Friday, April 7, 19: T HE DAILY N E B JlASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I'iiI'IImIiimI SuimIhv. Tui-imIhv. Wi'clneiicluy Tliurmlu) iiiui k'rlilnv nf CHi'b wevk liy the I'nlvrrsifv i'T .oliranK. Accoiilaiiou for inalllutc at upoctnl rate or tmiitapu iirovuii'ii mr in wcumi jiuo, vt if October 3, WIT, autliorizt'd, Jauu ary M, 1U1'2. OF1MIAI. IXIVKRKITY ri'HLICATION I iid. r Die dlrrrtloo of the Hluilt-nt I'ub Itmtliin Hoard. Kr.ti-roU act MTund clium nrntttr at ilia pelultli' la I.liiroln, Nclritka, under Act of C cnrei.. Murch 3. 1870. BabH'ri(itlun rate i.00 per year 1.00 per enimtrr Slnglf copy.. ... - . eenU K1MTOK1.W. KTAKK OliVIN II. i.lSTON K.illtor-ln-Cliiif IIKI.1.K 1AIIMAX Miumitlnir Killtrr Uoriruile 1'iillrrHiiii ....AxNiiciate ICilltur HrrliiTt llruwnell, Jr Mulit Kilitor Kit ward Jlurk Mlt Keillor riiarlrs A. Mitclull Mitlit Kilitor John llriilli-y Spuria Killlor Howard HiiifHt Ans't. SporU Killtnr Cyril 1.. C'tMintbN Ilramatic Kdilur luxi-pli Jiiili Mililnry Killlor AU rU-veim - - T l" ASSISTANT KIHTIOKIAI. WH1TKUS Keniiolh Mc('anill-s Leonard Cowley Koy 11. ualufn Hplen I. IVIfrmin OKKHK IIOI'KS Kdllor-In-C'hii'f and MuiikUK Kdiloi 4 (1 Dully ROOM 2IIH. "I" HALL University Notices. Home Ec Club Party All Agricultural collide students a:e Invited to the Home Economics Clul party which will be held Saturday evening, April 8, In the horse barn at the Agricultural College campus Union All members will meet at the hall Sunday morning at 6:30 a. in. pre pared for a hike to Bethany Grove. Hl'SlNKSS STAFF JAMKS KIDIMM K HiiNlnt'KN Mummer CIIAINCKY KINSF.Y Amt't. Una. Mgr. CLIrrOKU llli'KS t irrulatlnii Mgr. Ail vert I -.Ins AshlHlanta Ail ill -on Sullnn llonuld IMen e Italph Ki'.lliWil Art Whit worth Otto Skold KUhard Slere Jess Itnndal Delian The Delian girls will give their Annual .programme and Stunts. Fri day night In Faculty hall at S p. m Ag. College Students The Home Economics club will en tertain all Ag. College students at a party Saturday evening at 7:30 in the Horse Barn on the Ag. Compus. Mulil Kilitor for thU iue. 1IKKIIKKT IlKOWM KLL, JR. Tlie institutions of learning which are located in the Missouri Valley re giou and members of the Missouri Valley Conference have no doubt read with amusement the slop.ui now echo ing out from Mount Oread, the home of the Jayhawk. We refer to that inl' resting declaration, "We own the Valley." Until we first saw this statement we were not aware that the Valley had any particular owner, that it was property, or capable of being owned. We had always looked upon it as a good place to live and a conference composed of nine ex ce'lent, growing universities. Correction The University calendar yesterday listed an Alpha Gamma Rho party for Friday, April 7. This was a mistake as no such party lias been scheduled Smith hall. XI Psl l'hl spring party, the Lin coin. Saturday, April 8 Delta Gamma spring party,, Com mercial club. Acacia house dance. Delta Chi house dance. Fl Kappa Phi spring party, the Lin coin. Omega Beta Pi spring party, K ol C. hall. "No mall" yelled the distracted fe male as tdie ran into the parlor. A. A. Inter-Frat Track All fraternities desiring to enter hand their entry fee to Adolph Weak U. S. Civil Service Examinations April-May Chemistry, Metallurgy and other Laboratory Engineering. Tochnical, Professional and Scien tific, Miscellaneous. Fur further information call at Civil Service Window, City Post Office. A. A. HEED, Examiner. OWNING THE VALLEY But we are forced to admit our er ror. A formidable array of cham pionships annexed by the Kansas in stitution, with those held by other schools discreetly omitted, affords the proof of ownership. Were we statistically inclined, we might go Commerce Geography 74 Field trip next Saturday morning. Meet at 8 o'clock at Nebraska Hall Mapping south of town. Bring small ruler and hard pencil. Home Economics Party Girls are to wear gingham aprons and boys overalls at the Home Ec. Party Saturday night. E. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS (Continued from Page One.) Plans are being mane to accommo date a crowd of at least 5000 people The down town display of the Ingen uity of the engineer is to be in one of the Miller and Paine windows This nromisos to surpass the "coffee pot" of last year which drew such large crowds of curious observors. Applegate reported that plans were complete for the dance Friday night at the Hosewilde. A six piece orches tra has been engaged and everything to complete a good time has been ar ranged for. Kreuch described the plans for the parade which is to be exceptional this year, since it is to include a number of representative floats beside the band and some S00 students of the. college. The field day events are to follow. Luncheon has been arranged for at the Ag Campus so that no time need be lost in coming back to town Doremus then spent a few minutes in telling of the banquet at the Lin roln Hotel Saturday night. This is to be the final event of the week Speakers from Omaha and Chicago are