The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1922, Image 1

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    Fhe Daily Nebraskan
Stadium Rally
Monday at -Ten
Stadium Rally
Monday at Ten
you XXII. NO. 23.
Annual Freshman - Sophomore
Olympics Will Act as the
Starter For Day
Missouri Ccrnhusker Football
Game in Afternoon Will
Feature Program
Homecoming day is Saturday, Octe.
bor 21.
Homecoming day, one of tlie mc rt
outstanding traditions of tV uni
versity, wiTl welcome a host of Ui Tri
er students back for tu dry tht is
crowded with activities, from oa.iy
morning till the closing hour that
The annual Freshman-Sophomore
Olympics -will start 1he day off with
hang. The eontost-proKTam or box
ing, WTostling, relays, various ir?s,
with other events and the grand and
glorious flag-rush as the' finish, tiii
make up a full morning of activities.
All the freshmen and sophomore men
-will be supposed to take active part
in i he Olympics. Vpperclassmon and
women, with the alumni, will deco
rate the side-lines and bleachers.
As the second big event or the day
will come the Girls' Cornhusker
luncheon, promptly at 12 o'clock, in
the Lincoln hotel ballroom. Every
girl who has attended a Cornhusker
luncheon knows wnat that means,
only five hundred girls can be acco
modate at the lueheon, and the W.
S. G. A., in charge of the luncheon,
urges girls to get their tickets early.
1 ickets are 75 cents. Members of
the W. S. G. A. board began selling
Friday, and the members of the
council will have tickets to sell after
their meeting Tuesday.
The Girls' 'Cornhusker luncheon is
an annual homecoming affair. It is
the high point in 'Cornhusker spirit
among the girls of the university,
and many alumnae come back just
lor the luncheon. There are peppy
talks, with an abundance ol songs
and cheers during the luncheon, and
after that preliminary preparation,
the girls go to the homecoming game
In a body.
The Nebraska-Missouri game Sat
urday afternoon will of course be the
feature of Ihe day. While the Ne
braska and Missouri warriors are bat
tlinc it out on the gridiron, distance
runners from the two universities
w-ill be settling their problems in the
cross-country track. The race will
probably end between halves, on the
track in the athletic field.
An All-Vniversity party, 'bigger and
'better than any previous mixers, will
fill the evening. Special arrange
ments are being made to entertain
the Missouri football men and the
rooters who come to the game. Mis
souri songs and cheers will be in
terspersed during the other events of
the evening. Lila Wyman and Andy
Fossgreen are chairmen of the party.
They and their committee are plan
ning a period of games Saturday eve
ning from 8:15 to 8 o'clock, and 1t has
been hinted that entirely new games
w-ill make their appearance at that
The hour from 9 to 10 o'clock will
the devoted to an especially good pro
gram. There is to be a tumbling act
'by the best talent from the city Y.
M. C. A. A black-face stunt is plan
ned, and also a ciever little shadow
graph. Ballot dancing and a quar
tette skit are among some of the
other numbers planned on the pro
gram. The personnel of the skits
w-ill be made public later in the
Dancing will begin at 10 o'clock in
the armory, and games will be con
tinued in the Temple for the guests
who do not dance. Refreshments
will be served in both the armory and
the temple.
The Lincoln Alumni association
has made no special jrfans for home
coming this year.
A number of organizations are
planning homecoming parties for Sat
urday -evening. Acacia and Farm
House wrn each give a house fiance.
In their new homes. Delta Tpsilon
will bold, a homecoming banquet at
the Lincoln hotel, and the annual pig
dinner of Phi Gamma Delta will be
et the Lincoln also. Sigma Chi wm
have a ance at Ellen Smith ban,
and IDelta Tan Helta will go to
KnigbU of Columbus nail for a fiance.
. i'il -r(
- v. 1 1 v
,v :;. J -N- x;i,
- H v
1 '..
'. , i
Above is a reproduction of the plai
for the new Nebraska Memorial Stad
ium, 1o be erected on the present
Athletic Field, but extending a bloc
further to the north and as far to
t;ie east as ChemNiry building. The
Stadium completed with cost SOU"'".
Within the wall surrounding th
rit Id w ill be an indoor running track,
eighteen feet wide and three laps to
the mile. Last winter, an emergencj
board track was erected for Nebras
ka men io train upon. With ihe new
stadium completed, Nebraska track
coaches will have equipment faurpassoil
hv few schools in the country. Be-
ni im mini miiro
Copy to he Changed in Each la
sue Iron Sphinx in Charge
of the Sales
With the start of this football sea
son, the "N" club took over the duties
of publishing the official program for
the games. The program has been
enlarged and cepy for each issue will
be 'Changed ' for each game.
