The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 23, 1922, R. O. T. C. Edition, Image 1

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    R. O. T. C. Edition
ihe Daily Nebraskan
VOL XXI. N. 1 "".
IMJK'i: l-'IVK ( i:TS
Neb raska Rifle Team
c p.. f 9- p. q A '.
Annual R. 0. T. C. Camp To Be
Held at Fort Snelling
Basic and Advanced Camps To
Start Fifteenth of June
For Six Weeks
Tli' nimiiii1!' ramp for ahts of tho
K. O. T. C. will bo hi Id at Fort Snoli
inn, Minn. Those who attended last
v,,,r and plan on returning will no be hiahly pleased mor tli leva
1 on. ior thoy well remember what an
place it was for a six wooks on'
in:.-. Sm iling is in the- midst if 'ho
Lake region and for a camp if this
kind thoro could bo no hotter sedev
tion. Kvorv thing will be in readim ss
to receive the cvdots n tho tiftoen'h
01 Juno; training will begin en that
el. .to and will contimio until the tw, n
tv-s.vemh of July a period of six
. . I ks.
There will Lo two general dividers.
A ha sic Camp for tho first and sor
did year cadets, and an Advanced
Camp for the third and fourth yc.r
iceih is.
The training at camp will he a con
tinuation if tlat rid ived at tho I'ui
ersiiy. The Lours from 7 a. m. t
12 no.n daily will bo devoted to mili
tary subjects. During this period a
grc.t deal of time will be devoted to
rifle marksmanship. The record course
will follow the instruction practice,
affording all an opportunity to quali
r as expert .sharpshooter or mark.--111.
in. Towards the end of the camp,
.11 inter collegiate rifle match will be
held. Six or seven of the best shots
will be chosen to represent the Sev
enth Corps in the K. O. T. C. national
rifle matches to be he'd at Camp Por
ly in September. Last year the lifle
t'-Hin of the Kansas Agricultural Cal-legc-
won the match; the I'nivetsity
of Nebraska made a very crcelltahlt
sl.ov, iii p.
Individual Lists
Individual proficiency ti'Sis will be
l.e'd in each military subject covered
. ad thi' relative standing in each con),
piiiiy and college compiled from time
t i time, last year considerable col
b te spirit and a keen desire lo outdo
li.e "ether leiiuvv " was displayed b
i:ll ill the various tests.
The afternoons will be d voted to
. tl.lctics. All cadets will be require. i
; ei,te;- at hast one sport. The pro
::am includes tr..'. k. Iia.-eh..ll. boxing,
s'. rr. and mass c aies! '.e,i Vs. A
r Linn ntal baseball league will lie
organized from the various crnpauii s
and In in t!ie ieauue a team will !'
he is- ii to rej. resent ihe camp. Ttack
,nd bas'liall c-nuao-nients vv i 1 1
.'n;a:ied bc-tween the (aii.p and the
Tliird Inl'antiy stationed at Sneiliai
-.;id tt .i-:- nthictk' oi-:.riniz..;i ot
Minneapolis and St. Paul. Cups and
niedal.s wiil be provided for the
cut events by the citizens ol ihe two
( it: ...
During the latter part of the camp
a boxing arid tennis tournaiiH lit will
be held to cietormine the c hampions of
the different divisions. For each lost
place suitable mod. As w ill be awarded.
Entertainment for Cadets
During the camp the cadets will be
entertained with dancing, picnics,
Humming parties and sight-seeing
trips under the direction of the se r
vice club of Fort Sm iling and other
(Continued on Page Pour I
tm" - t I . ( '' -
Mie o il:e spleiiilid opportunities of
the I niversity of N'ehiaska Reserve
Officers' Tr.'inina Oorps is (he gallery
pKHtiie, ree.ird firimr and competi
tions. Thoro ;:le twelve gallery tar
gets on i'.:o rans:o in ebrasa Hall
The Vikings, Junior men's honor, r
society, cloeied olfieVrs at a nicvting
hole! at Alpha tJamma Kho lum-e last
The following men were elected;
Ooorgo Smaiia, president.
Homer v'b.use. vi e -president.
Kenneth Cozier, secretary.
Joy T. Perquist, sergeant at arms.
Honorary Cadet Organization
Organized Almost Thirty
Years Ago
Almost thirty years ago. a young
man, just out of West Point, was
commandant of cadets at the Univer
sity of Nebraska. He was then prac
tically unknown and his work of or
ganizing the University Rifles was
e!one without ir-yon taking pariioul.'.r
notice of the event. For a long time
this body of expert drillers went un
der the name of Varsity Rifles but,
in the name was changed, to do
boner to the founder. Con. John J.
Today thV Pershing Rifles hold a
very unique place in military circles.
Although Nebraska is not a military
school, the membe rs of the Rifles.
