IS 1 . i i Tuesday, May 0, 1022. ei. . - - - - - - I V i t -rvr 17 ) Wif ,i i H I M nil i If - , pT RING LARDNER WRITES ON "QUEEN OF SHEBA" Ring, the noted humorist, whose writings on sports and other subjects have handed the entire coun tiy many a laugh, saw "Queen of She ba," the Williams Fox great love spec tacle, which will bo shown at the Orpheum and wrote to the producer the following letter frcm Great Neck, Long Inland: "Dear Mr. Fox: "Well I seen the Queen of Sheha and got a good laugh when Solomon showed the 10 commandments to his 4 year old kid. David, and told him to never break none cf them as I have als." got a son David that ain"t only 2 years old, and has all ready man handled the most of them and beat No. 5 into a state of torpor. And if Solomon was such a wise cracker why dida't he marry the Sheba gal which would of give him another $1000 personal exemption making a total of $1,001,000 off for wife a'one and from what I seen of her he could of went without camels a couple of days and kept her in clothes for a year. But all and all you got a swell picture Mr. Fox and it loks to me like more people would read the great book if Virginia Tracy had wrote all of it. "Yours and etc., "(Signed) Ring W. Lardner." OMAHA CLUB DINNER TO EE ON WEDNESDAY The last of the monthly dinner meet in given by th Omaha Club this SM-msN-r will be held Wednesday ev ening -.t the Grand oHtfl. A fine !iii!ir ; 'id a rhort snappy entertain ment bv several talented Omaha stu dents is promised, to make the meet ing a pl'-a.-ant hour. Kv ry previous mc-ting has been well attended and very heartily en joyed, and appearances show, from the number of tickets sold already, that this will be the b.'pgest meeting of the yar. A short business meeting following the dinner will clear up several mat ters cf business arising in the club. The committee appointed to construct a new 'DnstitutVn for the club will make its report, and it will be brought Remember Vall's Barber Shop 131 No. 13th St. :aM!iiai:gBlll,aBjllMlllllBi;iMHMXMaKIM3 PILLER'S ERFECTO'S 11 LEASE 16th & "0 B4423 before the club for adoption. Every Omaha student Is a member of the Omaha Club and only through the cooperation of all can the alms of the club 1e fully realized. Tickets can be secured from the committee and no Omahan should fail to be there promptly at 6:15 Wednesday evening ALL-COLLEGE DANCE TO COME THIS WEEK The last college dance of the school year will be held next Friday night at the University Armory. Flans are well under way toward making this one of the biggest parties of the year The committee announces that a good time will be guaranteed to all. Northwall's Jazzland Band will fur nish the music. Excellent checking facilities have been arranged for with no additional charge. Refreshments also will be served. Due to the fact that so few dances are scheduled for this Friday and An telope Park has been so crowded, this all college dance comes at just the right time. The usual admission charge cf 35 cents will be charged. DR. HOWARD TO GIVE COURSES NEXT FALL Dr. George Elliott Howard, profes sor of Political Science and Sociology, will return to the University next fall and will give his regular courses in Sociology the first semester. Pro fessor Howard was granted an extra semester's leave of absence last spring and he and Mrs. Howard have been spending the year in Los An geles. Dr. Howard has published a num ber of articles this year, chiefly in the Journal of Applied Sociology, an interesting new periodical published by the University of Southern Cali fornia. In addition to his graduate seminar. Dr. Howard will offer, next semester, a three-hour course In Principles of Sociology at 10 ocock and a three hour course in the Family at 11 o'clock, open to Juniors, Seniors and graduates. CO-EDS TO BE EXCUSED FOR BIG TRACK MEET All girls who attend the track meet (either entrants or visitors) will be given excuses for their Thursday classes from 3 to 6 o'clock. This trcak meet is a national affair and Nebraska is reprsenting the Middle Western section. Such schools as University of California, University of Wisconsin, University of Illinois Florida State College for Women, University of Arizona and Mississippi State College for Women are to be competitors. Immediately following the meet, all first-plan records are to be telegraphed to Los Angeles, where the results will be compiled and giv en to the press. Extra Credits During SummerVacation You can continue your ad vancement scholastically this summer without foregoing the desired change and recreation that summer should bring. You will be refreshed and developed, physically and mentally, through attendance this summer at KB e I SUMMER ISI KsSm SESSION On the WOODED SHORE OF LAKE MICHIGAN Come to Evanston, the beauty spot of Northern Illinois. Boat, swim, play tennis, enjoy concerts," dramatic perfurm ances and inspiring lectures. Earn credits toward College, Professional, or Advanced degrees. Faculty includes teachers ol oot from other leading institutions. Samnur Oisslm tedads tb following-schools; itximw at LfcMl Art. Titn il mt riiwi.,ii ScOmI mi Silwllw RtMw ml Mori. ta.dWrt Courses covering full year's work in General Chemistry, Physics, or Zoology for students entering Media ne. Dentistry or Engineering. School of Commerce offers courses in "Salesmanship," "Factory Management," "Insurance," etc. School of Journalism features oractical newsnaner work. Many courses supplemented oy trips u leaning industrial ana rmanciaj centers ol Chicago, close of. Tins BOOKLET NOW READY Clip Follow In Haady Koquost form I r inAdt otrsu iuuai i bv! riHnf In fnfl h ummm 1 NORTH- WtSIERX UNIVERSITY sod ! I oUm sdTsatagos, rocrsstioaoi tt siamnnssl, !Nn ! i I Pull Address ; I I Adtfrat WaLTX Dm. SOOTT, Prtsiitml Northwestern University SB Lorrorsify Hm EVANSTON. HX. