Wednesday. May '24. libJ'J Tl r:i.r WU.-irL-nri ! The Daily Nebraskan I'uMishe.l Sunilnv. Tn. silin, W.MiU'Htlnv. TlnirmlHV soxl 'rlil.iv nf H'h wk liy the CnlTiritv .( Ne-lirnwk. Acvptnmv for mailing nt Hpoelal rate of i-i Ktairo provltU'il for In seclitni HlKi, ct of iVtolier 3, l'Jl", authorized, Janu ary Itt, l'.L'i. oi'dcial iMi.Rsirv ri rwi iilr ilir ilinrtlon f tli Muilriit 1'ub lloni i.inn lt.irl. Knl.rcil h fcrond rln matti-r nt 111 p.M.otl.c In l.lnfiiin. NlrHt.ka, nmlcr Act if t iiiiktcmi, March S. 1H7U. nil ti.00 prr year fl.MO prr semester Olnslo .Pf.Y...- 8 C'nto KIUTOKIA1. STAFF .1(K AISTIV VotiiiK I'.ilitor KKI.I.K FAKMAX MiinuRinii Filitir tiertnule I'liltorMin At.i;ile l.Uimr Herbert llronnell, jr MsM Ftl'tor K.luanl Hiifk X'K"t l..iit..r riiarlrf. A. Milrliell XiRlit Flinr llou.ird Miorls Filitnr John ISiiilliy Sport.. l.ilHor Tvril I.. tmiub Inimatic Kilitor Josrpli Null Military F.riilur a-lMlli- l.aiucxtalf KxclmiiBc Fditor AH. MrT.. . - , "Kt ASSIST T FIMTIOKIAI. WKIlHiS Kt-niK'tli Mitamllei. Leonard tow ley Ky 11. ;imf.n ll.-len I. IVier.on OFFllF. HOIKS V.lltnr-ln-t hi. f anil Mininglnc K.litoi 4 P.-iily ROOM lifi. "I ' II Al l. IU SIXF.SS JAM KS H1I1HM K . CHAIN KV K1XSKY. Cl.ll l'OKII Hit Ks STA1 1' .. ISiimiioh l:in:uor A't. Itns. Miir. t'irenlulioll Mcr. Advertising AlMant Addi-on Sulton lionald Pierce Otto skold Arthur l.otl.t Nislit F.dllur for ttiix twoe. 11IAKI.FS A. MITtllKI.l. i tlus summer will please meet "EVERYGOJY'S CORNHUSKER'' j wiUl M:-or Ercikson in Room 309, Completed Cornhuskers are being ! braska Hall at 5:00 p. m., Wednes- recehed bv the editor of the book at'- W -4th 19". t0 a or' the Kite of three hundred ci.pies a da. Kriii;.y lhe books wili be rtady lor distribution to the student body. Nebraska is going to be pleased with their ycr.r book becaust- it is a (iar.dy. Th.- bock bigger than it has r-ver been before. For nearly a year a careful staff of efficient work ers Las been s-ponding a great deal of time in preparing "copy" lor the boook. Ti e cuts in the book are an ex cellent example of fine workmanship, each having been carefully inspected before being accepted for the mojk. All pictures have been keyed care fully so thiti the boo kv.ill be as free from errois as a book of this kind can be. Careful preparation and inspection of the student life section has made it a decided addition to this book. Clever, witty, humorous situations of this past school year ;.re well por trayed in word and picture. Nebraska's beauties are .-!.. v.r, villi all the skill that a clever pho tographer and splendid er.wavers' possess. Flo Zieafield probably will investigate the possibility of their working for him next year. Every jih of university life will be portrayed in the many sections cf the book. A great deal of credit is due th,fe responsible for this realistic 'f the T.'niversity of Nebraska. Contemporary Opinion TRAINING OR EDUCATION? , (University of Cincinnati News! Sitting in the smoking compart ment of a Pullman car, the fat man vas talking. "The trouble with col leges today is that ll.ey don't turn cut (T.i u.h lijeu who km.w anything. TlK- f-diic; 'iuiial system of t'.day does jj-it give a man or woman and spe cific iniormi.tb.Ti that can be used in the practical bur-im ss woild." 'But ho'.v .:hMit poets and aitists fclid Ml h men?" this from the li'tle man in the co:ri'i near the wash basin. "A scien'itic or bnslm-ss edu cation von't help tli.-tn any." A snort from i it first speak r w,,s his only I espouse. TIj n the t.,i !an wearing glasses, with ari acadrmif: stoop to power ful frame, decided to break the si lence. "Haven't you gentleman some thing of a misconr-ep: inn of what col lege education really i-?" Inquiry shower 11,, -it I.ej-le:' of the former s-pc:.t . v j iv cejl. e graduates. "It sei ii - I i lue t!o ! ti.'