1 i. ke d as they are from the ranks
of the cadets, are classed among the
best drilled units in the United States.
We are proud of this faet. Our gen-
ral is proud of it to,i and is kind
enough to give us credit in his var
ious speeches throughout the coun
try. The ambition of every man in
tl.e company is to live up In tin's rcp
i.ti 'i.m and to fit h'nielf for service
in a military way in time of need.
luring, and immediaic-iv after the
v,m. ihe PiTshir.g Uiflf s. like every
i t lu r c.rganizazt, we nt into a period
of depression. Little work was done
arid it was only this past fail that
the work be:-an to piek up rapidly.
And it picked up very rapidly indeed
t. r this spring finds us with a full
0 iota and an enviable record for the
1 a si year's work.
Selection of Officers.
The officers of the company are se
lected by vote of the members of the
company. This year Joe N'oh served
yb'y as Captain assisted by Lieuten
: iits Norn's Coats and Stephen King.
Tho are a democratic body. A
captain of a company may find him
self drilling beside a private in the
:jr rank, and under the command
of some other private. Former regi-
i Coin in ii"il mi Tunc Tlim-l
Officers Club
V z t k.J.i,0.f , - t
and lour at Ag t'olleje. The rifle
Used is the caliber 22 issued by the
Ordnance Department of the army.
I he aniiimirtion i issued by t'.e gov
ernment ;;nd costs cadets nothing.
Training in shoot in -i in tho various
Hcnorary Military Fraternity
Completes Active Year at
Nebraska U.
At tho last initiation of Scabbard
and Plade held a few weeks ago, one
associate member and three cadet
members were admitted into tho fold
duiirg on" if the most impressive
ceremonies ;ovor performed at Ne
braska. Those initiated were:
Associate number Capt. Hutler I..
Knight, U. S. A.
Active members Maynard A. Pu
chanan, Howard Willey, Geo. IL Tay
lor. The toial mebership of Company C,
Third Regiment, Scabbard and Plade
now ieiclueios twenty-one active mem
bers and eleven members on the lac
ulty. The faculty members are:
Chancer.or S. Avery, Prof. J. P. Hurt.
O.doiii 1 Americus N.itchell, Major Sid
ne y Kiitkson. Capt. Robert Nix Jr..
Capt. J. H. H. gan. Capt. V. G. Mur
phy, Capt. Forbes, Capt. H. 1.. Knicht,
i-'iist Lieut. Max Oliver.
The National Society of Scabbard
and Riade was founded at the Univer
siy of Wisconsin in IJM'5 and now has
an organization of three regime nts or
an organization of a division C thir-0-:h:oe
companies located ihrouch
p. ny w. s installed as the twenty-fifth
company on May 25. pcil. Since then
it has grown rapidly and is exercis
ng a trial influence over the military
a 1 fairs of ihe University.
Purposes cf ScEbbard and Blade
The purpose of the society, as e x
pressed in its constituti-m, is to r.ii.-e
the standard of military trair.ina in
Aiie ik;.n e-ciile g. s an.l unite; si; h s, to
unite in close r relationship their mili
tary departments, t.. i in o'ira-e arid
l: slef th' essentia! qualities of good
al ii officii nt o: t'icers to pr. inote
eo:M i olhtvship i.mong the a.b l of
fice is. In adilion to this, the ne la
bet's ;Te endeavoring to spn-ad the
dot trine of military pre parodae s - and
I,, e nc-ourace a Lkins for mi'.i:. ry service-
en the part of ei Ib-ee mi n.
Social Activities
Early in the fall. Scabbard and
Rh do put on one of the most success
fi.l "Wild West" carnivals that has
ever been staged at this university.
Anyone who attended the party will
remember ihe thrills of the evening.
In January a formal dinner dance was
given at the Lincolnshire for the ac t
ive s.nd associate members, which
allso afforded great merriment to all
who attended and cf course all were
there. On May 2fith, this week, the
(Continued on Page Three)
Starts at 7:15
positions, prone, sitting, kneeling and
sUnditii. and in trigger squeeze, control, sighting and aiming,
etc., are all under ti e supervision !'
instructors and coaches of the mili
(t'ontinned on Pago Two
Sponsors to Play Important Part
in Programs This After
noon When the bugle starts the annual
compet the hearts of the pretty co ed
sponroi-s -will skip a heat or two. The
sponsors in their dainty irecks will
iu.xo a sp ci. l booth from whic h to
observe the drills of the afternoon.
A Lalf-eoiue aled fluttering of a hand
kerchief or an additional wave of pig
ment will announce the entrance of
Her company and a hearty burst
of applause from the multitude behind
will add pre. tly to leer pleasure.
The winning companies will be
called up t the reviewing stand and
the sponsors of the lucky companies,
assi.-tod by the regimental, battalion
ami Pershing Rifh sponsors, will
award the ribbons.
