1 iM'l'll imnfc TK 1,1LY . h H K A K A N .it: 1 ; i i r fit . 1 '.V 7 1 r The Daily Nebraskan )'lltlll.tll..l K. ....).... Tl1u.lnH .'. J !i n I'stt.i y anil I'rlilnv morning nf i-iit-U lc t.y the I'lilvriKlty ,,f ,,lni.kil. AivrtiMl f.,r injillnj at Pi.tM-tal rite of I'.isiin-.. .rnilo.l for In Si-i'ilnn Ul. Ait ' uitiilirr a, uur. amhorUcl January I'UHIAI. I MVWtsm I I III. II A I KIN mlrr llir allmtl.in or Ih. Mml.iit l'uli. llrtttlntl Itnor.l. KihitimI an nnniiil Ma nintti-r l tho . Kinfln-e In Lincoln, Nitirkii. unili-r the Ait nf I'oiifrtuK. Mnrrh S. lsrrt. hutiNi riinlun rut. VMM a )r $1.2.1 n .rmr.lrr Mnrl. ropy rlv nt Aililrt all loiumimiriitinilii to THIS IA1LV NKIIHASKAN Scif l.iii A, Lincoln. Npl. TK.l.KI'llONt I nlirr.lly M K riling.. llfiHfti 1'illtnhal mvl tMLtn.sa nfflroa In .mith "i corner uf Iwaeuii-ui ,.f A.lmlnUira ti.111 Hull, linn. Iii-llii t'arman Kdltnr Offi.- Ilmirt M 11 anil 4S ilnl'v Unbelt Uriinnrll, .lr Managinc Kdltor Office hours. I! to it, M.imliiy. Turaitny, WeUm-ailay. 1 hulsilay, Saturday. Slarjorlf. t man . Fflwunl (tin k Kubrri K. t'rnlg . .. I 'harlt'o A, Mil. hell AMclat. Filtli.r ... Mailt Kdltor Main Killt.ir Main Killtnr (liuunrry Kin.ry . ... tlulnfi.M Manager oft'in- lliiurs- 4 to Pally. Clifford M lll, k. .K't. Iluinr. Manaarr l-rtink I-, l-ry Clrrnliitltm Mmt.iiirr Niaiil IMilor for till. l.ur. Robert F. Craig. Over the Top. j We wrnt ov.r the tr.p: The tu- ii .n t r.spondfii womlorfnlly to nil or ihr'r s.-hool. Th" ft.i,1i;:m ! 1 liu 'it.-rs- piocr im wlii.-h rsmc t i filch I osoccC09900090909S000000900SCOCiSOeOSCXCCC009Q n ....... ..'..I l . in O a m.vr.e.Miil rlo- List nlcht Is rcr li.ips r si-.iiv.h ?; ai-romplishmpiu 01 Hip f-tsiO.-nt br-1y in ihf history 01 tr srlnuil. It plarr Nebraska to the very fur, as a school thnt doc? what it itr.u, i iki-s. Mn.-.t rf tile i roili tf t!:t stinlents; espociaUy t.;u !rrts ttlio thvi until it hurl, who fairitkc.! ;ho:r utmost that the Ni-hr.i.-ka m'M'ron la'cht have a sta tlit.:!i: Nehrn.l;a'.a crldiron warrior5 nurht h:ifli in a lip-.v sta.lium next f.il'. J. u.;.; a pU.rious triumph. M Elks arc- to rfjtco. IVrh.ips it was harl for the hit as,- stmleiM to part wi'h hi? ;:iorif. Th conimi:te rrali2eil that hns!i!i'ss iep!'p?.-:rn is 1110.-1 keenly fell hy the s r.'ents: thr-t mrney is ar.tr. In f orte i-. -.-.retahle c;:ps. il was an inv pors:lh:y for stitiirnts to p!e1' who -tadiitn l-n Hers eemnii'te? ( ti-. .ent: hui-r c'. three, four, it five i;:;it. ? i nqu- stienaMy of the ;;ho e n ir-.e() Reserve unusu i! rreiit Th.- crate.-t rommen.litien. howeve;. in oi:r jiu!-nint. is iiu the s ::i lents whn r-,ve when they s. -arrrly kne.' - 'ere t" e no: ey wis iotiv-t fr.-.n y:.-,,.... t ny r of ; r . :U ters hfi f ill v.i:,-..-i tii s rl.if?. t'. r-ro;ras ?!.-r.y i!is!.inees of e:rao-iiinary ' "ff.i prove that the "avrr:e fn .J. !-" fr-; a ,ieep love tor h:s schen, rcuch jv..re. in f -set. than h re-til t - T e'vprfs? in words. ?'u1-n's rn t.rn!v depf-iier.t on t h-rr.-!ves fer f:trp"rt. stnd'-rts who we-k fix h,"';r? ('Iy eiitsid'5 of e'Mr!. rhrf'il'y f.ivp cne and sfm,,irnj nn in!!; A ,t'-r!,?.l ?ndrnt v. ho -ai ' h-viT-m-!' his way to Lincoln, who has Md h'js '..ih'-rit.-y ft" pr.ir' exrpr-s t? m-t. whe has to mV all his owr ir.en-.o hirn?!f r''"'!:e unit eariy in the wk ard later f-c4 arether unit, y.ir.y riri? wr known T" d-rsv thTiFPes r'"!! win-; i r,r .:r to fiihs'rih". To the? pp"o r heve ail. should po The tar;? I'Tav. cb-.-o a', havp th' r-ht t r.; XhA ronnviT,- workers ?A$. pr-f-rmej a real srv:-e Evi d.y h: k and vf ral r.igh th r-r.m'.t-t-p workers wrf e-jt thrr-ish t'"-1 city and ovr th c-mris. '"r;3'--irc picastir' s and o'her w ork -. rr.-.t'' i have b-n doir. in order th.it their i Tp:pp(-';'.-r crecra rn'Ch '-;v-r 'h j Top " Several 'r!s worker frrrhrr ' irpent four hours at th.--r ib onei r:;ht ih:s wfek snd ca :n wtth f-urteen pledges. - Chappy Sport Coats for Campus Wear plaid back polo yoke lined beautiful fur collars. Roberts' Dairy Lunch Good Food Easy Prices Open 7 a. m.