The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1922, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Today at 11
Today at 11
iTiTNrn "tahinm mm mh
Executive Secretary of the Na
tional Council for Reduction
cf Armaments Here
Hrs Varied Experience in Euro
pean Affairs Thinks Nations
Should Co-operate
IV. ileriek J. Libby, executive sec-re;.''-
i i the National Council for
Hedm lion of Armaments, will speak
at i 'invocation today at eleven
,m la, k at tlie Temple. Mr. Libby will
l in Lincoln nil Tuesday and Wed
nesday forenoon.
Mr. Libby was born in Richmond,
Maine, grew up in tliat state, gradu
ated from Bowdoin college and later
fnmi tin- Anilover theological semi
nary. He received n two-year trav
eling fellowship and went to Ktirope
where he studied one year at Oxford
and one in the German universities,
coming to know intimately the mili
larbtic phases of the German nation
lieioiv the war.
After serving as pastor of the
I'llicm Congregational church o!
Magnolia. Massachusetts, for seven
.wars, Mr. Ubby visited and studied
the countries in the region of the
Pacific ocean Japan, China, Aus
tralia, New Zealand, and the various
smaller islands.
Following .this trip, Mr. Libby
taught for seven years in the Phillips-Kxeiei-
academy in New Hampshire.
In IMS he went to Kurope with the
(Junker relief committee, returning
again after the war as its European
commissioner for reconstruction, and
worked ill (iermany, Poland, Austria,
Fiance and Serbia. During his work
with the Quakers, Mr. Libby himself
bcamo a Friend.
His varied and long Kuropean ex
perience not only convinced him of
the necessity for harmonious eo-op-craiion
among the nations of til"
world but provided him wilh the best
possible background for the work of
the national council.
Entertain Graduates
of McCook High
The Mc( ook High Sc hool graduates
attending the I'niversity of Nebraska
were entertained by Dr. and Mrs. C.
I. Fahnestock at their home on South
Twenty-sixth street, Sunday afternoon,
October S. The purpose of the meet
ing was to organize a McCook club.
This organization will establish a close
bond between Hie activities of the high
school and the I'niversity.
The club will endeavor particularly'
'o interest McCook High School sen
iors in entering the I'niversity of Ne
'naska after their graduation from the
high school.
The organization will include grad
uates from McCook high school, who
are actively working in the I'niversity
of Nebraska. Audley Sullivan is pres
ident of the McCook club. The other
dficeis are: Gladys Rozelle, vice
president; Edna Kent, secretary and
Measurer; Mary Iloyle, corresponding
secretary. The club will meet the
first Sunday afternoon in each month.
1'lans are being made for several so-
ial affairs during the year.
After the business meeting a so
cial hour was spent and supper was
seived the guests.
The McCook High School graduates
I resent at the first meeting were:
Dorothy Perkins, Gladys Rozelle, Mar
garet Fahnestock, Edna Kent, Mary
Itoyle, Gundell Goldansky, Audley Sul
livan, Willard Dutton, Raymond Mun
ilen. Wilinm Hart. John Kleven, Ro
land Liveburg and Van Gatcwood.
W. S. G. A. Campaign
for Expense Fund
The annual V. S. G. A. campaign
for the scholarship and general ex
pense fund begins today. The goal
for this year has been set at $1,000.
The membership fee is fifty cents,
which includes the right to cast one
vote in the making of your own rules.
Sophomore Olympic tryoutt for
wrestling and boxing will be held
at the Armory Wednesday eve
ning at 7:15. Every aophomore
man it expected to report. Try
outa for the relay team will be
held Saturday on Nebraaka field
Mortarboard to Give
Tea Next Thursday
Mortarboard wiP give a tea Thurs
day afternoon in Ellen Smith Hall
from 4:30 to 6 in honor nf the vUli.
ng teachers who will he In Lincoln
attending the Teachers' convention
of the first district. 'Mortarboard will
be assisted hv the irirlu nf ilm ..,.,,;,,.
honorary society nr' nwiinr.
High School as hostesses for the tea. !
