SUMMER NEBRASKAN I'uMIsIhmI Tiii'wliiv. 'I'luirsiliiy mill Sntur d:iv i.f eiuli work ly tin- I llivi-rslty of Ni'liraska. KiiIitimI n m mi-oiul flxs- matter at I It IMiKlulTiiM ill l.imiilu. Ni'lir.iskii, mull-.' AiM .l I'oiir.'sx. March :l, 1 sT'.t. OtMOIM. IMtK.KMTV l'l IU.U ATION I nilcr the direction f lir Muilrnt I'tth ItcittioitN Hiiuril. hiiliM-riiniiin rule, .VH- for lite Mimnirr. Single copy. Be. MAN.U.KMKXT: " Jack An-tin Maimitcr llluir I'ctcrMin hilitur HKI'OKTKKS i:thrl llrrninn Weh-.v Tonklmnn who marched proudly forth only "a few homo s-.t Aurora al ter having attend OMK K IIOl'KS: Manager anil Killtor :i to A Unity SHnlrnt Aclivitiri. Office, liii-emrnt. W et Kml VilinltiUtriiiion KiiiUlinK- ANOTHER RECORD Another now record for summer school attendance is about to he set this session. More than GOO students ment year had recistered for the second term by 'the easer youiiR man bucks up against weeks ago with black govn, mortar board hat and diploma are beginning to realize why lollego graduation ix orcises are called ccmmenceincnt ex orcises. These young men arc just commencing the greatest adventure of the various cycles of life. The young man with broom in hand has just entered that cycle which may be aptly tailed "making a start." Babyhood consists mostly of having oilier people wait upon you; boyhood is the cycle in which the young man lives in a world apart, a world in which the good fairy. Imagination, rules supreme. The school boy and young man in college lives in a land of dreams, he sees himself a dozen years hence, seated on the pinnacle of success. Then comes the commence- the starting period,, when ed the first session of the summer sohrol. " He will work for the news paper there. Y.M. MAINTAINS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE University Men and Women May Se-. cure Positions By Applying With Secretary May: There seems to he som..thi,1K contagious about baseball. Ray: Yes, catching. Topics f ,., the stern realities of life. He is fre quently dazed at the beginning. Some how, cither because his own dreams blinded him or because his educators tailed to tell him. he failed to realin the total for the year close to a. two ma i mere was stu n a i-ji-ie s nn-wn iten.tan e at summer school is bene-' a start. He was groomed and trained - ficial to both students and university. Tuesday evening. This in comparison with slightly more than SOU last vear lor the second session. The Wednes day enrollments should bring the total to well above S00. This will m:,ke For the student it means a (banco to devote one's entire effort to siudv without interference from any outside sources. To the university it uives the opportunity to conduct classes without overcrowding. Importance of summer school at tendance is being realized mote and mure by students. Kvery summer a larger number f winter school stu dents tontinuc work during the hut weather in an effort to make extra credit Kvery summer mere and more teachers enter the university for w ork. The university welcomes all these students as it welcomes all who t ome for the regular sessions. It is a com pliment to Nebraska to have these stu dents choose Nebraska above other schools. Nebraska appreciates this compliment and strives to serve these students in a way deserving to mem. But in serving it must have co-op- . . ration from the students. And ilia! j co-operation must ct me in study. The, shortness of the slimmer term makes it impossible to -skip" classes, to co j without prepared lessons and other evils oinmon during winter terms. Students must work every day. If they work the university will repay them lor it. If they do not. they will receive nothing. lor a nice place on the top rung 01 me ladder and had forgotten about bot tom rungs. It is said that middb'-jiPo sees man doing his best work and that old age sees man as either a success or a failure, according to the place which he had made for himself, but it is dur ing the making-it-start period that des tinies are most frequently shaped. It is in this cycle that the young man wills to ( limb the lower rungs or. lack ing in determination, gives up. There are hundreds of young college grad uates who are right now in the shoes of tin y ung man with the broom. There are two roads open to them and one is easy, the other difficult. The line of least resistance is to hurl the broom down and walk out the door. The other is to stick upon the job and i limb the first rung of the ladd r. The Lincoln Sunday Star. The I niversity of Nebraska bruncti of the Y. M. C. A. maintains an em ployment