The proceeds from the sale or the
programs will be used by the "N"
club to make lienor awards to the
members of the athletic teams. Last
year tbf Trior-iibers of the track squad,
winners of the Missouri Valley cham
pionship, were awarded gold t Hick
shoes and the members of the cham
pionship football team or 1!)21 were
given gold footballs.
Members of the Iron Sphinx, sopho
more men's society, will have charge
or the sale of the programs. At the
South Dakota game the Sphinx
cleared up the entire supply before
the game was even started. Two
thousand programs are being ordered
Tor the homecoming day game. They
sell at 25 cents per copy.
The size or the programs has been
increased to a minimum or thirty
two pages per issue. They will con
tain pictures of all varsity men and
the coaching staffs, together with
some members of the opposing teams
and the lineups of those teams. The
programs will -contain pictures oi'
Jack Best, football and track squads
of last year, captains of the various
teams and action pictures or football
games. Copy will be changed in each
Resides making honor awards to
the members of the athletic teams,
the "N" club plans 1o make all the
awards or cups and skins in inter
fraternity, inter-class and inter-college
This Year's Book Full of Infor
mation Concerning Faculty
and Students
Student directories will be out a
week from tomorrow. The typewrit
ten copy eoes to the printer some
time Monday. The directory this
year will contain the name of every
student his college, year In school,
Lincoln address, phone number, his
home town address, and frateraitj
affiliations. It will give the name,
and title of every member of the
faculty besides bis home and office
In the back of the book win be
a list of the members of every tra-
tternlty and sorority and a list of
the students from each town. It win
also contain all the university phone
numbers. The price, which 1 tb
same as last semester. Is fifty cents.
Y rS &&9 'v?'.
, .
- -.
. ' - - ,
'c'',,:;,i,,lf i?
' til nr vi
: i o.i t h the grandstands there will be
twelve indoor tennis courts and thir
ty handbill courts. In the past, Ne
braska tennis players have had to
wait until the balmy days of sprim;
before trimming up for the net con
tests. With the new stadium com
pleted, they will be able to play ten
nis throughout the entire year. Press
ing rooms and shower baths will also
be provided beneath the stands. Th?
present gymnasium dressing rooms
are far too small for complete equip
ment and aW Nebraska teams are
handicapped as a result.
In the stadium proper will be two
football fields, one baseball diamond, a
Dean Engberg Gives
Out Warning About
Maeazine Solicitors
(Vniversity Publicity Office.)
I A warning 1o the public rot to give
any credence to magazine subscription
solicitors w ho say lhat they are work
ing for scholarships at the Vniversity
of Nebraska has been issued by Bean
C. C. Engberg. This is a method of
reaching kind-hearted people which
has been "worked" for many years
tind often very successfully, by un
scrupulous young men and women. In
every case the subscribers have failed
to receive'the magazine, and publish
ers have informed 'them that they
have not been authorized by them to
solicit subscriptions. Careful inves
tigation of all reported .cases has
shown that Vniversity of Nebrask'i
students have not been involved in
any case. It is believed that they ar"
impostors seeking to arouse the sym
pathy of the public by alleging that
they are working for scholarships.
Campaign Gets Good Start
Number cf Houses Pledge
100 Per Cent
At noon Saturday, the Y. W. C. A.
finance committee had received
$;18.5, less than half the girls ha
been interviewed at that time. The
committee f.eefls that the response
is unusually fine this year. As some
confusion has been caused by the
rush In which the campaign has been
put on, there w-ill doubtless be girls
whom the committees are not able to
reach. These girls are requested to
call at the office tit Ellen Smith hall
to make their pledges.
The (following house have con
tributed 3 0(1 per cent
Delta Delta Delta
Delia Psi
Xxilta Gamma.
Alpha TIU
Phi Mu
Delta Zeta
Chi Omega
320 It
3?45 T
Girl's Cornhusker
Luncheon Ticket to
Go on Sale Monday
Tickets go on sale Monday morn
ing for the Annual Girls' Cornhusker
Luncheon to be held at 12 o'clock on
Homecoming day at the Lincoln ho el.
Owing to limited seating capacity only
fiOO tickets have been validated, and
ft win 1e necessary for all cirls fle
siring to go to secure their tickets
at once.
