THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thu nday. Docomber 7, 1922. I SiiiKii""'"""''''" Avoid the rusn ana n; u. rencw your garments with a thorough ploaningr, pressing all(l repairing . Our price i r?ht 1,ot" Men's and Ladies' Garments and our work guaranteed excellent. A elean suit, dress or overcoats always looks new and full of life. VARSITY CLEANERS Phone B 3677 Franco-American Beauty Shop SPECIAL RATES Marcel 75c Hair Bob 35c Shampoo 50c Room 8 Liberty Theater Building Elevator Second Floor LP072 143 No. 13th Heffley's Tailors WHIPCORD SPECIALS Remodeling for Men and Women 138 North 11th St. crams imy lessons. Phone L6o2 mm I H ufiwvuSKi STATP. BANK BL0O. 15 & 0 jTt'iJtutCTKM Or Itl CAOMAii 'f?f?'JVl' American ttlucationai ween. MARSHAALL NEILAN Presents "PENROD" Adopted from Booth Tarking ton's celebrated book and play with FRECKLES BARRY Eight Reels of Enjoyment. EXTRA UNI. GILLS' OCTETTE A Study In Song Other Entertaining Features RIAI.TO SYMPHONY n.AVKBS SHOWS STAKT AT 1, . . 1. SIi.Ih. We. NlRllt S.V. rhll. WHK.UK KVHRYIIOHV GOES MON. TUES. WED. INTERNATIONAL NEWS WEEKLY IN THE DAYS OF BUFFALO BILL ME AND MY UNCLE DAVIS & BRADNER FRED SWIFT & KITTY DALEY TO EE ANNOUNCED SMITH BROTHERS SHADOWLAND II MUCH AM) TUB OBCHKSTIlA. MIOMS HTAKT t:HO, 7:00. :00 Main. ?. Mirht M. tlgl. ! H 3 American Educational Week. GEORGE FITZMAURICE Present Mary Johnston's World famous novel "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" All the thrills, the beauty, the excitement of a lifetime crowded into one gorgeoous screen ro mance. WITH AN ALL STAR CAST. Misses Shanafeld eV Bierkamp Harpist and Vocalist. Other Entertaining Features l.YKIC CONCERT OltCHF.STBA MIOWH START AT 1. . . . Mall. SOr. Nlhl 80c Clill. 10- COLONIAL ALL THIS Week American Educational Week MARK TWAIN'S Greatest Comedy "A Connec t i c u t Yankee in King Arthur's Court" SnOWB START AT 1, I I, . Mats. 15a. Mcht tS. Chll. Me. INVITATION TO COSTAL BATTLE 0 EG EIVED No Word Has Reached Here From the Pasadena Authorities Dedication of New Stadium to be Held Morning Before the Irish Battle Prospots for n Dusker invasion of tlio coast during the holidays wore considerably dimmed yesterday when Director of Athletics Fred Dawson gave out the word that no official in vitation or other communication had been received from the Pasadena au thorities who are' promoting the ournoment of the Roses. The rumor that has gone the rounds that Ne braska was asked to play the Uni versity of California eleven in th Pasadena stadium on Christmas Day is plain hunk, tho result of poor work on the part of some California newspaper mon. The only game scheduled for the Tournament of the Hoses is the Pcnn State-Univer.sity of Southern Cali fornia contest. This fray will be played on New Year's Day in the Pasadena stadium. However, the Penn State crew has lost three games since they have acceptd bee invitation, and so it is not looked upon as worth while to have them play in the post season game. Tven if Nebraska did receive an invitation to play on the coast, it is doubtful as to whether or not they will accept. Coach Dawson's pro teges have already broke training for the season. Again, the consent of the University authorities would be neces sary before tho Husk'ers could con sent. But still another obstacle would have to be overcome in the person of the Missouri Valley Conference heads, whose O. K. would clso have to bn secured. It is generally believed among Cornhusker supporters that a game with tho University of California team would be a great boost for Cornhusker athletics. The game would undoubtedly attract national atten tion, and give much prestige to Ne braska. Tho Dears have oie of th& strongest, if not tho strongest foot ball aggregations in the country, and so a contest with Andy Smith's eleven would be highly desirable from tho Husker's point of view. Irish Here Oct. 20. It was announced at the Univer sity nthlettc office yesterday that the Notre Damo game for 1023 had been definitely scheduled. for October, 20 at Lincoln. According to the plans now being formulated by Athletic Director CONAC CLUB DANCE Lincoln Ballroom Friday, Dec, 8. STRATTON'S ORCHESTRA $1.10 Including Tax DANCE Wed., Fri., Sat. LINDELL PARTY HOUSE' Refreshments Favors $1.00 Plus Tax fllllliiiil Orepheum Orchestra, the Best In the West. TOPICS OF THE DAY. AESOP'S FABLES. WILSON AUBREY TRIO Comedy Gymnasts 4. Wrestlers VINCENT O'DONNELL "The Miniature McCormack." ELIZABETH KENNEDY and MELTON BERLE The Twinkling Stars In "BROADWAY BOUND." Harry Ursa FABER & McGOWAN In "THE COMPASS" Harry Watson, Jr. As "The Young Kid Battling Dugan" and in the Tele phone Scene. Billy Edna FRAWLEY & LOUISE In "IT'S ALL A FAKE." JOHN & NELLIE OLMS PATHE NEWS. Matins Daily 25c, 60c B3128 Nights 25o, 50c, 75c B3126 Dawson and the alumni association, he memorial stadium will be dedicat ed on the morning of tho game with the Irish. A largo crowd will be at tracted to the Notre Dame game, and the dedication will no doubt be a big attraction as well. With the Illinois ga"me on Octobc 6, and the Notre Dame battle on October 20, the Huskers will have au Intensive practice period before them when the training season open Sep tember 15. The Illinois and Notrs Dame games will be two of the three big contests of the