The Daily Nebraskan I'iiWInIimI Hiuiilny, Tii.'mlnv. Wi'dnemlnv 1 li.irM.I., v ,h,,I I 'I'liln v i,lllf , ; k l.y II.,. t lv..,Mlly of N,.,n,l.,,. AriT.ti.,l fur IHiilMiigr ul .rlnl ii,. uf y.j;"'1 . nutl,o,l,(., ,1 11 ii mi t-v 'JO OH K IAI. I MIkbnitv !( 111. , A I ION tii.l-r II... ,ii.,.,ii,, r ki,,,!.,,, ,",,. Mnillort llimril. .Hioiri,-,. i i.i,,,.,,!,,, Nt,i,1Bll, ,;;; ;,, Art i,r ',,i,i;r,.fn. Mm,. , ;i. m711 Hubm-rliulun rule ,. lt ,wu , , fl.M it nrmt alrr ?"'' l.v , ,.,, Ailtlrms nil - in m ,i u I im t In n n to TIIK l.II.V MIIUANKAN ..... . . Sliitlt.n A, Miii iiIii. Nell. TKI.KIMION li 1'nlvrr.liy I I J K.vculiiKn IIIIKH Killlnrliil iiikI IniMliifKH nrrifcn lii south-Wi-Nt ninirr ..f l,,iH,.m, t f a.IiiiIiiImi rn lion 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 u-. Ilolln Fnrnmn Killtn Offl,.,. lIntirn-10 1 nn, .& ,llv llrrhrrt llrnwnrll, Jr. .... Munmtlni lUlllor dime niiiirn. :i to (1, Mnnilnv. Tinmliiv i iiiiiKiiny, Miiiiirilny, Woill.l'KllllV, Mnrjnrl vniiin Ainmi'liitr l.lltnr r.nwuril mi.n Night K.lltor ituiiKrt I. frill Mitlit Killlur nnrim .. ,1111.11,11 Nlnlit Kililnr miumry ninn-j lliiHlnra MumiKi-r Offlio Mourn 4 to 0 Dully. Clifford M. lll, k. Airn't. Ilu-liicm MiinuitiT Friink F. Fry t'lri-iiliillnn MkIiI Killtnr for thin 1m.ii,.. Charles A. Mitchell llomiril llilffi'tt .Vitunt Mglit Killlur STUDENT OVER-CONFIDENCE Anion the students of the I'ni versity, among the followers of No braska football, bvit not among tlio members of the football Bquad, there Is a reeling that Nebraska ought to be ashamed If she Is even scored on this year. Such foolishness, on might go so far an to call it igno rance, as the persons making such Btatomenta disclose, deserves the ridicule of every sane person on the campus. Nebraska is not confronted with a walk-away schedule. The Cornhus- kers this year do not need to do more than see how high they can 'boost the totals. They have to work; they have to fight to win the first game and every game after that. To come through with a clean slate this year will be no easy mat ter ana no tmnKing sperson can weigh the facts ami assert that None Dame has no chance against Nebras ka; that Syracuse is easy meat. Not a team on the Huskers scheJ ule is going to let Nebraska win. Not a team that meets Nebraska this year will believe that it has not a chance and a mighty good chance to beat the Cornhuskers. True, Nebraska has a squad of ex perienced men. But so do rcos" of the teams Nebraska is to meet. Syra case has already defeated two stron? teams, both by comfortable, early season scores. Saturday Nctre Dame almost swamped Kalamazoo, an ancient and a dangerous riva". Missouri, Kansas, Ames and Oklaho ma are conspiring to take the Hus kers down. They will not meet Ne braska with any less fight than ha? characterized them in the batties of years gone by. South Dakota comes next Satur day. For two weeks before the Hus kers donned the moleskins, the Coy otes were preparing for the football grind. In games of years ago. South Dakota has always fought to the la? whistle. Not until the final second will either team be certain of vic tory on Nebraska field Saturday Cornhuskiep students and followers must beware of over-confidence. Re member the game of 1904 when Colo rado came to Nebraska doomed for defeat and went home carrying the honors. Remember the fate .whir!' supposedly awaited Nebraska at Pittsburgh last year. Realize that Nebraska is as susceptible to a de feat from an "on paper" easy rival, as were the Panthers last year, and Nebraska at the hands of Colorado Jn 1904. Over-confidence has been the ruin of many teams. Nebraska is no ex ception to the rule; its students and followers must realize the danger. ,,r in, ,11, i, .1,, ,i,.,..,u r,,i. i ,,,, I lualiiniH. Students are not. asked to sign the pledge, curds and forget about them. They are nuked to Join the unsocial ion thinking about what the hhboc latlons mean. To do this it. will be necessary to read ovef, ,'M ii study careliilly, the printed mat ter which outlines the principles u en which the organizations arc llUBOd. