THE DAILY N EBRASKAN Tuesday. March 14, 1922. IBS HELEN BEIIIIET 10 VISiyiERSITY Vocational Expert WiU Come Here Next Week to Talk to Women. Miss Helen Bennett, of the Chicago ,nileKlate bureau of occupation will ke her third annual visit to the Sverslty of Nebraska, March 20 tc MON. TUES. WED. Jim Fulton & Co. In the Comedy Cyclone -MY DAUGHTER'S HUSBAND' EENO SISTERS & ALLEN In Dance and Music EARL & EDWARDS , In "Nutty Nonsense" THE THREE RE GALS Sensational Entertainers. HALL & WEST In "Taking a Chance" "NEIGHBORS" A Big Laugh International News Weekly Bablch and the Orchestra Shows Start at 2:30, 7:00, 9:00 Mats. 20c. Night 40c. Gal. 15c 2L The womens self governing as- soclatlon, assisted by the Mystic Fish and Womens chamber of commerce, will pay the expenses of her trip here. Miss Dennett is remembered by many students as a woman well in formed on all vocational subjects as well as an Inspirational talker. There are four talks on this year's pro gram for the general student body of women. The remainder of her time will be given over to Individual con ferences. It Is here that Miss Bennett renders real service to the girl who wishes to be posted on her Intended vocation. All girls should register at once with Ruth Lindsay for confer ences with Miss Bennett. Has Written Many Articles. Miss Bennett is known also by her OMAHA CLUB IS RE ORGANIZED Under New President the Stu dents Plan Many Hew rro- jects xms ,ween. Reception Committee Bob Dodds, chairman; Ruth Miilcr, tahha Tucker. Maynard Bucnanan, Ralph Keir. Publicity Committees Prenk Fry and AUce Tviroay Tickets for the dinner Thursday can be secured from the following siu dents or at the office of the Grai i ho tel tvtiv.1... -cunifn v.Mnn Baker. Adrian I I1I1UU1 articles on vocational subjects which Lewis. Mildred Athmer, May js'le. have been publlsned in some or tre Ueata Markwell, Arveiia joui''d, pa late editions of the Womans Home than Greenhouse, Gladys Mickol. Grant Companion. She is one of the best j,Qntz, Pierce Rogers an 1 George Bur informed women In the country on vo- fett cational subjects. - The Omaha club under the leader WHOA, hnn hpfn ntAcrinf alhT r.f the nroalflont has undergone series of vocational talks this year L complete reorganization with a view . .... i . I .. . . -fll.t by representative people in tneir var- 0f making the ciud a more fniwem. Ions nrofessions. Mr. M. G. Wyer of fnnrnr in erpttinar Omaha students to- the university library gave the first gether in a friendly way. The fact talk, Miss Dunning spoKe on msiuu- that there are now enroueu m flnnal HI" nun fremont. and MtflS Hianor I TTmtvareUv nvpr son Omaha students Duf field told about tne. Araveners- 8a0ws the great neeu oi some uiBur Aid. This series or talks nave led up zatlon which will serve as a hijiuo to Miss Bennetts stay here. bringing together this large number Letters will be sent to all organ- 0f students who have a grcut many I T A 1 A M-PST! RTTTTJ'ENTS VA4. J.. PRESENTS riUlUJUMj r.fioree K. Nakagawa, a Japanese student in the college of dentistrj, has presented the department ol zoo logy with a number of colored pic tures of Hawaiian fish and crabs. They illustrate the remarkable colors and form of those fish that are found among the coral wreaths. Mr. Nakagawa has also given the department a collection of silk cc coons showing the different varieties of silk worms that are grown in China. Mr. Wolcott, head of the depaitment of zoology, expects to use this col lection of cocoons In an exhibit he is preparing which will show the ecc nomlc value of animals. USE 0L1RA SLOW CAMERA T RACK Moving Pictures to be Used to Show Up the Defects or Trade Men in Wortc. ITfN LI NCO ijiygs IINCOLNS little jhi " ALL NEXT WEEK JACKIE COOGAN IN "MY BOY" CiOT ANY lllHllPH tO WttHll? opudit to peel? rliriimatlcs to rub? rent o dodge? HliimmiM to shake? Put Jackie on the Job Humor and Pathos Blended in "My Boy" Other Entertaining Features SHOWS START AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Mats. 30c; Night, 