THE DAILY NBBRASKAN XHUlt . FBI. BAT. i ibertv Concert Orchestra Arthur I. "' international News Weekly rarest nl" lhe Wund A MUDDY BRIDE" A New Comedy "Miracles of the Jungle" A Vender Anlnml (ha.ler I'roduciio I M'MAHON SISTERS .FsponenU of Keul llurmony" BOBBY & EARL In "OH, DOCTOR" Beatrice Morrel Sextette A Study In Ryl Blue" BROWNING & DAVIS "Two Pa'a From the South" Keno Keyes & Melrose la THAT FEI.I-OW " WON'T UKE ME" i mem TUl U.-rK' -SAT. Rialto Symphony Players Jean i.. Scliuefer, Conductor Pathe Semi-Weekly News The World'H Kvento Visualized Topical & Travel Pictures Choniof Subjects and Point of Intercut "SAVING SISTER SUSIE" Twenty Minutes of laughter ARCHIE N. JONES Hinging "TOMORROW LAND" "STRANGER THAN FICTION" Wilbur B. Chenowetli, Organist I J. C. THl'R FBI. SA1. Norman Hichorda, Organist "APENNY IN SLOT' A New Kolln Comedy "FRIDAY, THE 13TH" Twenty Minute of Laughter WILLIAM S. HART In IUh "3 WORD BRAND" LYRIC THEORISTS CHANGE TO PRACTI CAL ATTORNEYS IN NEBRAS KA COLLEGE OF LAW IS CLAIMED BY THE LAWS. (Continued Prom Page One.) the many things they luive le.irned in the lecture rooms and library. Untlerelassmen are chosen us par. ties to the suits, and as Jurors. Sen iors act ns counsel. Professor Geo. N. Foster is the Judge. During the year trials of all varieties are ground thru this tribunal. One day may see an action in justice court, wherein "A" seeks to collect thirty-five dol lars from "U", for an overcoat lost from "B's" check room; the next, may witness Joe Pizar suing the trac tion company, in district court, for damages caused when a car hit Joe, he having had his head stuck in a hole in a sandpile near the track. Whatever the case, and regardless of any amusement it may afford' the participants lor the audience, the lawyers Involved reap the same hai vest of experience. They must pre pare and file the same papers, must find and learn to propound the same principles of law as if they were in a real court. Here they learn to con trol the "rude and unprofitable mass knowledge, and turn it into wisdom NEWS OF THE DAT Oregon Team to Honolulu. SANFRANCISCO, Dec. 1. Univer sity of Oregon's football team sails from here December 14 for Honolulu to play the University of Hawaii and a team of al stars during the Christ mas holidays. Last year the Univer sity of Nevada made the Christmas trip to the Islands. MOV. Tl'ES. wain. Lyric Concert Orcfltstra V, (i, McVay, Director LYRIC NEWS WEEKLY Current Kventn of the World In Picture BUSTER KEAT-iN Id III I.uteHt I,aug-ifest "TIIK BOAT" PROLOGUE A Scene from "THE 8HF.IK" CHIEF SILVER TCMCUE Singing "Till the Hand of the Desert Grow Cold" "THE SHEIK' Western Trip up to "Big Ten." IOWA CITY, la., Dec. 1 The board of athlotics at the University of Iowa met here last night with Dr. William Buffield of Los Angeles for the pur pose of discussing the probabilities of Iowa participating in a football game at the Tournament of Rose3 at Pasadena, Calif., New Year's day. Little is known of what the pur pose of the CaMfornians visit was but the board came out flatfooted and passed a resolution against the proposed trip. It is expected by athletic followers here that the question of whether Iowa will play California will really be decided at the meeting of the "Big Ten" officials at Chicago, De cember 2 and 3. !:30 Wed. Thur.. Frl. Orphrom Circuit Bet , Sat. 8:20 In Voile v 11 Carlyle Blackwell In Person Mel Klee. Bob LaSalle. The Gilli Murjorle Barrack. The LePevrea Fabled. New topic llarryj. Conley With Naomi Ray Mat.. 25o and 60c; Eve. 25c to fl Husker Swimmers vs. Omaha A. C OMAHA. Nebr.. Dec. 1. A dual swimming meet between the Univer sity of Nebraska team and the Omaha Athletic club will be held here Janu ary 29. The events in which the teams will contest are the 200-yard relay, 50 yard free style, 100-yard back stroke 220yard free style and fancy diving from the low board. Yo Drive We Kent If You Like Pleasant Surroundings -Good Service -Pure Foods , Vou will enjoy euming here to illne or lunch. Your order must be rljrht. We do not want jour money unless It 1 uit wlmt you think it should be. Meet your friend here, ordi'r your Rvorite dishes from our lance nen u. Central Hotel Cafe Forbes Rent7a-Ford Co. C. E. MCNSON, Mgr. ft Can for all social functions with Q or without drivers. 