AVERY ATTENDS CONFER. 1 ENCE OF COLLEGE HEADS (Continued Prom Page Ono.) Lolnnd Stanford Junior University -Ray Lyman Wilbur. University of Michigan Alfred II. Lloyd. University of Minnesota Quy Stan ton Ford. University of Missouri Walter Miller. University of Nebraska Samuel Avery. Northweptern University James A. James and Uoy C. Fllcklngor. Ohio State University William . Oxley Thompson. University of Pennsylvania Her man V. Ames and Follx E. Sehclling. Princeton University Andrew Fleming West and O. II. Gerould. University of Virginia Edwin A Alderman University of Wlscdnsln Charles Sumner Slichter. Yale University Frederick Scheety Jones and Luther Allan Welgle. War Department Charles Rlborg Mann. General Education Roard Trevor Arnott. Sale of Dresses Group" No. 1 $15 Values $9.95 Group No. 2 $20 Values $14.95 Group No. 3 $30 Values $19.75 Group No. 4 $35 Values $24.75 ! TIGERS AND CORNELL ASTRIDE GRIP HEAP Kt MEMBER Vails Barber Shop 131 No. 13th St. Order Now Your Printed or Engraved Christmas Greet ing Cards. Boyd Printing Co. 125 North 12th St. After another turlmblont week, in which form went BHtray, Princeton and Cornell sit nHtrldo tho football heal In the east. Tho Tigers seem to bo tho cham pions for a week nt least. ThAV lmve won seven game and lost none and Ihelr victories wero moro glorious than thoHo of Cornell who has won six games over lens IlliiHlrlous opponents. West Virginia, figured generally as an enstern team, has also won six games without being defeated. In tho undefeated class also aro W. & J. and tho fine Army eleven but W. .. J. has one tie gnmo with Cnrneglo Tech and the Army has engaged in two no-edo-clslon contest with Yale and Notre Dame. Princeton lias one moro gnmo be tween a first cIiihh claim on the eastern championship and tho culmi nation of the one of the best seasons the Tigers have had In years. That one game Is with Yale next Saturday and the Klls have developed to a point where they are meat for no ono. California, which overwhelmed Washington )' to lends the country in scoring, with 321 points. Cornell, with 2S2 points, Is the leading scoring eleven of the east; Centre leads in the south with 2."4 and Iowa lends in the Western Conference with l.r!). Michigan still remains as the only major team in the country that has not been scored on and Notre Dame Is next with only ten points allowed the opposition. May Oh, why? Tell mo. Hay lie's always dovoloplng strong lino. "Topics of tho Day" Films. Lots of people drive a car for the sake of exercise and thon feel abused whou they have to change tires. rou will obsorvo however, that tho war profiteers haven't yet learned to tremble at tho sound of Daughorty'a name, A ropublic develops all tho faults of a monarchy about the time citizens stop saying "wo" and begin to Bay "they." Correct this scntenco: "Cut out thoso naughty parts," said the direc tor, "tho public wont stand for sex stuff." Lesser trlt.m, can never mean much in tho 1 i a small boy who has never learned to spit through his teeth. What some peoplo think is spirit ual exaltation Is just n sweet con sciousness of being better than the bad, bad neighbors. turo millions of years but a woman can reverse tho process in throe minutes. Tho only difference between a fool driver and a jaywalker Is that the Jaywalker hasn't the price of a car. Love Is tho quality that makes a wtnfo laugh gaily the forty-second time she hears her husband's favorite story. The stars toll us that tomorrow night a lot of chaps who hoped to be statesmen will decldo to work for a living. Parents have rights In some homes, and In others tho children aro per mitted to develop their Individuality. Another thing wo need is a lodgo In soino vast wilderness where anintenrs can learn to play musical Instruments. FOOTBALL ROUGH IN 1582. If yon think ,thnt football is a rougher gnmo now than In tho past, read this paragraph writteln In ISO-. "As concerning football playing: It may bo called rather a friendly fight Stringing Her. May (between quarters) our foot ball conch ought to make some fisherman! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KKN'T A NKW FOKD High class cars for particular people. Ixwcst rates and always open. Motor-Out Company, IM71S, 1120 P St. WANTIiP Students, full or part time. II. M. Hirks. 131") O St. LOST Unst Tuesday, bunch of keys left in locker room, Ag. Kngi erring building. Kinder return to tool room or call 11150!). Reward. KOI 1" A Ilent-a-Ford equipped with beaters. Mtinson Motor Co 1125 P St. 131550 and B1517. GRAVES PRINTING CO. Student Printing. 