The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1922, Image 1

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    Fhe Daily Neb r ask an
Football Battle on the Nebraska
Field to Close Spring
Training Season
Hartley and Preston Lead Teams
in First Spring Football
Game at Husker School
One of the biggest events of the
year will come off -this afternoon
when two elevens composed of the
gridstcrs of the spring training
snuad. meet on the gridiron in a reg
ular football game this afternoon at
3:00 sharp. 'The two teams, known
as Team No. One and team N'o. Two
have gone through a round of stren
uous practice this week in prepara
tion for the contest, and both teams
are confident of victory. Everyone
is invited to come out and see this
world's championship battle this
afternoon. t .
Rivalry between the turn of the
two teams has been very keen, and
the athletes have been indulging in
friendly bantering back and forth
throughout the week. The captains
of the two teams ar? Chick Hartley,
captain-fleet of the 1922 Husker
Eleven, Team Xo. One, and Pete
Preston, varsity quarterback. Team
No. Two, each declare that their re
spective elevens are world-beaters,
and that the other team hasn't the
chance of the proverbial snowball
in Hades.
The spirit of rivalry has even af
fected the coaches. Bill Day and
Farley Young, and so both of them
lias been coaching one of the two
f-ams. Bill Day is coach of Team
Xo. One and Farley Young is coach
of Team Xo. Two. Head Coach
Dawson is ringmast?r, and is charge
of the big contest.
Team Xo. One under the leader
ship of Chick Hartley seems to have
somewhat the better baekfield of the
two teams. This eleven was con
siderably strengthened yesterday
when Lewellen and Thomsen were
recruited. These additions gives
Team Xo. One five strong baek
field men In Hartley, Russell, It.
P'witz, Thomsen, and Lewellen. Ac
cording to the dope given out by the
members of this team, this baekfield
i a moneyback guarantee not to
make less than two touchdowns.
When the line is considered, Team
No. Two has much the better of the
argument. Wenke, Peterson, House,
Korby, and Huska form the muclous
of the line of Team Xo. Two. This
bunch of huskies have been working
well together this week, and are
planning to muss up the plays of
Team Xo. One with discouraging
regularity. Preston's eleven will also
have a strong baekfield with Preston,
H. Dewltz. Schoeppel, Hoy, and Har
ravs to choose from.
The game will be called at three
'dock this afternoon. Everybody
in the University is invited to see
tliis buttle royal. Xo admission will
be charged. Everyone out.
The need of the University for an
adequate auditorium on the campus
and a set of plans that will best pro
vide for this need, are the objects of
a contest open o tsudents, ex stu
dents, and alumni of Ohio State Uni
versity. The first part of the compe
tition will embody arguments for the
construction of a new auditorium and
ideas advanced as to the construc
tion of the building itself.
The second part of the competition
will be open to students in the de
partment of architecture, for the best
set of plans specifying the ''!' cf
the proposed structure. Ohio State
I-antf rn.
In connection with Engineer's
Week program, motion pictures films
were shown by the Conservation and
survey Division of the University in
Room 101, Xebraska Hall, and the
Motion Picture Studio. These films
were concerned with imigration in
Western Nebraska, trip down the
Niabarara and 'Wildcat Rigge of
Western Nebraska, work in Univer
sity activities. One reel showing the
control of the Missouri river by the
means of Bignell Pile by Woods
Bros., was alternated in the two
Annual Convocation of Engineer
ing College Held in Temple
Discussicn of Engineering Edu
cation Given by Iowa State
College Man
Dean Anson Marston of Iowa State
College delivered the annual address
before the Engineers Convocation at
the Temple theater at 11 o'clock this
morning, giving a general discussion
of engineering education. Dean Mar
ston is a man of national reputation
both as a practicing engineer and as
an educator. He is an officer of sev
eral national, sectional, and state
nrofession societies and boards, and
is a past president of the American
society for Promotion of Engineering
This meeting marked the real start
of the activities of Engineers Week
at the University and is to be fol
lowed by the annual open house this
evening at which the public is in
vited to inspect the work of the col
lege. In addition to the regular lab
oratory work many special exhibits
of interesct have been arranged. A
holidav Friday and a dance and
bfenquet Friday and Saturday eve
nings wind up the activities of the
In his talk. Dean Marston told of
the past history' of engineers and
engineering from the days of the
nvrarnids and dykes of Egypt, roads
ol Peru, and the great wall and
grand canal of China, to the present
day mathematical science.
