The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1922, Image 2

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    T'luirsdiiv. March LM. 1!L'2.
T 11 E 1J A 1 L Y N E li li A S K A N
l'lildNlieil Suinliiv. 'I u hiln v, 'i'ilin'Milii
Tlmrs'liiv :n,il fc'riiliiv ef eaeli Wfrk h v Iht
I nlv.TBiiv ..f Ni'lirnokn
Ai'vtntii-i f"r iimlllnc at upociiil nit
of ittiiv: i- vll m I in hi'i'timi 1103,
get if ownliir X l'.'K, iiuilioiizi'il, Janu
ary llii.
Olhll I M. IMU.IIM'I V !! Itl.U ATIO.N
I mlrr llir ilirirliou ul tlit Sliult'iit l'ul
Itcnt Ion llmirU.
Kntrml m xrrnnil linns imittvr at III
p.t..!tin- III I Iiw.iIm. Nrliriihka. undrr Art
of iiiiitrexn, Murrh 3. 1 17!.
(nbMritiiit rntv " I'" 'wu"
yi.mi per Heiiit'Nter
Slncle copy 8 eeuU
DIM I'llltl VI. MM IK
olil II. (.AM(l l..nior-in-i iin r
IU I l.i: l-AKUAN M.immiiiK KilitiT
liertrmle riiiirruin miai l-lililur
llcrhrrt llromirll, jr Nittlit Kililor
I-(I ward liui'k Niislit i:lit.r
Churlr A. Mil.lii'll Nicl't llilimr
John lli-ntliw Spuria I'dilor
llonartl Itnff.'H '. fport K.lit;r
Cyril 1.. oiMiili Dramallr K.ilnor
Jo.'ili Noli Military Kiiilur
Alio' StfWIIX Tjlllht
konm-tli M illlillri. l.tollilnl Cmvlry
Koy II. t.aslafon II fl-ti I. IVIit.iih
in i n k. not lis
l'litor-ln- liiff ami M;iii:ii;lnc Kiliim
4 liaily
IIIIIIM -'llfi. "I " II
i:t sINKSS sTAM'
JAV1KS lllilxHK llniin-s Manakfr
1'IIAt N( K l I I ' V st. Ilns. Mgr..
C1.I I I ili l llll lis ( irciiliilinn Mer.
University Notices.
Information Assistant.
Ass't Radio Engineer.
For further information call at Civil
Service Window City P. 0.
A. A. Reed, Examiner, U. S. Em p.
Serv. 201 Temple Bldg.
Alpha Zeta Notice
Alpha Zeta open inert ins, Dairy
Auditorium 7: HO p. m. Thursday.
She cast her eyes
Expect insly to her feet
Hut the fish worm
Stopped not,
. slid by.
"Ever hear the Ntory about th
g.ddcii fleece?"
No. Do they bito?"
When off or on my springloss col 1 lie
In vacant or in pensive mood
They flash upon the outward yo.
Which is awful to go to sleep by.
And then my heart with anger fills
And I turn over anil wish those
tol ground
Lights would go out.
The moving pictures which wc:e
taken last week of the track men in
action will be shown at 7:20 (his even
h.-; at Nebraska Hall. Everyb-'dy in
'.frosted is invited. H. F. Scl.u.te.
To Elect Delegates
The election of delegates to the
W. A. A. sectional U -on; It reino at
In Id Friday.
AilMTtisini; Asistants
.......... Il.inil.l Pliril
kuli.h li.dliil.l Art M hit north POUlder, Colo., Will In
Oil.. M...I.I f i Kirh.r.1 M-re j ,oIls w,
" i 5.
A Washington, D. C, pro.'esscr
states ihat trom ohservation no nas
discoveii'd that blondes have better
appitites than brunettes. Thanks for
the hint, old thing, we'll rtimnibei
li the announcement receives much
publicity a number of fair haired si.
ters are going to suiter trom li'.e kuk
ei dinner imitation.
life of an actor.
Eleven Years Ago Today
The University Hand gave an ex
cellent concert at tho Oliver Theater
for tho state legislators.
Seven Years Ago Today
The special house committee on uni
versity and normal schools slashed In
to Nebraska's share of the General
Maintenance Bill, and the Uimersity
was to receive smaller appropriations.
Two Years Ago Today
An opportunity for the University
to participate in tho campaign for
Vmerica's Gift to France" was g.ven
bv Miss Conklin.
NiulH lor this,-.