244 N. 11TH ST., Lincoln. if I W CR&Co. When H2O Isn't Water "piEXTLEiMEX" said the Chcm. Prof., at VI the end of the term, "You'll probably remember only one thing of all I've tried to teach you. And that is that Water is H2O and then you'll be wrong." Even shaving soap isn't always shaving 6oap. A correct shaving preparation like Williams' Shaving Cream must do a lot more than simply make a lather. It must be generous with its lather. It must be thick and creamy in cold water or hot. If must hold its moisture. Williams' will not "freeze" dry on your face. It must soften your beard right down to the very roots. It must prepare your face for quick, gentle shaving. Williams' is so pure and whole some that it actually helps th most tender skin. Of) SIOS ft fo Wcars Longest" fWUTNot Wi inkle jjjaves SburTicsT" The New Fall &. Winter VAN HEUSEN Men who are particular about their dress, men who like a suggestion of the formal in their at tire, wear VAN FIELD, the newest VAN HEUSEN Collar. Buv votir collars of a rrputuMe re tailor, tic won't oHit von 11 substitute wlun vou nik for n VAN HLL'SLN. Me knows there tm't uv 5EN VAN EEVl the World's Smarted COLLAR PHILLIPS-JONES CORPORATION, Makeri. 1225 Broadway, New York V'JA. ThoINOKRSOI.I, I tV) InJI.I.AU. 1'onv . 1. L.wl!i1.00. (.If A K.i.l.'ii Sih-.T Wltll .1 ! :i fir t-bHin or - A nWtoii. I Tlip.TrNIOl! snc ff1, to w oo. An hi- It hi tr.-uln.'hril,-ii n- IB I lliir.Nu-krl.Snv.T lOZ r tioM, h nh A New College Helpmate It (7 I 1 m mi 1 I m SI i t V. I I "H f 5'ic. Of '! J J Ihll 11 IMI.'.A.i, e.a.. ! f! I r I J I IlfflgFSlI litdjLxcyiTi(: An ingenious invention which meets the exacting require ments of college use. Simplified to overcome clogging at the point-and tedious mechanical manipulation. Made economically by mass production methods and sold at prices that make wood pencils a luxury. In models to suit every need at prices to suit your purse. Note these Advantages: 1 Lead guaranteed not to clog at 4 New lead inserted in twenty the tip. seconJs. 2 Uses leaJs about double ordinary 5 Lead turns both in and out. length. g Holder can accommodate fifteen 3 Point presses in for protection extra lcds, equal in writing ser i hen r.ot i:i use. vice to fi:tecn wood pencil. J 'our stationery or cooperative store can show you these and other models. INCEF.SOLL nSDIPOINT C3MPAHY. Inc. V.'M.::.:?"GZr.SCLLt rres. r-mc:: cf Rcbt.K.Ir. ersoll &Ero. Fourth Avenr?, NswVj:X Civ rcx-CicazT.St.faulSanrVancisoj than a piny or rocrcutlon; a bloody, murdorlng practice than a followly Bport ot pnHtlmo. For doth not every ono llo In wnlt tor his advornnry, Booking t0 ovoiHhrow,' him and to pitch him on hl none, though It bo upon hard rIoiioh, or what plaro bo ovor It ho ho ciiroth not, bo ho have mm down. And ho Unit ran Borv. tho moHt in thin fnHhlon, ho 1h count ed tho only fellow and who but ho." CORNHUSKERS ARE BACK IN LINCOLN Tho CoriihiiHkorH arrlvod In Lincoln Sunday morning from tholr 28 to victory over KnitHim nt Lnwronco Snt nrdny and bo far an was known nt Hint timo no ono wan hurt bad enough to bo kept out of tho notx gamo, which will bo with tho KniiMaH AgH on tho Nobrunka field next Suturdny. Tho gamo was a blttir ono, Couch Daw on snld, and boiiio of tho men woro riulto badly brulHod, but not enough to keep them out of Bciimmngo. Coach DiiWKon waH pleiiMod with tho Kay tho tenm went after KniiHUH. Ho aid they played ft much better gnmo fhan nt RyrnciiHo Salurday a week go. lllll Pay, nHHlHtant eoacdi, do ditred that the ntylo of football puc up by the IliiBkerB at KanwiH had IS to 30 per cent moro pep In it than ;?ie gamo they played In tho op.sV They will get into training nt one: lor tho KntiHus Agglo gnmo. Coach necking to overthrow htn and to liny expects tho AgglcH to put up nt utlff, If not a Btlffer bnttlo, than Kan aft. They mndo a nlco record wlt tno forward pass Saturday ut Man tuittnn nnd may give tho Cornhuskrr jomo trouble- ulong this lino, nn t,.j completed eight out Of nlno pnnnnr tried. They plnyed HTniiHas to a 7 to 7 Bcoro a few weeks ago. Football rooters who wont to tho gnmo on trolim arrived In tho city Sunday, but jthoBO who took enrs were Btranflnd along the way. Twoniy. five cars wero rcportod to bo Rome fiineo between Sonoca and Topcka. rno roans wero bo muddy that travel was nlmoHt Impossible. Ono nutonio. Mlo lond reported that they hku reached Seneca bub$ could go n nrthor. They were two hours h mnking the laBt eighteen miles. I plentyof !3 Collar WW Attached U Shirts. Collars Attached. White, Tan, Grey. STARTING TODAY ammoti ST 0 Presenting High Grade Shirts ot Unusal Valuee The most wonderful shirt values are represented in this sale. Shirts of every style and color Madras shirts, Percale shirts, Soi sette shirts, Fibre shirts, Corded Madras shirts, Rep Cloth shirts, English Broadcoth shirts, Silk shirts. Materials all of excellent quality-tailoring and finish the kind you expect in quality shirts. The makes are Yorke, Excello, Shirtcraft and Elder. Every shirt is fresh and clean Every shirt is perfect and every shirt is guar anteed in quality, fit and color. i r-rl EACH All Sizes J4 to 17 1-2 4 Shirts for $5 There are plain colors of white, tan and gray neat checks in all colors stripes from the neatest pencil effects to the widest of varigated stripings. Many have collars to match many with collars attached; but most of them are neckband styles with soft French Cuffs. There are hundreds of shirts to select from. The sizes are all perfect. Few men who know shirt values will be satisfied with less than a gooaiy supply 01 tnese beautilully patterned, excellent quality shirts priced so ridiculously low. -I JI&?s Sawyers- & &vrzA. successors Steis Cm (2 10 Irldt - i-e ! 1 '