The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1922, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
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vnii. XXII. NO. IS.
All Colleges Are Assigned Their
Quotas to Fill In
, Campaign.
Holt' Organizes Drive in All
Parts of the
The drive for Nebraska's new $400,
000 stadium will start on the cam
pus Monday, October 16. The cam
paign will continue throughout home
coming week.
The members of the stadium com
mittees will meet at 115 Monday in
Faculty hall. The Innocents, Direc
tor of Athletics Dawson, Dr. G. E.
Condra, and Alumni Secretary Harold
F. Holtx will meet with the commit
tees, 'ii.e organisation of the com
mittees will be completed and plans
for the drive outlined at this meet
ing. The quota assigned to the Univer
sity students is $90,000. The faculty
quota is $21,500. It is expected that
$150,001 wiil be raised in Lincoln.
Harold F. Holts, alumni secretary,
has been tusy the last week, organiz
ing the sudium campaign over the
state. In each county there is a com
mittee in charge of the raising of
funds. The alumni office wall also
carry on a campaign among Nebras
ka alumni, no longer living in thi
The stadium, which will probably
be completed within four years, will
cost $400,000 and will seat 40,000
The official quota by colleges is:
Arts and Science $31,4S0
business Administration 17.1S0
Teachers 14,300
, 3,520
. 2,560
A. & S. Medical
Bruce Clark New
Goblin President
Bruce Clark, '26, was chosen presi
dent of Green Goblins, freshman
men's honorary organization at a
meeting of that society held at the
Phi Kappi Psi feuse Thursday eve
ning. Other officers follow:
Vice president Ted Page.
Secretary Morris Roberts.
Plans for ushering at the football
games in accordance with the custom
followed by former Green Goblins
was discussed and a committee ap
pointed to report on the matter. New
men w ho had not been Initiated at the
first meeting weTe put through at
meeting held Wednesday evening.
Miss Appleby to
Leave for Denver
Miss Erma Appleby, secretary of
the University Y. W. C. A. expects to
leave Tuesday for Denver where she
will attend a meting of the Regional
Council of the T. W. C A. She will
be gone a week, stopping in Hastings
to visit the college there.
Miss Appleby, who spent the sum
mer in Europe, 1th the delegation
from the United States, is particular
ly Interested In the student problem
of the European countries. Interna
tional student friendship is needed
more than ever this year, she says.
Orchestra Elects
Four New Officers
Four orchestra officers were elected
last Thursday night They were, Wil
bur Johnson, President; Irene Fauld
er. Vice President; Margaret Tool,
Publicity Agent; Clement Ragan.
chairman of Social committee.
Delians Win "Rag"
Subscription Prize
The twenty-dollar prize offered to
the organization turning in the most
subscriptions in the Daily Nebraskan
circulation campaign, goes to the
Delian literary society, which topped
the list with 120 subscriptions.
As the result of the campaign, the
Nebraskan has the largest subscrip
tion list in its history. The Nebras
kan is sent to 250 high schools over
the state to acquaint the students
with the activities la the University.
W. S. G. A. Membership
Campaign this Week
V. S. G. A. will hold its member
ship campaign Tuesday and Wednes
day ot this week. The drive will be
carried on by the proctors of the
sororities, dormitories and rooming
houses and by girls stationed on the
campus. Kvery girl automatically'
becomes a member of W. S. G. A. on
registering in the University, hut
only thoso who pay the fifty-cent
membership fee become voters. Half
ot the fee goes to the loan fund,
which is used to help girls through
school, and half goes for general ex
penses. The goal has been set at
1,000 memberships.
The V. S. G. A. sponsors the an
nual girls' Cornhusker luncheon and
the gills' Cornhusker party, as well
as making the rules which govern all
University girls. It is a national
Freshman Girls' Organization
Takes In New Members
at a Luncheon.
. . , v ii.i.
Mystic Fish, freshman girls' hon- i
orary society, gave a luncheon Satur
day noon at the Lincolnshire, follow
ing which new girls were initiated.