Afte r the completion of compet. the
companies will return to the drill
field ami ihe captains will escort and
present the sponsors to their compan
i s.
In closing, the regiment will pass
In review for the sponsors ami the
class of -2-2.
A c omplete list of the sponsors ; p
jie-ais below:
Regiment: Colonel Richard C. T. fl
eet; r c internal sponsor. Miss Lillian
Lew is.
Pershing Rifles: Captain Ji seph G.
Neh; Sponsor, Miss Pearl Swanson.
Rand: Sponsor, Miss Kdna M. P.rod-ha-
i u.
First Rat alien: Major Joe L. R
ons. Sponsor, Miss 7.illa Gillmor.
Company A: Captain Ivan P. Han
sen: sponsor. Miss H..rriet Wilson.
Company P.: Captain Nhrris W.
C.;ts: spoil or, Miss Marvel. Arm
Sevmour. Company C: ( ap;a;n R.'.gar C T:1
iis: sponsor. Miss Marion Rovittoa.
Company D: Captain J arm s L.
Free hsiim!: sp n.. Miss Mary Marsh
all. Second Hattali.n: M.Jor Ri hard
ih He. ;rn at: Mis Libuse M. Tomes.
Ccntpany K: Captain Hariy K. l-ti-Towskv
; spon.-or, Miss Arvilla M.
.1 ,-.!n.-o;i.
Comjiany F: Caj'tain T. Fierce
Ronrs; sponsor, Miss Lillian Rlanch
ard. "emjiar.y G: explain K. Grant
I;:ntz; sponsor. Miss Vera K. Cleiand.
Company H : Captain Ernest Zschau
sponsor. Miss Dorothy Davis.
Third Rattalion: Major Clarence F.
Rogers; sponsor. Miss Leata Mark
we II.
Company 1: Captain Dwight S. Mr
(Continued on Page Four)
Big' Review of Nebraska Reserve Officers Training; Corps by Chan
cellor and Commandant to Start at One 0 'Clock
On Drill Field
Company Competition on Athletic Field tc Be Followed by Indi
vidvu:l Compet and Presentation cf Pri:es by
Colonel and Sponsors
Prompt'y at e:i o h-i H is allel ic
en, tl o j.nm'.al e r ; , : i;-, ... ,irill.
pc pularly known , s r. i, ; , ;'" will he
held. This drill ' ; l.-; n ;l univer
sity tradition for over :iit ve'ars. in
fact it is almost a eld il .,. uv.iv r
si'y itself. It is a Ion: step t':-. m the
few pray oh.d nii ii who compos, el eh"
coi ps of cadets in tie laily ehs ol
the university to the (.ah! re vlment
of U22. with Its twelv, khaki-clad
companies erinp'isin. ve.- a 1 1 :cns
rnd men. Xolm ska's adet . rp - has
advanced by loaps at;,': b. iiuds sine .
its reorganization . s a:i lh O. T. v".
unit after the wo: hi v.n .
rhi aiternoeii. which is a hal,- a i
clay for the entire i:tr.i-:sity, will ,-,
la vvith a ici-, v c: ti.e nmiiciMtt by
the Chancellor and the Commandant.
This review will t;.;( pi. -co on the
Students in Advanced Course?
to Blossom Forth in Gray
Next Fall
Next year the advanced course st't
de nts will blossom t ith in new uni
forms. Cadet prey is the se lected col
or, with English c nt coat, bre eehes. puttees ami shoes and black
Sam Browne lvlts. At drills erev
shirts with black ties will be worn
and at ether turns white shirts and
collars with black ties will he v.-ern.
Various adjectives have been used in
describiiicr tho ne w tarb. No. i. nifty
and natty covers it we ll. Xev lonper
will ihe freshmen tir.d it liard to pick
tout the cadet oft ice i. tae
student V'c riy that will he tonr.d in
cre-y next Peptemler are the !' Olow
ins :
Jose-i'll O. Noh. Jam. s 1-. ProeVis::-.! ..
Ch.mcy P. Nelson. Harry U. I.aTovvs-l-:y,
Krnest Zschau. lh Ctant l.a;::z.
Kdpar C. Tnllis, N. rrl V. ( eats. lv. :i
P. Hails. .n. T. P.Vre . 11 rs. 1 raid
R. He witt. Pvicht S. M-' i. :. K.i.iy
Pro st. H. Sti ph. n K
. i
H. Pic-;-'. Xcv.ris ch K.-:i:
iS'nn. 11c. -ward A. Will,
i Taylor, John L. J1 1 : 3.
pili:g, Kmost H. Hi. h:
!Hnth. s, Uoboit 1 '. la-' :
A. ):
. 1" a .
chanan. Kdvv, rd 1.. M M
C. Rit hanh-eli. M:'l. ' I '
eis P.. Millson Jan.. s :'.
