The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1922, Image 2
Sumlay, October 15, lf); THE DAILT XEBRASKAX The Daily Nebraskan 1 hir!Uv w-rk l.v ti rnufMiiv .f Nrt-r.i0a. lfn'H'l '-r ni-ll'nc lit r" Ul r-tc .J '-- ITi.l f. r In S.- t .p 11.V! KrX f dt!i.!r a. ii.1T, aic.hrrimnl J.n lurr'-M hut-i-! a;-., matter at the p..f..ff- ia I.iiiro!-;, Nohraska nnd. r th Act of ri.iriv. !arra S. lvTJ. tnkrrli4iin ml . wlf pir . tiXKl y ear Kir for St-i tensor 15th lus sparently over United the iraj value and purpose of severe! of the can-.nus organiiations. "Y"hy the Y," he asVs. but ia attonirt leg to answer this Question to his OIHdAI. IMVKXMTV rt'llUr.UIOK I aer xi-r dire!..- t ;., MuUent l-nb. Uhat he is blissfully icsorant of the lliatlca Ikianl. I Christian basis or tne . w. .. a. ana V. M. C A. or.ia:junons. Lft hkn read the purpose ot these organiia tions as stated in the "N book or on the membership cards available at -? ; oi'Ii.e. This;vse n-ads: "1. .o U:.u a:? to faith in Go J thru Josus Christ, i'. Tto lead them o men.bership and service in the Chris !:. ).-h. .. T pro:::o:e their gTowih ia Christian fa::h and char acter, esi eciaHy thru the study of the Bible. 4. To influence them to d? vote themselves in united effort with "! Chr'Mlar.. to :::jlirt tw.e will of Christ effective in human society, an '. i:p .;I "i the K:ardo:a of God throughout the world." There is no fee for membership. Anyone may join (luaaicF kiiwj lla-iae.. ........... - . t-ft: e nurs i t-. f l'M!v. 'himself in sympathy with this purpose rTTfTi. t.UI... .W. M,eV! n 'he Y- W- C- A traak '. irjr ... cirratutiua Mnjtcr ; ; . , :-n orror:aa::y to Christian 'women to aid a cause in which they ..i'ir all -uituuntcntin t-.i 1I!F KAII.V M.HKASKAX ' n A. Lincoln. Xt-k. TF.LKl'JIOM: IMm.H, ! lions? The duplication arises with th formation of cumenus small groups havirs no definite purposes or dutie. Let us then start by doing away witn th superfluous organiiations rather than by striking at those most heartily endorsed by the faculty and I'niver sity authorities. A. G. XI. flirnins llTSis? " K.lit.-l :..! n: ti..n lti;:l.i;r. .1 t. f I.. :e clfv A l!ui:.l-:'a '11 lUillor i.l 4 5 t Bella rrau . '.ff-;v H-ur Herbert llnitirll. Jr. ... Managing Id.lar 'fr:ce iionr, . !. .t. '..n.lay. Taisjay. W.tieJay. Tl.TN'Ur. .Viiur.Uy. loriarle Vif"a R.bert 1 Crais t are A. :it-..i Aorlate I'ditur ?flit KditAT Niclit r.lilor . Nichi I.J:iar N.cM l1ilcr far tbU lae. Charles A. Mitctell. Hath x e :rte.-fTted. The Y. W. C. A. doe 'r.ct le. It is all very wtll to say A4-iait Mrt EditarjTM li - orcssiiation is needed, that I men and women can be Christians ia-dividr-allT and alone. If so. why ar ia the fall of 1H1. Eurore was cart r 'r .,,?. hs in the world? ! Saa ad wnt8 ben plassel U-NOTICE CaiSoc StuJer.ts Club Vhc Catholic Students Club w:li meet at K. C. hall S :niay at thrre o'clock. A!pha Kappa Psi There will he an important meet ing of the Alpha Kappa Ts; ct " o'clock. Friday. October 13, in -.he University Ccianier-ir.l Cl'b rooms. W. A. A. Hike I2ver brv'.y Lil.el Girls. m-tt .t the Temple, six o'clock Sumlay. rc?-iy for a gool time. Hiking gives W. A. A points. Bapt st Studcrts. All Baptist st.i-en'.s are invited o :.ttci:d the Tsptist Youig People's runic at Trrrscn's pa-k. Kri 'ay. Oc ::ler 13. Take Lancaster car at IP jr.J O streets at 5:30. The very ':: cf eats and a fine bunch of Block and Br t!