Thursday, March 23, lf22. THE DAILY NEBRASRAN ACTOR'S STRIKE HOLDS UP SHOW CHICAGO, March 13 It Is a well known fact that all great artists, par tioularlv those who make frequent public appearances, aro extremely temperamental. Apis Mellifioa is no exception to the rule. The Italian bc:s belonging to the Society for Visual Ed ucation have proved themselves to lit true artists. In their sch-oihI public appearances at the recent Chicago "AU-Outdoore" exhibit, they prreatly disappointed their patrons and backers by unan nounced chances in the advertised program. The substituted program gave sad evidences of the lack ot suf ficient rehearsal and co-operation on the part of the principals. The em barrassing absence of the Queen Bsc completed the demoralization ot the: troupe, and when their Impressario, Miss Lucile V. Uerg, attempted to call in reserves- Even the workers, stage-hai' is add scene shifters proved equally unre liable. It is believed that Mr. Hiveus Drone, with his extreme l.!olbl.e istic tendencies, was in part responsible for this labor trouble. One of the immediate causes of this agitation was the lack of proper noti fication reaardins flashlight pklm-;' taken by the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, in the vicinity of the "How Doth the r.usy Dee" head i-iai-ters. The bees, surrounded by lit nil tributes, had been progressing very smooth over matters and continue- the performance, she was threatened with personal violence and finaally had to satisfactorily with their honey -makins scene, when the unheralded f.ashs xin hinged their nerves, and ,'ao ab sence of the queen prima donna, whom unkind rumor reports as being a I the time in a state of hibernal tcpor, left tbem without the guidance of ..nyone whom they would recognize is having authority. Fortunately for the reputa tion of the Society, which was most vitally concerned in the success of the performance, the service of a reserve company of actors, who knew nothing r.bout the flashlight episode were available the following day and thej continued the lioney-makmg scene with great success. And so, ai'dough Miss Berg carries physical evidence of having been stung, there cannot possibly be any figurative application of the term to the Society of isual Education. In addition to this display rf bees, the Society also entertn'ncl th3 throngs that came to the exhibit, with motion pictures on toads, the lir cycle of the mosquito, Monarch butterfly and wasp, bee culture and olhci nt ture study subjects which were made for classroom use in schols. The pr?s cntation of these films was arco.7ip.iii led by talks by Ruth E. Danforth. which covered the essential points Other exhibits we r provided by the Outdoor Art League, Prairie Club, Camp fire girls, Frank V. Dudley, tho artist, the N. W. Harris Loan exhibU, Oak Park-River Forest High School, Y. W. C A., Society of Chicago Ai tists, Wild Flower rresorvatbn So ciety and several Chicago public schools, all under the supervision of Mrs. Theron Colton, chairman ot the conservation committee of the Iilinou Federation of Women's Clubs. Two literary societies, organized In 1835 at Wake Forest College, North Carolina, are yet active. They have a Joint sinking fund and are consider ing the erection of a literary society building. Where do You Lunch? Pardon us for asking. Our ob ject, however. Is merely to sug gest that you try this restau rant. You will find a first-class menu at very opular prices. Every 'thing about our place Is very clean and inviting, and the cooking and service well, just ask those who eat here. Central Hotel Cafe "A college cannot make brains; it merely trains them. It usually makes a smart man smarter, and a fool a bigger fool." From university professor to nation al president is a popular sport these days since our ex-president set the example. Of the three republics now occupying the territory of the former Austro-IIungarlan empire, two have university professors as presidents. EDIT0R3 AND PUBLISHERS HAVE SHORT COURSE A. WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY (Continued From Page One.) ment of journalism is prepared to give such a short course whenever the editors of the state desire i'. The association voted In facor of the course and delegated its executive committee to work out a plan. A session lasting two, three, or lour days and to be given early in Feb ruary, 1023, was suggested. The edit ors would "go to school" in the de partment of journalism each morn ing to hear lectures and take pnrt in discussions of their various problems news gathering in town and coun try, news writing, headline writing, make up, advertising, cost accounting, etc. Afternoon and evening sessions would be devoted i0 con.) the larger aspec,a or" paper publishing. y newv hi R Try our Special r,n.. iv. SWve.l v : ""'nor Ihe Automatic Rish-Bach from the teacher's viewpoint. The Redipoint lead is out only when you want it out for writing. When you don't want it, the lead is up inside the barrel, out of harm's way The Automatic Push-Back does the trick. It whisks the lead back into the barrel in stantly, at a pressure straight down on the point. Redipoint alone gives you this patuntcd Push-Back. It pro tects lead from breakage. It protects pockets from dam age. See it try it - today Prices from 50 cent up. Redipoint W HIG U. t. M PAT OFF. At the Sign of the Nurse TURLEY'S PHARMACY Prescription Specialists 1847 O St. Phone B-2101 Eiche Floral Co. Choice Cut Flowers and Corsages 130 So. 13th Phone B3355 O. J. FEE 333 No. Twelft Street S; K -a I is S a s;a, h a a a.s.a.aia.a.aia.a a a a a a aiB.a.ais a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a-a a.a a,a-a;a;.'na.'f I WANTED I a 2 or 3 Men Students who can wear about size 37 clothing to work as models To-nite apply this morning at MAYER BROS. CO. See Roy Miltonberger Ifc.a a"x"s a a a k'Wk a a a'a'a a"a a" a alsinrairaa aXaTTa'a X'a'a 'a !s:a :as a'STSCsX fr'KZ3SJS!Eg$l'&x3t a a a a a a.ajt a aa as aaa'a aa as a sTf araaraS'tTaiyy CONAC CLUB DANCE I Lindell Party House Synocodors Orchestra FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Admission $1.10 Including Tax J I Before you leave for Spring Vacation, step into your new Farquhar Suit and Topcoat Special shipments of the famous "Hoot Mon" Tweeds have reached us the last day or so we've scores of new things to show you. Suits finely tailored in four button and sport styles; topcoats in plain and belted models. Priced so you'll have plenty left to get home on! New caps and hats that match up with whichever suit you select. New collar attached shirts and college striped ties. And everything slse young men wear. Dress up today in Farquhar Clothes. -THl HOMI I I II U I 1 I rJr 1325 O CLOTHIERS TO COLLEGE MEN evening from 5:30 to 7:30 The Lincolnshire 318 So. 12th St. K.s.SiS,a-s-a:s,a:s:a-a a a a:a a a a a axBSQa'jt'Kh