THE DAILY NRBRASKAN Friday, October IS, 1922 Sealock Nominated For Presidency of District Teachers Dean WVE. Sealock of the Teach ers' College, was nominated for presi dent of the State Teachers' Associa tion at the opening session of the association held Thursday morning in St. Paul's church. Dean Sealock was alBO nominated for a position on the executive committee of the associa tion. At the Thursday morning session. Dr. A. L. Wallqulst, professor of sec ondary education at the Vniversity of Cincinnati, spoke on "Selling the Goods." He was folowed by H. B. Wilson, superintendent of schools at Berkeley, Cal., whose subject wps "Checking Up on Ourselves." In this free and glorious country, every man has a chance to advance except the one who thinks the boss Is an enemy. (Continued from Page One.') TICKETS SALE OPENS FRIDAY FOR PLAYERS ber 26. 27 and 2 at the Temple the ater with a scenic production of Bay ard Yeiller's Kreat drama of mystery and love, "The Thirteenth Chair." T those who did not see the road show bf this splendid hill, an excellent chance to enjoy its two hours of ex eitement and fun will be offered by the Players. Following this bill up with a still greater success, the piny which h"ld Broadway wlih Its beau tiful story for nearly two seasons. "East Is West," shou d insure capac ity houses. "Turn To the Right' - i he third offering of the reason and nothing need be said of this show ex-cej-t that it is the original play lv that name anl is splendid. A more re cent, stici-ess. "Pryond the Horizon." conies next. The .inthor i Etigen O'N'e '1. ivobaliiy Aiueri. a's leadini dramati.-t. The fifth production wi',1 Parries treniendei's success of I'1-" heason. "Hear Brutus." Too much cannot be sa:d con "ernine this truly iwonderfu' drama in Barrie's best style. The riayt rs will dose the'r season with a complete prodtict'on of Shnk-1-seaie's "Merry Wives of Windsor." S'ev r.l of the shows to ho produced this season have never been seen in Lincoln before. The road shows of "East Is West" and "Beyond the Hori zon have not reacnea inis mr ri ind probably will not during this sea son. So the Players are offering the very latest plays available. The price of the season tickets is most reason able, averaging only a little over 50 cents a performance. The, matinee rickets will lower the cost ro not quits in cents a performance. The tickets will be on sale all next week, beginning today at the differ ent booths, and the riayers sincerely iv that the students will avail thetn selves of the opportunity and give them the support they rightly deserve. (Continued from Page One.) RALLY FOR STADIUM DRIVE TO BE HELD IN LINCOLN AUD ITORIUM MONDAY MORNING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING pie filed into l,lncoin to w uur .- i..--, state fair, coming by means of auto mobiles for the most part. With a stadium capable of seating 40,000 peo ple will file to Lincoln in the same crowds of thousands to witness the Cornhusker clashes. A. J. Behrns cf Avoca isited the Thi Delta Chi house Thursday on his wav to Denver. To Rent A room for men stu dents. 1723 0 street. For Sale -New $M Conn trumpet for 60. Used but one month. Room 32.1 Y. M. C. A. I.0st Gold Eversha'P pencil. Re turn Nehraskan office. One pair tortoise shell glasses in leather ease. Kinder re turn to this office or to 1414 G St. r.-stOne notebook and Spanish hook in shooting gallery. Notes very valuable to owner. Return to this office. Found One pair tortoise shell plassrs. Apply at 202 Armory. Lost One ring set with Urge pearl, and one set with garnets and pearls. Ncbraskan Octce. Lost One handbook of Knslish composition. Return Daily NebrasUn Office. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR HOME 1 STYLE CHICKEN POT PIE? f EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATC aDAi . faculty members should he the ores to be considered first and the Players on the other band should receive a certain amount of first hand loyalty from the students. In attempting to carry this idea on', "the Players have hit upon this Saf urday matinee with its reduced prici as a means to make it a reality. Com mencing w ith today's sale the students will have their opportunity to reeist r their feeling upon the subject by tak ing advantage of the riayer s offer. The list of plays which is being of fered should cause any one who lev. i the best of American and English drama to want to see the plays. T!v Players will open their season Oc'.n- OFF THE I? EATEN S PATH Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA "Fill Ins Stati' r. for llnr.cry F Iks Or- 6:20 A. M. Close 7 30 P. M. E i ift ! if-:, ft UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Ticket Campaign BARGAIN PRICES TODAY Ml' BUY YOURS N0Ws. Six performances . S,x Performances 1 i'2 fa fa Sure vre nre, but for the eKtra slews you take you'll ?! cave Extra Dollors . . cj -mif- v. ROSEWILDE Saturday, October 14-h COMPLIMENTARY DANCE In Honor of 1922 CORNHUSKERS THE TEAM AND THEIR FRIENDS CORDIALLY INVITED WATSON'S ORCHESTRA - Crescent Subscription Dance ROSEWILDE NORTHW ALL'S JAZZIAND EAKD Friday, October 12th Admission 1.00 War Ta;:, 10c; Total 1.10 i:d i open b:oU a. id. t w-.-w 71 ' Vr r.r7. r 7. . , l , , -, - f ,i ill, . ' i! ll ll i. !i ii Ji. Ai-IA ' I t SPRIF.R'S FOR QUALITY I mil Mr . mi ' 4r. 'rsHpiL 1 & i i FRIDAY NIGHT 2 - PIANOS - AT TEE New Lindell Party Kcuse SATURDAY NIGHT THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY "SERENADED S" Refreshments .... $1.00 plus tax. Favors Conac Club Dance Lincoln Hotel Ball Room Friday Oct. 13th Louisiana Ragadors Admission $1.10, lax included. Si MTJNSOX MOTOti f'0?JPANY, 312? V ST. RENT-A-FORD B-1550 B-1517 DRIVE IT YOURSELF The Place For Better Service Car Rsfrv4 ,y phone Given Special Attention y J, iy.T r. P7-?' Y-t "MM if- Ai . TTie Goal of Value! The Goal of ' Quality! Successful teamwork mill to maker to us re sults in the greatest Overcoat values in years. We forward pass this buying advantage to 3Tou certain in the belief that you are getting one hundred per cent plus for your Overcoat dollars. Here's your favorite Overcoat in all the better materials; grays, tans, browns, blacky and blues, clavicle style; belted backs; reverted pleats; yoke backs; rag Ian shoulders; set-in shoulders; velvet or self collars. Sizes for everybody. Clotkcraft Overcoats 16.50 - $19 - $24 - $29 X7 V M i 1 ON THE COP NED 10 and O ST. Herman Speieb SUCCESSOR ON THE CORNER 10tAnd OST. I