The Daily Nebraskan Today la Universal Prayer Day Today Is versal Prayer Day Uni LINCOLN, NKMHASKA, .SUNDAY, NOV KM I i 10 It 1!, I!)22 NEBRASKA 21; KANSAS AGGIES 0 MHrhlM'C QTfinilM QIIRQfRIPTIAM EYftPn? CI Kft (M fillOTfi HUSKERS DOWN LINCOLN QUOTA STADIUM 13 OVERSMIBED ritizcns and Business Houses of City Add Over $150,000 to Stadium Fund EXCESS PREDICTED $10,000 Omaha Campaign to Finish Soon. Alumni Association Now Has S30C.OOO In Pledges river M.VJ.OOO was added to tlie stad ium fund Saturday evening when Lin coln business men and residents over subscribed their quota for funds for Nebraska's Memorial Stadium. A flood of small subscriptions and sub stantial additions to pledges already made, featured the last day of the campaign, which has been conducted this week under the direction of the Chamber of Commerce. The quota was cU.O.OOO and it was estimated that over $155,000 was pledged Saturday night with an addi tional S.".,000 or more sure to be in by Monday evening. R. E. Campbell, chairman of the general committee said that a full day's work was left to do before any exact announcement could be made of the total subscrip tions. The last day of the drive went across with a rush similar to the final day in the student drive. Voluntary subscriptions helped materially to push the amount across the goal line and to break the arms of the huge clock, in front of the Chamber of Com merce, which has kept the record of eai h day's subscription this week. The Lincoln campaign was the third of the stadium drives to be con ducted and the third to go "over the top" by a big margin, liver three hundred thousand dollars toward the ultimate goal of $4.10.000 is now in the hand ; of the alumni association in the form of pledges. A campaign in Omaha pmong the business men and students there will 1) oicr within a short time and re sults will be known. early this week. The rt of the fund is being sub-Fcribi-d by the alumni in Nebraska anil in oth,-r states. Mr Campbell, chairman of the Lin coln stadium drive stated Saturday evening, after it was known that the drive lmd gone across, that the peo ple of Lincoln realize now more than ever all that the University means to the ciiy and they are willing to do their share and more to make the stadium a reality. Tuesday's Nebraskan will contain a full li-t of people and firms who head ed th subscription list with pledges of over ?.V0.00. NEXT ALL-UNI PAR1Y IS SATURDAY NIGHT Aroes Team and Visitors WiH be Honor Guests Dancing All Evening With the Ames football players d visitors as honor guests, the fourth All-University party of the Jar win be held in the Armory next Saturday evening at 8:30. The party next Saturday will not b featured by games, but will be al most exclusively for the school dancers- The committee feels that the fames should be eliminated for'this one party and a complete evening of dancing with a possible short five minute feature entertainment will con stitute the evening's program. Masks will be furnished for the early evening to all the merry makers. The masquerade will not last for long, however, and the students will un mask shortly after 9:30. An invitation to all Ames students to attend the Saturday evening dance tag already been extended. Arrange ments haTe been made whereby all of tie Iowa State Tisitors will be ad ffiitted to the dance free of charge D1 a large crowd of the Ames guests tra expected. The Ames school Is Wanning a special to be run to Lin coln for the game and should the Pecial be arranged, the number of 'a State visitors will be large. (Continued on Page Four). Bishop Paul Jones To Be Convocation Speaker Wednesday Ilishop Paul Jones of New York City, president of the committee on Fellowship Reconciliation, will speak at convocation Wednesday nt 11 o'clock in the Temple on "The Chris tian Way to Peace." Although removed from his dioecese during the World War because of bis pacifist convictions, Ilishop Jones is making a speaking tour to impress his tenets upon the people. Cnrjtain B-wrean. Haskell and Gardner Tie frr Second Placa in Run Nebraska's cross-country team won Its first victory since 1920 when they defeated the Kansas Aggie distance runners by the score of 29 to 26 in a dual meet over the Belmont course Saturday afternoon. Captain Henre of the Aggies, Missouri Valley ex-country champion, was the first man to finish. The finish was on Nebraska field, .during the football game with the Jayhawk Farmers grid team. Captain Bowman, Haskell and Gard ner, running arm in arm, tied for sec ond place. These three runners were c'ose on the heels of Henre. Farmer runners took third, fourth and fifth places, while three Cornhusker run ners, Hyde, Higgins and Hartman fin ished before the last Aggie harrier. "Hie Aggie meet was the last of the reason for the