The new members are:
Arline Rosenberry, Achoth.
Margaret O'Connell, Alpha
Marie Snider, Alpha Delta Pi.
Charlotte Baker. Alpha Phi.
Pauline Tait, Alpha Xi Delta.
Janet Wimble, Chi Cmega.
He"len Schwager, Delta Delta Delta.
Dorothy McGrew, Delta Zeta.
Marie McMahon. Delta Zeta.
Jean Felton, Gamma Thi Beta.
Blanche Strader, Kappa Alpha
Mildred Nissen, Keppa Delta.
Gladys Sidles, Kappa Kappa Gam
ma. Eleanor Pickard ri Beta Phi.
Pearl Collet t Phi Mu.
Ag College Holds
Mixer in Armory
Two hundred and twenty-five stu
dents attended the first Ag. mixer of
the ypar held at the armory Friday
After a short snappy program con
sisting of reading and songs by Miss
Alliebelle Brown and Miss Diller and
a piano solo by Miss Louise Newby
the evening was devoted to dancing.
Each year a number of mixers and
parties are staged by the Ag. and
Home Economics clubs. These mix
ers are held in order to get the men
and women students acquainted. This
is necessitated by the wide difference
in the courses of study taken by each.
Chaperones for the evening were
Dean Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pearsons
and Dr. L. V. Skidmore.
Kansas Graduate
Will Teach Here
John L Osborn has come from the
University of Kansas this year as as
sistant instructor in anatomy in tfce
rf.iiartment of zoology. He , has
charge of the histology laboratory this
semester and next semester will have
charge of comparative anatomy.
Mr. Osborne has been graduated
from the University of Michigan and
thp University of Kansas. He finish
ed his work at Kansas last year.
I irt Frosh Class
Meeting Thursday
The first meeting of the freshman
class will be Ijeld Thursday morning
at 11 o'clock in the Temple theater.
Minor class officers will be elected at
this meeting. Fred Funke, class
nrsident. will announce class corn-
ester and plans for the Olympics and
for the freshman party will be com
pleted. Alnha Phi Injured
in Auto Accident
Miss Eleanore Potter, a sophomore
from Omaha and a member of Alpha
Phi, was painfully injured in an auto
mobile accident Friday evening ai
20th and D streets. She was start
ing for the football rally t Ar"
morv. when the car in which she was
riding was struck by another car. Her
condition was found to be not as se
rious as was at first feared.
More Than Ever Before at Open
ing Football Rally in Arm
ory Friday
Two thousand students, the largest
number ever present at any opening
football rally, yelled themselves
hoarse in the Armory Friday night.
Captain "Chick" Hartley, and Coach
Fred Dawson were the main 'speak
ers. Fred Richards, head cheer
leader for this year, along with Mun
roo Gleason, his first assistant, led
the students in singing and cheer
ing. Chauncey Nelson, president of
Innocents, presided
After some snappy yells, the Uni
versity band opened up with the
"Cornhusker" and everybody stood up
and sang. Hartley, the first speaker
on the program, said that too much
confidence was the greatest danger
at this time. He said that the team
would do the best it could, and even
though it should be unable to win,
the students should back them in
everv wav possible. The only way
,he ,d",,s can,8hvow 'he,r.
u" f T bL C TT ..t
. ' . ,
men who are wearing sweaters or
letters from high school should take
them off. The only letter we want
worn on this campus is the "N", and
we're mighty proud and envious of
those who wear that. So all you
freshmen, or any of you who are
'wearing these sweaters, don't wear
i . ' .. ..
them on tne campus. -
Nelson advised the freshmen to don j
their green gear or take the conse
quences. A special section for
freshmen was reserved at the game
Saturday and their green caps set
them off.