-ib. Bhu-k and Bridle Club meeting at :le home of Professor Gramlich. Starr street. Tuesday evening at 7:4.V Proctor's Meeting. There will be a meeting of the proctor's of all sorority and roomim; houses and dormitories at Ellen Smith Hall. Tuesday. October K. at seven j clock. P. E. 51. All classes in P. E. M meet in ;rcet clothes Wednesday, October IS. Calendar into one of the greatest wars of his-(whether in school or in life. anyon lory. Gcrmar.y and Austria-Hungary !ui0 thir.ks clearly and sanely ralires couliiced fonts to fight practically ;i hat there is a .need for orran-lratior.s every other country. Within a com-jia which s;iritual aims are the prim rirciively months Eelgium hadlary forte. Xo organization, spiritu.-.i been practically annihilated and Bus- j or raterial. can carry on its w ork sia was in a state of utter ruin. nor. Consider the Y As the war went on the fnlte.1 ,". bni?et as it is rmMishei. It calls Stales was drawn more atd more into j 55 i Of th:s 51.".i is for the the strap. Germany demade-d that jsecr-iary's salary. Her work hs nota Americi stop seadirg ammunition tri"? t with aid ar-d advice in the the Allies. The United States refusal j of ro; :::s aad employment ex to comply. Germany then -threw icept sa ?ec;al cases. The card fils line of submarines completely around in ter office contain information of the British Isles and told the United jan entirely different son than ttoso Stite that unless its shins took a cer- in the office cf the Dean of Women- tain course A few Amencan ships doom. I5'-1 'k. ho-s-ever. lies in the spiritual 'and moral field. She is the fries.'. those ships would be sunt, information peninent to the work and rican ships did meet their neeis of her organizEtiom Her great . " , ... helper and adviser of the S.' girls in April. President Wilson declared that ... !:te rEixersitv. or as many as care a slat of war existed between thel United States nd Germany. . 10 Ler" 1 ce molt . . . ih stnfienfs helps them to m Throoghont the country there wer? , r . . . .. . ine friendships and a wide ; thousands of America s fm?st men at . s , ,,'ance throngh mnrjal interest, tending daflv When the call i e t s -i;-:al demand met :n B9 ct 1 Ti kets. .3 cents. CORN COBS. All members of last year's Corn cjs. XeraiLa's Je;. Gang, ar-e ro- I iested to meet at the Sigma Chi ihc-u Tuesday eight at T c'clcxk. AVULEY ScLLIYAX. Chief Cob. HARRY DUXKER, Keeper of the Kernels. Wyomfj C!b Eancuet. All Wyoming students in the Uni versity are invites! to the dinner to be given by the Wyoming Club. Wednes day. October 3. Ep s:cpal Students. All Episodic 1 stud-ats dinrer a the Lincolnshire on Tuesday evering. v-:o"n-r 17. at olo. k. Tuesday, October 17. Block and Bridle Club meeting. 7:45 p. m., 3220 Starr street. Episcopal club dinner. 6 p. in.. Lin-co'.ni-hire. Big and Little SUters dinner. 6 p. ia.. Ellen Smith Hall. Iron Sphinx meeting. 