BASEBALL CLASS HAS SURE CINCH Worst it Can Co Now is Tie For Top Position With the Football Track Team Twilight team standings: Haseball class t 0 Kootball-Track 4 2 basketball class 4 1 i 'Summer N'ebraskan ..4 1 1 (10(1 .50Q .2 SO .250 of 1H. C first ball l'ractically a suiv finch place in the Twilight league race is facing tlu Hasoball class which Friday evening won ils fourth straight victory when it defeated -the- Summer Nebraskan team in a tight contest, S to 7. The worst it can get is a "tie with the Football-Track team which has lost two games and stands with a percentage of .i00. All teams have two games vet to play and the liase ball class need win but one more game to absolutely cinch the title. In the second game of the Friday program the Basketball class lvoke its losing streak and took the Football-track class to an S to 4 trimming. It was the first victory tiie Basketball nun have experienced and they made a good job of it The feature of the game was a home run by Brown which went over into the east diamond. The Baseball i lass Summer Xe braskan contest was the feature of the evening's program. For the first two innings it looked as though the laurels of the Baseball (lass were due to fall but in the third they brought in three runs and went a score ahead when the Xebraskans came back with but one. But in the fourth the N'ebras- kans tallied another and the score was tied. Even after the Baseball (lass sent three men across the plate in their half of the fifth, the Nebraskan team came back with a strong bid and tal lied two runs after two men were out. Errors practically won the gamo for the Baseball class. The Nebraskan team made five bungles, several at crucial moments in the game. A glar ing sun twice blinded Adamsoii at first and prevented him firm execut ing easy outs. The fifth inning rally was a feature. Adamson, after reaching first, was (aught in an attempt to steal second. Shainholtz got a line drive which landed him at first. Tonkinson bat ting for Miles, made a neat single scoring Shainholtz. lie scored when Hall was called out at first. Council placed a nice infield drive but was out at first for the end of the game. The score by innings of the Sum mer Nebraskan-Baskotball class came follows: Baseball class 0 2 3 0 2 8 j Summer Nebraskan 3 0 11 27 ' Batteries Baseball (lass, Colson I and Johnson and Deal; Summer Xe- braskan, Shainholtz and Hall. j Struck out by Hall, 4; Johnson. 7. Umpire Owen Frank. The score by innings of the Basket ball class-Football-track contest fol lows: Basketball class 0 3 11 3 S Football-track 0 1 3 0 04 Ratteries Basketball class, Traber and Anderson; Football-track, Regg and Brown. Umpire "Bill" Hay. 1 try to fix my thought on the good that is in every soul, and make my ap peal to that. And the plan is a wise one, judged by results. It secures for you loyal helpers, worthy friends, gets the work done, aids digestion, and tends to sleep o' nights. And I say to you that if you have never known what love, loyalty ami inte-- (i,,t m uwi mmve in c lug by force, or threat, -oven,. '"' any ...i,,,. form of coercion. I would nt ;,ro in the heart of any of Cod's 1 1 --at ur,.s a thought, of fear, or discord, or ,ato or revenge. 1 will jutlui '"'o men if T -on hi it nnlv ln .1. ! .! inning lllejii. Elbert Hubbiird. Ot iX30Xk ?0 ' ',;?: :Xi ;" ; ; ;x H h Wi XX(w ; XXIWK ;k ;w x ' n nttxn k Teachers Wanted Opportunity for advancement is offered to any well-qualified high J school or grade teacher by becoming a member of .ij THE EDUCATIONAL INTERCHANGE 2 405 Bankers Life Bldg., Phone B1806. HI ' ;! ijnrxK KB H axw x a x kxxwcmxk k hx xx jdoc nr x xxxk :xx k ,; s s s SPRUCE UP! Keep your summer tops in frond shape. Don't let them 1 m tlieir snappy jippoanince. BE NEAT CITY CLEANING and DYEWORKS H. Raymer, Pres. Phone B2301 1605 "0" W. O: Carlson, MCT. LOST A initials H. gold fountain pen with E. R. Fhone B4S37. DELICIOUS MEALS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE "The Place Different" PEKIN CAFE Served at All Hours 1130 "0" Upstairs Look for the Pekin Sign (0) LvA New and Second Hand All Students' Supplies 253 "rT! i p fe te! s3 gi .a .a ia J1 1 r. K3l t la, 3 ft E. H. LONG, Prop. Facing Campus P is