After yells, songs ana more yells,
Coalh Dawson took the floor. His
remarks were much on the same
tenor as those made by Nelsop and
Hartley. He said: 'This team is
your team and my team. It is not
a naid bunch of professionals. It is
taken from the warp and woof of the
men of the University. You should
support it as such, and support it
under all conditions, win or lose.
The men get out and grind them
selves, through the gruelling strains
of the practice not for themselves,
but for the school and you. Show
the proper spirit, and show these
men you appreciate them by cheer
ing. "It has tesn necessary for me to
have the practice of the men private,
but on certain days I shall allow the
student body to visit the field and
see the men at work. Don't think
that what you see is an exhibition;
it is what the men go through every
dav. There were quite a few out the
last time I led the field be open, but
t want vou to show your spirit here
too by turning out in larger numbers.
And don't Just sit there and watch
ihem: it is your duty, if nothing else.
to cheer those men if it only shows
vour respect for them. When a good
nlav is made, cheer give the fellows
encouragement. And if you keep on
turning out in such large numbers as
we have here tonight along with the
"each man bring a man" idea you
will be doing fine."
All the speeches were heard with
interest and all were loudly applaud
ed. About one-third of those In the
audience were girls and they sat in
a front section all by themselves.
The balconies and seats were all
filled and nearly half of those pres
ent were standing. The scaffolding
which is still up for construction
work was covered with students who
desired to see it all. Two or three
boys slipped in and caused more or
less humor during the evening.
The cheers were given with lot
of viw and pep and made the old
building echo and re-echo. The cur
rent remark was: "If only we can
get as good cheering at the game, all
-ni hn wen." On the last cheer, the
loudest of all. Coach Dawson nodded
his head with approval and the as
sembly broke up.
Night Class Roll
Over One Hundred
The iiuiuber of etudruU en
rolled in the night classes of the
Arts and Science college Is not yet
known. The best estimate that can
be made at this time places the en
rollment in the neighborhood of one
hundred and fifty.
Mr. Reed of the extension depart
ment wishes it made clear that these
night classes are not exclusively bus!
administration. Courses la eco
,es. administration. Courses in e
nomics, history and other subjects are
also offered.
Postpone Stadium
Committee Meeting
Tho meeting of tho Stadium Com
mittee scheduled for this morning at
en, has been postponed until seven-
fifteen Monday evening. Fred T.
Dawson, Dean of Men and Director
of Athletics. Alumni Secretary Harold
Iloltr, Dr. G. E. Condra, and mem
bers of the Innocents will he present
Monday evening to help the organi
sation of the committees which wll!
take charge of the work during the
week October 16 to 20.
Students who were elected to serve
on the Stadium commltee but were
not placed on the committees of tho
college in which they were registered
should come to the committee meet
ing Monday night when they will bo
placed on their proper college com
mittee at that time.
Campaigns of all Descriptions to
be in Hands of Student
Complete regulation of all campus
drives in the future be in the hands
of the student council according to
the decision of the council made at
the regular meeting in Faculty hall
Thursday evening. Considerable com
ment has been made concerning the
many demands for money from the
student body and this action taken by
the student council will be a precau
tion against unnecessary drives. The
action has been approved by the
deans. It will be necessary hereafter
for any organization before it Is al
lowed to stage any kind of a cam
paign on the campus to appear be
fore the student council at one of
its regular meetings to secure author
ity for its campaign. The council
meets at 5 o'clock In Faculty hall
every Thursday. This ruling will be
strictly enforced and until a drive is
authorized and the council has an
nounced its approval no student
should subscribe to a drive.
A committee of the council will
meet with the convocation committee
in the near future to discuss the
possibilities of compulsory attend
ance at convocation for the whole
school. The council voted that it
would offer its services as a body to
do any work necessaay to make gen
eral convocations possible. The gen
eral convocation would be of the
greatest aid in promoting the school
spirit, is the opinion of the council.
General convocation Is an institu
tion in most colleges and in taking
this action the members of the coun
cil feel that the compulsory feature
would not be a great disadvantage
after the students had given the con
vocations a trial. The council invites
expressions of opinion from the stu
dent body on this matter.