Doth men and women teachers at
tending the convention will lie the
guests at the tea. All university in
structors are urged to attend also, to
meet the teachers, many of whom are
graduates of the I'niversily. An in
formal program of music will be given
during the tea.
Sororities and Dormitories Inter
viewing; Every Girl in Uni
During the Drive
Fourteen teams aided by represen
tatives from dormitories, rooming
houses and sororities are carrying
on the annual linanee compaign of
the I'niversity Y. W. C. A. There
is to be no soliciting on the campus.
Every I'niversity girl will be person-
n'ty interviewed during the week.
The campaign will close at 5 o'clock
Monday evening, October 16. Con
tributions arc voluntary. Two dol
lars is the average amount given.
(J iris living in dormitories, room
ing houses and sorority houses will
be interviewed by representatices of
their houses. Members of the teams
will see all other girls. Each team
consists (( ten members and a cap
tain. Liu. (boons for all team work
ers will be given Thurday and Fri
day at 12 o clock in Ellen smitn
hall Reports will be made at that
The list or team captains follows:
Mildred Daly.
Helen Kummer.
Kathleen Warner.
Kuth Harrett.
Kulli Small.
Julia Sheldon.
Verna Bowden.
Isabel Fonts.
Marian Madigan.
ii trice Baird.
Helen Tomson.
Jean Holt.
Margaret Hager.
Jeanne Swarzlander.
DeBaufre on Trip
to Washington, D. C
Trofessor W. L. Dellaufre, head of
he department of Mechanical Engi
neering, left for a two weens irip iu
Washington last week. He will meet
the other members of tlie committee
on investigation of the methods of ex
traction of helium from natural gas.
le was appointed by the navy depart
ment at Washington, where he is very
well known. He took with him a set
of plans for a water level gauge for
measuring the level of liquids under
high pressure. This apparatus is ne-
essary in dealing with liquidified
. .. . i. 1 1.. .. i.i
gases, whose levels, wneii me iiu.,
are confined in tanks, cannot be taken
from a direct gauge. Mr DeHaufre's
assistant in the work, C. V. Piekvvell,
pent several weeks in drawing tlie
Mangold Wins the
Box of Chocolates
Irene Mangold, Achoth, won the
ound box of chocolates offered by
. A. A. to the girl who should prove
Tse'f the best saleswoman. Miss
Mangold sold candy, peanuts., nppl"
and hamburgers at the South Dakota
game, amounting to :n..m. -'
est competitor, La Verne Hrnbaker,
sold S45.S5. "I could have sold mor?
than that if we had had it." said Miss
Mangold. 'Everybody wanted candy
and hamburgers long after they wore
gone. Apples were harder to sell. I
guess it was too cold for them.
Howarth Has Good
Team at McCook
class of
Howarth, "N" man In the
'22. who Is now teaching in
writes in an Interesting let
ter to friends in the old alma mater.
"My team is getting along in good
shape. We beat Henkelmnn 44-0 and
Orleans R7-6, using the second team
in the second half. I have only two
letter men from last year so you can
see they are quite green. We play
North Platte this coming Friday and
may get beat, as they outweigh us ten
pounds to the man."
Sophomores Planning to Take
tne Measure of Yearling
Warriors in Minor Events
Extensive Preparations Being
Made to Handle All Events
in Record Time
Olympics come October 21.
For years, the freshmen have car
lit d off the honors in the class scran
held on homecoming day.
This year, if the powers that be in
a physical way make it possible, the
sophomores hope and pray to carry
off the honors. They have not the
slightest hope of winning in the pole
rush; they expect Ward Kelley to be
pullei, down from the top of the pole.
Hut the second-yard men are hoping
i and planning to carry off the points
il'i tlie re'ay races, the boxing events,
1 1 he wrestling events, and if by na
tural and physical strength it is pos
sible, they hope to carry off the points
in the can rush. Last year the fresh
men won this event by a hair or
r 1 1 her by about one pair of hands and
this year the men who fought for the
honor last year hope to, by their ex
perience, carry off the honors in this
year s rush.
And toward this end the sophomores
lire working. The ron Sphinx have
plans laid for the sophomore tryouts.