60c; Chit., 10c MON. TUES. WED. Arthur S. Kane Presents CHARLES RAY In "THE BARNSTORMER" NEXT WEEK Thur. Fri. Sat. A Solid Hour of Happiness JUS'"" AROUND THE CORNER Story by Fannie Hurst Author of Humoresque Coming CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "Polly of the Follies" Other Entertaining Features SHOWS START AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Mat. 20c; Night, 35c; Chll. 10c ized womens houses announcing and explaining Miss Bennetts trip here. The committee in charge is: Ruth Lindsay, chairman; Bernice Scovllle, Dera Imig, and Florence Price. Miss Bennett will be the guest o? Mrs. E. L. Hinman durine her stay in Lin coln. All girls who attend the talks given by Miss Bennett will be given excuses from their classes, Executive Dean Engberg announces. Miss Bennett wll make similar trips to Morningslde university, Iowa, and to Kajpas uni versity, Lawrence. tJ, TfXTnTTTPHJT St TT A VNK.S M 1531 "O" St. I Hamburgers 1 5c Open All the Time gSSSSSsISisl 6 5 v 5 MATINEE DANCE 3:30 to 5:30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Afternoon LINCOLNSHIRE 318 So. 12th St. Ackerman's Orchestra Chit Chat. CHIT CHAT Dearest Jane: Not much news, but a lot of topics for conversation have arisen over the week-end this is the time when all students, good and otjhjerwise talk about mid-semesters. The glad element, I mean the crop of young Nebraska seedlings so overladen with lettered sweaters has came and went again. Sunday was a blowsy day and all the girls who have new spring outfits and men with cars appeared with them so that the public might know where they stand. Another worry besides mld-semest ers has hove into sight. Every one is trying to figure 'ways to bolster ud their charge accounts so that they can venture one more dress to feed the eld social god who dotes on spring parties. The first of them is coming off this week-end; all the glrruls are hoping for ring-side seats. Us a good thing spring vacation is coming soon for so many of us are suffering such pangs of homesickness that I know one's lessons must suffer the fact is, lessons seem non-essen tlal in the spring when conversation naturally drifts to other things There are so many bob-haired flaps among the high-school wimmen who came down to see their heroes throw a mean basket that (one of the local advocates of hand-made beauty was telling me) a rush order for side waves and lengthy switches was made necessary to satisfy her co-ed cus tomers. The Co-ed is nothing if she is not different. Here comes my room-mate In from a date, I'm in for a seslon. Why does Heaven spill moonlight during exam week? BANGS. interests in common It Is no doubt tru that half the Oma ha students do not know wuat me other half are doing or perhaps have never met each other. The fact that the Omaha club has not been reaching enough Omaha people and promoting friendship among them has been vei: evident and in order to accomplish this has started the plan of having an entertainment dinner meeting on the second Wednesday of each month. The first such dinner will be held at the Grand hotel Thursday at 6 p m. Dinner will be followed by a short nn annnnv entertainment ana a lew 1114 T K. minutes will be devoted to getting ac- nnninraii in a peneral social time. In this way Mie club hopes to bring Oma ha students to know each other bet ter, and to cause a greater feeling of friendship and organization among the large representation Omaha has on the campus Ttio HInnr meeting will cl08e at 7:30 allowing thosa having other meet ings to attend, to do so without Intel Terence. Following are the recently elected officers and appointed com mlttees. They are strongly behind this plan and would like to see every loyal Omaha student get back of this program and in showing the rest of the school what a force Omaha stu dents are on the campus, really bene fit th school and themselves. The officers are as follows President, Priece Rogers; vice presj dent, Mildred Athmer; secretary, Leota Markwell: treasurer, Frank