1 I .M. Ill ( Iv
j Board Meeting
j There will he an impertant board
PHI BETA KAPPA I meeting of V. A. A. Fr'day non, S 1H.
A great honor was conftried upunj'n the armory. Every member ,'loaM
a numb.-r of University of Nebraska i b? present.
Students tmUiv A lle!l tho- Wele 0
lec'od as members of Phi Held Kap
Methodist Men
Methodist Men's Banquet. i" t. :v.
pa, honorary scholastic fraternity, ai j TIulrs;(.a, Marc h 23. C. K. P.akr
a special convocation. Phi Beta Ka,j- j Chairman.
the oldest iraiii'liiiy
m-mbirship is a 1 M'Pna iexa
I Alpha Zeta open coin oi atiea. Pa.r.
pa is
ence today and it
rewaid l'T siholatic
excellent e.
We heard of some new students
who ariived on the campus ytenlay
Tlu'v were the extremes, and we
luatl.end that they were "without
means." The feminine member 1 1 tnc
duo probably counted to hoi crodi!
some four sumbmers and her iaascu
line companion had to his dealt at
; lishtv of the same. But the
iiiterestincr port of their conduct was
that they, like others of varying aces,
finally found their way to th? classic
building of books THE LIB.
! building. 7:30 p. m.
All lienors t'.a.t arc- wort:. j:a ii.
some as the re.-ull of liard ami j Cornhusker Staff
taking labor. This is true i f key ! rornhuisk?r St.,ff picture will be
Of Pl.l Beta Kappa, tfuils ue( oialioi.s ' t; lk,,n ..t Townsen,rs S-u,io i; .y,ock
as tais are ii"t handed to anyoiie u:" 1 r"ridav
the askin-'. It repreeii:S f.air jcars i '
oi i oiisci-ntious tndiavor 1:1 I',
fields in learning.
Vou oiten hear people say, '( m.u'.-1
not be a P. B. K. for anything." Iho.-e
are usual!;, the p, ople who lkwi do
anything a:n! know they have i-j
chance of winniim .-uch a ceteJ
bono:-. All honor and admiration is
due to :he weaiers of the Phi Beta
Kappa key. It :niiie.s that th;y
h .ve dv lie ile ir work w -11 arm ha g
nol been li und wanting.
(.'eii: atlilations a lid best vi.-ais to i
you ail, P!;i Beta Kappas. (
Party for Ag Students
All Ac College students are uisal
to watch for annm;n-emen's cor.-!
eining the "Good Old Time Paryi
whieh w ill be given by the Home Eco ;
lii-mics club on Saturday evening.!
April S. j
Years ago the flapper did not ap
i, .-.- ! as she dees today. She .lid not
wear a qa,rt hat. a polo coat, a I r
ili.Mit sca-f. a piaid skirt. Hclii colored
!lo?-, j tent-leather sandals ; nd a-i
liiimnilif expression. i"---l s!.e ap
peared in a plumed Merry-Widow, puff
- .es. a wasp like waist, n bu.-tle,
i'ki.-t-- i.ot.t the plu :.' lomuvr
iilr.i.-ie- rn the l round, invisible
j -iaiiiiy black Nu.nbtr Two slip -vs.
!.:i.v:eii -. . ni say? Well, ": 'iei a:-!
v t- i" g : il we iidppeiii-u ja . i ini
planet when we did.
Glee Club j
The Cornhusker Ghe club nv.-linsi
in t!:e armory gymnasium at 7 : 3 t
i Thursday. Everyone out. j
Sprint is here, and the winds do blow
And the trees are all a-f low
!.:t '' misery to the weary siirle
i ,i ... for a solid hour
l l.-j drone of r. prof, in a rcoi:j
Or ;i.e wurds of a man of -lur
But a :irl Ir a ear at hall oast ten--
W.-ll. tr.a. s p different story.
Professor Scnning, Chairman of the
Political Science Department, has re
ed ved a coinunication from the Na
tional Institute of Public Research an
nouncing special courses in the field
of nublin service. This institute
was organized in 1020 in connection
with the Bureau ot Municipal Ho
search, located at 2f!0 Broadway, New
York City. Although of comparatively
recent origin the Institute has already
achieved a notable success. It is
offering courses in Charters and Mun
icipal Corporations, Budgets and Bud
get Making, Public Accounting and
Financial Reporting, Civil Service and
Personal Administration, Taxation
ai.d Revenues, Public Debt Adminis
tration, Police and Fire Administra
tion, Educational Administration, and
minor problems of public administra
tion such as Statistical eMthods, Com
mittee Management, Publicity, and
the like. Graduates looking forward
to a special public career will find
the opportunities offered by the Na
tional Institute of great help in pre
pring them for a definite line of pub
lic service.