Kelley will soon appoint his Olympic
committee. The Sphinx are sponsor
ing boxing and wrestling tryouts to
hci held Wednesday and relay tryouts
to be held next Saturday. The wrest
ling and boxing troyouts will be held
in the gymnasium. Many of the box
ers and wrestlers who fought for the
lass of H25 last year are in school
4gain this year. These men are ex
pected to try for another chance to
.ipho'd the honors of their class.
It is generally agreed the sopho
mores must organize it they are to
beat the freshmen. It is an unheard-
thing, an almost inconceivable
phenomenon for I'niversity students ro
think of the sophomores carrying off
the Olympics. The Iron Sphinx and
all the other men of the sophomore
class are planning to organize now.
They are planning such an effective
organization that the class of 1!I2G can
not, conquer it. They are organizing
on the principle that team work wU
boat brute strength and overyhelining
Every fraternity Is urged to see that
its underclassmen attend the tryouts
both Wednesday and Saturday. It is
considered the duty of all second-yeai
men to fight In tlie Olympics and only
by getting the best men 1n the sopho
more class will the sophomores win.
The mouthers of the Iron Sphinx
Olympic committee are Marlon Har
lan, chairman, George Scott and
i'eiald Carpenter.
Sophomore Class to
Meet Next Thursday
There will be a meeting of the
sophomore c'ass in tlie Social Science
Auditorium Thursday at 11 o'clock.
Officers will he elected and the Olym
pics will he discussed.
The committee in charge of the
Olympics is, C.eorge Scott, Marian Hif
lan and Herald Carpenter. Other com
mittees will lie announced later.
The South Dakota game, long anticipated, Is now passed. We had the
long end of a 6(1-0 score. Our athletic horizon has cleared up a bit. In
fact we are beginning to feel a little optimistic about our future games.
I, is all right to fool optimistic to a certain degree, but we don t want
to let our optimism get the better of us and cause us to "get the swelled
head." and expect our teams to run up nothing but big scores.
The South Dakota team did not offer us as much resistance as wo
expected but that does not mean that we will not get twice as much as
we ate expecting, from some of the others. Look at the games that are
coming- K. I'.. Kansas Aggies, Ames. Oklahoma, Syracuse and Notre Dame.
AH of these teams know our style of play somewhat and have been "laying
for us" over a vear. They are going to try their very best to carry away
the honors themselves, and it will be a hard job for us to prevent it. We
don't want to look for big scores like the South Dakota one; we want to
be satisfied with winning.
U it can only be remembered that every other schoo', and every other
team is Just as anxious to get the honors as we are, and that there Is jus
as much honor in Just winning as in "running away" with the game, we
will be all right. We should always keep in mind "fight 'em. fight 'em.
fight 'em." but keep out our over-confidence. We're in to do our best,
and win If we can. Therefore, don't be "nagging" If we don't make big
Rcores, and be happy that we can win.
Keep Close Tab
On Frosh Caps
Freshmen must wear their green
Such is
the decree handed down
by the members of Iron
last week
Friday a box was placed in I'-hall
with a sign telling all students who
knew of freshmen not wearing emer
ald headgear to insert the names of
the first-year men so violating Ne.
braska traditions in that box.
Monday afternoon, the sign on the
box was missing and to the students
who are not Sphinx, the wooden re
ceptacle meant nothing.
Hut such action of a freshman or
two is nuL to prevent the enforce
ment of the green cap tradition. Now
a call is going forth to all loyal stu
dents to report to any member of the
Iron Sphinx the names of freshmen
who fail to wear their green caps.
Every fraternity has two Sphinx.
Students knowing of freshmen violat
ing rules of the school need hut call
the fraternity and inform one of the
Sphinx there about the infringement.
The Sphinx are anxious for student!
to do this. The Innocents have put
it up to them to enforce the green
cap tradition. Dean of Men Daw says "Do it by all means, hut do
not create hospital hills for me to
pay." It is up to the Sphinx to obey
the trust laid in them. Students
should co-operate by helping them.
Green Goblins are also on the gen
eral I'niversity committee for tlie en
forcement of the wearing of the
green headgears. The Goblin.s
should report to the Sphinx all fresh
men who are not wearing the emer
ald headgears.