bureau for the convenience of university students. Business men of Lincoln file there whenever they have part-time positions which can I he tilled by university students. The Y. M. C. A. placed many men and women in positions during the first six weeks of school but with the start of the second sessions a number of hew openings have appeared. A part of those placed during the first term have gone home anil their posi tions now remain open. University students should see '"Bill" Bay, secretary, in regard to finding part-time work. The einploy inent service is free and studnts will find it an easy way to secure jobs. ft Cooled by Chilled Air PROGRAM JULY 13, 14, 15 Pathe News & Aesops Fables World News and Screen Cartoons PATHE REVIEW Subjects and Points of Interest WHEN THE WHALE WAS JONAH ED A Cartoon Comedy OSCAR BENNETT Baritone Agnes Ayrcs and Conrad Nagel in THE ORDEAL Wilbur R. Chenoweth, Organist Rialto Symphony Orchestra Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Mats. 20o Night 35c Chit. 10c Knox Burnett is traveling over Ne braska in the interests of the agri cultural college which is conducting a campaign against barbi rry plants. BE A LIVE ONE Hundreds of new students have in rolled in the university. They will take the course of live students or fol low the path of "just" students. I L.ive stuueins win Keep up witn me affairs of the school, will look fo chances to help the university. They will subscribe to the Summer Nebras kan. the official publication of the summer session. Twenty-live cents j gives you the paper for the entire six CONGRATULATIONS MISS HANSON j weeks of the second session. To Miss Yhian Hanson who came The Summer Nebraskan is the stu out victorious in the contest for the j dents" paper. It is put out by stu-N.-brasfta irl tr adorn the covr of dents ci the students, the Tonihusker Hose." the Summer I There are openings on the paper sk. n extends its congratulations. ''' . smoenis no wish to worK for any students who wish to serve their school. If the paper is to b? made properly representative of all No ot higher character i pos sible than to have one's picture on tin. i over of u sons more so in thai -Cnrntmsker Hose-i h song w hi h ! ,lie students in the summer school w;ll l:v . whiih w ill be a lavorite of N l.ra.-k.i students lor years to come, rii.. ,,.ults t it in.- eiiiitest which was conducted bv the Summer Nebn.skan Xebraikan ffi n second floor ot i -hall. and Howard Adamscn. composer, were j number ol 1 there must be a staff of reporters. Any students who wish to help on the pa per should see the editor in the Daily PLAY TENNIS! KEEP IN PHYSICAL TRIM Spalding Equipment )J-J.T As-surcs you of" the Highest Quality Pos- iWe. Tennis Rackets, B.dls, Nets, Shoes, Etc. P-i'dforO r Nfvc "trli -uc A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 211 So. State St., Chicago, III. Cooled by Typhoon Breeze Shootin' Straight at your funny bones! Charles Ray In His Latest Comedy-Drama "THE DUCE OF SPADES" Other Entertaining Features Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Mats. 15c Night 25c Chil. 10; verv gratiiyinp. A large votes wire pulled and students used good judgment in picking those whom -hey hoped would win the honor. It was indeed a gieat honor lor Miss Hanson to have bestowed upon her trom her friends. MAKING A START There is more than one young man who tan look with understanding upon WHERE THEY ARE HAT THEY DO Lillian Hanson is now at her home at Wolbath, Nebr., after having at tended the first session of the summer school. Gertrude Moran paid a short visit to Lincoln recently. Ruby Wolfander is a candidate on the non partisan ticket for county sup- he cartoon which Mr. Hal Coffman j t-rintendent or Hooker county. has drawn for this page today. They Volta Torroy has returned to bis STEWART SCHOOL SERVICE Conducted by experienced school people, backed by six years of Suc cessful Business. Well qualified Teachers invited to Enroll Now. Address 138 No. 12th .St. Lincoln, Nebraska. SOSC200CCCCCCOC0060000COCCCCCOCCOCO&9eOSOCCOOCCCCCC s Beat the Summer Heat SWIM AT THE CITY Y. M. C. A. i CLASSES NOW GOING UiisiiiCss ami Professional Meii Fridav noon. -Monday, Wednesday an 1 lW-inncis. Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 p. in. Life Savin;: Instructions Tuesday and Thursday G p. in. Additional classes will he organized for any primp A Chance for Uni. Faculty or Student Groups to Get in Spe cial Class Under Competent Instructors SUMMER MEMBERSHIP $4.00 Ask Physical Director B6515 X sGeooooeoooososoooooosccoGoccoooeoosooooooeosoooeoseo