All the men who direct the work
of the students are specialists and
men of great ability. The work ot
tho institute is supported by each
men as Herbert Hoover, trar.U o.
t.owden. Charles E. Mcriiam, E. R. A.
ligman. D-elos. J- Wilcox, A. I.
Hatton. Raymond P. Fosdick, and Mrs.
E .H. Herriman.
Fclloaships. ranging from Slmm to
?l"i0 per year are available for stu
dents of high scholarship. Anyone in
terested in the dork of the institute-
may consult Professor Penning".
WV; h.jve noticed re. etit c
opim-vi;-- i'a .-:ee!;.l c .ntempur-.i dai
lies t-omni' r.tin-' on th- fai t sv.
dents ,ae a t' i:d- ney f, .-lig'a: iap
erouc-s a: - ia! !unc:;.'.s. &cm l.av..
criticized c::::tc severely the ;.tiet:s
Cl fcfj 2-!l'..- il: t'.is ee;.r.--eti .J
it is cj ijii- jik ; t at Nebva-ka stu
i'ci.Ts are ti t j- ri- ci iti t:;ij iiiuJir
tut e !;-,v tc--n r i--ar-l '.f i o ea-e
that -n;ant t!a ri..l c it
Seeras ci.nsldi .'ate 3rj j , -1 i
treatment o! chaj rones at any ?oc:h1
func'i'.n i but r.atun.l -ourt .-y. Why
a chaperen-: should be treated ulsre
I c -fuJ!.. any riioit than -inyje t-!ie
is Trior'- than we can f..!liorn. Pareiy
a c h..: . t . n..- is a grjet
tttltl' i I tr-ate as s j.-a
i - b nd sor-jt i ies sii' ul
Mission Study Class
Mission Study Class No. 4 will meet
Thursday at T p. m in Social Taciu c
101. Mrs. Elmore will sj-r-ak on India.
Pershing Rifles Notic
Regular Pershing Rifle drill v.iM be
held at five o'clock Thursday. V-b-as-i
ka Hill. The recognition bars havej
arrived. IV iher- to get vy;:rs. The!
drill in Butt's manual will begin this
week. Every member out.
' I
The otien season for fictitious react
acia s is upon us. Next time you bee
a girl walking with her cousin," you
may know that it is her clay to "put
the old c ue ove r." and that her excuse
will lead, as have others "illness."
The Calendar.
Ib r coat was tan, her stockings- too;
Her se-arf was brilliant jade
Ilis hair was patent leather d di.'an -'Tis
the way of a man with a maid.
The funniest thinz we saw today
was a short man, slightly fat
Chasinsr for a co-ed
H'-r windblown new Spring haJ.
Fran-raj-i. - ;
It i.'.s. ' j.-.-- ; .:: i 'il:.r j-ai',:; i a t
ia a i-tr.r- t i... i.!;(-r toaid chap
ero.-e- T:i y a:e in a w:.y f.e.-ts , :'
hu-.or ; :. : a - s'n ), v ill form ' air
o:-ir,i-.n- ' : ti e o-gar.! -ti'i.i oy the
tri.alrr'.t.t af-tl. th-
'-'e b oev. S'hn- '.u ::u.ce-r;ts cal
:e i! s-n 1 ' i l. i i r .'e l-:n
Wednesday March 22
Wednesday March 22
Dairy Cftib 5iit-'inp, 7:20 p.
nd then lore Dairy Building.
Ag. College convocation, 11 a.
Ag?ul";ral Hall. Engineering Society c!in r r.d mc-e ting. C p. m- Facu-tf hall.
Ioa Pigma Phi meeting, 7:13 p. in.
Y. Yv '. C. A. installation, 7 p. m ,
E:-n Smith hall.
Thursday, March 23
The Christian Science .Society 7:10
p. m. in Faculty Hall, TDtipl?-
Christian Science Society nuc-Ung.
Contemporary Opinion onjZ u z.
In Years Gone By.
Eighteen Years Ago Today
A gymnastic contest took place in
the Armory and for the first lime an
"-N"' sweater was given to a gymnar.',
this being won by Mr. J. T. Mikk.