Janet McLellen and Lillian Mar
golin Rewarded by A. A. of
University Women
Janet McLellan and Lillian Margo
lin are the winners of the scholarships
olfered each year to sophomore ami
junior girls by the American Associa
tion of I'niversity Women, according
to an announcement made yesterday
by Miss Gertrude Jones, secretary of
the Lincoln branch ot tnai orgain...-
tion. Miss McLellan won the SK'u
scholarship and the second scholar
ship of Slid goes to Miss Margolin.
The awards are made on the basis
of scholarship, outside activities, and
the measure in which the girl is self
supporting. This is the Irst time that
a sr.h scholarship ahs been awarded.
Applications for the scholarships are
made in the spring. The awards arc
made the following fall.
Miss Margolin is a Junior in tho
Arts and Science College. She comes
from Omaha. Miss McLellan comes
fiom Lincoln and is a junior In the
College of Husiness Administration.
Three Omitted from
List of Mystic Fish
The list of new members of Mystic
Fish, published in Sunday's issue of
the Daily Nebraskan, omitted the fol
lowing names:
El va Carter.
Eleanor Graham.
lb ten Dodds.
'The Thirteenth Chair" Is Title
of the First Play of the
Winter Season
lo Start Campaign fcr Sale of
Season Tickets on Friday
the Thirteenth
"The Thirteenth Chair" is an
nounced as the opening play of Vni
orsity Players' 1922-23 season. This
is the play which created such a
stir in dramatic circles a few years
ago and his been wonderfully suc
cessful in stock and road shows since
then. The Players will give "The
Thirteenth Chair," a full scenic pro
duction at the Temple theatre on
October 26, 27 and 2S, with an added
performance as a matinee Saturday
tiie 2Sth.
The Players will offer season tick
?ts for sale this season as in pre
'. ;,u;, years and the sale will com
mence on Friday, October 13. The
ticket season tickets for night per
toimances will be sold at the same
price at last year three dollars and
fifty cents. The Matinee tickets
are to be offered as a special induce
ment to the students who it has been
said aic often unable to purchase
the iigilar season tickets for '.lie
night pt i lormance. These matinee
tickets will be worth two dollars anil
fifty cents, but in accordance with
the earnest desire of the Players to
get tlie students out to these splen
did plays the management is offer
ing them at a reduced price of two
Needless to say the real reason
back of this movement to get the
students out to these performances
of the I'niversity Players is simply
that the Players are a student or
ganization and are trying to bring
that particular branch of I'niversity
activity into the position it justly de
serves in the I niversity lite. J ne
Payers want tlie students and the
students will enjoy the Players.
Owing to the fact that the execu
tive dean has requested that the
practice of offering prizes to those
students or organizations who have
heretofore engaged in contests in
order to sell the tickets, be aban
doned, the Players are unable thi.
year to offer any material induce
ment to the ones who will be called
to sell the tickets. In a way this
will be a decided disadvantage, but
the idea back of tlie executive dean's
request is splendid. It is in a word,
loyally. Loyalty to the I'niversity
and its organizations. If the proper
spirit is shown, tho tickets will be
easily sold.
Aside from the point of loyalty and
school spirit is the actual induce
ment offered in the plays them
selves. The Players will open with
a scenic production, of Bayard
Veiller's most exciting mystery
drama, "The Thirteenth Chair."
Theatergoers will recall this play's
being in Lincoln on tour a few years
!igo. From the reception accorded
"Seven Keys to Haldpate" last sea
son this play will be warmly re
ceived. The Players will follow up
with "East Is West," that sensation
al success of three reasons .ago,
which made Fay Haintner a star.
There have been dozens of people
already asking concerning this play
alone. Eugene O'Neill's "Beyond the
Horizon" will come third in order,
but not in importance. This is the
lirsl time that "East Is West" and
"Beyond the Horizon" have been in
The fourth product ion will he
"Turn to the Right," and nothing
need be said of lliis play except that
it is the same big success that played
Lincoln two seasons ago. The next
production will be one of James Bar-rif.-g
"Dear Brutus," and in secur
io ti,i i.inv for their natrons, the
, ...... --- --- --
Players have indeed ben most for
tunate. This is the piaT in which
William Gillette was starred in the
season l!'l!-2f. The TMayer will
Cose their season with Shakespeare s
"Merry Wives of Windsor." They
will follow their usual practice of
staging their Shakespearean produc
tion in a a most elaborate manner.