By a unanimous vote of the council
the combined efforts of its members
were pledged to Harold Holts, chair
man of the stadium campaign. Uion
being Informed of the action of the
council. Mr. Holts expressed himself
as highly pleased with it. as he be
lieved that it was a clear indication
of the interest the school was show
ing in the coming campaign.
The council passed unanimously
the resolution on student spirit which
appeared in the editorial columns ol
Friday's paper and it urges every
student to maintain at all times the
spirit shown at the games.
New University Unit
of Legion Auxiliary
A unit of the American Legion
Auxiliary for University girls and
women is to be organized at the home
of Mrs. Samuel Avery. 1310 R street
Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock.
Sisters and daughters of men who
were in the service during the World
War and who now attend the univer
sity will largely make up the member
ship of this unit.
Activities of this organization will
include: making articles for the sick
and disabled ex-service men, packing
boxes of goodieg for them, assisting
with a canteen in Armistice Day, and
similar undertakings.
The American Legion needs no in
troduction to University students. The
state organization of its auxiliary, al
though only a little over one year old.
already boasts of 190 units, and a
membership of nearly seven thousand.
The state secretary, Mrs. H. R. Ball,
and the president of the local unit.
Mrs. C. E. McGlasson, will assist in
the details of orgaBizatlon and give
the girls a good start, so that in a
short time this win. it is hoped be
snort ume m --
one or ice most proBuuem e
Uoni on the campus.
Officers Elects for Organization
At Meeting Following
Tryouts for the University . Drama
tic club were held September 25. At
the same meeting the active members
of tho club elected the following officers
President H. Alice Howell.
Vice President Herbert Yenhi.
Secretary Irma Wolfe VA'unbs.
Treasurer C. L. Coombs.
Custodian of properties Nell
At the next club meeting, the new
members will be pledged. A com
mittee consisting of Irma Wolfe
Coombe, Irma McGowan and George
Turner has charge of the entertain
ment for this meeting.
The new members of the club are:
Henry Schepman, Jr.
Donald snell
Florence WiUwer
Dorothy Stubblefield
Alan Wallace
Jess Randol
Gertrude Broadwell
Irma McGowan
Edgar Holyoke
Helen Fenton
David Lindstrom
Mr. Gately
Helen Martin
Kenneth Adamson
Rolla VanKirk
Marian Richardson
Viola Loosebroek
Miss West
Dorothy Sprague
Edna Lynn
Alice Humbert
Mary Yahbroff
Celeste Leech
Mary Bost
Fern Hubbard
Richard Day
R. J. Bauder
William Norton
Gladys McDonald
Margaret Hager
Wilda Weaver
John Dawson
Don Hollenbeck
Neva Jones
Foster Matchett
Byron Qulgley
Pauline Galletly
Paul Gross
Arvilla Johnson
Marguerite Good
Sinia Billips
W. H. Felton
Leon a Whit tier.
Winifred Mayhew
Mr. Ericson.
Engineers Hold
Big Stag Party
Four hundred men of the Engineer
ing Colleges met in one grand stas
party at the M. E. Building Friday
night. The party was sponsored by
tie A. A. E. and came off in fine shape
Smokes, eats, ard drinks were abuit
dant. Exhibitions of fencing, boxing.
and wrestling were put on by differ
ent men in the colleges. A few of the
men played paddle poker. Others
gathered in groups and talked or the
wonders they had done in the past.
and those they expected to do in the
future. All the members of the fa
culty spoke.
The freshmen not in the M E. col
: delved aroynd in the different of the building tryi-; to in
c.if use their meagre knowledge Tunch
vith a real punch made the whole
n oting a joyful melody.
Siirma Delta Chi Has
Three New Pledges
Sigma Delta Chi, national honor
ary journalistic fraternity, pledged
three men at its last meeting held at
the Grand Hotel. Those chosen are
Adolph Wenke, editor-in-chief of the
1923 Cornhusker, Chauncey Kmsey,
business manager of the Daily Ne
braskan and Additon Sutton, business
manager of the Awgwan.