Board members are selling on the
campus, and proctors win eH to eirls
within their houses after the Proc
tor's meeting Tuesday evening-
. . Y":- t-i v
.,... "',i --
I half-mile track, a place for outdoor
pageants. Nebraska gridiron candi
dates now cannot extend themselves
to their best advantage in practice,
but one scrimmage can be conducted
comfortably at a time, forward pasr-
ers constantly send ends into the fence
and into other groups of players. The
rivscnt track is far too small for large
track events. With a large stadium
and a half-mile running track, Nebras
ka can provide the finest location in
the Valley for the holding of track
meets. The present Athletic Field is
much too small fur baseball games.
The neve- Stadium will provide an ex
cellent playing ground.
Few Places Still Open on Olym
pic Squad Sophomcres
Promise CompetitiDn
Further freshman tryouts for posi
tions on the Olympics squad will be
held Tuesday a.fternoon in tlie Arm
ory. Several wrestling and boxing
places are yet to be filled, and among
them is that of the heavyweight boxer.
If the track can lie secured for that
day, track and relay tryouts will also
eome Tuesday afternoon.
A statement that several likely win
ners among the freshman boxers have
shown up. was attributed to Harry
Reed, the instructor in boxing, by a
member of the freshman committ"e
cm Olympic tryouts. The lurnout on
Thursday was large anci nncovered
some new men, but that of Friday
brought out only a few wrestlers.
The freshmen say that the sopho
more have gone to sleep and most of
them are .confident of success.
Most of the boxing and wrestling
positions on the sophomore squads
have been tentatively filled, but any
man who has any ability should make
arrangements for a tryout. by calling
Ward Kelley at B164f. The sopho
more track tryouts were held Satur
day morning on the Athletic Field and
some promising men appeared.
Again, the Iron Sphinx, and the
sophomore officers urge that -every
sophomore be at the battle Saturday.
Inter-Fraternity Council Gives
Out Additional List of
Tlie hiter-fraternity Counc il has uu
thorlzed a number or new pledges to
the fraternities as follows:
Delta Upsllon
John E. Costello, Lincoln.
Phi Gamma Delta
Harold Hutchison, Lincoln.
Phi Kappa Psi
W. J. Beerkle, Omaha.
Richard Elster, Omaha.
Morris Roberts, Lincoln,
riifl Redgwick. Omaha.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Ray Lindenian, Lincoln.
Xi Pel Phi
Ralph H. McGoogen, Lincoln.
M. C. Wieland. Lincoln.
Hugh Winchester, Lincoln.
W. E. Sealoct, Dean of Teach
ers College, was elected president
of Division No. 1 of the Nebrask
State Teasers' Association, Sat
urday afternoon. The election
came at the close of three flay
discussion of educational problems.
I " ii. t O-. JrHi-rJl-
'" J V
i. -- i "V,
First, lircviiiM' it can l'U'lt in im oilier way. Ther'
h not Hie slitjhlest hope of an appropri1ioTi 1Y 0.t l;'?:
bmre. The is alrea.vy minimis of hilars Wnm 1
for lmil.linjrs aduallv needed in ll.e work of the I mvcrsnx.
To pel an approprialion for a stadium would enher be jm
rmssiMe or would operate to prevcin for many years 11m
lisimi of dlier lmildin? funds surely needed. The stadium
must he 1 ti ill hv Xohraslwins or nut at all.
Second, hec'an-e in this way loyal O.rnTniskers can r.
pav in some slili1 decree the deht 1hey owe Jhe I mver
sll'y. The c.vt 1o the state of inaintainm:! instruction fur
eai-ii s1iiden1 runs to several hundred d-dlars fot .ic yc-.r;
,,r fuur vears intu Thousands.
raska -indents have never
j-eeilv iu the Fn iverMly. Compare I Tu. record t-i liaryar t -7-v.iit lhal raised tf-lS.lMMUMiO from llirv.iri nv-ti
.in d lhat is now raising- over a million a year. Kan-wss U:..
just recently raised a milliui anion- her students and
Kansas A-iiies have raised a similar fund- In fact, every
school in 'the Valley except Nebraska and one oilier haw
or are now huildinir memorials.
Third, here is where every CornTniskor can assisi his
huul as much as the man on the fuolhall team in a r . 1
is. a rthom a sniianie
arranpe -rams wi1h the type of schools we have l.-cn play
injr, hu1 wiih a new stadium we can sret a lu-Her da of
eames than those now on our schedule. Our se.i'.:n- ca
pacity at present is about 7.000 and will soon be ill? small
est iii the Vallev unless ihe Sladium is built.
Law College Sends !