Don't forget that the season tick
ets for the night and matinee per
formances of these six plays will go
on sale on Friday the 13th. They
will be sold at Ross P. Curtice's
music store and the matinee tickets
for students at the special reduced
price, will be sold on the campus
(Continued on rage 4)
Freshman Commission
Has Party Saturday
All freshmen girls are invited to at
tend a parly given by the last year's
freshmen commission on Saturday,
October 14, at Ellen Smith Hall. It is
considered their Ingest party of the
year, anil may become a tradition es
tablished by the commission of 1921-
22. Special preparations are being
made to have it in the form of a car
nival, with booths scattered around
ihruont the different rooms. The for
mer members are very anxious to get
acquainted with all the new ones, so
they are urging freshmen girls to be
To Appear in Many Sectional
Meetings of Nebraska Teach
ers' Association
I'niversity professors will give ad
dresses before many of the public
school teachers meetings in the state
this week. Meetings of schools in the
first district will be held in Lincoln.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'ni
versity professors will appear at many
of the sectional meetings.
In the Primary Elementary section
Thursday. Dean W. A. Sealock or the
Teachers' College will talk on "Habit
in Education."
Dean Sealock will speak on "Educa
tion and Social Reconstruction at Nor
folk Saturday morning for the third
district district meeting. Dean Sea
lock spoke last Thursday at Coluni
pus, and Friday he spoke at Nebraska
Dr. Lida H. Earhart of Teachers' Col
lege will go to McCook Wednesday o
make an address on "Socializing the
Teaching of Languages."
In the physical sciences section,
high school chemistry will be discus
sed by Dr. II. (!. Deining from the
viewpoint of the college instructor
and from the view point of the high
school instructor by R. W. Tyler, su
perintendent of sciences in Teachers'
College High School.
Dr. Hartley Burr Alexander will
lecture on "Intellectual Life in the
Middle West" Saturday morning il
the general meeting of the district.
Laura Pl'eiftVr will preside at tha
gathering of history instructors Thurs
day afternoon.
Professor N. A. Bengston will lec
ture on geography in the geography
and nature study section Friday after
noon. He will mane an acinic!,;, im
Thursday afternoon in Norfolk in the
Social Science section.
Professor Herbert Rrownell will
leave Wednesday for McCook wnete
he wi'l speak Thursday in the science
section of the district meeting.
Professor Paul 11. Crunimaiiii wiU
talk on "The Training of the Senses-
Thursday afternoon in the art section.
The meetings of that group will b"
held in the art gallery in the Libra re
Professor R. O. Clapp will prcsidi-
over the Physical Training secinm.;- O. R. Martin will npp-w.
before the Comercial section meeting
Friday to talk on "Bookkeeping from
the Husiness Man's Standpoint."
In the Latin section Friday after
noon, Professor John A. Rice will give
a demonstration of the practical use
of lantern slides in etching Roman
"A Study of the Mathematical Abil
ities of High School Pupils" will li?
discussed Thursday afternoon in the
Mathematics section by Professor A.
R. Congdoli.
Miss Elizabeth Rutherford will lec
ture in the Home Economics section
Thursday afternoon on "The Trend or
Home Economics Training o Meet th.
Needs." in the discusinn on "What
1 Should Home Economics Training Do
for Our Oirls."
"Correlation of Music and Other
Suhjects" is to be discussed by Miss
Marion Wilcox Thursday afternoon in
the music sectional meetings.
Echoes from the National Home
Economics convention will be given
Friday afternoon by Miss Matilda
Peters and Miss Stella Mather of the
College of Agricu'nire. The same aft
ernoon Miss Bess Steele wil speak at
the Home Economics section meet
ing on "The Teaching of the Applied
tion of Art."