In the United Statee in 1S70, there
were nineteen school with SSO stu
dents, the Dean said during his talk,
while today there are over 50,000
students in about 150 schools.
The graduate engineer is one of
the picked men of the country. The
iCmtinued on Page Four)
H, P; NieLson Awarded Prize
Fcr Activities and Scholar
Sigma Tau, honorary engineering
fraternity presented the medal and
picture that they give annually at
m,p snecial engineer's convocation
yesterday. H. P. Xidson received
the medal awarded to the sophomore
u-i,n in the minds of the faculty, is
the best all-around engineer in acti
vities and scholarship. The picture
presented this year is of J. A. L.
u-..n of Kansas City upon whom
this University conferred the degree.
Doctor of Engineering last year.
fr Waddell was the engineer who
built most of the bridges across the
Missouri river. He Is a member of
national societies and one of the
most prominent of America's cng-
(Continued on Page Jour)
Engineer Week Celebration Dates
Back to Exhibition Show In 1894
The present Engineer's Week is the
outgrowth of an engineering exhibit
of engineering apparatus and equip
ment at the quarter-centennial ctle
hration cf the University in 1S94. It
was but a denunstration that was
given to the public on the first occa
sion but it was such a success as to
be the nucleus from which the full
week of engineering activities lias
Since the first exhibit, the public
has been entertained annually by the
engineering students and shown the
technical material developers of the
nu n who guide the forces of nature.
Each succeeding year has seen an ad
dition to the interest displayed for
the exhibit.
Tlie Engineering Society, organized
in 1900, incorporated in its constitu
ticn that one of its purposes was to
provide, irom time to time, pleasing
and instructive entertainment for the
public. With this as a definite ob
ject, the annual affair became more
a reality.
Among the other activities of this
engineering society, were tlie smok
ts, dances, i;nd special convocations,
when noied engineers from different
parts of the country were secured to
address the men. These were to form
a part in the combined program for
a week of activities. The inaugura
te n of these into a week of events
under the familiar name of "Engin
eers' Week" was made in the spring
of 1912. This first "Engineers' Week'"
had in its program a rally or convoca
tion, a smoker and banquet, and the
di.-play night when all the laborator
ies were open to the public. Great
pi.ins were taken in preparing the
laboratories for public inspection, as
the entertainment thus afforded had
always been appealing to the people.
Tlie spirit cf the week of events
was carried on from 1912 to the wai
period, whent ir was temporarily dis
ccntinued. Again in 1918 19, a gen
eral chairman, Roy Gustafson, was
elected to carry on the work of di
recting and supervising the week.
The success of having a general chair
Matches In 135-Pound Division
to be Played Today in
Uni. Armory
The handicap wrestling meet, which
has been going on in tlie armory fcr
the past three d.iys under the direc
tion of Coach Harry Troertdley, ws
finished last nl'ht with tlie erefption
of matches in the 135-pound division,
which will be held today.
The meet has been hotly contested
throughout and stands out as on'- of
the most successful meets of the sea
son. The winners in all classes will
be awarded medals, donated by Red of the College Book Store.
In the 115-pound division, R. E.
Blore lest to I L. Whaley in tlie first
match The second bout which was
between Whaley and Probst, was won
by Probst by decision and lie will be
given the medal in this class.
The two contestants in the 125
pound class, John Kellogg and G. YSl
Pickwell staged a long and hard
ought match. After two extra periods
had been held Pickwell forfeited the
The first mate In t? 145 pound class,
between B. Xelson and George S.
King, was won by Xf lson who pinned
King with a headlock. n the second
bout, D. D. Skinner won from E. V.
Maun The finals between Xelson
and Skinner were won by Skinner
after a well-contested match.
O. I. Xoithnip and C. E. Thomas
contested for the medal in the 158
pound division. Xorthrup, who was
given the handicap, won the title by
defeating Thomas In an interesting
Stanton A. Troulman, captain-elect
cf the Husker wrestling team, met
Matteson for the championship of the
light heavy weight or 175 pound class.
(Continued on Page 4) i
man to actually take charge of the
responsibility of putting across the
week of activities was clearly seen
by the results secured. Last ytar, A.
