t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, April '28, 1022. UNIVtRSITY ACCREDITED Qualification For High Schools v cf First Rank are Announced Tim 1'iilvorslty of Nebraska main tains a lift of accredited schools, the graduates of which are admitted to t! university, and to nearly all the colleges and universities of the Unit ed States, without entrance exam inations in subjects that are prop- jy cortifled as completed in these schools. Unless a graduate of an accredited school, a candidate for admission must be ppared to take laminations In those subjects in vl'iich entrance credits are desired; provided that candidates of four-year on aecrediated high schols may be excused from taking the accademic examination by passing with a stand ins of at ,oast 60, the into,iSonee tot given to university freshmen. "Accredited" schools are such as, under the Inspection by the univer sity inspector of accredited schools, are found to meet the "Standards for the Accredited Schools' to a degree proportionate to their respective claw . The "Standards of Accredited Schools for 1922-23" are as follows: Where do You Lunch? Pardon us for asking. Our ob ject, however, is merely to sug gest that you try this restau rant. You will find a first-class menu at very popular prices. Every thing about our place Is very S chan and inviting, ana tne cooking and service well, just I a?k those who eat here. 1 Central Hotel Cafe IBEBTY TllTHS. FRI. SAT. Liberty Concert Orchestra International News Weekly Mihjrrt and I'ointH of Intrrrnt "WHITE EAGLE" With Ruth Roland BUSTER KEATON In "THE GOAT" "BIG JIM" "The. Shimmying- Itrar" JEAN GIBSON & CO. "Thr .alll Curd of Syncopation" JOHNNY COULON "Thr Man Thry Cannot Lift" FRED LEWIS "The t'omwlimn" A DRESS REHEARSAL A TraTHtty in One Act Mltmti START 7:0O. 9:IH Mnl. JOr; Night lr: t.al. 15c. Til I R FRI. SAT. Rialt'o Symphony Orchestra Pathe Semi Weekly News The IVerlnVa Kvent VUuulited "SPIKING THE SPOOKS" A New Educational Corned jr FRANCES ROSENSTOCK AND BETTY FITZGERALD Vocal Knlertainer "WIFE AGAINST WIFE" Rhnw Start at 2:30. 7:00. 9:00 I Mat&. 20c. Night 35c. Chi. 10c LVMIC ymzvw-mnnBi m ! I 1 1 1 I MINI I flT' ALL THIS WEEK The First Real Million Dollar Picture "FOOLISH WIVES" Other Entertaining Features Shows start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, Mat. and Night Prices 50c BUnk Your Lights At The GREEN LANTERN 4 OTOTAIH 1. Not less than thirty units re quire for graduation. U. The minimum academic and professional preparation for high schol teachers equivalent to four years beyond a four-year high school course. Jn determining this equil valence, two years of succesful ex perience in work closely akin to teaching will be considered equiva lent to one year of higher education. 3. Not to exceed six dally re citations from each teacher, a double period of laboratory or study room supervision counting as one recita tion; providing that not more than thirty-five periods a week bo requir ed of any teacher. 4. Library and laboratory facili ties adequate to the needs of the subjects taught. 5. The location and construction of buildings, the lighting, the heating and ventilation of rooms, the nature of the laboratories, corridors, closets, water supply, etc., such as to Insure hygenic conditions for both pupils and teachers. S. Efficiency of Instruction, ac quired habits of thought and study, general intelectual and moral tone of the school evidenced by the inspec tion. CLASS A Schools that are accredited to the North Central . Association of Col leges are accredited Schools and such other schools that meet the above standards. GROUP B Schools fully accredited but not meeting fully the above standards. At least three teachers giving full time to instruction in the high school. Fifty per cent of the teach ers to meet the provisioned of Stand ard 2. GROUP C The graduates may reveice 28 points on cerdentials, giving them conditional admission Into the college. INITIATION CEREMONIES Honorary Band Fraternity Takes In Twenty-Two New Men Wednesday Night Gamma Lambda, honorary band fraternity, initiated twenty-two mem bers of the University Band into the mysteries el' the order Wednesday night.