Miss Lila Wyman. a student in the
Teachers College, will tell a Bible
story Friday afternoon for the Primary
and Elementary' teachers.
Herbert McAhan. also a University
student, will give an organ recital at
the eeneral convention meeting Sat
urday morning.
Ninety Thousand Dollars to Be
Raised by Students Through
Hnstailment Pledges.
Pledsinc of Fuhds to Begin Mon
day arid Last Throughout
the Week.
Nim iy
Wick that
tin 1 ' in v :
that N, hi
may he a
must mad.
dollars in one
students of
! must pledge in order
-l."fs Memorial fliadium
n-a'ily. Every student
a pledge (,f at least $25
that amount is to be raised. The
pledges m
li-.enl.- thi
he paid in five install
amennt of the pledges
my be as high
student wishes.
One lit.ndr.--d
Stadium ll'.ililei
Monday i , niu
as tin- ir.iiividual
members of the
committee met
in the 'Temple
building io complete preliminary
plans for the campaign for funds to
be held next vvei k. The Stadium
Huilding campaign will start Monday
and run rontiinionsly almost night
,nd dav for the committee until Fri
day evening. The results of the
week's activities will be announced
to the crowds at the homecoming
game October 21.
In starting off the meeting Mon
day evening, Harold V. lloliz. alumni
secretary, told of the plans for the
new structure. He showed the mem,'
hers o! the Stadium Building com
mittee a drawing o! the plans. He
hold how in order to realize on the
Stadium the students must pledge
$!hi, (idii, the city of Lincoln must
pledge $l,'i(i,iiiin, the members of the
I'niversity faculty must pledge $21,
."i00, the city of Omaha must pledge
$00.00(1. the rest of t lie state must
pledge $r.7,iHie and the alumni out
side of the state and in foreign coun
tries must pledge an additional
Stuents and Alumni Only
Students and alumni cn'y are to
he urired to pledge toward the new
Memorial Staiuin. The friends of
the l niversitv will not be canvassed
for funds although contributions
from them will be accepted.
Nebraska is the next to the last
school in the Missouri valley , ac
cording to lloltz. to make some plans
for a Memorial, for a student union
or endowment of some kind, lie ex
plained that the physical plant at
Nebraska has not been k' pi. up. Ne
braska will soon have to ).-ok else
where lor funds. Within a few
years it is hoped that millions o:
dollars in endowments will he avail
able for ih. Tiiiversity, The state
legislatures have b '. oinmonly
slow to appropriate cnouL-h rands for
state miiver-ilSes, In- explained.
"If we fail ill Uhis undertaking,
v.e don't kneov when we will be able
to go io our alumni for the third
time. T'v-,, ago we started out
to raise
i ii'lion dollars and were
caught. l:i ill
We losi (i. ii i
business depression.
erve and 0'iit. It we
feel certain we would
Stadium toav. It i nly
h more work ".nw."
I that In ris t '.''
,i, vet- n a s,iii-it
:" show a at N h-aska
had kept o ,.
have li.e'. '
means .- ' is
Hoi .. :
years 1 . o i
such a- i-"
this V
.,1 the s'i:,h I:'.S
. net t.vpe. They
students who v. ill
irv sacriiice for the
are oi a
are the I.
make i:ie i
Holt, de, lared that it "as nor
noccssari'.v because we can afford
the $!..""" Stadium that wc must
raise this ; mom,!. It is because we
appreciate vvha; the state is giving us
free, lie praised the p. ople of Ne
braska who a,, willing ' P' "IX,'S
that the " per cut of the high school
graduates who seek higher education
may be given ihe opportunity they
Must Fiedge 18.000 Units
In raising te $-l.UM'0. more than
IS.Oon uniis intwt he pledge.'.. These
units arc .ahied at W eath. They
are in the form r.r n"!-, the first
pavmen' to be made at the time of
making the pledge and the other four
pavments one for each of the follow
ing months until completely paid.
The second pa.vnient does not. how
ever, come due until six months
after the Stadium contract is let. Tt
i, hoped that this will be let next
Januarv and that the 1923 Oornhns
kers will be playing in the new struc
ture. At Illinois the Quota per student
(Continued on Page