- lea! purpose of 1. .': !. : f-ii'.' ; 1 1 i ' n is l.ot so luidi to give voting pe'ijde )u-ts and data as it is to broaden thi ir lives so that from a cultural and even esthe'ic point of view, liie sliall be more worth living." And after all the latter was right. A technical education, essential as it is, is only a means to the f.d of a fuller life. But the mm or vomnn who allows the. routine and chtail of a technical or any kind of training to supplant the desire for a cjuest o! knowledge is lost in a woild oT fig ure sand facts. University Notices Lutheran Club Saturday, May 27, 1S22, L ith. ran Club pic-nic. M'--t at Terminal Bldg. at ri:C0 p. m. Everybody out. Drafting Contest Engineers, put your training to practical use. Earn the $40 Ricbter Precision Drawing Se-t and Case, of fered by "Red" Long as the prize for a single drawing. The set is on dis play In bis window. For details of the contest, see Trofs. Carlton and j Moritz, "Department of Applied Mo- iliaiiUs Get 6tarU,t inuneai:lloly, for the contest closes May i5, 1022. W. A. A. Hikers All sirls hiking for V. A. A. points nniat have completed ami handed in all but 10 miles of their hikes by Fri i!.iy, May 26. Thft remaining hikes nins' be handed in by June 2, to Eun ice Hilton, V. A. A. hiking sport leadei, cr Misa Clark. Iron Sphinx Meeting of Iron Sphinx has been in definitely postponed. Advanced Course Men All men taking the advanced course next year, both juniors and seniors, havrt measurements taken fo: new uniforms Wednesday, May 24th, Room 202, Nebraska Hall. Graduation Invitations The invitations and announcements for graduation have just arrived. All who ordered them may obtain thorn ;.t the College Hook Store at once. A few extras were ordered for any who might want more or who neglected ordering: at the time set. Ho not put this off. Get them this week. I R. O. T. C. Camp I All men going to the 11. O. T. C. i ionization. Election of oftioors and appointment of committees will be a j part of the business. Silver Serpent Meeting of Silver Serpent for eloc- ! lion of officers on Thursday at 7 p.m. L. H. S. '21 Reunion Members of the class of 122 of L. H. S. get tickets for the reunion May 2J from George Hargreaves, Otio Skold, Wilbur Peterson, Edward Ku bat, Mi-nteford Kiffen, Reid Tracey. Uoyd Curt and Wendell Uerge. Seniors Invitation and announcenn nts for graduates have arrived and may be obtained at the College Book Store now. Please call for them as soon as possible. Bring receipts. There are a few extra announcements. We will sell them until they are all gone. "N" Club Meeting The "N" Club will meet tonight at 7: 00 p. m. in the Armory ior election of officers and to decide the uniform size pf the letter to be worn. Wil liam McCrory, President. The Calendar Wednesday, May 24 Closed night. Elementary Club meeting, ?, P. m. Teachers' College 211. Thursday, May 25 Closed night. Silver Serpent meeting, 7 p. re.., El len Smith Hall. i Friday,. May 26 Closed night. Saturday, May 27 Senior Law Hop, K. of C. Hall. Sigma Xi initiation, Ellen Smith Hall. The Exhaust The Weather Is Sli gosheil Wet, it Simply makes Yon rtant to sM. j You don't go to class i And yet. You have to pass. I Pe rhaps you'll ; C t a i ide ! But instead ; The felh,w lied. You stay at i Home and flunk, j This weather Sure is bunk. A girl 1 hate Is Betty Strate She kee ps me up So gosh darned late. Exchange.' "Pre pare for a shoc k," said the ex ecutioner as he led the convict to - "Be Ready Friday" I I . ! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .- " i electric chair numb: I hoar that thou was a sap in the conversation. Hell: Yes everyone was yawning. When 1 cry even my eye bawls! ! "There is music in my sole," cried the man as his shoo bosun to squeak. NEW VOCATIONAL BOOKS FOR UNDERGRADUATES "Careers for College Men," under the editorship of Professor Ralph L. Power of the University of Southern California, is to appear from the press shortly as a vocational guidance vol ume designed especially to assist col lege undergraduates and high school seniors in selecting a life career. Among the list of more than a hun dred well known educators and pub lic men who sponsor various chap tors are: David Edstrom, internation al sculptor: Coach Walter Powell of Stanford; Professor Samuel time, di rector of Creek Theater at the Uni versity of California: Dr. L. D. II. Weld, former professor at Yale: Dr. R. S. MacElwee, sometime chief oi the U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Do mestic Commerce; Dr. John A. Stev enson, vice