Out Second Bulletin
To State Barristers
(Vniversity Publicity Office.7)
-Jurisdiction in Suits to Quiet Title
(Tart l.i" is the subject treated by
Trofessor George X- Poster in the
second number of Hie Nebraska Law
Vnlletin, issued last week the new
publication which the College of Law
launched in .Inly. Part 11, which will
lie issued vT Jarnary, wil deal .entire
ly with procedure, giving a full li?t
of Nebraska cases and all other cases,
fart 1 deals with ihe historical devel
opment or suits 10 quiet title; witn
such suils in relation to the posses
sion of real -estate ; won mr nui..-
tion of such action from quieting
against one or more persons to quiet
ing against the world: and wiih lh
conditions, such as payment of hack
luxes and unpaid mortgages, which
must be performed by parties in an
equity court to quiet title.. NetirasKi
has had numerous statutes in the last
two vears on tnis fuojuci., uh'm "
which, in 1he minds of the Nebraska
bar, have had a tendency. 1o .compli
cate rather than clarify procedure.
University Professors Address
District Teachers Meetings
Here Last Week
(Vniversity Publicity Office.)
Thirteen members of the Vniver
Bity faculty spoke before various sec
tions of the District To. 1 meeunc
of the Nebraska State Teachers' Asso
ciation. Lincoln. October 12. 13 and
5 4. Professor Hartley B. Alexander,
protessor of piiilosophy. gave the
principal address, -Intellecliial Life in
the Middle West," before ihe genera,
session Saturday morning: Dean W.
E. Sealoc k. Teac liers' College., spoke
on in Education:" Professor
Paul H. Grummann, Fine Arts, "The
Training of the Senses;" Professor
Laura Pfi'ller. European History, pre
sided ove- the history section; Rev.
Dr. S. Mills Hayes. History, fjioke on
"Hiory and Modernity;" Professor
N. A. I'.eiicston. Soc ial Science, "Tits
Relation of Geography to Internation
al Problems;-" Dr. II. G. Deming.
Chemistry, "High School Cbrmistrv
'rem the College Instructor's Point
of View;" Professor O. R. Mart in. I'.us
iness i. ministration. "Bookkeejiinc
from the Business Man's Standpoint ;"
Professor A. R. Conpdon, Matiemalicr.
"A Study of the Mathematical Abili
tlMi of IHrh School Pnpil;" Marion
Wilcox, Public School Music "Corre
lation of Music and Olier Subjects;"
Elizabeth RutheTord, Home Econom
tiea of Hi School Puirfls;'" Marion
TirniT'g ta Meet tie Xeeda:" Matflda
Ptr. Bam Eoonomlca. Echoet
froin.Xatioiial Home Econwniic Ao
oauox; ana xxmm "
Economica. "Tbe Teaching of tbe Ap-1
rirtArm:- anfl BeM SteeK Home
... C.K-W nnml
plication cf Art.'
The rank ana ino oj
heen kM V. .r.ilr..r'
staanrm v. e cmsimo. a
Applications For all Positions
Will Be P-eceiTed in
Awg-wan Office
Work & tarts immediately on the
liC't -Cot Jihu.'--ker. Adolph Wenke.. edi-1oT-in-chief
and Audley Smlivan, busi
ncss manager, plan to get more .of the
work done In the -early part of the
year than has been the practice oi
rei-ediug staffs.
Tor Ibis reason, all applications for
lioritions on both editorial and bo.'
ness staffs must be made in th
Awgwan office on Monday and Wed
nesday of this week, between 1 and
?. p. m. About fifty positions in both
departments are 1o be filled. Every
person who is interested in this,
v, hc-tlicr he has had any similar ex
perience or not, should make applic a
tion at the prescribed time Those
who have been members of the sta''!
of any Cornhusker, or who hav?
ivorLed on high school annuals, -or the
annuals of otier universit.ies .or col
leges, are esjiec.ially invited by iht
editors to make application.
An attempt will be made to find
work for anyone who can qualify, and
if at all possible., the sort -of work
that he desires.
Tlie Cornhusker office will prob
ably be in the Awgwan -office, in 1be
northwest, corner -of the Administra
tion building. Work on .certain sec
tions of the annual will begin a1 once.
Therefore, the editor asks that every
one apply at tbe time set.. Since the
work is to tie extended over the w bole
year, it will not le excessively heavy
at any one time, and any siudent
should be able to devote notne time to
the book.
An urge for a more comprehensive
and more representative annual than
ever before is to be 1he impelling
power behind the new staff. Eight
sections further subdivided by classes
as before, will be the scope of the
new volume. A number of new ideas
that will lend to make the book more
interesting have already occurred 10
the editor, but be wH-1 welcome any
new ones.
Chancellor Avery in P-eceipt of
Export on Expenditures
From John E. Mott
(Vnitersity Public ity Office.)
