Friday. April 21. 1922. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN luhllNhed SundHy, Tu.adny. Wedneiday, Thursday and k'rhlH v of each week by the Cnlvermty nf Nt'hraaka. Acceptance for mnllliitf nt special rnte of u(mtaie provided for In aeutluu 11U3, act of October 3, W17, authorized, Juuu ary i!0, 1UJ1. OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY MIW.ICATION liuler tlie direction of the ritudent I'ub llutlou liuurd. Kntrred m neooiid eland matter at Hi. p.NloltUe In I.lnnulii. NebrtMka, under Act of oiigrr, March t, 18H). Kubmriptiun rtite per year 1.00 per aemeeter lncle ropy...-'.-. - -B eenta EDITORIAL STAl'K OKVIN 1. CiASTOX Killtiir-ln-Clnif Hi: 1. 1. 10 FA It .MAX Miiniiirlnir Killtcr (iertrude DiiUt-nton...- Aeiate Kdllur llerl.irt Itrownell, Jr Mk'lit Kditor n.i.k Mitlit Kditor Cliurlt-N A. Mlteliell Miilit Killtnr John Ilcnlley Spurt K.lll.r Howard Ituftett A't. Harl Ft tar Cyril L. tooml...- Driiiiintlo lulltor Joxepli Xoh Military Kdltor l'lijtllln LiiiiKKlntf Fxrliunne Kdltor Alice Slncm ... - - .-Tj iMHt ASSISTANT KDITIOKIAI. WK1TKKS Keiinctli Mct'umlli'M Leonard I'owlry Itoy II. GiiMtiiNon Helen 1. I'Htfr.nn eversharps long enough to read and assimilate a few of Its snappy ar tides and enjoy a hearty Cornhusk er laugh. Don't pass up OM Man Awgwan'i editorials. We may not all agree with his Ideas on second semester pledging but we must admit he dis plays a formidable column of logic to support his contentions. His "On Diet" Is fine. Head this Awgwan from cover to cover. It's a good number. Contemporary Opinion OFFICK HOI KS Edltor-ln-t lilef and MiuiukIiik F.dltoi 4 II Dully BOOM 2011, "I" HALL Ill S1NKSS STAFF I4MKS FII1 K HuslneMB Mummer Cll U NCEV KIXSKY Vnm'I. Iu. l B r. CLIFFOKO UK KS Clreiilutlon Mgr. AdvertUiur AHNlatnnta Addlxon Siilton Koimld IMerte Knlpli Kedfield Art Whltnorth Otio Skold Klrhurd hlere Jess ItnndiU Mitlit Editor for Mil Imj. KDUAKI) M. HICK "NEBRASKA'S FAIR WOMEN" The miming of the six rarest co eds, whose pictures in the Vanity Fair section of the Cuurnhusker will be a novel feature of the book, has aroused widespread interest. The Omaha World Herald and the Omaha Daily News will publish as features in their Sunday editions for April 2i. pictures, of the twenty-five from whom the six have been chosen. The way the beauty contest has been con ducted this year at Nebraska Uni versity, keeping secret the names of the honored six until the annual ap pears, is being given due recognition. When the secret is revealed the pic tures will be featured in other publi cations. Many universities as well as newspapers of the country, show increased favor for this university and the Cornhusker since the intro duction of the Vanity Fair section as a part of this year's annual. The contest has been unique in that it has recognized personality as well as beauty. The girls who have been finally selected are represen tative of the true Nebraska girl, whose ideal is symbolized by each student. Tennyson's "Dream of Fair Women" would be quite applicable to the Vanity Fair section of the Ev erybody's Cornhusker but we won der if Tennyson's fair women had personality! AWGWAN AGAIN "Spring Fashion Number" of Aw gwan, our respected contemporary, has arrived on the campus. Lay aside your books and cease chewing your FADS AND FADS It Is indeed surprising what a crea ture of popular fads and fancies til's college student is. He likes to play, to wear and to eat whatever, for the minute, the rest of the crowd plays, wears or eats. Nor is he averse to changing his taste whenever the olh er sheep jump over the fence. He Is perfectly willing to play bridge madly for forty days and forty nights, and then suddenly turn to similar habits In checkers or roller skating. He is also proud to cultivate an appetite for hot fudges or chewing gum as long as everybody is doing it. He would almost be willing