RECEPTION HELD FOR FACULTY AND STUDENTS Ellen Smith Hall Scene of General "Get-Together" of University Family Thi Hunt-nil reception held Fiiduy evi!iiin at KUen Smith hull proved to Cooled, by Typhoon Breezes The Prize Winning Photoplay "My Old Kentucky Home" The- Swiftest Racing Drama Ever Shown. Cast Includes MONTE BLUE Other Entertaining Pictures MISS ALU E BROWN Soprano Soloist Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Mats. 15c Night 25c Chil. 10c u.niciiox or in caohaH jy The Bewitching Little Star Viola Dana in her latest comedy-drama iti i Rough' Al. Christie's Newest Comedy "COLD FEET" A Riot of Laughter Robert C. Bruce Presents "MY COUNTRY" A Beautiful Wilderness Tale Also News & Topics of Day EXTRA Chicago Brass Quintette An Offering of Class Hiaito Symphony Players Jean L. Schaffer, Conductor Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Mats. 20c Night 35c Chil. 10c Stewartiichool Service Conducted by experienced school people, backed by 6 Years of Successful Busi ness. Well qualified Teach ers invited to enroll now. Address 138 No. 12th St. Lincoln, Nebraska. SOMETHING NEW JELLY ROLL EXQUISITE After Show, Dances or Drive REMEMBER THE ALASKA INN 33rd & A "EVERYTHING COLD" hi' a strong drawing curd for both faculty und nutrient members of th-i university family. While tho affair had not been given any too much ad vertising owing to the fact that an oilier party had been scheduled by mistake, students In large numbers and faculty members In droves gath ered at the Hceno of the get-together. Tho reception Friday night was held In older that students and faculty members of the university family might become better acquainted with ouch other. Chancellor Avery and tin 'deans of ull the colleges attended the "reception and joined In the general good time. RADIO SEI COSTS ONLY ELEVEN GENTS Portland Man Constructs Freak Set With Aid of Large Ink Bottle PORTLAND, Ore., June !). The radio set Is within the reach of every one, according to V. K. Van Ronk, an t'lectriclan In a Portland theater. He says ho has proved It by con structing a freak set with the aid of a large Ink bottle, at a cost of eleven cents. Iteing a true radio "bug," Van Ronk hasn't patented his inexpensive apparatus and Is willing to lot the world in on the dark secret and make sets like it. 1 "The set. cost me exactly eleven cents, without the galen:, telephone receiver and aerial wires," said Van Ronk. "A piece of galena crystal will cost thirty cents. Get about a dollar's worth of bare copper wire for the aerial and a S1.50 telephone receiver of the ordinary variety, and tho fun and pleasure you will get out of the set will be worth more than $100 t' you. "Get a large ink bottle, or any kind of a bottle will do. Wind thlrty-sU turns of about No. 22 coiton-covere 1 magnet wire anywhere on the bottle. Tape both ends of the coil so the wire will stay on the bottle. How to Make Coils "The coil is tapped In six places, six turns of wire to the tap, by lot ting a two-inch length of wire stand out. from the coil at every sixth turn,' twisting it and then continuing to wind in the same direction for six more turns, where the same action is completed. "The detector Is made by fastening a bulldog paper fastener to the mouth of the bottle by two turns of friction tape and running a 'catwhisker' wire from the cork across the jaws of the 'bulldog' so that the 'catwhisker' rests lightly on it. One end of the tuning coil is connected to the aerial and also to one end of the detector. The other end of the detector is connected to one terminal of the telephone receiver. The other terminal of the telephone is connected to the ground lead. An other wire from the ground is hung loosely above the tuning coil so that 1t can be connected to any tap of the coll desired. In this manner a varia tion of wave length is had and the signals brought to the loudest point when the correct point Is found. Make your aerial about 100 feet long and as high as you can get it. For a ground connect to the nearest cold-water pipe" N9soooeocoosoccco9eooo9ooocoo&cdcoooosoooocooooo ALL THIS WEEK The Spectacular Saving Event fa) to j m A niaininolli and intcrrstinjr sellinr of needed summer mer chandise at $1 an event YOU should not fail to profit by FOR FURTHER DETAILS, SEE OUR ADS IN LINCOLN DAILY PAPERS 8 8