season for the Huskers, and in order to win these games, the team will have to be in the best of condition. HOUSING OP BASKET BALL PLAYERS HARD The Large Number of Men Trying Out Makes Practice Hard An alternative schedule has been arranged for the basketball players by which they can practise in tho afternoons if they are unable to come out evenings. There are so many men out, too, that this move was almost n necessity to take care of them all. The practises are held in the Armory at 4 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday, and :30 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The men who cannot come to these practises are supposed to como to the practise at 4 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and Friday and at 7:30 o"clock Tuesday and Thurs day. It is hoped that this win enable all men to stay out, but if it doesn't something will have to be done to cut down tho number of men out. Das ketball, unlike the other sports, it seoms, has plenty of men out. The present practises are lasting over an hour and a half now to get the men in trim for their first game in 'the first of the year. Coach Frank says, "We have a good hunch out, but no statement can really be made as to how the team will show up tills year. The truth of the mat ter is that nothing can be said be causowe know so little of the strength of the other teams that we are to play, and our strength could only be expressed in comparison with theirs." The number of men out is well over fifty and no more men need come out as it is doubtful as to what is going to be done with all that are out now. Facilities are not sufficient to take caro of all the men, and the only thing that can he done is lo let it go this year and then next year the stad ium will fill the vacancy. The floor of the Armory is to be used for all home games in basketball this year. New glass back boards are to be used, and tiers of seats will make it possible for twenty-five hun dred to attend. The baskets have al ready been moved and the floor will be completely ready in a few weeks. The freshmen basketball men have not yet been called out, and they prob ably will not be until after vacation. They will get to practise any time the floor is not in use by the 'varsity. Many of the basketball stars of the ti arnament held at Lincoln last year will be present in the freshmen ranks, and will offor good material for the 'varsity next year. There have been a few minor changes made in the rules this year regarding free throws on fouls. I sing of styles and tho Deb, Who dresses for August in Feb. She puts on a seal skin To over her real skin And stockings of spidery web. American Legion Weekly. Pall Mall Club Dance at K. C. Hall Saturday, Dec. 9 LOUISIANA RAGADORS Admission $1.00 Tax, 10c Total, $1.10 Capp's " ountain Music and Dancing Friday, Saturday After noon and Evening. Music Sunday after noon and evening. My Specialty RED HOT FRIED CHICHEN SANDWICH With Coffe or Hot Chocolate. Fraternities and Sororities phone your or ders. Fried chicken sandwich orders of $1.00 or more delivered free. Students! I am doing this for you. Give me your support. CAPP Only at Fritzlen Drug. 1434 O St. I I Ifrf!! It "'llraiiFra i TIME TO TALK TURKEY Christmas Turkeys MEN We Are Going to Give Away Absolutely Free a Christmas 73 I With Every Purchase of a Suit or Overcoat at 77 TT I I n m m i jw i i $3 'and up You Will Want to Dress Up for Christmas MAKE YOURSELF A PRESENT OF THE Suit or Overcoat YOU NEED Make it a Society Brand Suit or Overcoat and you're sure to be heartily pleased with your gift for a long time to come. And you'll find immediate profit and pleasure in the Christmas time savings that prevail at our store. And Get a 10 to 12 Pound Turkey Free CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS In Men's Furnishings FREE' JS1f 1 X T& j " V ; ' n - NECKWEAR Knit Tics, genuine F -aer knit, also Berkley, 1.00 to 3.50. Silk Ties, the new thing in neckwear is silk ties, 1.00 to 3.50. GLOVES Driving Gloves from wool to fur-lined 1.50 to 12.50. Driving Mitts, also One Finger Mitts, 1.50 to 8.00. Dress. Gloves. The famous Perin make, 3.00 to 5.00. Other Makes 1.50 to 3.00. UNDERWEAR In the famous Globe and Du fold brands, 2.00 to 12.00. MEN'S HOSE Silk and wool drop stitch, clocked, heathers, all colors 1.00 to 2.00. Wool drop stitch and fancy 50c MEN'S SCARFS Genuine Camels Hair Angora from 1.50 to 5.00. Silk Scarfs 1.00 to 10.00. CAPS Fur Coats from 3.50 to 20.00. Hudson Seal from 8.50 to 20.00. Shetland Seal 5.00. Hudson Bay Seal 6.50. And the largest assortment of genuine Alaska Seal, 8.50 to 20.00. HATS Beaver and Velour Hats. A very large stock to pick from. Prices 6.00 to 20.00. HANDKERCHIEFS Linen initial silks from 10c to 2.00. In handsome Xmas boxes. PAJAMAS Outing Flannel, 1.50 to 4.50. Soisette and Silk Stripes 2.00 to 6.00. to 7 Jc. Silk plain drop stitch, clocked lisle (by the box also) 25c to 50c. SWEATERS Heavy Coat 6.00 to 12.50. Sport Coats 3.50 to 8.50. Tom Wye and Thermo makes. SHIRTS Eagle and Manhattan Shirts range in price from 2.00 to 10.00. Others 1.00 to 3.00. Soft and starched cuffs. SUSPENDERS Suspendeis 50c to 1.00. Garters 25c to 50c. MAY ER1 BROS. CO. MptTs Hor,e Slippers Are Acceptable Gifts From The Shoe Department Eli Shire, Pres. in i is