WRESTLING PLANS BEING MADE Three Letter Men Ready to Respond to the First Call Issued " This Year. A call will soon be given lor wrest lers. Plans aro being made where several applicants for berths on the team can be handled. The competi tion this year is going to be very keen as thore are three letter men back, Captain 'Flitz Reed, Stanton Trout- man, and Rudolph Hengston. All or these men received a lot of praise over their work last fall and they will no doubt show up some other men in the valley meets this year. This i3 a sport that has not received much attention at Nebraska but which de serves a great deal. Men can develop greatly by wrestling and can learn how to take care of themselvee if an opportunity ever presents Useli along those lines. There are to be many good meetb here this yea. v.:C the" athletic tick ets will adiui. anyone to any oi' these meets. When tin: call for wrestlers Is given it is hoped that at least twenty-five or thirty men will leport. STUDENT SPECIAL IS NOW A REALITY (Continued From Page One.) is a greaat deal more data and ma terial in the directory this year than In former years, and also the book-j are being printed on a better, heavier grade of p;iper. Because of these circumstances it will be impossible to get the books from the binder in time to place them on sale this week. The binders had promised an initial delivery today but now state that the books will not be ready for distribution until Monday or Tuesday of next week. The ediors of the book, Orvin B. Caston and Eugene Ebersole, stated yosterday that they regret the delay very much but believe the improve ments In the book easily warrant the short delay. 1,000 At Ames (Continued From Page One.) was arrived at. A committee was ap pointed to draw up a constitution, for the Cobs. Enough new men were voted into the organization to make two men from each fraternity. A meeting of the stunts committee of which Jack Whitten is chairman will be held Thursday afternoon and final arrangements will be made for the appearance of the Cobs on the Ames gridiron. The Corncobs appeared on the Ne braska field last Saturday, dressed in cream trousers and scarlet sweaters. Each, man smoked a corn cob pipe and carried a com stalk. The "Cobs'" all held onto red ropes whin, were used between he halves to form a L'rge "N" within the circle formed by the cadet band. Appearance of tho Corncobs on the Ames field will un doubtedly tie more securely the al ready friendly relations between. Ne braska and Ames. Such was the ef fect the appearance of the Oklahoma Jazz Hounds had at the Sooner con test and the Corncobs fill the same po rtion at the Husker school as the Jazz Hounds fill at Oklahoma. WE ARE THE ORIGINAL ARMY STORE tiik i$k.;kst akmv stoke west of nilC'AdO You buy the best for Ichs when Inlying your Army Goods and surplus Good IIKHK. hllOKT SHF.KP LINED ( OATH, 10.95 Regulation Wool Army Blankets $2.50 New O. D. Wool Army Blankets 8.93 Double Wool Wan kiln 3.05 Double Wool Finish Blankets SHIRTS 1.95 Reno O. 1. Kxtra O. V. Wool Shirts 1.4S 2.95 Wool Shirts, new Heavy Lumberman's all "oni nmrts new 3.05 19 Wool Shirts, all colors. BREECHES (niton Rliakl breeches. now.. rrno .. 45 Cotloa K link I Breeches, new O. D. Wool Breeches, like new O. I. Wool Breeches, new Heavy O. I. Wool Pants, new Moleskin Pants, jiew - 2.95 1.50 3.95 3.95 2.P5 Heavy Corduroy Pants new OVERSHOES All Rubber Regulation 4 buckle Arctic new All Rubber Regulation. 