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Due of last year's I'nlverslty grad uates, in speaking of his lour years at college, declared that ho hud gulli ed utmost as much through his act ive Interest 111 the various school af fairs as he had lroni his course oT study, "If every freshman would start out with the Idea of entering in to us many school activities as lie possibly can and if he would work faithfully in these various move ments mid organizations, then he would begin to receive the full bene fits of his college life." So often on upperclassman may be heard to bemoan the fact that ho Is not more active In campus affairs. lie feels left out and wishes that he had started early to make for hint self ihe name of an active and Inter ested members of student body. It is sometimes haul wi sure, and when one Is carrying a "stiff course, It is not always os easy to enter into activities as one might desire. However, the advant ages to the gained more than repay the student for time and energy spent. Friendships are formed, new lines of thought are developed and one's name becomes known to the students. And is there anyone who can resist this appeal of publicity ol the right kind? Profit by the experience of a graduate, freshmen, and "enter in." HdtekwlHi iuldwecc slda"uo CALENDAR Wednesday, October 4 I'nlverslty Art club supper, 0 p. in., Art gallery. Important meeting of nil members Tlietn Sigma Phi 'Wednesday, Octo ber 4, nt ! p. m., Kllen Smith hull. Sriuaro and Compass club meet ing, 7 p. m., rnculty hall. Glrla Conuucrcllril club meeting, Social Sclenco hnll, room 305, R p. in. Kosniet Klub meeting, 7; 30 p. m. Dully Nebrusknn office. Thursday, October B Sigma Tail meeting, 7 p. in., Fac ulty hall. Lutheran club business meeting, 7 p. in., Social Science 107. Friday, October 6 Union open meeting, 8:30 p. in. Pu.ludlan. Delinn meeting, 7 p. in., Faculty hall. University Commercial Club, 11 o clock. Social Science 305. Pumbell meeting, 12 o'clock, S101. Alpha Omlcron Pi house dance. Chi Omega house dance. Saturday, October 7 Football South Dakota vs. Ne braska, Lincoln. Delta Sigma Delta house dance. Band subscription dance, Armory. Alpha Delta PI house dance. XI Delta dance, K. C. hall. Lambda Chi Alpha house dance. Kappa Kappa Gamma house dance. Xi Delta subscription dance, K. C. hall. Agricultural college mixer, Armory. Omega Ileta Pi house dance for fresh men. varieties than uirreticy hills como in number ot both greu and yellow .leiuiinliiatloiis. And it takes a goodly hark to settle some of ihe Itemized statements presented for payment Most Jokesmllhs are of the pinion I 'liil woiiu u run up mere bills tha.i men. Hut we thl'U :iit s'lice doc dim Uf". M'l'ltlllg "Sllll1!' pre it" ptloiM, the men are rumilngicali i wliii the women In the great bill derby. Kven .round "he first of th? month, "hill" lokes a crued in "Top' r, of the Day" Klluis bring a settlement ot laughs. Your laughter will bo ample payment lor our trouble in listing theso "hill' Jokes. Lost and Found Lost-Schrug & Allxl's grammar, lieturti to Pally Nebraskiin office. Lost-Delia Chi fraternity pin. Re ward, For sale Dark bluo duvetyn suit, molo trimmed, grey silk lining, scarce ly worn. One gymnasium suit, used ono semester. F4523. Lost-Man's ring, with 18 rubles. K1S02. V. Ha be. That Will Help. Doctor What you need is some more exercise. Patient All right, Doe, it that's tho case I'll run up a little bill. New York Dully News. Billing & Cooing. Ho met a fair maiden and soon he was a-wooing. He told her he loved her, the words softly cooing. He suggested they marry, she fell for the plan. On the first of the month billing began. "Topics ot the Day" Films Such Courtesy. Visitor I'm a bill-collector and I'm looking for Mr. Do Swell. Rut lor Sorry he Isn't In, but I will be glad to put your name on the wail ing list. Judge. U-NOTICE i'.