V. Lindgren was appointed to carry
out the extenvise program. Several
new features were added and incor
porated in tlie week which had events
for each day of that week. Remark
able success was gained as shown by
the setting of records lor each- dis
play and event and the intense in
itrt st and spirit of co-cperation from
everyone in the college, students and
faculty alike.
The task of putting across a larger
and more elaborate program of ac
tivities for the week was this year
put under the direction, of Randolph
Gingrich, who was succeeded by
Lloyd P. Sliildneck. Again several
new features were addd of special
merit and noie, most important being
that of publicity.
The present '"Engineers' Week"'
program now contains a convocation,
with an engineer of national promi
nence giving an address, and a pres
entation of a framed portrait of some
successful engineer by the honorary
engineering fraternity, Sigma T;.u;
the open night at the engineering- lab
orah.iies, which is open to the public,
a full holiday in the College for an
athletic field day; a dance; and con
cluded by a banquet.
The interest shown by every en
gineer in the College and the support
of the faculty members, has assured
a larger and better week than ever
before. The results and suggestions
.:t the close of the week will be care
fully noted that the succeeding en
tertainments may profit and expand
from them. . .
Engineers' Week results in an ac
tual demonstration of the capabilities
of engineering both in theory and in
practice; the students in study and
in play, and coping with the forces
cf nature and in putting these forces
to work. Engineering is thus shown
to be progressive and worthy of a
ranking place in the list of professions.
Nebraska Girls to Compete in
Intersectional Contest with
Other Schools
The Interactional Telegraphic
Track Meet for women will be two
weeks from today, Friday, May 12.
Xebraska women must make a good
showing. Nebraska's reputation with
the University of Wisconsin, the Uni
versity of California, University of
Arizona, Mississippi State College for
Women, Florida State College for
Women and the University of Indi
ana, is at stake.
Ruby Damme, W. A. A. sport lead
er for track, urges all Xebraska girls
to come out at practice, hours. Five
nractices are required before the
girl is eligible to enter the meet.
There are girls who have been break
ing records during the practice time.
But there are not enough out. Every
loyal Xebraska girl should feel the
call to uphold her university in a
national meet in which our school
has been selected to represent the
middle west.
The events for which Xebraska has
entered are: 30-yard dash, 50-yaTrt
dash, 550-yard relay (ten runners),
flasket ball throw (for distance).
Baseball throw. Javelin, Pole Yault
Running broad jump, shot put (8-lb).
The meet is to be held Friday,
May 12, on the respective fields of
the entrants. Immediately follow
ing the meet, the director Is to tele
graph to California the record of
each first-place, the time, distance,
etc., and the name of the girl. This
Is to be followed by a letter giving
the complete record of the track
meet, giving the names and records
of those who placed second jand third
(Continued on Page 4)
Dr. Condra, Professor Pool and
Evinger will journey to K..:irn,,v yr.
day to assist in planning the city.
Dr. Condra will go as director of '
tlie conservation huh miiviv pi-'
vision of the University which has
to do with this sort of thing. Pro
fessor Pool who is acting as Suit -Forester
will take up tre planting.
Professor Evinger will assist in re
mapping the city. Tiny will work
with in city authoriti' s in planning
the parks, streets and etc
Announcement of Patronesses
Fcr "The Knight cf the
Nymphs" Made
Cast and Chcrus of Play Start
Final Windup of Practices
For Show
Patronesses of the 1922 Kosmet
Klub play, "The Knight of the
Xymphs," to be presented at the
Orpheum next Monday afternoon and
evening were announced last night
by the play committee as follows:
Mrs. Samuel Avery
Mrs. L. A. Sherman
Mrs. John P. Bratt
Mrs. John B. Wright
Mrs. William Cook Wilson
Mrs. Benjamin M. Xyce
Mrs. Carl C. Engberg
Miss Amanda Heppner
Mrs. E. J. Burkett
Miss Marguerite McPhee
Mrs. Carl C. Englxrg
Mrs. Charles C. Crittenden
Mrs. J. M. Mayhew
Demand for tickets for the Kosmet
play was heavier among the towns
people Tiiursdr-, according to the
business manager's report last eve
ning The matinee is becoming more
popular every day with the Lincoln
people and students generally, if
judged by ticket sales for the after
noon performance. The Orpheum
box office is the only place selling
tickets for the play this week.