7:15 p. m.. Delta Chi house. Friday, October 20. Kappa Delta dance. Ellen Smith Hall Bushnell Guild dame. Chamber of Commerce. Phi Gamma Delia dance, the Lin coln. Delta Upsilon dance, the Lincoln. Saturday, October 21. All University dnce. Armory. Girls Football luncheon, the Lin coln. At ia house dance. Delta Upsilon banquet, the Lincoln, i Farm House dame. Phi Gamma Delta annual pig din n-r. the Lincoln. Sigma Chi dance. Ellen Smith Hall Delta Tau Delta dance, K. C. balL dollar unif for NYbraska's new Mem orial Stadium. At the Alpha Gamma Rho house this week-end. Carl M. Rydeberg of Wood River, and William Garretson of Athol. Kas.. ere visitors. Anne Catherine Bartless. ex'21: Margaret Carmen, ex- i;;. and Mildred Thomas, ex-', are spendin gihe week end a: the Phi Mu house. The following people were guests of the Alpha Chi Omegas this week et;d: Mildred Ha mm and Bernice j Grafton cf Falrbury pre guests of Ger- j trade Lynch. Kaiherine .lohnson o Superior is visitiuf Elizabeth and Mary Ordway of Fairbury is vis iting her sisters Ruth and Yada. Eleanor Bierkanip suffered an in-1 jured collar bone and Evelyn Shelleik. Xaomi Pid.r.rd i.rd S'.ella Bierkamo many when the automobile in which they were riding collided with ( a milk trutk at Sixteenth r.nd X street j Wednesday evening. ' Betty Riddell. w ho is teaching in Seward high school, is visiting rt tl:e Kappa Alpha Theta house while at- 1 tending the State Teachers" conven tion. Mary Sheldon. '22. is at the Alpha J Xi Delta house during the Teachers" Personal s. convention. She is teaching at uea exa this year. Isabel McMonies. '22, is visiting at th Chi Omega honse. Elsie Baumgartner. '22. is a guest at the Gamma Phi Beta house while in town for the Teachers' conxention. Alpha Omiemn Pi entertained the (. house mothers of the sororities and j fraternities Friday afternoon at a ken- i ! sington in honor of their house moth , 1 er. Mrs. Mary Hayward. A short pro-1 gram was given by members of the sorority. Refreshments consisted of: ice cream and cakes. ; Active members and alumni of Mor tarboard, who were in Lincoln for th X. S. T. A. meet for dinner Friday; evening at the Lincolnshire. Plates; were laid for twenty-five. Miss Vtlera ! Bonnell acted as toastmistress and called upon Miss Marian Wyman to speik for the alumni and Miss Adde.-. heil Dettman for the actixe chapter. 5 Xi Delta, honorary sophomore girl's society, has pledged one twenty-fiTc to arms from the president came, ties men left their boots on their desks, marched out of the class rooms and Joined the forces of Uncle Sam. Ey i the thousands they were s-ent to train ing camps. By the thousands they were s.fnt to Europe to face death cn the firing line Thousands went over seas and hundreds nexer came back, many more hundreds came back phy sical wrecks. Todax. the Unixersity of Nebraska : go to her. The office work done ty the students helps them to make last in? friendships and a wide acquaint-' It fills other way br the University authorities. Sociii 'serxice trciadens the characters of th i Arrange fcr a sitting before the busy winter season : starts let it be I A Photo by Dole Etrls. givis? llte-ja first-hand inform?- : lion of a side of life oth unknown to most of them. League and Salvation same son of work, of course. any one say that there- are t.eo mar.