- The following went through the ordeal: Glen Mooberry, Ray mond Smith, Don Hollenbeck, Ellis EckerolT, Edwin Coleman, L. F. Val entine, Maurice Sehickley, Paul Chey ney, Earl Conover, Burton Warrick, Francis Crane Ross Sable, Merle Lo der, Wharton Funk, Frederick Sturm, Millard Ball, Denver D. Rocs, John Iloagluml, Robert S'.aymaker, Sam Seeley, A. II. Jones, Gerald Hamilton. After the Initiation, the annual ban quet was held at the Y. M. Cv A. President Wyman acted as; Toast- master and called on Frederick Sturm to express the sentiment o the new men. Then Ed. Lamphere, Grand President, told of the early history of the chapter and of the. growth ot the order since it was made a na tional I'reanization two years ago. I A t:ilk hv tin ill root or of the band followed tin.l thtn the secretary out lined the program for the next year. The liaternity is sponsoring a series of mid week conceits to be held on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8 o'clock. The first of these is to be a band concert and is to be held next Wed nesday night. The raternity of Gamma Lambda has three chapters: Nebraska, Leland Stanford and the University of Flori da, and several more chapters are being considered. This is another of the Cornhusker movements which bids fair to be the largest and best of i;s kind in the country. $ ' SPORTS SKIRTS ENGINEER DAY PARADE COMES THIS MORNING In years gone by, the parade on Engineer's Day was for no other purpose than to secure an organized force of engineers large enough to intimidate the laws and also let the students and general public- know that the Engineering College exists. But "those days are gone forever" and this year the committee promise the most stupendous and awe-inspiring assemblage of educational and instructive exhibits ever shown at one time on the University campus. These exhibits are going to be in the form of floats representing the work of departments within the Eng ineering College. There is such se crecy at the different laboratories and Dame Gossip rumors that if there Is any desire by anyone to know "why an Engineer is," this answer will be forthcoming that morning. Much music is also prom ised and it is quoted at headquar ters that Sousa's band will not com pare with that brought together that day. The parade will start from 10th and O streets at 8:45 a. m., and will make a circuit of the campus so that everyone will be allowed to gaze upon the wonders before going to a nine o'clock class. The route there leads up town and O street will be traversed to givr the general public a glimpse of real engineering Ingenuity and cooperation. Iowa State College Plans are being made for the annual Women's Pan Hellenic dance. It is to be one of the most elaborate affairs of the school year. "The Coolest Hall in Towne" Saturday Night Lindell Party House Southern Raga-Jazz Band Adm. $1 plus tax ANNUAL CONVENTION OF N. E. L. A.' HELD The annual convention of the Ne braska section, X. E. L. A. .was held Thursday and Friday, at the invita tion of the engineering college, Uni versity of Xebraska. Following is the program which started at 10 a. m.: . 10 a. m., registration in lobby; 11 a. m., call to order, response by presi dent W. B. Roberts, appointment of committees, announcements; 12 m., adjorunment for luncheon. In the af ternoon, 1:30 p. m., inspection of lab oratories, engineering college, cam pus; 2:30 call to order, auditorium if Engineering College, annua! ad dress by President W. B. Roberts; 3 p. m., address by Dean Olin Jerome Ferguson; 3 p. m., "What You can Do For Us, and We for You,"' stu dent, L. S. Grand j ; 3:40 p. m., "Pub licity and Public Relations," Secre tary Horace M. Davis; 4 p. m., open discussion of afternoon program leu by Jas. B. Harvey and G. K. Pirten ger. At the banquet held at 6:30 at the Lincoln Hotel, Toastmaster O. J. Shaw introduced tUe following: Dr. BenJ. F. Bailey, "S;;iutariums ana Central Stations"; Walter S. Byrne, "Putting the Dollar Mark into the En gineering Course"; J. E. Davidson, "Electric Industry Xeeds Trained Men." On Friday at 10 a. m. the meeting was called