6 buckle Arctic, new - t.43 UNDERWEAR Regulation AI....1 Wool Shirts and Irawers. new, each Light Wool Inlonsults. new Heavy Wool Inlonsults. new Heavy Fleece I'nionsuits. new VESTS leather Jerkins Corduroy Vesta, leather lined All Leather Vests, full slie Leather Vests, new Sheep Lined Vests, new 1.00 1.50 t.ss 1.SO t.95 t.M 9.83 11.50 3.95 OCT OF TOWN MAIL OKBBKK llieenuiiy ,. ,""".. check or money order. Parcel post shipments must include postage. SEND FOR OCR FALL AND WINTER CATALOG. LINCOLN ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY COMPANY MORE PRAISE FOR TEAM FROM PITTSBURG PEOPLE Dr. R, G. Clapp, of the department ;if physical education is the reclplnt of a .letter from a prominent Ne braska alumnus who Is at present secretary of the (board of public edu cation for the city of Pittsburgh. He tileo enclosed some clippings from tne Pittsburgh Dispatch which gave a very favorable account of the Nebraska-Pittsburgh game, as far as Ne braska was concerned. His letter fol lows: Dr. R. G. Clapp, University of Nebraska. My Dear Dr. Clapp: I was very glad to have your let ter and particularly to meet Mr. Lueli- ring, Mr. Dawson, and the boys. I was a member of the reception com mittee from the Alumni Chapter who met the boys at the train. We were sorry that the limited time and their duties prevented us from being able to show them some of the characteristic Pittsburgh activities, in cluding the mills. We were, however, able to take them for a short au'o- mobile ride Saturday evening. The result of the visit seems to have been perfectly satisfactory to hem, however. I want to say, that I lever saw a better-looking teama on Forbes Field and 1 was even more eased by the modest and gentleman- 'y demeanor of the men after the game. I am enclosing the report trom one or the Pittsburgh papers. They were all unanimous in praise of the team I and its playing. I assume that the hoys got the papers before they lelt. In tlie earlier days I always had to explain where the University of Ne braska was and sometimes even where the state was. The boys, how ever, have definitely put the Univer sity on the imap here. Congratulate them all most sincere y for me, and for the Pittsburgh Alumni Chapter. We were all tre mendously proud of them. Sincerely yours, (J. W. GERWIG. 1,000 At Ames LINCOLN CIVIC LEAGUE WRITES TO LEROSSIGNOl. The college of business administra: tion has received an interesting let ter from one of the seventh A slu- ients of the junior civic league of F,ve;-ptt school of Lincoln, ine young people recently visited the college and were addressed by Professor j. E. Kirsham, who talked of "Thrift." Miss Lone LaRue in an excellent ly written letter to Dean Le Rossignol said: "As a seventh A student of the junior civic league of Everett school. I wish to thank you for the courtesy extended to us by letting us have the use of the building and the room in which Professor Kirshman talked to us. One thing which especially in terested me was the question of thrift. I should like to know if the men who are great business men now were thrifty in order to become so great. I was very glad to take this trip, for I knew I would learn some thing which will become of use. I hope it will not be long until I take another civic league trip." a x Yov Drive We Rent Forbes Rent a-Ford Co. C. E. MCNSON. Mgr. Cars for all social functions with or without drivers. Phone 11-1550 H2S LOOK GIRLS ,11'ST Have been looking for Brand New Kegpla tion .Navy Alii Wool Middies, Blue with tie. Special ... WHAT YOIT $4.95 SHOES Drrss Shoes, Officers' Cordovan 4.93 stylo Infantry Shoes . Regulation Work High Top Shoes, 8.95 Shoes S Iti In 5J5 Shoe 6.93 Regulation Nuvy Cordovan Leather Puttees " New Spiral Puttees, all wool 93 SWEATERS All Wool Slipovers l- Heavy Wool Sweaters 3.35 .Irrsev Sweater Coats 1.95 ll Wool Sweater Coats - 4.95 Cocoanut Castile Soap, 4 -to. bar.. .98 RAINCOATS Gasmask Raincoats B-05 Bambulne Llnel Coat.... 5.95 Officers' Regulation Double Back Raincoats o.jo Moleskin All W earner iow .....,. All