Huskers. though a num ber of the Scarlet and Cream runners are expected to compete in the Oma ha and Lincoln Thanksgiving Y. M. C A. runs. TEACHER'S COLLEGE ORGANIZE NEW CLUB "enrtitution and Ey-laws Adopted by Gamr.t Club at Meeting Thursday The constitution and by-laws of the Gamut club were adopted at a mass mec ting of the teachers college stu dents Thursday afternoon. The pri mary purpose of this new organiza tion is to fill the gap between the Kindergarten club anil the Secondary Education club, but any one is elig ible for membership who is enrolled In any class in teachers college. The following executive committee was elected: President Marie Went worth. Secretary Mary Gould. Treasurer Mr. Jindra. Chairman of Membership Commit teeWilliam Walla. Chairman of Entertainment Com mittor Karl Cook. Chairman of Refreshment Commit teeMabel Davis. Chairman of Publicity Committee Dorothy Work. Wampus Cats and Corncobs Furnish Entertainment for Crowd at Game Anyone who could have attended one of the gladitorial contests in Rome or Athens and then watched the Kansas Aggie-Nebraska game would have declared that the pomp and cere mony between halves surpassed all the novelty that Nero was ever able to bring before his fellow citizens. Never before has a follower of the Nebraska team witnessed a bigger Jub ilee, a more glorious celebration, a greater exhibition of the spirit that makes football games more than foot ball games. The well-meant taunts, the good sportsmanship, all went to strengthen the foundation upon which athletic contests are built. In keeping with Dads' Day the Corncobs, Nebraska's pep organization, escorted Jack Best around the field amidst the cheering of every spectator In the stands. The Grand Old Man nodded in approval of the compliments. Each Corncob held a balloon in his hand and at the signal of the Chief Cob, every one released bis balloon allowing it to soar sky ward, waving the Scarlet and Cream at the huge mass of spectators be low. The Kansas Aggie pep organization marched around the field flashing NEBRASKA DADS E GUESTS OF initial "Dads' Day" Brings Large Crcwd of Fathers to Lincoln for Luncheon FINE PROGRAM PRESENTED Fathers and Sons Attend Game in Bcdy Following Enter tainment in Armory More than a thousand Nebraska Dads and sons took possession of the campus yesterday and celebrated Ne braska's first annual Dads Day. At noon, the dads gathered at a cafeteria luncheon in the Armory, where speech es by Chancellor Avery, Mayor Zeh rung, Coach Dawson and Captain Hart ley of the football team, made up the program. Following the luncheon, the dads and their sons attended the Nebraska-Kansas Aggie game on the ath letic field, where a special section was reserved for them. Chnnncey Nelson, president of the Innocents, who introduced the speak ers at the luncheon, announced that the City of Lincoln and over-subscribed its quota for the stadium fund. Mayor Zehrur.g declared that he had been sure that the city of Lincoln would raise the amount. "I was sure of this." he said, "be cause I knew that the city of Lincoln is made up of the right kind of peo ple. The city not only receives a great financial benefit from the University." the mayor continued, "but it also re ceives a splendid supply of fine man hood and womanhood." Mayor Zehrung also declared that fellowship between father and son should be promoted. He pointed out that the father and son movement was doing a great work, because the fel lowship It developed caused boys to grow into better men. "I am glad to welcome you to an institution that belongs to you," said Chancellor Avery in welcoming the Dads to the University. The Chan cellor also stated that he hoped that Dad's Day would become a. tradition, because he believed that it was an ex cellent idea. "The University should be a family affair." declared Coach Dawson. He said that if the University were to be a success every person in Nebraska must have some interest In it. The 'oach also invited the Dads to give him suggestions or criticisms regard ing the operation of the athletic de partment. "The school is starting one of the finest traditions that has ever been in stituted," said Harold Hartley, foot ball captain, speaking of Dads' Day. He also assured the Dads that the team would fight for them in the game. Two orchestras, the "Scranadors' and the "Ragadors" furnished music for the luncheon. A three-round box- (Continued on Page -4.) taunts at the Husker stands. They were greeted with cheers from the admirers of their spirt. One of the banners carried the quotation "The Wonder Team," while another was meant to throw a scare Into the Husker followers. The Aggie men were dressed in Purple and White, the college colors, and wore headgear to assure everyone that their name was "WildcatB." Before the game the