0 Phone B-1S50 1125 P St. 0 POOOOOOPOOOOOCOOOOSOOOOOOB ENGINEERS HEAR NOTED DESIGNER (Continued From Page One.) ues determined at one place may be wholly Inapplicable at some other place though the kinds of materials may be termed the same. In all deter minations, due regard must be mud as to economic conditions but also con sideration must be made as to safety. In large ornamental buildings like our capltol there should be no chance left or settling, with the resultant creation of unsightly cracks to mar the beauty of the edifice. Mr. Jarrett went into some detail as to the 'Peculiar subsoil conditions met in our most important cities and gave some very interesting methods which have been used for the sinking of proper foundations in the vbtIous localities. He also spoke at length as to the hydro-electric development in the west giving special attention to the foundations of the large mas onry dams which must be construct ed for the compounding of water for these enterprises These often present some very difficult problems especial ly on the western coast. He ended his talk by relating an ex perience which happened to him while working in New York on the foundations for the Singer building. The steam to run the compressors which furnished air to the pneumatic caisson was cut off and thus the air 'pressure was lost while passing thruj quicksand, and this would allow the buicksand to run into the caisson. Quick work and decision was neces sary but' the difficulty was overcome by filling the caisson with water thus balancing the hydrostatic pressure without the pit. ALL GIRLS SEEM TO AGREE THAT SLIP-ON SWEATERS are just the thing for chilly mornings what's more they're awfully pretty and really serviceable. Bromley aeeks and others in carmel, pink, wine, sunset and other beautiful tints. WANT ADS. FOR .SALE CADET OFFICER'S CAP Call B-3193. FOR SALE CARONA TYPEWRIT- GAMMA PHI BETA, BAZAAR, DE- cember 6 & 7 at the Gas & Electric Light Co. building, 14th and O Sts Buy your Christmas presents here er. practically new. Latest model, in good condition. L-70O4. THE MANAGEMENT ANNOUNCES the closing of the Green Lantern for the winter season, December 1. Open again in April. FOR SALE DRESS SUIT IN FIRST class condition. See Business Man ager Daily Nebraskan. BE AN ARTIST ni'" Cartoon, Fashions, News paper 5?u Maifasine lllustriithii;, Couimerciul in ,i '-'rayon Portraits. Our simple . rt lulckly develop!- your talent iu " time. By mull or lix-al classes. Itmi . r term "d HHt of successful Dtu. ' Courses endorsed hv iiews "Pers, magazines and famous artists. ASSOCIATED ART STUDIOS THE PIONEER COMPANY 330 North 13th St. Phone L-4087 "The Brute" The Brute has that distinctive ap pearance which the young man knows is worth while. Comfort able because it's trimmed square. It's Today's Style. Black and Tan Seven ninety-five Also in high shoes The Bootery Palmer-Epplen Co. 1230 O Street y;l WOOL SWEATERS We have a rood assortment of wool sweaters in many of the desired shades and styles. SLIP-ON SWEATERS with round neck. Come in navy, black, brown, orange, cherry red and buff. Prices range 3.25 to 10.00 TUXEDO COAT SWEATERS in black, navy, peacock, brown, buff and many of the bright colors. Prices range 8.50 to 19.75. IMPORTED SWEATERS FROM SCOTLAND. Coat and slip-over styles. Many light and dark shades. Attractive models in the natural shade Camel's hair with large button fastenings and Mohair yarn. Prices range 12.50 to 19.75. JERSEY BLOUSES WOOL jersey blouses in black, navy, red, blue, green and gray. Patch pockets and belt. White or contrast ing color collar and cuffs. Priced 5.00 and 5.95. WOOL SCARVES BRUSHED WOOL SCARFES in combination of colors and plain colors. Priced 3.00 to 10.00. NEW AUTO SHAWLS with the CAPE EFFECT. Very warm and smart look ing. Priced 8.50. Second Floor. STATE JCHAMPIONSHIP BATTLE FOOTBALL Wesleyan Vs. Wayne Normal Nebraska Field, Saturday, December 3rd, 2:00 p. m. Admission $1.00 Special Agency 017-21 "O" Varsity Cleaners CALL B3677 DANCE AT ROSEWILDE Saturday Night, December 3rd Admission $1.10 Including: Tax 10c for checking Time 8:30 . . 1 Have You Tried the Lindell Party House? Get that wool cut at Security Mutual Barber Shop 12th & 0 St. The University School of Music ADRIAN M. NEWENS, Director Offers thorough training in Music, Dramatic Art. A large faculty of specialists in all departments. Anyone may enter. Full information on request. Opposite the Campus. Phone B1392. 11th & R Sts. To Create Better Dancers C A B R O X. 8 Modern Danes Studios , J out Phone I.-B02I TWKL.VK INSTRUCTORS Musis by the Apello-Playe Neb. Mtate Bank. Bids'. 13th O. EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE Peoples Grocery