- ; jpj ThUanlhrouic orcaniiatictf or tht J if. there can be too many? Let him go tt Juvenile Coun or visit the slums and erwise t otally i &2aarLOai3iSC i. Tie Junior-' S Army d9 the i 2 THE I Eut can , vwuiuG tj-ct-i. " lirhifh tiiose people lixel H?w cp.b boner of the men who went from her L b? f Q ?E;? Lri class rooms to join the forces of I nc:e Sam: to fight that the world might see the abject poverty and misery THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC AD ETA X JL KEWENS, Director 0:Ter ti.trc in Music, Dramatic Art. A Jar?? faetil-.r cf f.j, ::" s ;u til depart menls. Anvoac may enter. Pu'l kfrEati' n rcrit-t. Oppciie iLe Campus. Phore fied as to say that any bit of aid in the wax of social service, no matvr how small, is nniecessary? Perhars ulwimp u m anjf .,-" to a rt. -re rr jiti te xesper serTw.--? seems t be tie means by which th T. W. is be-t known jirobahly be c Lc?e tier? ; a serxke each wk atd the notices are constantly in viw. A ex plrl wh-i has exer itt-i:ied a be safe for democracy: that the peo ple living on the plains of Nebraska might enjoy their liberties for yrs to come. This Memorial is to take the form of a gigantic Stadium; a Stadium which will Feat MW people; which wCl be a jiermanest memorial to thC'iYesper sfrxir? and its Tceir$ - hundreds of Comhuskers who -nterel Itjiration tn5 renewed la it a frr.m the fight in France, to the thousand? forgets it. Perhaps a good mar; who fought at home, and. probably j ;r(ij;TT are r'-quj-c-l to go. bet J xnot important of 1L to the scores n. v, f,., 19 form gcod iab:! who nexfT returned to see Nebraska 10 ,i0T tt, m whit Vespers ftZ.i soil l-r"-v-. At tie Cs.rlle-llcV.lsg serx Monday, students of the UnixerEi,y of Nebraska will be asked to contrib ute toward this Memorial for tie eh .it --fre t wto died lt oti-ers might lixe on V: (,,T rjT;.:-E peace. They will be asked first cf ' y- h - , 4..5 .aZiS 11th Sis. TUCKER-SHEAN JEWELEES VaVl.(-. Fine J-we!rv. fl -ks. Stcr'iiiT Silver. Cnt C3as. Expert Watch. Clx-k sr. ! Je-A j iry RepairiE? sr. I ?.'ar.ufa--lur;rcsr. Opticians Eyes examine! FKEE- In our Optical I)"- T'ariraeiit ya may select j-;t wl-r-t yott want in Eye I;3a-es cr Speetacie.. Fine Or.tical R-pairini. Broken Lens-es Duplicated. Stationers Stati 'inery f-r the Ofk-e. Schv.l an 4 I-me. Waterman's Fountain Pens. Office E'juapnient and Sup plies. Crane's. Whitinz's ami Htirl's Fine Stationery. Cf'Bcplete line of Supplies fcr all departments of Schools and C"I3e?es. jf li-ft Tuesday, tit-re wt.$ an at-i.eLCis-e of Of this n.bfrr tore fre-sinierL f. tie T. M. at-J all to attend a rally for all stode: ajid latulty members ot the i"nixer'!-y of Nebrsska to he bell at the City Auditorium. Nebraska ewes it to these score? cf mem wio died for the cause of dem ocracy, to those hundreds of men who rtmrned in broken-down health, to the tiouF-ands of men who took gren ritk that future feneration mifV enjoy prorperity. Xebrtika owes 5t to the motherc. tie fa&erc. ar.d the sj'teri and brtrth cn of her dead and wounded warricTK. of the others who would have died bao they been called to do so. t.o rft this Memorial which w iH ttasd for gen eratiotis to F.iow tie apjwiatltm whlcl Comhusiera baxe for the serv ice ties" sons rendered. Let not tbe-se close relative of lh dead soldierr. who are xn today remmberin those lost son an! brottert. say that -The Student tt tie TcdxerfitT of Nebraska do sot na2?rmiia: tier do to treallze wbt a permanent Memorial fcr the dead ttona ot America meana. Attnd the rally, and. after the rally fee jrepared to take your pled re made cr;t for tie mo?t which ycu aa f ac-ri- fk. to the booth where the pledge wC! be coltefted. Make ycrarself tv: a little money to show the rnl- ter-MK parenU that yon arpwriate a that their on and brother did to make yon. tckjt tbildren. ad ytrar ctUdrea' chSdren. ale. C&rnpus CommenL A Drfeits cf Oryanizst'ioiK. To ti Editor: Tie author of tie comment on or ganizaikm la Tie Daily Neb to kin T. M. empioymett btateatj are entire'? 