Kinds of Leatliee Lined and Sheep Lined Cout Regulation Army Pochos... MACKINAWS All Wool Heavy Macklnaws, new. 8.73 Wool Macklnaws, all colors, new.... 6.90 A few Waterproof Tarpaulins and Tents left at cleanup prices. Heavy Halters, new l.SS ... . . . . j t.m uwAmmniMl bv WANT ADS. LOST AKARL NECKLACE. Phon" L-7432. LOST A CAMEO SET THE PIN. Left in dressing room of Grant Mem. hall. Return to Student Act. office. Reward. LOST CIII OMEGA FRAT PIN ANT; guard. Phone F-2888. . LOST IN LIBRARY HALL , ONE cameo ring and 1 ruby ring. Re ward for return to Student Activi ties office; or call F-4032. LOST WHITE PET BULLDOG, . has clipped ears and long tail LOST GAMMA PHI BETA PIN. Return to Student Act. office. EPISCOPALIAN CLUB HOLDS BIG MEETING The regular meeting of the Uni Episcopalian club was held on Tues day evening at 7 o'clock in room 101, social science hall. About twenty- ive members were present If hear the repoit of the delegates to the re- cnt piovincr.l session of the natKn.'l student council. The resignation of Mary Sheldon as vice president, wus very reluctantly accepted .and Carlct ta Cheney was elected to fill the un expired term. Mr. E. F. Schramm iind Mr. L. O Wyman lectured in Fairbu;y Tiies !i.y November 15 at meeting of the V'e men's club. Tim resources of Ne brrska with special emphasis o:i o'l were discussed. Say, Guys! Chief Bender can sure make YOU Look Like A New MAN Shaves Haircuts and every thin?. Under the Central National Bank KIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES u Armstrong's Reorganization SALE All Silk and Knitted Neckwear ONE VHALF PRICE Armstrong CLOTHING COMPANY Tucker-Shean JEWELERS Diamonds, Watch-' 3s, Fine Jewelry, Clocks, Sterl ing Silver, Cut Glass, Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re pairing and Manufacturing. OPTICIANS Eyes -xiniined Free. In our Optical Department you may select just what you n an I in Eye Glasses or Specta cles. Fine Optical Repairing. Broken Lenses Duplicated. STATIONERS Stationery for the Office, School and Home. Waterman's Fountain Pens. Of fice Equipment and Supplies. Crane's, Whiting's and Hurd's Fine Stationery. Complete line of Supplies for all departments of Schools and Colleges. 1123 O Street Lincoln, Neb. Phones B-1534. B-3306. B-3307. w ...nasiBtyn -Wr-g. vening Clothes ! How much better you look them! Especially in a Kirsch baum Tuxedo or Full Dress. Fine materials; hand tailoring; custom effect; moderate price: Fifty Dollars -o . NEW LOCATION : ' I , I: 1 t. il I EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE Peoples Grocery Fritzlen Drug. Co. Phones B-1524, B4287 1434 O Street Catering to Uni Students Good eats, hot and sold drinks. Give us the once over and you will be convinced, that we try to please and satisfy. Party service given special attention. Free and prompt delivery. 'f TTMrmiHh i FALL AND WINTER 1921 r Tt N Street 12th to 13th If You Like Pleasant Surroundings Good Service -Pure Foods You will enjoy coining lipip t0 dine or lunch. Your order must be right. Wo ilo not want your money unless it ja UHt wlni t you think It should he. Meet your friends here, order your favorite dishes from our hirce lien I.. Central Hotel Cafe BE AN ARTIST Comics, Cartoons, Fashions, News paper and Magazine illustrating, Commercial PuBtel, Crayon Por traits. Our simple method quickly developes your talent in spare time. By mnil or local classes. Write for terms and lUt of successful students. Courses endorsed by newspapers, magazines and famous mists. ASSOCIATED ART STUDIOS PIMPLEX Won't Sink a Battleship fire Cannon or run a ord. But it will Remove your pimples. "Hasn't Failed Yet" All good Drug Stores sell it. KaKsmE&S93I5 b iT7 til SOUTH 11TII ST. B-44S4 til SOL' Til I1TH ST. 4ft.