I Friday, April 21, 1922. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN m Good things MOw jjll from9climes JlipH Delicious and fA M QjL Refreshing dS " JV The C 11 " -tijcMr . THE FLORSHEIM SHOE iTiii"'iirrTT""'war--"ttl''ni'" WHEN you view your first pair of Florsheim Shoes remem ber that their splendid appearance, you so greatly admire, is not merely a surface finish; but a "built-in" quality that will endure for months of constant hard wear. no Fred Schmidt & Bro. 917-21 0 St. FOR THE MAN 1 iggir Li ' WHO CARES VARSITY NINE MEETS WESLEY AN SATURDAY Coach Prank put the Husker varsity baseball squad through a gruelling workout yesterday afternoon in prep aration for the battle with the Metho dists Saturday afternoon. A short game was staged with the freshmen, who put up a strong oposltlon against the veterans. The Coyotes are putting in the week at strenuous practice with the ulti mate intention of capturing the Hus kers' scalps next Saturday. Ratting is a big feature of the Hus ker workouts. A batting cage will be obtained so that the Huskers will have an opportunity to develop their hitting ability. University of Washington An In tercollegiate relay carnival will be held at Washington University, April 29. The colleges who have signified their intention of taking part are Orrpon. V. S. C, Idaho, O. A. C Montana Wesleyan, University of Montana, Whitman, University of Hritish Columbia, Pacific University, McMinville College, College of Puget Sound. Occidental and Redlands. EAR OF CORN NOW BADGE OF AGGIES (Continued from Tage One.) for every visitor to fill every minute with rJlaetfure. Short write-ups of each feature will give the reader an idea as to the nature of each attrac tion. Many of the students of the University will know more about Ag Campus and the Ag buildings after they study that guide book. SOCIETY LEADERS "EXTRAS" FOR "FOOLISH WIVES" Several hundred prominent San Francisco society folk played roles as humble "extras" in "Foolish Wives," the million dollar picture to he seen at the Lyric Theatre next week. The "millionaire extras" were used to give tono to the promenade sceneB which picture the wealthy crowds surging along the walks and terrace at Monte Carlo. The Universal Film Company, In order to reproduce these scenes, built an immense set at Point Lobos, near Monterey, California. The ocean aide fo Monte Carlo's famous casino, the bandstand and the seaside (prome nades of the Riviera resort were duplicated. Participation ly San Francisco's Four Hundred was obtained by Carl Iemmle, president of Universal, as the lTsult of a handsome contribu tion to a worthy San Francisco char ily. The wealthy Golden Gate blue bloods motored to Monterey for the week-end and devoted Sunday to strolling around the Monte Carlo set, Unusual Position SKSSBHIIBSU "iti "I Hi K' 'If! For VACATION WORK Opportunity to travel or Iipcoiiip m-niium-nlly located with well known priucatloiml iiiHtltution. All rallrond fure refunded and definite Kiiiirantecri milnry for the Mimmer with a drawing account on btiNliiPoit eiu-li week. This position elves nn opportun ity to make JI0O $S00 during vaca tion. Write fully, kIvIiik ace nnd past experience. Address Sales Manager N'ntiiinnl Home & Scliool Ass'n.. lttillwnv Kxchango ltldg., Kansas City, Mo. acting naturally, just as If they were strolling around at Monte Carlo. Meanwhile the cameras clicked, and certain bits of action for the picture wore enacted, against this millionaire background, by Erich von Stroheim and the other principals in the regu lnr cast. 9i t?t a Mfin A TVTF.'R.Tf! A rJ BEAUTY SHOPS Room 8, Liberty Theatre Big Marcel 50c, Shampoo 50c Hair Bob 35c r.rr7. 143 No. 13th St. L Your missing I a good time if you ' miss the DANCE at Greenwood TONIGHT "The Norsemen" Play It Special Addresses on Liberal Religion by.- DR. HENRV F. COPE Secretary Religious Education Association at ALL SOUL'S UNITARIAN CHURCH 12th and II St. Subjects Sunday, 11 n. m. '"'What is Religious Education?" Sunday, 8 p. m. "Religion and the Problems of l!)-.'" Monday, S p. in. "The Church and the Needs of 1!1" Tuesday, 8 p. in. "The Now Evangel and Evangelism" Wednesday, S p. in "The Mind for a Xew World." Special music at these services. Everyone welcome. Dr. Cope will also deliver an address at the University con vocation Tuesday at 11 o'clock on the subject, "The Chal lenge of Democracy. " n i j ni TfT r it 3) EYESTRAIN is one of the most insed erous evils of the times. Hard usage, bright lights, nervous tension, all pnt too great load upon the eyes. HALLETT Optometrist Est. 1871 1143 0 3 The Value of Distinctive Hosiery HOSIERY is continually becoming a more prominent and important feature of woman's dress. Fashion re quires something really individual in hosiery. OUR white hose with distinctive clocks of gold and purple are the newest spring numbers. AS an example of unusual value and smartness we are particularly recommending our regular $2.35 silk hose with madras stripe and our full fashioned silk nued, silver, and black at $$1.95. WE are also offering fancy silk lace in nude and black, and black with white clocks at $1.50. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. )JX V. VV J wrww r m Your moneys worth or your money back. Mayer Bros. Co., Eli Shire, Pres. O 4 Society Brand The Hit of the Season: SPORT SUITS of .FINE TWEED Young Men Think They're GreatSo Do Men! Young men wlio want tlie new, the brisk, the unusual, and effects, patch pockets. Developed in smart tweeds in tan, brown, black, sombre green. The style for Spring and they are moderately priced, too! Daylig Store LINCOLN. NEBR. I so 35 Young men wiio want the new, the brisk, the unusual, and t lie good form a well, find these Suits reflecting the best of the newer style tendencies. It's great to wear one they arc real class and quality. Get yours now. E&J&3wn Service WHfW kSTAI HUH Manhat tan Shirts; Nettleton Shoes jjS Knox Hats Holeproof Hose i 1 v