Thirteen Years Ago Today
Method of choosing new Innocents
lc,n Ivy Day was inaugurated
A large crowd gathered to hear Mr.
Wright Lorimer, leading man of the
Shepherd King Company, rpc-ak at
convocation on the experiences in the
PrcV-Uy "h greate-st value !n coi-1'i-r-
-: : - ;.. s in the fact that tiitf
t'-nd to i.i.ih-3 up the heaitli ot the
ft'; "'-:.', body. To do this they must
cover a great, variety of athletic.; .nd '
I Ellen Smith Hall.
Alpha Zeta op'-n meeting, 7. CO p. ri.
i Dairy Auditorium.
i Alpha Kappa Psi meeting, 7.30 p.
m.. Social F'U-tx" ViZ.
Cri-'-.n Goblin meeting", 7 p. m. Kap-
rr.-u? l e paitie-ipated in by a majority
i pa Slg ho':se.
of student?. This is rarely found to ;
he the- ease. The f.trong and health-;
fu' rtudcrit?, brc-auEe their iiatursl
advantage, very r.2tur;llr monopolized
th" pia-es on the athletic tf-ams. i
Footh;jl!.' and lat. is the great,
sport of the MiTlle. V.'c-f., although
bahetbail ar.d track are corri'rg Into;
favor and may in time-V,;! their on j
v- ith the gridiron game. A wstern i
university with winning t'-ams li
these three pports considers Its'-lf as-'
tride cf the world of athletics. Thc-r
are the barome-ter of student pep.
Eastern colleges have their fiotball
bafke-tball and track, but bare in ad
dition a number of ether pporta to
which they give a far greater amount
of attention than they receive in the
west. Among; there are rowing, ten
Bis, lacrosse, baseball. Brimming,
fencing, foccer and hockey. Thla fact
permits a larger number of students
to engage In athletics and it aerres
also to keep the interest of the stud
ent body In sports from dying yriih
the close of cTery football and basket
ball season. Daily Iowan-
Per.-hinz Rifle meeting, 5 p. m. Ne
braska hall.
Friday, March 24
A' both party, Erown Betty Tea
Acoth dance, BrowTi Bettey Tea
Friday, March 24
Wolobl camp-fire meeting, 4 p. ri.,
ElKn Smith hall.
Sigma Pbl Epfilon formal, Lhe Llx-coin.-
Lutheran club meeting, 8 p. ia, At
Saturday March 25
The Exhaust.
"Safety!!! Safety!!!"
Dully, Elizabeth cried.
As she wildly clutched
Hrr new spring coat about
It is coming.
Faster and faster,
It slides.
Madly she held on to
Her coat
J Barber Shop
131 No. 13th St. 1
:n.:B-"WZM.':a:.n : j
FOR the FtudcTrt or prot,
llie tiprb VENUS out
rivals a!! for perfect pencil
work. 7 LLack degree- and
3 copying.
Amrrirm Lead
Pencil Co.
xio Fifth Are.
a i
University of Denver After r. --tu
dent of the University of Drnve.- has
been absent from class a certain num
ber of times, be can return only a.'ter
h- has paid a fine of ?2 and ha, taken
a special examination. No excuses ar
allowed under this regulation.
Massachusetts Tech. Harvaid Uni
proved itself a friend of Technology
when their Athletic Asociation made
the Engineers a gift of one ,jf the ir
shells. Training for places i i the
shells has started.
'Mercy me, John,
what's this big crowd
at the door?"
"Oh, I found a new Dunlap
hat on the car
and advertised in the Want Ads
so I guess all these fellows
want to claim it!"
LOST An Eastern Star pin. some
time a so. Reward. Return to
Stud. Act. office or call B4123.
LOST A Conklin Fountain Pen. Re
turn to stud. ct. office-
LOST A gentleman's purs, curtain
ing checks and currency, sote
where on campus. Finder please r:
turn to student activities.
LOST Teacher's Record R wl: for Al
gebra II. Eva Murphy, rhote S
LOST Pi Kappa Phi pin.
Jack Leonard Coach
Uni School of Agriculture
Temple Theatre Friday, Mar. 24
All tickets 50 cents
. . j-
a - A r -r . ft -s
m iiLtift
At the evening affair,
how much better you
look in a Tuxedo or
Full Dress suit!
More and more, men
are wearing them.
Why not? When you
can get a beauty
Kirschbaum tailored
for as little as
SilkLmmp ,
Qidge,s0ieizel Co
The Store For Men on N St,