-r'h-. if Mi'1 ml lntrost will b, pri!.:,.l in thu ,-',nin:i for two rons,.oa- ,l:p. s. i shniM ho In t he o hr.i-kM, i.ffi.," l.y five oclnrk.) PURPOSE OF AMBASSADOR CLUB He said he wouldn't take a million for It but he is giving it away every day. He is rich and the University Is proud to have such men as e. He doesn't drive a flashy Stutz in the height of fashion but if you look about you can easily see him Christmas time he packs his grip and drons down to his home town. They know him there because ot the way ho lavishes his wealth among them. He is a real Nebraskan who wouldn't sell the Neuiaskn Spirit for a million The Ambassador's Club has for one of Its purposes the exemplification of Buch a spirit In the high schools of Nebraska. THE Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A. University Men twll he asked this week to Join the- University Y. M. C A. University women will receive invr.,iiinn to become members ol the Unversity T. W. C. A. . Membership in the Associations Is besed on Interest and service. Stud enU vho are willing; to subscribe to the principles of the Associations are welcome to become members. The activities which these campus Ai-cm-niTAtiona reDresent are will known on the campus. They are vi tal factors In the life of the schoool The Invitation of new members does Wrestling Team Ail men who intend to try out for the wrestling team unless out for football, and all others who are inter- ed, are aked to report Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays in the Ar- tr.ory from four to six o'clock. Military Uniforms All uniforms for advanced military science students have now arrived, rnd are being issued in the basement of Nebraska hall. Officers whose uni-firr.-.s rro ready will secure them as 5o-ri risible ami wear them dur ir.g 'he -;r:'.l period. Swimming A'.l c;rls who wish to take swim-j r..;:.?. call at S 202, unless you have ived yuur swimming ticket. Organization Officers Officers of all campus organiza tion3 ars asked to call at the Stu dent Activities office any afternoon thi. week between ono and five oclock. Vocational Students' Club All vocational students are urged to attend a meeting Wednesday, Oc tober 4 at tho American Legion club rooms at 7:30 p. m. Reorganization and election of officers for the com ing year. Special piogram arranged. W. A. A. General W. A. A. meeting Wednes day night at Ellen Smith hall at 7:15 m. Theta Sigma Phi Important meeting of all members, Wednesday, October -1, at 5 p. m., ffllen Smith hall. Block and Bridle Club Meeting of all members 5 p. m., Wednesday, Judging pavilion. Catholic students will be enter tained by the Knights of Columbus Wednesday evening at the K. C. hall. There will be a program followed by dancing. Palladian alumni association will entertain the .active members and their guests at the home of Dr. and j Mrs. E. W. Rowe 2S2S Stratford ave-j nue at 8 o'clock Saturday, October 6. General meeting of W. A. A. no- night at Ellen Smith Hall, 7:15. Regular meeting of Amabassador's Club, Social Science Hall, Thursday Training Course of advisers for Girl Reserve club work begins Thurs day, Oceober 5, meeting from seven to nine. Every Thursday evening for all girls who are interested are in vited. The Union Literary society will meet at the regular time Friday eve ning in the hall of the Temple. Visi tors welcome. Bowling. There will he a meeting of the In dependent Bowling League Thursday night at 7:30 at the Delta Chi house. All fraternities interested in bowling have a representative out. University Commercial Club. There will be an Important busi ness meeting of the University Com mercial club Tuesday at 1 o'clock In Social Science SOS Ragbag. Say, Kathusa, Aren't you all Just worked up To ftuncontrollablo Excitement Ovah the new Honorary colonel? Just think what an Honor to lead the Grand inarch at the Military ball With such a good Looking feller and Everything. A freshman is very zero during the first few months of school. A queer co-ed Is Mary Goff; She never tries To vamp her prof. And just as queer Is young John Dlock: lie's never missed An eight o'clock. Pardon Me, But Were you ever Dazed? When the pledge Li.