invaders marched down the principal streets of the y and waved banners in defiance at the bystanders. After their parade they were entertained by the K. S. C. A. Alumni Association of Lincoln. The toasts between courses and after the luncheon fol lows: "Whipping the Cornhusker." J. W. Scarson. "A Blanket of Snow," Prof. H. W. Davis of K. S. A. C. "Hitting the Cornhuskers' Bullsey'e," Mike Ahearn, director of athletics at K. S. A. C. "The Alumni Association," Cley Weaver, president Kansas alumni of K. S. A.C. "Blessings on the Gang." Dr. W. M. Jardine, president K. S. A. C. WE SO YESTERDAY Today is Universal Day of Prayer Over All Western States A universal day of prayer will be observed this morning at 8 o'clock by the Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. at the Methodist Emmanual church. A special prayer service which will be used through the wetsern states will be offered. The music for the service will be given by the vesper choir of the Y. W. C. A. The cabinets, staffs. and fresh man groups of both organizations( will be present. The size of the church makes it impossible to in vito outsiders. The service is a preparation for affiliation Sunday, November 26, which is observed by all Lincoln churches. Students are invited to recognize churches of their own choosing as their church homes while in the city, in no way af fecting their home membership, ac cording to the affiliation plan. Stu dent committees from the churches will get in touch with all new stu dents during the week. The universal day of prayer comes as a culmination of the world week of prayer conducted by the Y. W. C. A. Having remem bered individual countries during the week, students are now asked to offer prayers for their fellow students in the world at large. STUDENTS OF "BIZAD" COLLEGE HAVE BIG DAY CJelebraticn Starts With Parads and Winds Up With Victory Over Ag Team From early morning till late night the students of the College of Busi ness administration celebrated on Fri day. Starting "their" day with a big parade in the morning, the "Bizads" conducted a brilliant celebration. Twelve Lincoln business lioness formed a nucleus about which the morning parade was organized. The students marched two abreast and the long line of "P.izads" was interspersed with the business floats. Forming by Social Science building, the parade followed down Twelfth street to P. down P to Tenth, on Tenth to O, and out O to Seventeenth and Antelope Park. During the entire parade, the "Bizads" announced their coming by blowing long and furiously upon horns and whistles supplied them by the committee. Games at Park. Reaching the park shortly after 10 o'clock, the merry-makers fell immedi ately into the task of enjoying them selves until meal time. Boxing matches, wrestling contests, inter class tug-of-wars, baseball games, and other amusements kept the "Bizads" merry. The faculty especially enjoyed it self. A tug-of-war arranged between faculty men and the "Bizad" girls was the obbject of much amusement when besides trying to pull all of the girlf the teachers also attempted to uproot a tree. Some "Bizad" jokers had an chored the one end of the rope to a stout tree. Appetites were keen long before Billy, the lunchman, arrived on the scene with the noon lunch. Finally, however, the eats arrived and a long line of hungry "Bizads" filed past the lunch stands. The line extended for fully a block, and was held so tight that transients were not allowed to pass back and forth. A hugh bonfire furnished the set ting about which the hungry students and faculty members ate. An eight- piece orchestra furnished occasional music for the repast, and some lew men who were lucky enough to grab off one of the few girls enjoyed a lit tle public dance. Immediately following the meal, a group of students started soliciting subscriptions for "The Bizad,"the new monthly publication for the college. Captain Dean Le Rosslgnol's pre liminary prediction that the seniors would have a tough battle to carry off the honors In the faculty versus sen iors baseball game was carried ont when the game was played following the lunch. The seniors won, but only after a hard battle, the final score be- (Continued on Page Four). TIBERT TO SPEAK AT CI HE Tl United States Commissioner of Education Is Here on First Official Visit EDUCATOR HAS BUSY DAY Tigert Also Speaks at Wesleyan Is Guest of State Superin tendent Matzen John J. Tigert, United States com missioner of education, who arrived in Lincoln Saturday for a three day stop on his tour of the middle west, will speak Monday morning at 11 o'clock at a special convocation in the Temple theater. The topic for the address will not be announced in advance, but it is expected that the commissioner will speak on the general subject of edu cational systems