Two are given Berths
on Cheering Squad
Fred Richards and Munroe Gleason
are officially anounced as members
of the cheer-leading squad for this
year by Floyd K. Reed, general chair
man of activities on the field. There
is one more to be picked from th?
three men Rex Reese, Dean Lowry,
and Bill Bradley. The decision will
be made after the final tryouts at
the South Dakota game. All the men
a- and the co.Uon promise.
Nebraska Staff
to Hold "Feed"
Fifty members of tho editorial an. I
business staffs of the Daily Nebrnsknn
wl'l gather Wednesday at 6 o'clock for
tho first "ling" feed of the year. The
"Feeds" are given every year to ac
quaint the members of tho staff with
'ouch other.
The Wednesday evening party will
ho held In Faculty hall In the Tem
ple. Committees made up from the
roportorial staff are preparing tho
dinner and program of games anJ
dancing. House reporters and mem
bers of the staff who do not regularly
visit the office have been urged by
those in charge of the affair to visit
the Nebraskan office before Monday
and sign up for the party so that the
committee may know Just how many
to expect.
Wednesday is Date Set For Open
ing of Campaign lor unns
tian Association Fands
The University Y. W. C. A. will be
gin its finance campaign Wednesday.
It is the desire of the management
that no one contribute without know
ing something of the purposes for
which the money Is used. Attention
is called to the following outline of
work carried on by the Y. W. C. A.
The.e are now iw.nty-five girls
trainiOK for girl reserve work. They
work in co-operation with the city
association under the direction of
Miss Marian Wyman, girls' work sec
retary. Work is done among the
girls of the seventh and eighth grades
and is a force in the community.
There are fifty girls training to be
come camp fire guardians.
Each year the association sub
scribes for a number of magazines
for use in Ellen Smith hall. At the
end of the year, they are sent to a
minister in Kentucky who distributes
them in a county where there are
only two college men and but one
igh school graduate. Last year the
Sunday school papers left in St.
Paul's church were collected and
sent with the magazines.
The social service committee last
year visited institutions in and near
Lincoln and provided entertainments
for the inmates on several occasions.
The vesper choir sang several tinie
st the City Mission. Twenty-five
girls co-operated with the public
schools in Americanization work.
They taught in the night school and
in the homes and did some survey
A rummage sale scheduled for Oc
tober 19 will be among the first pr
jects along welfare lines to be taken
up this year. The purpose of it is
to provide clothing for needy people
at low prices. The clothing will be
collected by the association. Further
announcments concerning it will be
made later.
Benefit Mixer for
Band Huge Success
The benefit mixer in the Armory
Saturday night was a success from
all points of view. The band will
benefit financially as a result of the
large atendance.
A concert by the University band
proceeded the evening's entertain
ment. Leo Beek'g orchestra furnish
ed the music for the dance. Captain
and Mrs. Forbes, Major and Mrs.
Erickson, and Professor and Mrs.
Marten were the chaperones.
The members of the band will soon
appear in their new uniforms, which
are of the 6ame pattern as those worn
by the cadet officers of the R. O. T. C.
The uniforms were not here for yester
day's game, but they are expected
Beautiful Vesper
Service Observed
The annual candle-lighting vespers
of the Y. W. C. A. will be held Tues
1?y at five o'clock at Ellen Smith
hill. This service is a tradition in
college associations all over the coun
try. Each old and new member is
?,iven a small candle whic is lighted
from a large candle as a symbol of
tte light of Jesus in the heart of the
iris. Special music will bo given
l,y the choir. "Irs. Roy Green, a mem
ber of the advisory board and a form
er secretary, wil speak on "Follow
ing Jesus Christ."
Miss Erma Appleby, secretary of
the Y. W. C A. requests that an girls
there promptly at five o'clock .3
ltIe service must start on time.