Fry. High school representatives Cen tral, Gladys Mickel; commercial, Har rv La Towsky; south, Gertrude Broadwell; Benson, Glee Gardner; Creiehton. Stephen King. Entertainment committee Chairman S. Adrain Lewis and Arvella John son; Monroe Gleason, Franci3 warn, Helen Cain. Geo. Buffett Dinner committee Chairman, Grant Lantz. Florence Whalen; Nathan Greenhouse, Mary Leslie, Irma Wiltse. University of Michigan Plans are being made here for an "M" day to bo held some time in the near future which time all men who have won letters in athletics are expected to wear them on the campus, meeting of the Pulp and Paper club, a new club at McGlll was recently held. The purpose ot tne club Is to further Interest in the pulp and paper Industry here and to assist men in terested in that line ot work. Unlersity of Iowa At a recent meeting of the committee on extra curricular actlitles, resolutions were offered by which all undergraduate women must be in at 10 o'clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and at 11 o'clock on Friday and Saturday unless they are in at tendance at any entertainment given under the 'auspices of the Univers ity, attendance at a god play, and at tendance on Friday and Saturday nights at any reported party. WANT ADS. WANTED TYPING. CALL COL- lege ll-W, evenings. LOST KORAN FRENCH COMPOSI- tion book. Return to student ad' vities offece. GET IT AT FILLER'S RESCRIPTION HARM ACY A Malted Mild A Pecan Perfecto All track men are urgently request ed bv Coach Schuilte to appear in their track suits (Wednesday, March 15, at 4:00 p. m. sharp on the ata letlc field. At this time pictures of all track men will be taken by state officials which are to be shown along with the pictures of the recent basketball tour nament held here. There will also be motion picture men on the field at this time to take pictures of the men In action. These pictures will be shown to the tracK men in the Hatter part of the wee for the purpose of demonstrating aor their work fn coming. They will then be shown in ultra slow motion so they can observe their faults and thereby be able to Improve their form. Coach Schulte and Assistant Coacn Floyd Wright are expecting at leas: 200 men to be on the field at thi3 time. The records show there are over 200 men out for track and it is hoped that 100 per cent attendance will be shown. CCOOOOOOOOCOOOOCOOOOOOOQOO IFor choice Corn Fed iBeef call at Brauns Market 139 So. 11th ososososooooccocoscoscoooo A HALLETT S DIAMOND I I! A HALLETT DIAMOND Choose today from the excellent stock we're, showing and you'll re joice in the knowledge safe ana perma-Investment. $25 to $500 HALLETT 1871 1143 O HITTELL TO BE GUEST OF JL 5. C. E.T UESDAY Other Worlds Than Our Own. Unverstly of Vermont While acad emic credit for completion ot courses in the R. O. T. C. is not yet given at the University of Vermont, plans are beins: formulated whereby credit to wn rH rlpsrreea will be given. TWO reDresentatlves from each of the col leees at Vermont have been appointed to make decomendations to the Senate to have a uniform system of acad emic credit toward degrees. Formerly credit has been given but not counted toward graduation. University of Minnesota The man aging editor and editor-in-chief of the year book have received threats of bodllv violence and of a libel suit jor the appropriation of advertising by a man who claims to be the president of the Order of the Iron Croix. The editors gave out hand bills, "We are here, slackers beware." An iron cross and the date 1813 were also printed on the bills. This caused much ex citement and mystery on the campus This was a ccheme to be used by the editors to boost the sale of the year books. This man finally offered to settle for f 200 out of court. Then the editors became suspicious and they are planning to continue their alver tising scheme. BLIND MUSICIAN GIVES BEAUTIFUL SELECTION Miss Leona Jennings, an accom- nlished blind musician, gave several beautiful piano selections, Friday eve nine at Faculty