'j'-:C" of iLe or.fiLoj purr-oM-. Bit it'y hTe irisen tT been created to f-il Leeds' bz.i go work whi' h to tir orfaxlaatioa was doit.?. The student ji's-firp are very rial to re the exist Ixf crratisitioii in their work. I am -ure. If the-e-e T-eye t.-ollfhel ej--otier body wr aid Lave to be create! to tile tbeir jla'e". Fiiice it if iarl'y jrobable tl'-t six itulett jrastcrs toaii be 5n personal touth with .V.-) ttt-len'.t-. To the question TVby the TT. O T '-ere is aih'i iLotler side to c.'tJFlder . iLe of .re-i-Lte-c ; u ti.e s ucer:i editorial. The lot3 crjatiratiC'ts wis? 'rr-ed at -j.- v ; W of tie 7eas of ffcata. It do- it'A dt;;Ci..te her duties. It male lor ter th'5 -s;-'-rx'''a of aVr;t forty rocssm? houses, sevet'eea sorority hou'-es. ad ?ix d'jrm:tr. l-Iaty j-e'ile do a'A izfjir tie dormitory fytteta 5-? tie Tzixers.'ty of Nera'.ka U ettirely ' he work of Vis Hejpuer. and thtt ever tie ouxtry le re-'eixe request for adxioe td tu?retiors -to tie factor which make her y tea o ruooettful. Stary girt tave been very rratefu! to VT. S. G. A- is I the part for fisaxicial lelp wlkh thy have reteived. A for the mati?--. nert of the Girl" Comluiker Lui le : eon and tie Girl" Comluiker Party. . "ST. S- G. A. ta lid tiarre cf tlem Charlotte's for Suggestions Co-eds I'rfaiiLst BarEains. K1 dse KMh- EL1? For c-e,f55 and pleasures at lowest cof-t; Then . -ad abaut stunt. Mit-s C"bar!tne" And bargain shojjt'ing need not h left. 'ld i a! ;5 to tv; ; ' i .-i Z-'. ::-.uc - t ' Tor n:.-ci or lor ' '. 1 j.i.- to i.ave every .'" a-iO'i.T '. ij itree are To-r eve-rr x.eed .' e. v 1.' i. rr.e-cii.v - i- is mVA i or F.r-et. 1 t r yo'i ill be r ;..t ; ' a w art. - fro:.'i t:t to jv w.'l '. T of f 'c Ti- ) 1 1 - l,e tr i t I . r -.L't -. id d d'. JEAN'. wl3 ?o; I'y ." or y v we-.':-' '-'1' .71 It G.f !.' lit a ma-a?e 'r ';i failed c fl.t.xr Wl.-e. .... . 1 ?; l1 1 v pr-ra. G.lfen'i! : - ,r z jrj - r-d f o,r,3 ' fo- i-'o. TLe'r ool -h 1 c- a r.ew e t'.-ed ;n 'or many year, rlr. other OTFarjzatl'-i lt arla jwer- ful esonrh to I5ii:e tl? re0is5- hn.ty for tite .'fa!.-f. We ads It that tle rnivenity ! beixs tvejt by over-orraxization atd oxer-d-Sxii. " i;t why atark tie larytft, mtt jowrfcl. and moft ef fective of tie max 7 txittia orsasixa- j t have 1 i.'ja' valae ia 'oil' ye r rls bear-r hat thi T.'.-e ha-. I-.rott.y, are M-lll-.r r-r-rly for $15 and Hirr.t-Goar are offerlt? then lor l Ji. In ail co''yrf. tiy are ko" 5a thae t-'t a to be be :l t every fae. Scarl to mat a of toft wrxl cr atyora can be tad. THE Cortihu.-ke-r Htatiocery .-flo;'. situated 5n the Colleg-J J-yoi fltore. whkh faces the Camjo. carry a coiLi'let K.k of tatiox-ry. formal a 11 noun c neuts atd dance .rozramc. For re-t'-d i,;i. whether yon is are 11 'lye or Lot. ill tt-ore lErjte ' 'f.arif-'.!: of iri.'