First Touchdown Scored in Three
Plays in Opening Two Min
utes of Game
Dakotans Never Threaten Corn
husker Goal Students
Show Spirit
Scoring thr first touchdown within
wo minutes r.f play, the powerful
in:; Cornhusker eleven inaugurated
the season auspiciously yesterday
when they overwhelmed the South
Dakota Coyotes by the one-sided
eore of C6 0. The Coyotes were un
able to check the tierce offensive of
'lie lluskers. who continually swept
the ends and bucked the line for
Ions pains. The Coyotes never seri
ously threatened to score, the strong
Scarlrt and Cream forward wall hold
int; tho Dakotans to two first downs.
The Husker second team went In
during the second quarter, and again
in the fourth quarter.
Tlie weather was ideal for a foot
Mil game, a cold north wind keep
inc tlie players on their toes all thu
time. The grandstands began to fill
-np'dly at two o'clock, and before
the came becan, it was estimated
the: e were over 6.000 people in the
:amls. the largest crowd that ever
:it:er.ded the opening game at Ne
braska. When Jimmy Best' veteran
trainer, came on the field at 2:15,
t'ie crowd rose and gave him several
The South Dakota team trotted on
the field at 2:25. The Huskers. led
by Captain Hartley, and outfitted In
blue jerseys, followed the Coyotes on
the field.
The Nebraska team played in mid
season form, making but very few
fumbles and completely outclassing
t!:e Dakotans in every department of
:he game. The playing of the speedy
Husker backfield was little short Of
spectacular. Hartley played a fine
zame. carrying the ball for long
rains, and running excellent inter
ference. Noble skirted the ends
with unfailing success and Herb De
Witz lugged the pigskin for numerous
long gains. The Husker line was in
vincible. The ft-iuth Dakbta backs
fn'W-i miserably in their attempt to
p-'erre the Scarlet and Cream line,
n-bi'e. when Nebraska was on the
offense (as it was practically all the
time the Husker line made huge
g.ips for the backs to charge thru.
Story of the game:
First Quarter
South Dakota won the toss and
chese to defend the we't goal. Hor
kpy kicked off fifty yards to Noble,
who returned twenty-three yards to
the Nebraska 43-yard line. DeWItx
running from runt formation, ram
med i':e South Dakota right end for
forty-two yards. Hartley went
around the Sonth Dakota ripht end
for fifteen yards and a touchdown,
DeWitz muffed the catch on a try
for a point-
Scire: Nebraska 6: So. Dakota, 0
Horkcy kicked o'f sixty yards
across the Nebraska goal line. Ke
brsska put th" ball into rlay on
her lO yard line. DeWitz drove off
tackle for twelve yards. McFry ot
Pcuth Dakota recovered a Nebraska
rumble on the Nebraska 33-yard line.
Gold lost a yard, Quintal lost another
yard and then Gold gained a yard
ibrouch the line. Dobel tried a place
kick from the Nebraska 41-yard line.
The tall was short and Preston re
covered it on the Nebraska 5-yard
line. He ran thirtythre yards to the
Nebraska 47-yard line. Noble rammed
th" South Dakota left end for fifty
three yards across the South Dakota
goal, but the play was disallowed and
Nebraska penalized fifteen yards,
Hartlev drove off tackle for six
yards He added six more yards
through the line. DeWitx drove
thrcugh the right side of the line for
seven yards.
He fumbled the ball and Weller re
covered and ran fifteen yards to the
South Dakota 30 yard ine. Noble
ran the South Dakota right end for
nineteen yards. Noble ran throngs
the line for five yards. DeWltx
smashed off tackle for three yards.
vnM. hit the right side of the Hoe
for three yards and touchdown.
DeWitz kicked a place ucs en w
try for point
Score: Nebraska 13: so. -Gold
kicked off fifty-fiTe yards to
Hartley who returned thirty-three
yards to the Nebraska thlrty
(Continued on Pag J)