The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 13, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 17:?.
viurv: fivk cents.
Football-track Diamond Aggregation
Takes League Leaders to a
Tlie Delian literary society will hold
a picnic at Antelope park at 6:30 Sat
urday evening. Meet at the west en
trance (o tile pairk. ..Delians may
bring their friends. A pet-luck sup
per will be served.
T iliRht tea standings:
Baseball class 5 4 1 .8(H)
Football track 5 3 2 .600
rt;,sketball class 5 2 3 .400
Summer Ncbraskan .... 5 1 4 .200
Uter winning four straight games,
the Baseball class, leaders in the Twi
light league, were given u severe set
back when they received an S to 1
whipping at, the hands of the Foot
ball track aggregation. Giving Brown
and (larnick perfect support the Football-track
men made good use of their
baseball ability and allowed the Baso-
ball class but one run. !
Despite the defeat from the Foot- j
ball-track team, the Baseball class I
si ill leads the league. Unless it is
defeated by the Basketball class in I
the final game of the league race it
will stand undisputed champions of
ihe league. Should the Basketball
lowers succeed in trouueing the Base
ball class, however, and the Football
track succeed in Jigain defeating the
summer Nebraskan team, the Base
ball class will stand in a tie with the
Football-track organization for the
In the second game of the program
..nday', the Summer Nebraskan was
di t.ated by the Basketball class 7
,,, i. The Basketball class pained a
phasing revenge for the former cie
i,at they received at the hands of
th.. Nebraskan team.
The score by innings of the- Base
hall class-Foot ball-track game follows:
1 !.,.-, ball class 1 0 " '-1
Knot ball-track ' 2 3 3 0 x S
Batteries Cox and Kosciie; Brown
and Canuck.
Umpire Owen Frank.
The score of the Summer Nebras
ka u-Basketball class game follows:
Summer Nebraskan .'. o 0 1 0 01
Basketball class 1 4 0 2 x 1
Batteries Adamson, Lew ion and
Hail; Thomas and Daugherty.
Umpire Bill" Pay.
Harold F. Holtz, secretary of the
Alumni Association, is now spending
his vacation in Idaho. He left some
time ago with his wife to be gone
t wo weeks.
Bill" Day Announces That Baseball
Games Will Run Into Next
Six Week.
Chadderdcn and His Staff are Now
Located in the Armory, Across
From Athletic Office
First Meetings Will be Held Thursday
More Than 200 Enroll For Seco'nd
Sef.ion During the Registration on
Tuesday Registering Heavy on
Wednesday and New Record For
Second Term Certain of Being
Baseball competition among summer
school students will not come to an
end with the first six week. "Bill'
Day, who will have charge of the
coaching classes during the next ses-.
sion, announced Wednesday afternoon
that the Twilight league would run
into the next term if the players so
desire. t
Four teams will make up the league
in the second session as in the first.
The teams which will compose the
league the next term, in case the com
petition continues, are the track, foot
ball, basketball and Summer Nebras
kan squads.
The Baseball class leads the league
at the end of the first six weeks. They
twice defeated the Summer Nebras
kan, once the Basketball and Football-track
Students desiring positions in the
baseball league should apply to ihe
Summer Nebraskan, the only "open"
team in the league. The other teams
may sclicit outside aid. however, if
they desire. Students wishing posi
tions on the Nebraskan team for the
second six weeks should see the edi-
tor any afternoon before 3 o'clock
in room 2u6 U hall.. -
After years and years, so many
that few remember when it actually
started there, of constant location in
the basement of the administration
building, the student activities office
has been moved. It is now located on
the second floor of the armory across
the hall from the athletic department
The change in location for Neil T.
Chadderdon and his staff was exe
cuted last week.
The shifting of the business work
of the athletic (department to the
shoulders of the agent of student
activities made it adviseable for the
two offices to be located near each
The student .activities office has
grown tremendously in the last few
vears. Organizations about the
campus needed a centrally located
office through which their business
could be handled. As the volume of
this business increased a separate of
fice to handle it became imperative
The student activities office was def
initely established in 1914.
After August 1, J. K. Selleck, assist
ant purchasing agent, will take over
the reins of the student activities of
fice succeeding Mr. Chadderdon whose
resignation is effective then. Chad
derdon will go to a bank at Winner,
S. D.
Students of the second sessicn
of the summer school who wish to
do reporting work on the Summer
Nebraskan should see the editor
in room 206 U-hall any afternoon
before 3 o'clock. The staff of re
porters of the first session has
been broken up by most of the
members leaving school the end
of the first six weeks.
Professor Paul H. Grummann, di-
I rector of the school of fine arts, has
I received the official statement from
Mrs. Bertha Beckwith pertaining to
' the copies of the masterpieces which
have been presented by her to the
school of fine arts.
A number of applications have come
to the federation to have the Beck
with copies exhibited and it is pos
sible that they will be shown at the
lewa State Fair before they are
brought to Lincoln. If this plan is
followed, the collection will not be
installed at Nebraska until early in
Helen Rummer is traveling in California.
"To be trusted is some times
a greater compliment than to be
The Lincoln city tennis tournament
which will be held on the University
of Nebraska courts will start next
Saturday and continue through the
week until July 22. A long list of
tennis enthusiasts have already signed
up to compete for the title. A string
of the university courts are being set
aside for tournament play and work
men have been busy most of this week
putting the finishing touches on these
courts. A row of bleachers will be
set up along several of the courts to
care for the spectators.
All classes for the second session
of the summer school start today. In
structors and students get together
for the first time this morning to pre
pare for a strenuous six weeks of
A new record for summer school at
tendance in the second session s al
most certain of being established. The
registrar's office Wednesday afternoon
reported more than 200 had filed for
second session classes during the reg
istration on Tuesday and with the
heavy enrollment on Wednesday a
mark well above SO0 is a'most certain
of being established. More than 400
had filed in the pre-registration thru
Reed's office. The mark of a little
more than 500 was set at the second
term of the 1921 summer school.
A new record for summer school at
tendance was set in the first term of
this year. According to figures from
the registrar's office 2085 students
were enrclled for the first six weeks
classes. The former high record was
a little more than 1,100 established at
the first session in 1921. The total for
all twelve weeks of the 1921 sunnier
school was little more than 1.6U0.
Many Attend Both Sessions
Many students are attending both
sessions of the summer school. These,
together with the large number of
new students who are coming for the
second term, are swelling the total o"f
attendants at the second summer ses
sicn to well above S00.
Advance registration cf students as
heavy. Students in attendance at the
first session of the summer school tiled
for second term class .with Prof. Reed,
fessor Reed enrolled Tuesday and Wed
nesday nl the general registration in
I the armory.
No fees are being charged tor stu
I dents of the first term who enroll for
the second session. Students in the
law college are being excepted from
this rule as also are those taking
laboratory work.
Coach Henry F. Schulte, assistant
director of athletics, will leave late
this week for Michigan where he will
spend the last few weeks of the sum
mer fishing, camping and enjoying
himself. Schulte has been instruct
ing the football and track classes dur
ing the first session.
Dean Carl C. Engberg, his wife and
daughter, are spending the summer
at Olga, Washington, where the dean
is dividing his time between fishing
and searching for specimens of shells,
clams, etc. Dean Engberg spends his
vacation each summer on the Pacific
The name of Ernest Hubka is be
ing given serious consideration by
Cotner college which is trying to se
lect a full time coach for next year
Hubka was a football ai.d track star
at Nebraska.
"Polly" Butler and Bud McCarthy
visited in Lincoln last Saturday.
to the
Summer Nebraskan
for the
second session
25 cents