to look like his classmate as one apartment house looks like another, if it were the cam pus style. We do not object seriously to these tendencies. In fact, we rather like them. They add a little "air" to col lege life that distinguishes it from life on the farm or life in a business school or life in Norway. We do, however, believe that the "fad spir it" carried too far may become a menace to society, even to such a great university. It is harmful when people get so in the habit of doing what others do that they folow it in the more serious things of life. For example: when a man says he likes certain books just because a few so- called authorities approve them, or when he makes himself believe that he "adores" a popular sport that real ly injures him then has he carried the "fad spirit" too far. It is excus able to do what the mob does in the less important things of life; it is ev en fun. When, however, one professes false opinions on questions of cul ture or follows serious lines of ac tion just because "it is the ting to do" he is deceiving both the public and himself. A college course should above all things, teach us the neces sity of being honest with ourselves and the world in the important pur suits of life. Syracuse Daily Orange. Dld'ya ever See some one that Wanted you to go To a show. Ain't you ever Gone? Did'ya ever? Ain't you never? Oo: Does he play a good game of tennis? Ed: No, but he raises a horrible racket. Ashes to ashes as dust is to dust I've got to go to class I must, I must. Universal y Notices. Tickets for "The Knight of the Nymphs," Kosmet Klub play, may be secured fr m the Student Activities ol f ice, or Iron, members of the Kos met Klub, until next Wednesday, April -'6. Prices 50c to $1.50. Congregational Students The Christian Endeavor Society of the First Congregational Church cor- diallv invites the Societies of the Vine and Plymouth Churches to a joint meeting at the First Church, Sunday, April 15, at 6 p. in. All stu dents are welcome. Seniors Order senior graduation announce ments and invitations at the College Hook Store. Orders will not be taken Iter April 25. Valkyrie Importan Valkyrie meeting will be held Thursday afternoon at 5 p clock t Ellen Smith hall. The Exhaust. "The Awgwan's out," The student shout As to a class they go, Just 'cause they love it so-o-o. Now, Mary, if you eat onions don't breathe it to a soul. Band All members of the Uni. Band will appear in uniform today at 4:45 to have picture taken. The photos will be taken at 4:50 sharp. Iron Sphinx Initiation The Iron Sphinx wil hold their in itiation Thursday evening. All mem bers and candidates meet at 10th and O streets at six o'clock. All candidates bring six paddles. evening, April 20, 6 p. in. at the Lin colnshire. Episcopal Students All Episcopal Students and faculty and their friends are urged to attend a dinner to be given Wednesday, April 19, at the Lincolnshire club rooms at six o'clock. Price per plate fifty cents. If you can come call B1166 before Wednesday noon. U. S. Civil Service Examinations April-May Chemistry, Metallurgy and other Laboratory Engineering. Technical, Professional and Sclen tific. Miscellaneous. Fur further information call at Cml Service Window, City Post Office. A. A. REED, Examiner. W. A. A. The following girls will please re port at once to Lawlor's to be meas ured for their "N" sweaters: Meach Miller, Lauda Newlin, Bue lah Grabill, Lois Pederson, Alice Stev ens, Annabelle Ranslem, Nannie Rob erts, Marie Snavely, Lost Shepherd, Sara Surber, Pearl Safford, Davida Van Gilder, Bernice Bailey, Addel haite Dettman, Ruby Damme, Bessie Epstein, Eunice Hilton and Frances Gable. Kearney Club The KearneyClub will "picnic" at Electric Park, Friday, April 21. Meet at Tenth and O street at 6 p. m. to take car. Numeds Our annual dance: will be held Sat urday, April 22 at the Victoria Ho tel. Tickets are $100. The banquet wil not be held this week on account of the dance. Students desiring work are again urged to go to the office of the Stu dent Employment Bureau, as offers f positions are becoming more and Union You are invited to attend the open meeting of Union, Friday, April 21, 8:30 p. m. The Union girls will fur nish the entertainment for the evening. Alpha Kappa Psi The monthly banquet of Alpha Kappa Psi will be held Thursday ffiffiffiUUb Wn a it " r"avfl THURS. FR1. SAT. Rialto Symphony Players .l.