THE DAILY NEDRASKAN Evrrybody Oar. FUTURE HOME" !Li,7. nwiH with ApEnJSmokk h.htkkh ,Oi; HAWI.ANI) CHA8. F. SEAMON ocrTRAM, MAY & CO. .KTNABKOW IOW" ROBERT DOHN A CO. Mirth nd Munclei JULIA EDWARDS AB Unuul HurprlH WINNERS of t!N WEST a Hw. Picture Cr".n AND THK ORCHESTRA JlA A.AA - 8TAKT AT :80. 7:00, 9:00 LI .. v. Tl K. W KI. ;;lJLl. rom-nr. of a v,ry (Irk). iwp"- V10LA DANA In ll-r 1-ntet.t Hnorwj "THE 14TH LOVER Othrt Entertaining- Feature. m.tlto Symphony IMuyerit START AT 3,5.3 LYM& rrrri r. 1 1 i ill A SITERB PROGRAM AI,1 THIS WEEK BETTY COMPSON In J. M. Barrio'. rlT "THE LITTLE MINISTER" Also HAROLD M.OYD in Hl Sensation SAILOR-MADE MAN IAKIC CONCERT ORCBKSTRA SHOWS START AT 1. 3. B, 7 0 at 30c. Night 60c. Chil. 10c. QUESTION BOXES ARE PLACEDJN LIBRARY Queries on Y. W. C. A. to Be Answered at Vesper Services On Tuesday. If there Is Bomethlng you ould like to know on the subjects of re llglon or Y. W. C. A. work, just wiitt it iu the form of a question, drop it In the box on the bulletin board in the vestibule of the library building before Tuesday noon, and then come to vesper service at 6 o'clock at El len Smith hall, Tuesday afternoon, where all questions will be answered and all mysteries solved. Mary Bost will lead the devotional service. Miss Appleby will have charge of the question box service and will answer all the questions. Just to give some idea as to the na ture of the questions that will be an swered, some are quoted here. 'How many Y. W. C. A. training schools are )lhe,re in the1 United States? Where are some of the best ones?, How much does a course cost?" "What is the incarnation? What does It moan? What is its signi ficance? What is Heaven? Has God a Baby? and Isn't it better to say the Lord's prayer when praying rath er than one's own prayer which is apt to be selfish? This will be the first service of the- semester and promises to be an exceptionally in teresting one. Don't miss it. Subscribe for the Rag in the poultry department of the col lege acted as guides to show the vis itors through the various depart ments. Unl of Southern California, Los Angeles. All girls' pictures for the year book at this school were taken In tailored clothes. V. was thought that school clothes would be more representative of college life. Unl of California, Berkeley. Ob servations to test the validity of the Einstein theory of relativity are to be made by the university at the "Ninety mile nench" in Australia during the total eclipse of the sun on Septem ber 24. Alumni Notes. II. Leonard DeKalb, '02, is en caged In the practice of law at Lewis town, Mont. While in Lincoln re cently, Mr. DeKalb visited foimer friends on the campus. He states that his office employs five assistant lawyers and that recently he tried thirty-eight cases In thirty-seven dajs. For some time previous to engaging In his present private practice, he was district judge at Lewistown. Marriages. ALL THIS WEEK The Season's Ponsatlon PRISCILLA DEAN In the TlirllllnK Production "CONFLICT" Other Entertaining- Pictures SHOWS START AT 1 ... 7 0 MUlH. ltW. ..nK in a To preserve all the fiesh ness of youth su must not let your eyes grow old. Optometrical s c i f i. c e, properly applied, is your safeguard. If you surfpi- We can help you. H A L L E - T Optometrist Est. 1871 1143 O VENUS VPENOLS FOR the student or prot, the eupcrb VENUS out rivals all for perfect pencil work. 17Llack degrees and 3 copying. American Lead lVncilCo. 1 iol'ifthAe. fJrT- jrjtf "1 oAYWnWVVUVtfhWUWh HANDY MEM, Pads Renewable Covers Everlasting 5 Sizes 25c and up TeU it to Buddy He never forget A marriage of interest to univer sity people took place last Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Watkins, when Miss Ethel De Young became the bride of Phillip Watkins. Both people have attended the university where Mrs. Watkfns is a member of Gamma Fhi Reta. Mr. Watkins was graduated in 1917 and is a member of Phi Kappa PsI. Helen Porer, '18, who is also a grad uate of John Hopgins, is working as a trained nurse at Alma, Neb. Allen T. Newman, '12, is superin tendent of the infirmary, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minn. Elvira Anne Johnson, '18, is teach ing in the Lincoln public schools. Mr. E. R. Davenport, '98, is editor of the "Rochester Times," a daily of Rochester. N. Y. At a recent ban quet held. -by the college men of that city, each speaker was introduced bj the name of his college, and Mr. Davenport writes that he was proud to represent Nebraska. THE NEWS OF THE DAY KNOW THE SCHOOL NEWS WITHOUT IT YOU ARE NOT GETTING EVERYTHING FROM SCHOOL LIFE. SUB SCRIBE NOW. The DailyNebraskan Miss Claire Stroy and