being arranged for, as well as lcpresentatives of the faculty and the local A. A. E. Chapter. Unusual Position For x x-aisocxjixxjec: 5 K )( St X X " it": it x it x. VACATION WORK Opportunity to travel or liccnnip permanently locatoii witii won known filui-atiitiiiil institution. All railroad fare refunded and definite Knarunteed Hillary for the hiininier with n drawing uerount on liunluekH eiu ll week. Tlila position plves nn opportun ity to inako J KM) fNOO during vuca I loll. Write fully, giving nee nnd pnat esperii'iiee. Address Sales Manager National Home oi School Ass'n.. Nullum- Kxcliango ISldtf-. Kansas illy. Mo. CCOCCCCCCCCCCCOCCCCOCCOCO The Calendar. Friday, April 7 Delian open meeting, S p. m. Fac ulty hall. Union closed meeting, S:30 p. m. Beta Theta Pi dance, Chamber of into d-tail regarding the number of championship and titles wmi by Ne braska in the past twenty years. Per haps we might be able to establish as good a claim to the Valley as our sister state. No doubt Missouri, or Ames, ot Oklahoma, could do like wise. You have ;.il heard the old story of the man who took in tuo much terri tory This is surch a paralh l case. Our Jayhawk brethren t idently ov erlouked the fuel that there are other states bordering their own common wealth ,t:nl that there vfe big-rer riv ers than U c Kaw. But if thb Jayhawkers get any kick out of a slogan of tliis Kind, lar be it from us to complain. Wv are e:y' happy here by ourselves and manage I to win a t'outball game nuw aud then, j We only hope thai our school spirit, if that it be, r.ev.-r be.-ouie-s so in-j flated that w e give vent in any tilth spurious stat'-i:;eiit s.s, ''We own the Valley." Sigma Alpha Epsilon house dance. Lutheran Club banquet, 6:30 p. m Grand hotel. Wolohl campfire, 4 p. m. Ellen KICKING ABOUT THE WEATHER Tile t'-ason of April showers is Upon Us. We have i -1 Steilli the sun only by .-pells for tie last couple of weeks sj everj bo'jy evidently leeia justiiied in ki.:ug uii.ji.t the weath er coiidiiiuiij. Why is it that people- constantly -irk about the weather? Ge-neraily when lolks kick about home-thing ttty do it v itii the hope of being le LtvtJ of the objectionable condition. We crab to li.e- superintendent or the 1'ioprietor about poor srrvice. After instituting our kick we expect the senile to improve or we will chit' our pationage. We remonstrate with our piot'-ssors over unsatisfactory trades, generally well r- alizing th; t it is only ourself that can better the mark. Still we kick kick about t-v trything, kick on general principles. But what is more foolish than to kick about tue weather? Who are we kicking to, the elements? It is rea sonable to kick about service or grades because there is a possibility of their being changed. But the weather is something that all the kicks in the world cannot alter, so we may as well' be philosophical and accept what comes to us. This old universe does not care whether we like the weather or not Since we must continue to reside on this earth just as it is whether we like It or not, we may as well admit that the weathe is tough, but we like it It seems to be human nature to kick, but kicking about the brand of weather that is meted out to ug is most foliBh. Besides realizing its fu tility, we know full well that "it takes a little rain with the sunshine to mike the world go round." Ill O Nil FOR YOUR J 1 EASTER 1 THir J I Dainty Dresses - TsnnMTn 8 of r Blink Your Lights TT X q st At The S 8 The Most Careful 8 1 GREEN LANTERN VS N 8 f JL 8 Tailoring 1 0y l ' 19.75 'Mra J 1 ' upward 1 ERVICE' fcJ ! ' J i x :: x xjlx x x a x x x ss x stxgxpg.fxZKSijcjl B II I 111 V I GABARDINES j I $25.00 I Quality Clothes ggpyy x' x' K' x! xrx1 xrxi'xTgxrxTxTi i x;xi X: x x"TxTx1"tTxTgsSxl!a X' xlTxl x'.xTg'xTx' x1 x, T sf Hx x gg -5 Pharmacy Hop ROSEWILDE PARTY HOUSE FRIDAY, APRIL 7 Northwall's Six Piece Orchestra Dancing 8 : 30 Admission $1.10 with Tax "Unitarianism-A Vital Faith Developed in the Atmosphere of Intellectual Freedom" Subject of sermon by James W. MacDonald Sunday at 11 a. m. at ALL SOUL'S UNITARIAN CHURCH 12th and H. t. A GET-ACQUAINTED SOCIALL will l.o licM in llie Cluirch Parlors Sunday at 7 ::?) p. m. All are Welcome ;: ! s: X st x x X X x x X (1 SHREWD MEN OF SHREWD MENTALITY EXPERIENCE A SURPRISING DECREE OF SATISFACTION IN SELECTING A BUSINESS SUIT IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT. IT IS EASY TO BE IMPRESSED BY REALLY SPLENDID CLOTHES OF GENUINE STYLE WHICH DEMAND ONLY A MODEST EXPENDITURE. FORTY DOLLARS AND MORZ RE A D V- TO' PUT- Off TAILORED AT FASHION PARK CUSTOM Ft WISH WITHOUT THEANNOYAKCEOFATRY-ON ' v. t ARE YOU A STUDENT? OR Do You Just Attend the University? Well WHICHEVER YOU ARE YOU WILL ENJOY THE VARIETY SHOW ORPHEUM TONIGHT Friday Sale of rim nn i OUTPITTenS TO HOnCN. Of -on O TRttT. -NEW SPORT HATS -NEW FLOWEE HATS -NEW STREET HATS -TRANSPARENT HATS -RIBBON TRIMMED, FEATHER TRIMMED, FLOWER TRIMMED IN ALL NEW COLORS A I r uuiru icjo TO vCfllfL OJ3-C47 O i" 1st) 1st. :x, X' .X: ;x: x; xi !' ist' x' IX 'X iSt: