Students aro urged to have (heir schedules planned bv 'he tine th. y relnni to school lo order to rave time. Registration tin- y.ar will f.ntow the same plan that was used last y..ar. Resident stiul 'nl-, tlio,,. who are now in school, will r.gi-t.-r from January .1, the day I'niv,-r-ity opens after vacation, until .lamtary 11. Stu ihuts may ri gi t, r at any time dur ing til".- .- ('a;, s, by s, ,-ing their ad visers. This plan, itiiiiaied last, year, has been very successful. It eliminates the. crowds and ih" m-o ssily of wait ing in lines for hours at a time. Fees are to be paid in the Armory, using the east inlranee. the week after registration, which is examina tion week. The y may be paid from !) to ii daily, except Saturday, when fees will be r.-c, iv. d only between 8 and 12 o'clock. Students in the' Aiis and Si ietices college, Including dents nJid prolav..- pre -medics, pro- s. and these In Arts and the Col- the School of F lego of Pus'ness Administration, will pav their fee; on January 1' and IS; and those in the cnlleg, s of Agricul ture, Dentistry, Fngineering. Law, Pharmasy. Teachers and Graduate Colege will pay on January 13 and 20, in the morning only. Th" fo'owing directions are given out by tho reci. trar for the order ot parly registration of resident stu dents: 1. Applys only to students regis tered during the first semester 1922 23. 2. Dads for seeing adviser Jan uary 3 to 11 except in College Of Agriculture, where it is January S to 11. ?. See adviser at his office hoars. I. See Dean of Women, if an un dergraduate woman. 5. Leave your application blank and statement of your outside actlvi ties with the dean of your college, ,,-1,,-, ., nm-nv.-S VOL. COllfSeS atld check's your fee.-. j f!. Fees p i:d in Armory east door i 0 to 5 daily except on Saturday, 8 ! to 12. I 7. A late jv will be charged all students who do not. see their advisers liy January 11. er do not pay their fees by January 17 or i. according to the assiunmi at for their college. New students, those i University for i'i" fir t entering the in-, w'll reg- ay. January 17 ist-r hot V. eel! elllie: and Saturday. January The order for new students I' Listr; follows: 1. See Hi" registrar in tion is 83 Social Sd- ence 107. 2. See advis.r and ii--. m of your college as directed. a Pav f.rs in Amu ,-t ei;- trance. Final examination..- are scheduled f,.r (he w. ': b, Saturday, Jan uary 1.1. ar.d i:-!ng Saturday. Jan nary 20. Friday v. tiing. th- 12th, wil be a cb- .d i.i:V. Th- definite schedule of (an:i:. aliens will prob ably be out Eoon af;-r vacation. Th same plan will be followed as In oth'-r years. Me t of th- examinations will bo over by Thursday night. Tho second semester will being cn Monday, January 22. After Vacation students will have exactly ten days in which to com plete their semester's work and get ready for finals. Radio Speech Made By Ohio Professor "Tho stnr of education is moving westward.' This was the keynote of the ad dress by President Thompson of Ohio Stale University nlumnl as sembled in some !0 meetings through out the country to commemorate Ohio State Day. Speaking through the radio telephone in the broad casting station WEAO. President hompson greeted his audience 'most gladly on this anniversary of our Ohio State Bay." Devoting bis opening words to a re view of Ohio States successful build ing program and increase in enroll ment, he told of the advancement Of ideas on tho parts of the students which are formulated in a helpful and patriotic dpirit.