. tor their r tre fo reasonable at to ;.? !lor ill fihTi. Iet tn ' ro'j ' f ! "liwaTa AutJiue Li-ry. Tbi j; umber 1 pilt '- . ,e. r ;; "- hl:ed. (-a&eied :. '5 with IsmiFked cre-tt tell r .. 3-,,ir f.rj- of a box. T..- y tr- tlv ehowirj? in erj rriv-d bter-bead for Frater-f-.'j bi'-irjeij cte. Ak to iee -x.r etional value. GIRLS! rn't turry borne at !: ;.'fc tine and be all tir! ojt for that 1 o'clo'k ciai?. The ;xer if'j-on ' rrei a diitty and ! iicioos !anh tvery tuooa. e l'jiWr lor Cti. The Silv-r M',3 i j.t the place to bave a bite between c!ase. for It f 'u.t from the campn atl has the uewet and finest foua taia in Lincoln. Reveraible evening coat are a fjf.portant feature of tie Pari mode. The neweiFt toach U the Epao Uh Kercbeif kxx'ted about the seek, which will probably be teen at Palm Beach. ''HOKEHS. On that make c-rtry girl's heart foeit faster, are leiij? thiowa at Coition' V.'oiaer' Vi'ear. tljal iwf little (.hop at 1'i'W O street. Of brown for. (rou Fix to seven Inche wide aud Jhrejej feet 5a IciiElh. roltcn' are offerixg these in a i-le fel-iya for only fli.Ti. TbtT are able to do this be catF eiery purchase U on a aa bai. aid yon will be able to save oa that wooly jyrt coat lor tbi winser, too. An sttt'-nMua t'-a. What ssund t.oore jnv;;ji!i to a Luxgary r'rl ten h-r lat ai'.err.'yon tiaM ba l-n a-Uesi'Jed? Taire the Jevator to the fifth Coor at iJ;r htj1 Paine' ai.d f.-M a table fn tb'-5r Tea Kifi'.a. There yoa w.ll be '-rve-l w;th acy of ' e t'.ai.y 'r.'.first.os-i sron ther mem, that yon ibist:. F'il'j'-r (rora i to S:2-J is a)w served here. For evexin a we.1 a for day-time wear, shoe with oten work side are adrtirJ. Charlote I ready to answer any questions conremltj; your wardrobe, and is anxion to do any shoppinc;. If yoa win send ber a letter static; plainly Jart what yoa desire. Adiiret Char lotte, the Shopper, at The Daiij Nebnukan office. Don! Leave Your Hands Out in the Cold! When the cool weather comes you put the rest of your body in warm things den't neglect your hands! Ma gee's Gloves in the season's newest styles. Sweet Apple Cider I'M i-er cent u:e apple ji:ce mil-j from sound Jonathan apples. We cater especially to University. Fraternity and Sorority parties and social functions of all kinds. Ico cold cider in ke;s wi:a spigots will be famished on six hours c j(ic We also serve cider at our 12:h Street MiiL Idaho Fruit Coropany 218 No. 12th B2472 PEKIN CAFE 1130 O STRRET UPSTAIRS Have You Tried Our 40 and 60-Cent Lunches? A PLACE DIFFERENT Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria "Filling Station for Hungry Folks' Open 6:30 a.m. Close 7:30 p. m. II II , II ' ,,, . IIIIU.M r- -- ... ..... .... 'null - t 'if ? ii in u.nk iIiumpi s rn i imp .nnn Kav ; I 3 w " ssuw ui UVVU 1 UJ 'it'1 n Mc A iFx-al firra d!t a la rife f;a.era:r ar.d sorority balre-s win id to ta-xt saletuj-a to t!.-(r lone. i,f. ijjUyed acd .1 at the hw. Our I-r- -r.t ri.e-a are averar'n t,. . -"r " 1 o;k;tr a!i-.ui tar- botirs. We handle co 6ov!ties .:y a taj, 1 0e of rv.e ir .i. !f;J.r. . ,,r.ttIW,qi, bae an added advarta?e. and are therefore preferred but il 1 '3! .-' -i d. j.--ae yo,r q-ial-lKatioM in . letter addressed to IVx 7. V.'ar.l Ad I pan.r.ent. ral!y .Vefcrasxan effke 3 o, : I. , , I ' --- -- --' ., Ml -- " i ' ' inn iMaMKMMMMaaaMgjaBj6i8ai'i" iraaM 9 o WHO WILL BE 7Ac Min From Guggenheim's"