president of the Equitable Life Assurance ComrHiny; Dr. Ford Carpenter. California, meteorlosist ; former U. S. Trade Commisioner Nels Bengston; Dr. Carl Emil Seashoi., famous psychologist; Williaim II. Kniffen, Jr., well known banker; Ord way Tea.l, personnel export; John J. ria'.ht r, at one time vice-president of :! t American Association 1- ".' ...t- Ad vancement cf Science; D .t-v. s Wmey of Yale; Prof. James S. P:.i oi Harvard: Dr. John Whyte, Nation al A:sociation c ." :1'..iil Men: L. V. E. E. Roifey, editor of The Purchas ing Agent; Dean William Boring. Col umbia; Geoffrey S. Child?, office manager of the Alexander Hamilton Institute: Frank Alvah Parsons, auth ority on designing; Peter Eutkin, a founder of the American Guild of Or ganists; Dr. W. W. Charters, educa tional research expert: Dr. Louis Haney, c-onomist. and many others. The University of Nebraska is rep resented in the publication by a chap ter from Professor Nels A. Pei.gtson. UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB IS PERMANENT AFFAIR The new "University of Nebraska Glee Club" has become a "permanent organization on the campus. While the organization was made late in the year, regular weekly rehearsals of the thirty men, under the direc tion of Professor Witte, have been held for the past two months. It is the intention of lhe club to promote the cause of Nebraska and to scrv-i hci, by giving the very best in the way of music, in fact, something obev the average glee club. The club will start rehearsals upon a heavy prosiam immediately in the fall, with the Intention of making an extensive tour cf the coast and ihru ouc the ueLicin states and also oi giving las iiist annual concert for the University. The following officers were elcct ni ry the flub for the next year: Presice it. W. W. Hunter; YieKPr'-si-!eiit, V. A. Doty; Secre tary Treas urer, S.igh Morris; Business Man age.', E. J. Berquist; Librarian. D. iPeiks. LIEUT. R. D. WOOD TO RETURN NEXT YEAR Lieut. Wood, who l as been absent ayear in Central America writes to Captain Nix under date of Moy 11th of his experiences. His bttcT in part follows: "After spending my first two months in this country on, the farm, as time kec-pcr and assistant overseer, I was trans lerred to the district officer as as sistaDt chief clerk. Four months la" er I was ,':gain transferred to lhe manager's officer Tela. I have been in that office neaTly six months. "The work is very interesting; I handle all the radio cummunicatior.s and the work concerned with marl time movement. We have shipped already this year tTr two million brushes of bananas. This week we are loading ships for siv different ports Havana, Mobile, Boston, I'hil- lphia New Orleans and Liverpool. Satu:tlay wo lor.d the S. S. Gi eon brier of Elders iind Tyfies' fleet for Liverpool. The Greenbrier was, dm the war, one f the most effective and m st feared German destroyers, j Ft tun that status to a banana boat! should prove quite a blow to herj pride. ! "I dislike very much the idea of; giving up my work in the Military j department, because I have realized ; since 1 have boon down here, that it has been of fully as much value to ' me as any course which I have stud- j led." ! Lieut. Wood writes that he expects j to leave for the United States about ! August 15th and that he expects to register in the University and begin the advanced course in September. I PARTIES ARE NOT ON RAG STAFF'S NEWS LIST Early Monday afternoon when the i "Rag" office was deserted, with the exception of one "unonergvtie" re pot ter, a rather strange thing hap pened. ! It was raining. The reporter had , been out gathering news and came ' into the office with the idea of jot-1 ting down material for the next day's ' paper. As it happened, the reporter had taken advantage "of the shower j and was "sopping" wet and tired. He ; had removed his coat and was "lop- ping" ungracefully just about all over j the table. Remember, no one was i around. Do not get a wrong Impres sion of the Nebraskan office; it is; usually the busiest, most alive room j on the campus, but this happened to be one of its very rare resting hours. , To proceed then, the reporter was j "lopping." but