- d. m. roa!y ,1, .-irer! 10 do so. The spirit was X inrter.l present in these stuients anJ 0 they h.r.stly ha.l a rie.-ire to help n Orrtair.lv tl.ey thouid not be ubjcct I X of any ::npieas.int feeling. V Who, of all. deserves the greatest Q tomr;it n,i:.tion ? Is it the rerutiv--, N wi.o har.-ilej the program? Is it the.fi COATS IT College Shoe Style Headquarters Globe's "Heathergrain" Oxfords There's never been a better, sturdier, handsomer, more masculine leather ever lasted for Young Fel lows Oxfords as Globe's "Heathergrain" and $7.00 puts it within the reach of all. LITTLE BLOCK 115 N. 11th St. ELKS CLUB CAFE I Club Bldg. 13th and P Catering itering to Student Trade Try Our j HOllie-GOU CLUB BREAKFAST 25c to 40c ' 7 A. M. to 11 A. M. jjj I Yes (VOll.H rfmfin,or the llnim- -f th, PLATE LUNCHEON 35c 'j Malted Jlilk. liet. i.ne n;id i-..mi.l.'ii- f 11 A. M to 2 P. M. I) f X 1 iOI w w r r c 1 PLATE DlNNER-45c. 5 P. 8 P. M. Matinee Luncheons Tasty and Attractive b I b 4423. YOU KNOW HOW FORCIBLY WE'VE PRESENTED WOMEN'S LOW SHOES NOVELTIES At $5.95 For the past season or two! Well, here we are again! These new moderate heel one end two strap Pumps of Patent, Satin, Brocade, black and brown Kid and Calfskin. In style, workmanship and intrinsic valu3 they present values that must be called won derful! BUDD'S H omecomms INCLUDES A VISIT TO Hart Shaffner & Marx Clothes You will be surprised at the many changes in store ar rangement and delighted with the merchandise assembled for your inspection. A rmstrong ' s Quality Is tconom.y" i raaver nrns. m HOMECOMERS! MENU October 21, 1922-SPECIAL LUNCHEON Mo. smm. Cream of Tomato. Cholro of Old , V with Brown I'otatoes, Hrendod l'oik H M.n,cd Or,,ke ... Cream on ; Hoast I ,Uh Brown Uiavy LUm rnR Mashed Potatoes. flroad ana wiuei. with Vanilla Sauce. Tea or Coffee. It to 2. Open all night, SAVOY CAFE J Quality Furs You can make a big saving in the cost of your Fur garment by buying direct from the manufacturer. Oct the best for less Fur Coats, Capes and Scarfs. We Make Furs That Are Different. LINCOLN HIDE & FUR CO Manufacturing Department 1010 Q Street. Streets Home -Coming pkILLERS' -Prescription HARMACY t. Ruth Pyrtle Nan-Political Ctndidat for STATE SUPERINTENDENT Ovr 20 rtirt vxprrirnce In NrSrk rrl. vtllife ntf cii chl. Two rfe rrecs from 5tat l'niverity. Fourteen months wetfar writ at Cam? Dodro and Deo Moine Inutut- inatmrtor. bom ttoader, traveler. ltorr. and civic VOTE FOR HER NOV. 7TH J -rr 3 v. THE HOME OF 0 ; f ft Si fl i 3 i .a . .aimaa if a i atOi 'f DINE WITH US OutlotH rreiim Slaw. lotti'Be Milk Be Kxtrn. Served 1042P Street. I f i i A V in pyinT.iiWlMTH I'H'Blail II HI ZtJ Jlnlih' St vl JXTleel WE DELIVER. GET A A popiihr .-v l'litt..n p- - re' Iter for ' ! " I V.leo Mn. vwth . i:: .!i y 1- r v.-.i m.iv rhoose. real llies. cor Hatitifnl Suit:. ;,n 1 Top ( vhipe,-,ri'ls no the poj.i. Li are r.f the very f:r.,'.t iir shrunk. e.f -)'i!ity and !if-s of the ,-Jn. :'" erav, netted o Whip Take our cuarantee. that the first time you huv, your ex perience with our Men's Furnishings will sell you on the next occasion. Si M ITU i mi v n V m "V. if 11 r X J m You can imagine that a lot pf chaps you see hurrying to Magee's in a half-frozen condition for Overcoats, this morning, will believe in preparedness after this! Warm Overcoats, $25 Upward. (BEES No Arguments About These HURTS Ni Sjr: Chofife thoe you like from our npv fall Mock. We havf f-omething ne in Young Men's Eaple Shirts which we feature in a Kepolin Cloth, with fr with--ut collar, in colors of tan, grey and white. The beautiful lustre will last as unpr as the fabrie. $3.50 Wye n" v y SWEATER onr They and ar3 SM TIES style. The Materials and London Onodne.'?. all the way throuch in snappy Silk Ties for th C'ollese Man. Our special $J. value in. College Stripes in Silk grenidenes and knits of the newest designs and shades. Eli Shire, ' President1 ds 1.00 i. ..j