-ts came out Weren't you Stunned to see That Gotmore Rich Pledged Alpha Pi Epsilon When he was such a Pull from Podunk? JOKES Settling a Smile Bill Bills are due. Not only are they i.ue the first of the month, or there abouts, but things bought should be paid for to complete the deals equit ably. It is very easy for Mrs. Shopper to run up a charge account. And. when her hsuband receives a bill or statement at the end of the month. hi makes a charge against her ex iravagenee. Bills due come in greater Professional Visitor. Hay Did that young Doctor An thony break off his engagement with you? May I'h-huh! And he requested me to return all his presents. Then he sent me a bill for fifty visits. "Topics of the Day" Films. Out of Sight. Wifey This is a marvelous cli mate! And isn't it delightful to get away from home and climb up here where no ono can find us Hubby You bet it is, especially the bill collectors. Elizabeth (N. J.) Journal. Long Felt Want. Vic (munching apple) Aesop said, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Herb I wish I knew some fruit that would have the same effect on hill collectors. "Topics of the Day" Films. Headgear Trouble. Wife I wish, dear, that you'd settle. my last year's milliner bill. I really can't sleep thinking of it. Hub Your conscience pricking you eh? Wife Oh, no but I need two more hats right away. New York Star. A Silencer. Mrs. Knott Didn't your husband rave when you showed him the dress maker's bill? Mrs. Spott Rather; I showed him the milliner's statement and then he became simply speechless. New Brunswick (N. J.) Home News. All freshmen who took out football equipment and then dropped the course must turn in equipment at once, as a number of men wishing to join the squad are unable to do so be cause of the lack of equipment (Signed) FARLEY YOUNG Freshman Coach At a special meeting of the Delta, Pauline Gund, Gamma Phi Beta, was elected to take the place of Myrtle not come under the nsual category WKve. who did not return this i rear. THE BROWN BETTY Opening Night for Students Friday, October 6 University Students Pay l"s a Visit A FINE ORCHESTRA m FOR DANCING REFRESHMENTS It Will Re An EnjoyuMp Evening Ip5l 1720 So. 17th Make Reservations Phone ONE DOLLAR j! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT fel Mrs. G. Hudleston ; ml IT'S THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP AFTER ALL IGo ) Boy when you PROMISE HER GOOD CANDY, make GOOD with a box of Rudge & Guenzel's Candies. It's the thing this season. Ask anybody. Wt send our Candies all over the State and well send your order for candy any where you say. Tell us where. sais-- Candy Street Flor. Hutting Its blunt nose into tho at- mo:iphero that encircles the Caiupii ille, tho T. S. iirmy dirigible C-2 added a hit ot twentieth century color to the rumpus when It made several rounds over the University grounds yesterday. Students in the upper division air service unit made an Inspection yes terday of this blimp which recently completed a trans-continental flight from Virginia. Captains Flsk and Slgna of the California unit made the trip from Crlssy field when the bal loon niado Its appearance over tin campus. The Dally Califomlan. THE BIG FLOOD Aches and pains often phophesy rains. In days of flood, the place to park Is safe within a Noah's ark. It's a big flood that does nobody any good. HEFFLEY'S TAYLORS For Those Nifty Clothes Remodeling, Cleaning, Repairing For Men and Women 138 North 11th The Whistle Shrieked, traffic jerked to a stop, ihe officer held up his hand, "Hold on a minute," he shouted, "Give that man a chance to catch his new Dunlap! Fall blocks $7 Other Hats $3.50 & Upward Sweet Apple Cider 100 per cent pure apple juice mado from sound Jonathan apples. We cater especially to University, Fraternity and Sorority parties and social functions of nil kinds. Ice cold cider in kegs with spigots will be furnished on six hour notic. We also serve cider at our 12th Street Mill. Idaho Fruit Company 218 No. 12th B2472 The Flavor Lasts THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC ADRIAN M. NEWENS, Director Offers thorough training in Music, Dramatic Art. A largo faculty of specialists in all departments. Anyone may enter. Full informal ion on request. Opposite the Campus. Phone B1392 11th & R Sts. 'i -I FLORSHEIM Fall Low Shoes RELIABLE, refined-the kind you'll enjoy. Cost no more than ordinary shoes. j