employed in the United States and upon the results of systematic investigations carried on during the past year under his di rection. Mr. Tigert is particularly well known for his knowledge of educa tional systems in this country. A busy program has been planned for the commissioner during his visit in Lincoln. Saturday evening he ad dressed a large group of educators at a banquet at the Lincoln hotel. In cluded in the audience were the mem bers of Phi Delta Kappa, national men's honorary educational fraternity, and prominent educators from over the state. Mr. Tigert will speak at the First Christian church this evening. He will be the guest of John M. Matzen. state superintendent of public instruc tion during his stay and will be at Mr. Matzen's office in the capitol build ing tomorrow afternoon to receive those who wish to meet him. Tomrrrow morn'ng pre- eding the University convocation Mr. Tigert will speak at a special meeting of the students at Wesleyan. A noon he will he the guest of honor at a lunch eon at the Chamber of Commerce on the balcony. Mr. Tigert leaves Mon day evening. Prof. Paul H. Gmmmann. chajrman of the convocation committee, will be in charge of the convocation tomor row morning. Students are urged to turn out in large numbers to hear Mr. Tigert. who is making his first stop in Lincoln since he has held the posi tion of national commissioner of edu cation. A convocation is also being planned for Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Professor M. M. Fogg Addresses Knife and Fork Club Thursday Prof. M. M. Fogg addressed the Knife and Fork club Thursday eve ning at the Lincoln hotel introduc ing Dr. Franck Schoell, professor of Art in the University of Paris, who spoke on "The Paris of Art and Literature." The French government decorated Professor Fogg in 1919 with the Palmes Academique, carry ing the title of officer of the Acad emy, In recognition of his educa tional work as director of the Col lege of Journalism of the American Expeditionary Force University. . 0 1 1M0RR0W Official Pledge Day is Observed By Nebraska Sororities Yesterday Sororities observed mid-semester pledging Saturday afternoon. No pledges were made by Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Delta Delta and Alph Thi. The following pledges are an nounced: Alpha Xi Delta. Thelma Desh, Aurora. Achoth. Mary Ainsworth, Exeter. Dorothy Leigh. Omaha. Florence Sturdevant, Osceola. Chi Omega. Ruth Hamer, Sterling, Colo. Wynona Rorby, Neligh. Marian Auringer, Neilgh. Mayme Pecha, Omaha. Delta Gamma. Elizabeth Sawyer, Lincoln. Kappa Alpha Theta. ' Daisy Rich, Omaha. Katherine McDonald Wins Candy Offered By the W. A. A. Katherine McDonald, freshman from Mobile, Ala., sold S-I2.S5 worth of candy, apples ami hamburgers nt the Nebraska-Kansas Aggie game, winning the one-pound box of Gllb-n's choco lates which W. A. A. offers to the girl who sells the greatest amount. Her nearest competitor took in S30. La Vera Brubakcr won the candy at the Missouri game. Her total was J37.2S. FEATURES WILD WEST Dancing Girls, Cc-wpimchers, and Gambling Reconstructs the West of '49 "Silver Creek Bar" with its pretty dancing girls dominated the second an nual military carnival Saturday eve ning in the Armory. Tall, soft felt hats, chaps, neckerchiefs, cartridge belts and six shooters, adorned, mem bers of Scabbard and Blade, who di rected affairs. A faro game by Senor Doherty, ball and ten-pin by Miller, over and under dice game by Ryons. furnished the lucky with Klondike currency. The candy wheel supplied sweets and the bar issued port wine and sixty-four per cent beer. About 500 persons came to the "saloon." The commit tees anticipated a large crowd from the fact that about 200 advance sale tickets were snapped up. As gypsy and Spanish dancers, as cowgirls and habitues of the dance hall, members of the local Alpha Phi chapter created a flurry of excite ment because? of their grace and clever aetinsr. Squawkers, serpentine caps, horns and confetti by the barrel met an eager demand. A number of dads were present to finish in fine style. "Dad's Day" with their sons. Sergeant Lewis came in full wild west regalia. Such old tim ers as Grant Lantz and Jo? Noh, reit erated that the balmy days of '-I9 were vividly recalled to their minds by the antics of desperadoes who frightened timid co-eds with a vicious shooting affair. Dancing began about S o'clock and the party continued until 11:30 to North wall's music. Reverend Slocum Is" Speaker at Meeting' Of Industrial Clut The railway strike is not yet ended according to Rev. J. B. Slocumb, pas tor of the Methodist church at Have lock. Mr. Slocumb spoke at the din ner j'rrarpi'd by the Industrial Ser vice committee of the University at the Grand hotel. Friday noon. The subject to be presented by the com