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN It is highly probable that a woman's track team will bo sent to the next Olympic games. If so, the team will be made of winners in this meet. MORE TENNIS GAMES TO BE PLAYED TODAY In tho only game played in the first round of the inter-fraternity tennis tourney which is being played on the Nebraska courts this week, the team of Beta Theta Pi defeated the PI Kappa Thi team 6 4, 1-6, 7-5, Monday afternoon. The following games will be played today: Phi Kappa Psi vs. Beta Theta Pi. Phi Delta Theta vs. Acacia. XI Psi Phi vs. Kappa Sigma. Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Alpha Tail Omega. Alumni Notes. The nlumnl association is in re ceipt of a letter from Hugh E. Smith, '13, in which he makes mention ol the following alumni now residing at Bartlosville, Oklahoma: Archie Kahty, E. C. Hindes, F. C. Campbell, C. C. Hoffman, Bertha and Carl Drath. All are in the employ of the Empire Com panies. Ruth Woodsmal!, '05, is the execu tive of the Young Women's Christian Association in the near east and her address is 19 Rue Sira Selvi, Taxim Square, Pera, Constantinople. Margaret Seek, '16, is in charge cf the Baldwin Missionary School, Nan chung, China. Clarence H. Ross, '22, is teaching English in the Ord high school. He expects to enter the Harvard Law School in the fall. In Years Gone By. Twenty Years Ago Today Word was received that the Cadet Battalion would camp at Reward on the Blue River. Nebraska was given unanimous vie ory in a debate with Missouri at Columbia. Eleven Yeart Ago Today Eight men were Initiated Into Vik Ing. honorary Junior men's society. The University senate decided to have no classes scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday from 11 to 12, in order that students might attend convoca Hons. Ten Years Ago Today "The Gate cf Life," the dramatic cantata given ;.t convocation by the University chorus was attended by one of the largest audiences of the year. Six Years Ago Today Tlie cai-t for the senior play wa? announced and rehewrsols were sched uled to begin. Five Years Ago Today No university men had received or ders to reach Fort Snelling lor the officers' training camp, but It was ex pected that many would bo called and would have to leave on short notice. Two Years "Ago Today The annual Engineers' Banquet was held at the Grand Hotel. Seventy htu dent eningeers attended. VICTORIOUS HUSKERS MEET AMES SATURDAY (Continued from Pace One) ond. Green (L); third, M;;tcl.ett (B) fourth. Malm (L). Distance, 40 feet. S inches. High jump Won by Green (L), and Parks (G) tied; third, Wiley (I); and Cook (LI tied. Height, 5 feet S inches. Broad jump Won by Adamson (L), T T . . Tr A T? J11 ttaii i nuw r .rvj.v win jvu a walk for $5.00. Without the sacri-' fice of Fit, Style or Quality we can save you $5.00 or more I on a Suit. FIND US. I 3 GUGENHE1 BROS 1 925 "O" St. 1 m W" 1 P " I 'm s.. - r- .iifiu'ot-Mii rami II ill's ihtWHtHi ' -nilWI 'lf1irWn'rim-ffn-'i'riAnr"T"sTiltT 1WH1 1111 III IH 1 1 IIHH IIHIIslllli H Il liillllMfllinsHsrWlVi i H rijilVt M Iii'H r 1 -1 .IT sliVrMhif j'riFrfTfnfiT'ii BENNIE KRUEGER'S ORCHESTRA Exclusively Brunswick BENNIE KRUEGER'S Dance Orchestra, whose playing at the famous Club Durant at Delmonico's in New York is the sensation of the season, records exclusively for Brunswick. 22 selections by Krueger's Orchestra are now in the Brunswick catalog. Others are soon to be released. Let us play their latest recordings, and others, for you. tni I'm fnrkoo Over Too Pox Trot Mlteboll-Brooks - Bow-Wow Blues Fox Trot Frlend-Osborno till 1 Go My HahKs On Fo Trot Durante fchool House Blues Fox Trot. From "Music Box Ravaa" Irving Btrlln Oo the "C.ln Gln 'Glnny Shore Fox Trot Leslls-Donsldson Carolina) Blues Fox Trot Hlnglo tJ4 Crajuiy Fox Trot Toung-Lowls-Akit Doo-lah Bloeo Fox Trot Rose-Whit Any Phonograph Plays Brunswick Records Qudge SvGverszel Co BRUNSWICK, P H O N O G RwA P H S AND R.ECOR.DS second, Glsh (E); third, Cozier (E); fourth, Hanson (L). Distance 19 feet, 9 inches. Polo vault Won by Gleason (F); second, Cook (L); third, Glsh (E); fourth, Wllkerson (G), Putnam (G), tied. Height 11 feet. WASHINGTON U. TAKES A GAME FROM HUSKERS (Continued from Page One) Ziegenbein, 2. Double plays, Ziegen belli to Pizer to Anderson; Linnemey or, unassisted. Umpire, Dye. Time, 2:15. Phone O. J. FEE ': it! '1 3 $100.00 a week as our general agent during summer vacation We have two unusual propositions whereby you can make at least $100.00 weekly. A postal will-get you the details of plans. Your time for making money is short; why not make the most of it? Write today be fore you forget it. Davis Products Co. Dept. 10. Chicago, Illinois. bFor choice Corn Fed ft Beef call at Braun'sS 8 Market 8 139 So. 11th boococcooccoGceoocooeooQco EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE Peoples Grocery 1 8 B3355 333 No. Twelft Street .si k K K) :! .si &