Kruci'--, llonahl W
fiaire tson. Howard
I J, .hrison. l.e-irr ni
I ( am. roii. ; ,i
ill. Sp.noer. Charl.
bort W. Rathsack. I
I i
M li .:t'
: i i ). ( .
1 1 :-
ilKiil s V. Pc -ry. ;; ,--! i". i.
i Willard V. P. nry. I'.rl h
Crew. Poilic it V. Cr. :c. S.o..'
Glassi.n. Jay V. An.'.c.x.a.
M. Whitney. Biancha rd ;.
Thad H. Liv inghouse. J; !; .
terman. E. K. Learning. Ear'
baugh. Leland H. AnJc rs a.
J. Hunter, Ernest A. Muili- .
;s R. Curran. Charles C
M -
' ". ;! 'i;.r
11 vard
.. Tiioui
li: tinan.
Newel! E. Freeman. Alfred O. Sten
gc r, Joe B. Wood, George Deord, Ed
win W. Morris. Henry A. B..chu, The
oil ore E. Cable.
The Pershing
1 TjT .... Ill
i'l ' f rSi: v s.'
t! f. ' .... -
pa'ai'.t pieini!'ii .'1' S.'cial S i.'iii e
h'.iihha :. Ta vvh I ave vat "heel
nv el' the- ;eievs tliat hav. been
lie hi iluiinc tie pas: niiinh in prepa
rati n tor th . event know seuiietliins
ei what can bo ih no. Those who have
net seen tin' full le uinieiit in review
will have' an eppertunity to see it at
this time. The ban 1 has 1 c- n issued
new insti nine nts by the s"v eminent
. ltd will lie euit in lull torce.
Kolh wini: the r view tho crowd will
a.i to the ath'o ie field to wa.teh the
competitive company drill that will
he held there. Maeh comnanv is to
ho ir.spoott'il en the drill fiedd before
entering the competitive tlrill. In this
way much t'mo will he s,.ved. After
I the company and plan maneuvers, the
company which has just finished them
; will be lined up at one end of the
! field and "spelled down" in the man
ual of arms to de termine the best ten
i I orient cf the men. Ti.e chosen ones
' will be pe rmitted to enter the individ
j ll. 1 ii mpetitien.
' Drill by Companies
! The competitive drill by companies
j will consist ot a thorough and compre
hensive test of each company in their
ability to go through the various
nii.vements under the command of
their officers. Kach company will be
carofuliy observed by expert judges
and g:ade d ; eordins n rigiel stand
ards. The judges of the company
drill Lieut. Colonel C. H. Mueller,
! Cavalry, K. O. T. C. inspector for
this corps area; Major W. C. Scl'.aus
of the Oifkcrs" Re serve Cc.-fs, aud
l apiam Isernard Ci. Westover. The
juelic s f cn:i:pan; inspiMion will be
Maj.-r Sieireey Krickson, Major 11. C.
Stein and l.-t Lieut. .1. Iiurks Har'ey,
head if the cadet regimen: at Nebras
ka last year.
Pillowing comp..ny competition the
hist tin i'r cent if the men in each
company will compete lor the three
loving cups which Colonel Mitchell
.!,; as pr:;:.
:i individual '
tor the three best men
ili. Cade t cifiicors are
led tr. in th.s compoihion. The
..:.:! .i and tr.e jatings and
i his, .s v ill then to the men ia
. .- lo.; ;::!. . 11 are- eliminated but
1 . - tl.:.-. v. h., will th. r. battle
:..: i'l 1 . S: ;. livc lv -. mpctl
is Tl.e judges of this
. , ; ;. Colonel Wilbur A. Mc
I. ;vaav;. : .Major C. J. Frank-
: i : tie- iriii er.-' R. s.-:ve- Co:ps
111 li ! . r . We il Jr. OI
c i
R. C.
Prcscr.tailcn cf Frizes
..v t! - s:. .-.ili!l
mpc ti
ll. I c n. manda at cf
1 ; the sp. rsOIS.
I;:. .-. Th- ('inaha
j... 1 t'. lie.-
w ' I . . . v i - a riied
- .. ap..n it
.a:. Blue : i Id, ns
aa 1 to 1..
v III 1
t'..s i i :a
P n i' r a
d t
,i.v by t ,
i ' e. O 1 i
a. n.'oer of
ii a :.: and
1 sPOil.-'llS
a; . :.c h man
a 1 1 : e. i iv ing
. r..t. i in iike
is and tl,- or-
: c c iiitly. 1 he c !
MTOl, i phi ' V..:i I,- C
I Ti.r an. r vita it 1 : ltd
! ganization pl
i titled to w hit
' will he t-lions
Th. winn.-is
'il lirst, soeoa.i ai.l ti.ii
(Continued on P: l
1 pla es in
Tv. c )
-Ai -N
: "-