IV ATTENDS JL A. i CONVENT ON . lM. rina Instructor Will Make tny,,,v Extended Trip In Western United State prof. I'lnrk K. Mickey or the colics 0( engineering of thG University of Wbraska was mo ueiesnie iwm ine ilm-oln chapter or the American Asso oiation of Engineers to the annual convention of the society held at Sa.t uke City. I'tah, June 5. 6, 7 and He f accompanied by his wife and .m make nn extended trip to the n-ost COHSt. .Before arriving at Salt" T.,ake City fof the convention, Professor and Mis miOti-v will visit Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. From Salt Lak. City they will go to Los Angele3 and San Francisco where they will attend ihe Shrine conclave June 13. 14 and 15. Tiny will pay a short visit to the Vnivcrsity of California at Berkeley From Berkeley they will go to Cor- vallis. Ore., for a short visit at the. Oregon Agricultural college. Profes sor Mi'key will then go to Portlan.i where he will visit C. II. Purcell, C. K. ''fi. and to Seattle to see C. B Hall. 'OS. On the return trip they will visit Canada stopping at Victoria, Van couver. Calgary and Winnipeg. After a short stop at Minneapolis, Minn., they will return to Lincoln about July 4. GRAIN COURSE FOR BUYERJS OFEERED Elevator Mejj to Be Given Instruction in Testing and Bookkeeping. A large attendance is expected at the short course. PROFESSORS TALK AT HIGH COMMENCEMENTS (Continued from Page Oi.e) Frof. L. R Aylsworth of the political and social science depart ment, Journeyed to Sheridan, Wyo., to deliver the commencement address. Dr. H. K. Bradford was the com mencement speaker at the graduation exercises at Randolph, Nebr. Rev. H. F. Huntington, Methodist student pastor, made commencement addresses at Kenesaw, Arnold, Calla- way, Rowells, Cowles and UticaNebr. Rev. Thomas, Congregational stu dent pastor, delivered addresse3 at Huntley, Stamford, Hinton, la., and Morrill, la. He also spoke at Union College, Le Mars, la. tho laurels in the first half of thi Rplit season. They stay in the capita? city six days playing three games with the Grand Island club, now at the bot tom of the league standings, and n equal number with Beatrice. The games are played at Landis field on west O street. Three 1922 Cornhusker stars will he in action, Carr of the Links, Pizer and McCrory of the Blues. The squad of Cornhuskcrs who will take part in the national A. A. track and field championship meet at Chi cago next week have broken training and are at their respective homes working. Coach Schulte felt that it was not fair to hold the men from their work for the two weeks training: period before the Chicago meet since all of them are working their ways through school and can make good use of the period. All of the men were willing to stay but Schulte did not feel that they should and they went to their homes and summer work. Tho men will leave June 15 for Chicago. DR. POWERS GOES TO TENNESSEE UNIVERSITY Dr. Kdwin P.. Powers, instructor in zoology at the University of Nebraska for two years, has accepted an asso ciate prol'ressorship in zoology at the University of Tennessee. Dr. Powers expects to spend the summer at Edin burgh, Scotland, where be will take work in the university. ACCEPTS INSTRUCTORSHIP AT OKLAHOMA UNIVERSITY A short course for the benefit of Xeluaska elevator men is to be given at the University of Nebraska col lege of agriculture June 12 to 23. The course is given at the university in cooperation with the United States department of agriculture. The increased complexity of toe grain market has made demand for more accurate testing of grain by the buyir and it is to supply this need that the course is being offered. In years past it was the custom for grain buyers to take a handful of grain smell it and shake it, and then state the price. In the present day, samples of grain are taken from several places in ih car and to the laboratory and care fully tested for its many different qualities, weight, per cent of moisture, ft'", before being priced. Country elevator managers rarely haw an accurate system of bookkeep ing. It is to supply a need for bptte: accounts that the bookkeeping course is offered. W. E. Bruner, assistant in the botany department at the University of Nebraska the last two years, has accepted an instructorship in botany at the University of Oklahoma. Ke will assume his new duties September 1. Mr. Bruner took his master of arts degree at Nebraska this year. Return of the Lincoln state league team Friday from its road trip affords the summer school students a chance to see a fancy exhibition of the Ameri can national pastime. The Links are leading the state league ball clubs lor IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE-- neatness must domi nate our dress. "Appear ances," we are told, "are deceiving" and yet we know that they are impres sive. It is important to know that ive can create the proper impression for you. Phone B2301 CITY CLEANING and DYE WORKS 1605 "0" II. RAYMER, Fres. W. 0. CARLSON, M?r. PBCOeCOCCOOOOSOeCOGOOOCGOOaCCOCCOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOCOO I "Everybody's" Cornhusker I I S A few extra copies still available. Send your order in today, b I N Mailed anywhere in the United States C. 0. D. x I I N Student Activities Office Basement Administration Building 8 i I cacosooosoooooooooooooooccoooooooooocoooooeooeoooo I A Cool Comfortable Place I On a Hot Day I Sj at the Cafeteria Y. M. C. A. b The Summer dishes are tasy, tempting b and satisfying. The rates are reasonable. Sj ij EAT TODAY AT THE CAFETERIA Y. M. C. A. CGC0CCO0CCCO0C0eC00O6CCCOe9O0G006OOSOGOO0CCOO0OgQOS MONDAY, JUNE 12 Opening, Second Section Summer Term Those desiring normal methods in commercial subjects, or other short, intensive courses not found in the University, are invited to consult us. Special courses in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking, Secretarial Training, Salesmanship, Normal Training, Etc., Etc. Classes arranged to suit. One period or more per day. Phone B-4387t i NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS T. A. Blakeslee, A. B., Ph. B., President (Accredited by American Association of Vocational Schools) Corner O and 14th Sts. Lincoln, Nebraska Try our Fountain and Luncheon Service CANDY AND CIGARS COLLEGE BOOK STOKE E. H. LONG, PropV FACING CAMPUS