mittee next Friday was announced as. "History of Labor" by M. M. Adams. Because it is impossible to train an inexperienced man as a mechanic In three or four months to take the place of a man who has been in the trade for more than four years, M r Slocumb believes that the strike will have to be settled on a new basis. Mr. Slocumb has been very active in the cause of the laboring man. Since July 1 he has made 1S3 speech es upon the labor question. Vivian Varney, Broken Bow. Gamma Phi Beta. Ruth Wells, Lake View, la. Myrth Aline Cheney, Creighton. Phi Mu. Nina Henry, Tulsa, Okla. Pauline Gilniore, Fullerton. Erma Goodrich, Grinnell, la. Pi Beta Phi. Margaret Boatsman, Tecumseh. Delta Zeta. Florlne Giover, Gordon. Wlllavee Weaver, Lincoln. Mae Earl, Ulysses. Vivian- Young, Stella. Kappa Delta. Erma Dawson, Lincoln. Florence Stever, Creston, la Nellie Fearle, Ogallala. Alpha Delta PI. Bernlce Onnsby, Trumdle. Edna Spearman, PapUIIon. - KANSAS AGGIES IN GOOD GAME Entire Nebraska Backficld Dis plays Splendid Offend vc .gainst Jayhawk2rs CLINCH VALLEY PENNANT Serial Attack cf Agpies Ecsl Seen cn Nebraska Field in Num ber of Years Nebraska practically cinched tha Missouri Valley Grid championship yesterday when the Cornhusker team came out of the battle with the Kan sas Aggies on the long end of a 21 to 0 score. The Aggies put up a gama fight, but the superior weight of tha Huskers and the breaks of the game favored the Huskers. Features ol the contest were the line plunging ol the Huskers, and the uncanny for ward passing of the Aggies, who completed more than twenty-five passes. Nebraska started the fray with practically the whole second team in the lineup, but the Farmers smashed and passed their way down to the Husker 20-yard line, and Dawson im mediately began sending in the reg ulars. Shortly before the end of the first quarter, Nebraska got possession of the ball, and on the first play Noble broke through the line foi forty yards. The Husker steamrollei jumped into motion during the second quarter, and before the first half was over, Lewellen went over for a touch down, following a series of line plunges by Dewitz. Hartley and Lew e'.Icn. Nebraska scored her second touch down in the third quarter when Lew cllen intercepted a pass and ran 2U iyards to a touchdown. Hartley smashed through for the third touch down early in the fourth period. For the Nebraska eleven. Captain Hartley, Lewellen and Noble starred, while Russell, taking Preston's place at quarter, piloted the team in a crcl itable fashion, besides making a won derful drop-kick from the forty-yard line in the first period, which hit the ponl-post. Stars on the Aggio team were Stark, left half. Captain Hahn. center, and Webber, left end The forward passing of the Jay hawk Farmers was the best ever seen here, the Kansans completing pass after pass for consistent gains. The Farmer crew was exceptionally well coached, and the statistics on the frame slightly favored the Ags. as they made more yardage than tha Cornhuskers. First Quarter. Captain Hartley of Nebraska won the to:;s and chose the east goal Wenke kicked off forty yards and Brandley returned four yards to the Aggie 24-yard line. The Aegies then fiiiiinled on the first play and Ne braska recovered the ball, hut the Cornhuskers were offs:d' and wew penalized five yards. Thr Ag-M3 ro tailed tlie ball. On the first pliy Brandley ran Ne braska's end for nine yards. The bail was called back and another p- nalty of five yards inflicted on Nebraska for offside. Clements hit the line for six yards. Brandley fumbled and was thrown for an 8-yard loss. Brandley threw a forward pass to Munn that was good for thirteen yards. Clements drove over Nebras ka's left tackle for two yards. Clem cnts followed It with another plunge that netted five yards. Clements fol lowed it with a drive through center that added four yards and a first down. The ball is in midfield. ' Clements again carried the ball smashing through the Nebraska line for five yards. A forward pass Clem ents to Stark was good for seven yards and a first down. Stark fumbled, Nebraska touched the ball and the Aggies recovered tha ball on Nebraska's 2S-yard line. A forward pass Stark to Munn was In com plete. Another forward pass, Stark to Webe was incomplete. Stark threw a forward pass to Brandley which was good for four yards. On the next play, Clements forward passed to Nebraska's goal line for a.touchback. Nebraska scrimmaged from the 20 yard line. On the-first play Noble ran around the Aggies left end for forty-nine yards to the Aggies' 39-yard line. Munn. right tackle saved a touch down. Noble saulrmed through for three yards. R. Dewitz hit the line for two yards. On off tackle drive Noble sained two yards. Rusaell tried a drop kick from the 40-yard (Continued on Pas 3)