-mi L. Srliaefer. Conductor Pathe Semi-Weekly News The World FventH Vixiiallzed Topical and Travel Pictures ShonillK Subject mill 1'olnt of Interest 1 "BOOMERANG BILL" 2-ANY OLD PORT" New I il ne:it ioniil Comedy 3Pathe Semi-Weekly News The World' FventH V iMiallzrd 4 C. C. WILES Xylophone SidoKt Williur K. C liranwitli, OrgnnUt Shows Start at 2;30, 7:00, 9:00 Mats. 20c. Night 35c. Chi. 10c Ain't you ever Went to A library And after You get there Did'ya ever Set besides One of the Sistern And expect to Study? Ain't you ever Started to talk And Girls, are you in need of sport ap parel? We have a full line of such gar- TYipnts nmnnrr lllVli AAA y A A J i which is the wrap around. Why not b enjoy the looseness x and freedom which this tweed garment affords, come in to- 8 day and look them b We have them in all the light and dark shades. Where Everybody floe THURS. FRI . S AT. Liberty Concert Orchestra Arthur .1. Itnbirli. Director 1 International News Weekly Showing- Subject and Polnta of Interest 2 "WHITE EAGLE" Tule of the Went with Kuth Roland 3-"TWO OF A KIND" A New I' nl vernal Comedy 4 FISHER AND SMITH Oferlnc Different Thin" 5 HARRISON & DARLING In "TIIK DAILY DELIVERY" 6 Amaranth Sisters & Company "A Vaudeville Fantasy" 7 WALTON & BRYANT In the Comedy Skit "III II?" 8 TO BE ANNOUNCED IIAIIICII AM) TIIK ORCHESTRA KHOWS STAKT 2:3". 7:00, 8:00 Minn. 20e; Mrht Oe; Cial. 15e. BUnk Your Lights At The GREEN LANTERN I -A I i 1 tat mav Here's a Choice Morsel! The SKIBO SHIRT a Dressy White madras or Soisette shirting with the new attached webbing collar $3.00 WTO I QuaWtrCtoihet KM more plentiful. The following are some of the positions secured for university men during the week: One man for grocery work, one in a dry goods store, one working for his board and one for his board and room. These positions are netting COLLEGE S country- Not an orfinwy irwwy. A bureau lor ipwwi.1. W largest in Amtnra. No elennfUary whool ubjeeu. Collue fraduatf .pwialty. Mw than half of Ihf lair univmiUn have rlp.-ied our cnrlidtrt W will put jov in jul iheplar you want mnd add hundred ofdullan to yourinrcrmc orthpTvianotbiagUiuay SPECIALISTS UUCATIOjTaI WlSS." fliiti life, ST.IOOIS. HQ. MEN AND WOMEN Make your rduration count. lei the b.l posi tion to b had. we piar trarh-r and hool execu tive in all part of the tu Where do You Lunch? Pardon us for asking. Our ob ject, however, is merely to sug gest that you try this restau rant. You will find a first-class menu at very popular prices. Every thing about our place is very clean and inviting, and the cooking and service well, just ask those who eat here. Central Hotel Cafe FOUIITAin EEtVICttS 1653 Jg T.ST Eiche Floral Co. Choice Cut Flowers and Corsages 130 So. 13th POLECEX Reserves have promised to help hold the crowd back at the 8 $5.95 CONAC CLUB DANCE at the LINDELL PARTY HOUSE FRIDAY NIGHT Featuring Samuelson and his Melody makers with that two piano combination which is the talk of the town. MRCMrx,MJM XI 11 1-i. ujv lL j . OS .avav Nothing Hke them for sport and out door wear tweeds I Roughish, open weaves in browns, greys, and heathers. They. make up beauti fully. Especially in these smart new designs by the Kirschbaum shops.' $25 $30 $35 JIVj-'' Ha yam ditplayf up Admission dollar 'n a dime 'zusyal p J Refreshments The Store For Men on N SL ccooocccooeocosocoocooooaa V i .airui - .- Mini i. U1-