From John R. Mot.t. chairman o
tbe Counc il of North American Stu
fl.t.l Movements. C'hauoelor Samuel
Avery has received a report on tht
expenditure of the Siudent Friendship
Fund, to whic b Vniversity of Nebras
ka students u9 faculty members oon
trfbuted last year, to aid prudent an3
teachera in lnntitutiona of ctntral Eu
rope, Russia nd lie Xear East- Sub
stantial aid - been siren n,W't'
r.wi1r Ktndeiits ana teacAer in J -
educ&tiun&l irstitutionB. X ty-airtdnrt
yt jjett Bay. been Ue rpreaa
I (OcnrUnmd en Pace Pcrar )
ui rmoui
Mass Meeting cf all Colleges at Auditorium Monday
Kerning t 10
E PSTtlts Will Ee Ar:z:c3
! Slaients and Alira-i at
I ' Homeccming Game
i rroirijitly at S::iti Mtndsy morning.
; thoands of ComhukT student will
':',:!.! :'.i .Uege groups fer a mon
! st reus parade io the City Auditorium
to attend a 1114 r.iv-.itip of all stu-
ci.i.'.f aud fjc-u'.ty of the
Vniversity of Nebraska in the inter
ests of the :. w Mcn.i-rial Stadium
Doors to all the builders will be
lot :ci at 1 o'cloc k.
Immediately following the rally, stu
', dents will be asked to j.reseot their
volunteer pledge cards, which were
' n.a:!ed to lhe:n last week, al Ihe booth
j v here they will be given "Stadium
r.tiii.ter" buttons 10 show mat they
hare m::de their pledges.
The parade to ihe auditorium will
;.o made in college nnits. As soon as
ll.e ;e',l lines for the close of i o'clock
classes ihe students of al the -ol-i
-ges Lie 10 line up in the tollowins
Law Law building.
Fine Art s Library.
Arts ft 3 Sciences I" hall.
Engineering M. E. building.
Business Administration Social
s i i- rcc.
Pre-Mj.dii-s Administra'ion build-
1 tHtnac-t- 1'harnia.c y hall.
T.enta'1 Dental Clinic bu.'idiig.
Teachers Teachers" College.
The baud, which will leid the pa
v: (c. will form at ihe Temjile. Im
mediately behind thera wD be gath
ered the members of the faculty.
The i:L.e of march will be down R
direct 10 Thirteenth, where the group
ram ihe Teachers College will joia
Hie long line, down Thirteenth jo V
street, where the Dents will fan m.
unci then over 10 M street and into
the City Auditorium.
The College of Agriculture student
will come directly to Lhe auditorium
in a special prcuii. Announcement -of
the plans ill be made at ihe classes
there Monday morning.
Good Speaker.
The -P"-al.ers for the rally have not
Hi l.,u definitely determined upon
vet. Professor M. M. Fogg will
h-,ve cha'ge ot the program. Dean oi
Vet, and Mead Football Couch Fred
; Hansen vcill he one of the speak
, ,. The oUiers have not as yet been
(Vfinlti lv arranged.
The -N" buttonr f the Stadium
1 mlders have been donated by the
Kar"uhar Clothing company. A but
,,"' ill be given lor each of the
wipes as it is fce.ved.
Ttie Citr Auditorium was becured
fl.r ihe Stadium Iiuilders' rally -
,.,,.,,., ,,-erv simletit in s hoed might
'..e accomodated at 1he r,ee,iuF. Tn
there is a iw per cent attend
al'.,.e a, the rally, the start of
Medium P.uilders' campaign wid not
,v, hen successful. Should the W
ort ,0 alumni indicatt that the rtu
luck ihe imerest in the biggest
,v,t atteiMted at Nebraska 19
- in bed to bcost for the men-
vout (,rl!1,1I... their response to tie
r(iqucst that they mai.e up tie aflfll
Uonal fSC't'0 necessary for the sUfl
ium will not be nearly so entiusiaa
ticaily as it win be when
tve students have far surj.assed their
qucna or rW'.Ctiti.
Resultl t Hom ecomifB.
before Ihousands of Cornhusker
,tudent.s and alumni, the results ft.
rtudent cmpi- be "
. i.fl m the Nebraska Misscmrj
j'cuiuc-ea at m- -,-u.e
on Saturday, nomecomins daj-7-he
campaign mw will close F
S.T evening and the tabulated irti
wii be ready lor announwment at
tbe biggest game J 11
Vert homecoming, n i oia lit
,1,; u.oto ttf alnmni retnrnin wIB
,h in a rtadixm. capable of
i..W people, whh room for t
irons, one basebal diamond witi
eichteen-fK.t wide mning traci
beneati tbe
urta. handball oouru. -
nd locker n wrn