to order and several re parts were read, after which election of officers and appointment of com mittees took place. At 12 the meet ing adjourned for luncheon. After the noon hour the party took a trip to the agricultural college, where an inspection of the grounds and build ings was made. At 2 p. m. a report of Farm Line Committee Chairman F. H. Brooks, and a discussion led by T. II. Fritts, Burdette Boyes and H. C. Johnston took place. The meet ing adjourned at 3:30 p. m. THE SMARTLY DRESSPD girl should have in her wardrobe one or more SPORTS SKIRTS. These are exception ally smart and the simplicity of lines this year lays greater stress than ever on the tailoring and the materials. f boucle f wool ratine f polo cloth of basket cloth of homespun of tweed of eponge of crepe knit Wrap-skirts, fringed skirts, pleated skirts, tailored skirts, etc. Dark and light colors in cluding dandelion, jade, fushia, red, buff, etc. And Spanish stripes, Scotch plaids, etc. priced 8.50 to 19.75 -Second Floor Kansas State Ag College The Ags are taking no chances on the weather th$ day of the Ag fair and in order to prevent loss due to weather con ditions, have taken out insurance for that day. The policy is for $1,300 and will be paid to the agricultural association if two tenths of one inch of rain falls between the ' hours of 5 o'clock and 11 o'clock in the evening. I PARK s DANCES 21 WILL STAKT NOON S' Will ym "iTfly Nmk on or will you l;ik.- .ui iii-livi- part in tin- il':i- uri-n ! the ihiiu-i'.' We Kimritnli-e to t-:i-h yon nil tl.' hllt'St llillllfH. tllollull .Voll IlilW IH'V- i-r I;iihvI ;i (iti-p in your lif Trlc plioiif I.MP.s f'-r mi iii.oiiitiiiiMit. CARROLL'S Neb. State Bank Bldg. 15th & O ! j Orpheum l I NOW SHOWING SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 MARK TWAIN'S Greatest Comedy A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT 25e Flmt Time Me i at TbfH mm :.. Tax Tax FRATERNITIES START WORK ON BASEBALL Much baseball interest is exhibited among the various fraternities of the university. Many fraternity games have been played his season. There is considerably talk on the campus of an inter-fraternity base ball tournament. The Omega Beta Pis clashed with the Delta Chis in a fast five-inning battle that resulted with a score of 4 to 5 in favor of the Delta Chis. The Silver Lynx and the Phi Alpha Delta split a hard played two-game series, the Silver Lynx winning the first contest and P. A. D.'s the latter. The Phi Kappa Psi recently defeated the Kappa Sigs 15 to 6, but were defeated by the Wesleyan baseball squad, 6 to 5. The Silver Lynx and Omega Beta Pis are slated to mix this afternoon on the campus in a fire inning contest Most of the fraternity games are being played on the campus east of the Social Science building. ,rr and WELL FITTED Means style as well as camfort in your glasses that is the kind I you will get here. i HALLETT Optometrist ; ' Est 1871 ' 1143 O J 0 i !l is w ii 111 I " i-Jf4fJ. !i '-.4 mm '6 Society - Mf VALUE THE more style, quality and wear that is put in a Suit, the more style, quality and wear you get out of it. That explains why Society Brand Clothes always cost a great deal less in the end. $35 to $60 Mayer Bros. Co. Learn How to Make $500 During Vacation I ast summer several hundred students were engaged in explaining the latest adaption of "Visual Instruction" to schools and school patrons. All found the work INTERESTING, EDUCATIVE, BROAD- I ENING, and REMUNERATIVE, as well as a big service to their fellow-men This summer a larger number win do seieciea. m wui case- a kwi dioij ih 6 " , with liberal commissions. Some will earn $20 per day, some 113, some $10, none will be paid less than the stipulated salary. Allowance for railroad fare will be made and a chance will be given for a perma nent ccf2' Teai and unusual opportunity, and if you desire to be considered, put in your application TODAY Preference given to those who apply FIRST and can work LONGEST. v Write NOW for an application blank. ADDRESS E. C. McBride, Sales Manager. NATIONAL HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION 612 RAILWAY EXCHANGE KANSAS CITY, MO.