he did not "lop" dong for a wild-eyed, excited co-ed rushed in with a swith end pointed her fing er accusingly at the poor, bedrizzled journalist and said in a very desper ate tone, "Say, v hat kind of a paper do you call this?" The startled "lopper" smiled wanly and. in the polite way of reporters, replied, "I call this a very good pa per, madam." This seemed to anger the young lady, for she clenched her dainty fist and placed it. not too gently, on the table and exclaimed in a voice that caused the reporter to rise and close the ebior, "Well I don't!" Again the van smile and then rath - or d.awlingly, "State your grievance.'' "Well, 1 gave a party Saturday night, and invited a Nebraskan re- porter especially so it would be writ- ten up. Never have any of my affairs j been written up and I want to know the reason. Do you have to have a stand in with someone in order to get your name in This paper? Why j wasn't there a report of my party? "Answer me that." I Poor, misguided youth! Why did not the young person find out the I custom before dashing breathlessly into th office and spoiling the de licious "lop" therepo!ter was having? JEWISH PHYOSOPHICAL SOCIETY TO BE FORMED Membe-rs of the Monorail society, at ! : meeting held Sunday, May 21, VtIZ, jadepted the Jollowinr resolutions: J Resolyed. that we are to organize a society in Lincoln for the purpose of discussing and analyzing all phases of Jewish and worldly questions. That society 1o be known as the Jewish Philosophical Society of the University e.f Nebraska. That said socie ty is forme-d for the rca.-on that other organizations for merly organize-d to discuss Jewish culture and ideals have failed to ac complish that purpose. runner, ,a n resoivea inai oniy i those im-mbers will be eligible who ' can present some topic pertaining to Jewish or world affairs and who will show a particular interest in the or ganization as a whole. Also outsid- --rs who will have some message to deliver which will be of interest to the society will ba welcome. ceoiOGCooeioogcccooosccosccc t Silk Sweaters k in b flowerlike shades 8 that will add a ij touch of color j) to your costume ijj They are suitable for afternoon or Sj evening wear jj $5.95 and up h Mm&m GCCOOCCCOSCCOSCGCCCCCCCCOS 1 EL - v Judging by the way the fellows have been hurrying in the last few days it is evident they are interested in these fine suits which we are selling for $25.00 That the formal constitution will be drafted later when the purpose and aims of the organization will be bet ter known, and more members en rolled. For information pertaining to this society apply to the secretary. , Herman Fiumkin, H. Hendclson, N. II. Leavitt, Sh. Kirchefsky. ' Executive Committee. David M. Bloch, Temp. Seety. j Box i ' ' ' 1365, Station A. Want Ads LOST A silver vanity case at ' armory, ' Return to S. A. office. Blink Your Light At The GREEN LANTERN the 4t. n at r 3L ' XSP JV WIST FAREWELL DANCE WEDNESDAY, HAY 31 For the year is Ml tl,e Hole Lincoln Hall Ife.e.rn, May .51. The lieket, llVc limited. H,f. lltl rom cocded by ieed fr so join this excliiive dance. Dale Hie finest frirl "in tlif world ilial llie last event may Le the climax. OF THE YEAR School will just be over! Celebrate at tiis joyous Farewell Dance. Show Your Spirit! WITH ACKERMAN ORCHESTRA in llieir final appearance. They will riv? everything they have to make the evening lively." It Asill be a real blow out. Get your Domino while the Getting is Good .$1.10 DOMINO STUDIO DANCE LOST A brown leather bill case, May 20. Return to Stud. Act. of fice. tu3. STUDENTS desiring really profitable rnd pleasant employment during vacation, should try selling the Equity Water Cooler, easiest and Lisiest selling article on the mar ket today. Address People's Equity, 14 Union Ave., Kansas City, Mo. tn.3. SOSOSeSOOGOGCOSOOOGOSCOSOgg (j For choice Corn Fed !i Beef call at Braun's! S Market 8 139 So. 11th oeOSOOOCCCGGGOCGOCGCGOSCOO Newest Creation Peppermint fla- Vv '1 vored chewing gum jr with Peppermint 1 Sugar coating. Sugar jacket "melta in your mouth," leaving . Great the delictoiuly flavored gum center to aid digestion, brighten teeth TrcatI nd soothe toudi and rhioat. o o o O O