The cast and chorus for the play
are starting the final windup of prac
tices preliminary to the first pro
duction on May Day. J. Manhy
Phelps, of the University School of
Music is being assi-ted by member
of the Kosmet Klub who have taken
part in other Kosmet plays, in his
direction of ."The Knight of the
Xymphs." The musical numbers of
the show will be announced by tii'
Sunday edition of the Xebraskan.
. ARP0STF0ie
Two Game Series With Kansas
Aggies Prevented by
Heavy Rains
Because of the heavy rainfall at
Manhattan, the two-game series of
baseball, scheduled between the Hus
kers and the Kansas Aggies for today
and tomorrow afternoons has been
postponed. A telegram was received
by the Athletic department here yes
terday at 5 p m. from Manhattan
stating the Aggie diamond was flood
ed and that it would be some tim?
before it w-ould be in condition for
The Huskers intended to leave at 7
a. m. today and to meet the Kansas
Agcieg at 4 p. m. They have been
preparing for two hard battles against
the Kansans. Coach Prank put the
IJusker squad through some hard
(Continued on Page Four)
Omaha Medics Coming to Parti
cipate in Contest cn Ne
braska Field
Eill Day to Take Charge in Ab
sense of Coach
The "Greater Inter-College Meet"
will be held Saturday afternoon on
N braska field, the program of the
events starting at 2:. 10. This meet
will be conducted in response to the
reqm st of the Omaha Medic traet
sters, who were not able to come
down the first inter-college meet,
which the Arts and Science cinder
men won. Results of the Drake
Relays will be sent direct to the
athletic field by wireless while the
college meet is in progress, and will
be announced there.
Coach Schulte who has gone to
the Relays, has appointed Bill Day
to take full charge of the meet.
Day will be assisted by the same
corps of officials that conducted the
first inter-college and the inter-fraternity
This meet has aroused much in
terest and rivalry among the track
nun from the various colleges, who
are planning on winning the honors
this time. The Ags and Bizads, who
were close behind the Arts ath
letes, winners of the last meet, ex
pect to even up with the academy
men in Saturday's meet.
The Omaha Medics, coached by
Harrv KretzW, former Husker star
track man, are coming down confi
dent of carrying home first place in
the"Greater Inter-College Meet." The
Medics have been practicing hard at
Omaha for the past six weeks, and
are in fine condition for the meet.
According to Deering and Slem
mons. Varsity Medics, who were
down Wednesday, the Omahans have
a strong team, and wi';l furnish stiff
competition for the local athletes to
Coach Schulte is desirous of hav-
! ine all men who have been out for
track to participate in Saturday's
I meet. Schulte declares that these
ilast four weeks are the most im
jportant to the trackster. and that
jit is essential that the m-n V''P on
(working until the close of school.
Program of ever.t:
lfio.yard dash, 2:10.
Mile run, 2:45.
440-yard dah, 3:f'n.
OO.yard high hurdles,
220-yard dash. 2:10.
110-yard low hurdles,
J: 4"
Wi.yard dash. 4:00.
Two mile run, 4:15.
vvn yard relay, 4:30.
Shot put, 2:30.
Discus throw, after shot.
Javelin, after dNcus.
i jump, 2:30.
vault, after high jump. j.iii.p. aft'-r pole vault.
Officials for the rivet are as
i low . :
Referee and start' r Guy Reed,
Earl Johnson.
Chrk of oour Harry Howarth,
H. P. Troendly.
Judges of finish Byron MrMahon,
J. Lloyd Masters, Bill Steel, Fred
Timers Geo. Dayton, Dr. Clapp,
F. Wright, Harry Kretzlor, Otto
Judges of weights O. B. Anderson
Lieut. Oliver, John Pickett.
Judges of jumps Fuhrcr, Full
away, Capt. Hagan.
University of Illinois J. Craig Huff
University of Missouri basketball
coach, who has been tendered on of
fer by Illini, has wired that the yarn
published by several newspapers that
he had accepted the Illini offer was
Kosmet Klub Presents
Mon. May
Mon. May
May Day Matinee and
Orpheum Theatre
Seat Sale Now On At Box Office
May Day Matinee and