Fred Hen derson of Wintershaven, Fla., were married at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stroy Sat- nrd.iv noort. Mrs. Henderson for merly attended the university and is a member of Gamma Fhl Beta The couple will make their home at Win tershaven, Fla. . Engagements. Vi. Starboard have announced the engagement of .. t II'. A TaaI lArtfiT). their daughter, weine, oua .c.. dorfer. Miss Starboard has altended the university and is a member of Achoth sorority. The engagement of Mis3 Theoda For and Domonic Gross was recently announced. Mr. Gross attends the university and is a member of Farm House fraternity. Society. Delian. The Delian literary society enter tainment at an open meeting last Friday evening. Various skits which were characteristic of examination week and registration were given. The remainder of the evening was spent in the enjoyment ofa taffy puli. EXCHANGES rh m statu University, Columbus, O A spring style show will be held ,,n,inr the auspices of the women s student council of the school early in Februrry. Columbus stores wl.l fur nish the costumes. rr.iiep of Washington, Pull manThe associated students of the i!o.o ore nutting on moving picture shows on week-ends entirely under the direction, management and work manship of the student ooay. numbers are given between shows. TT.j.,.0.7 nf inwfl. Iowa City. The University Players are conducting a play wTiting contest, wun -$50 for the best play submitted be fore the first of March. The prize winner, who must be an undergrad- uate student, win aisu -v: r,i.T uHll be produced and be will have tho priviege of playing pny part in li ne rimhridee. Mass. The i lie i 0-". men on the university newspaper staff here have planned a meeting for all men of the scnooi .u. in activities. All men of the school were asked to come and bear the activities explained so they could di rect their energy In the proper direc tion. Washington State College. Puffl-man.-RecenOy the college hens nd cock, held open house In their ew quarters on the campus. Students Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Foe. (Vernon Story, '16), announce the birth of a son at Red Cloud, Nebr., on Janu ary 8. Glenn Harlan, '20, is a salesman for the H. K. Mulford Co., with head, quarters at Lincoln. Josephine L. liuras, '04, Is teaching English in the South high schools, Omaha, Nebr. She resides at 504 South Twenty-fifth street, Omaha. Emma J. N. Wilhemson, '02, is teaching at Wahoo, Nebr. DANCE Lincoln Hotel Ball Room FRIDAY EVENING January 27th Beck's Orchestra Admission $1.00 including tax IlilMllilBIIIUVU IIIBI!IIIBII.llB!ll!BIUIH!!!lUKI!:l Remember ValFs I Barber Shop 131 No. 13th St. lUIIIWiaillllBU! i;;i!Hiiiu Beat The Season Start Thinking I Of Your Spring Clothes SAY! GIRLS Po drop in and look over g ri our new S You know your choice is k best now. Cute ones, in I Taffeta, Canton Crepe and I Crepenet. $14.75 to $29.75 H .I, S The One Minute Lunch Room We solicit your patronage Atitomobile and Bag trade. Special dinner served every day beginning at noon. Sandwiches and short orders served at all hours. 15th and 0 Sts. i Uneeda Lunch so different 230-32 No. 13 Student headquarters after parties and dances. Waffles and cakes served at all hours. Our steaks and chops are the best Good variety of sandwiches and toast. Earl A. Wilson Paul H. Erwin Gay Little Taffeta Frocks for Spring I" " ' " " t $OC $OQ50 $35 $3950 YOUTHFUL and charming, tight basques with full skirts and all short in length, such are the most recent arrivals in Taffeta Dresses. What is new? Narrow velvet ribbon trimming, much used on skirls. Long full sleeves, of soft materials, gathered into cud's. Paisley Trimming, seen only on the newest modes. Canna (the flower shade) and Long Beach, (beige) are no shades. w Flowers outlined with gold ribbon. We are showing an especially large selection of Taffeta Frocks in styles and sizes for misses. A wide assortment for women, as well. Second Tloor. Smart KNOX Sailors & SPORT HATS for mid-season wear WE are showing a complete new selection of KNOX Sailors which are correct and good looking for wear just now. Made up in fine Milan or the rough straws. We show them in blue. black or brown. Brown sailors faced in cream straw or nne Milan in brown. Black sailors faced in rose straw or Milan straw in black. Banded with folds of crepe de chine or gros gram ribbon. SPORT HATS in soft straws and combinations, show , the new bright shades. Prices Range From 7.50 and up New Stin Hats In cire or slipper satin mostly small models in blaiK, beige, scarlet or brown. Very reasonably priced at ez nn 7 SO nnd 10.00 - second Floor MfUinery.