hall. Other numbers on the program were a reading by Miss Gard, a song by little Miss Anita Stone, and the song "Welcome Pretty Primrose Flower," by the Dellan quar tet. After the program, and pychange in of nent Est. Western Representative of Amer- ican Aspnait Association Will Visit Here. Mr. John B. Hittell, western repre sentative of the American Asphalt as- with headauarters In Chi cago, will be the guest of the A. S. C. E., University of Nebraska' chapter, on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mr. Hittell Is also member of the Lalional A. S. C. E. and was fnrmerlv an assistant city engineer of Chicago. He is touting this section of the country, lecturing in different places on the Importance of the asphalt in dustry. He will give two lectures dur jio-om onmo ftlffilt or ten in ine Ul oiajr ueie. who e.w. number, with the Luther club, was a Tuesday evening at 7:30 in Mpchanio feature of the social part of Ine e-e- Arts nan, room iiw. ana .e uer . on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock UlUfi I 11 XV MS in room no, weDrasKa naii. oesiaes nr. p,i tt cmitimann. direct- lecturing on asphalt he will a:s3 show sr i ui coui - ' i r rrf the, nr-hool of fine arts, gave a lec- some moving pictures of Impact tests . . .1 . a . tv- Af TNafr TJfihr.. iastinn hftrd-Hurfacea roaas uuten in uu- luro uu luovu t -f - - - ' i ferent parts of the country. TV 7 . . a ryA AWartnr of university It will be remembered that tut. Hit- extension division reports an Increased tell was here two years ago when he nt thia KompRtpr In the cor- eave Illustrated talks on tne inanu- fill Wlllll-"1- I ' .t,, k. About seven- facture and rroductlon of asphalt, to revu"uc"v - - i ty-flve lessons are sent n dally from the Nebraska road Institute and to -n th. Btate. the civil engineering stuaenis. an v - vw I T.ia rtnvM '19. is an agricultural The lectures will be rree to tne puD- OTtnnlon atcent at Bridgeport, Neb. lie. Civil engineering students who nf t n WilHon. is now connected desire to hear mm on weancsaay at wUh th Kansas State Normal Train- 11 o'clock will be excused from their in su-hooL Pittsburg. Kansas. classes at that hour. K. C. Hall For Rent Friday March 17 THIN lead; 38 X guar 7ENUS EVERPOINTED and other Metal Pencils i name VENUS is your miarantte of oerfection. Absolutely crumble-proof, smooth and perfectly graded. 7 DEGREES 2B toft 61 blade H med. hard B soft aH hard F firm 4H extra hard HB im'i"" foe general use I5e prr tub of 12 Uaitl UO pttdatn tub If your dealer CHiBoctufiplyyauwriuiil. American Lead Pencil Co. E15 Fifth Ave.. Dept U New'tork J. I m -htrut th uu, ' VENUS EVERPOINTED '. ENCILS Oroh Last Times Today The Dramatic Sensation Wlaimiii-.. - - BY MARY ROBERTS RHINEHART AND AVERY HOPWOOD "IT IS CERTAINLY A GREAT SHOW," SAYS LILFE LAUGHS and THRILLS GOOD SEATS AT BOX OFFICE Eves. $1 to $2.50. Matinee 50c to $2 Plus Tax The "fore words" of our Spring Style Story are Quality, Style, Value, Fit CHAPTER 1. An all-wool tale of the wooly-west, and Australian plains, In which modest price plays an Important part, and the sterling qualities of Society Brand suits and top coats are revealed. (See handsome life-size illustrations in our store.) CHAPTER 2. A hare-raising story that comes to a soft, smooth finish in the new debries and soft hats, in which the influence of the master designer is felt. You'll agree it's topping. CHAPTER 3. A colorful yarn, skillfully woven, having Its origin in our own Southern States and Egypt and its climax in beautiful Shiits that any man will cotton to. CHAPTER 4. A week-long voyage in the hold of a Pacific liner! Across a con tinent in a sealed car! Home ties broken! They must be, for there's none of these handsome new silk ties that bind. Probably after going half way round the world, going around a collar is easy. CONCLUSION. Only one conclusion is possible when you see these splendid new Suits, top coats, hats and furnishings All ready for your choosing. J Us, EU SMI RE . PRESIDENT .iiMaMMMttiiamMn'jnnnnmM