TUB DAILY NEBRASKAN Si; .aVtonaVarrell -iln Orll Cnmrtly r:;Tltt'e "-Iflht Subject" THREE MORAN SISTERS JACK HEDLEY TRIO ank MnAtlllffYlt" 'In ""--- DUEL A WOODY .. nox Of floe Attraction" THE SPANISH GOLDJNIS rtlle KnteHnlnrrn .'SQUIRREL FOOD" ..wVnERS OF THE WEST" m5 iovni.K,imx M. THIS WKKK rhf Drama f lfe Who Wed With a M1 ,,,p" THE CHILD THOU GAVEST ME" . Most Ketnarknnl Story With .Avis tSTONK. HII.MAM DKS- mtixk : iu :k h- badkick BUSTER KEATON In His Newest Comedy Riot .... "THE PLAYHOUSE" Otliff Bntfrtalnln ,Ftnre SHOWS START AT 1, , I. 1, HAT.-aOc- MiHT-BOe. CH1I..-10C MON. Tl'KS. WED. i Connle-t'oniMly of Woman's Wclita and Woman' FrlRlita CONSTANCE TALM ADGE In Hr Nm-mt I-annh Campaign WOMAN'S PLACE" Other Entertaining; Fratorea SHOWS START AT 1, S, 5. 7. HAT. 10c. NIGHT 3So. CHIL,. 10c Colonial Today ALL FEATIRE PROGRAM NELL SHIPMAN In Hir Newrtit Picture 'THE GIRL FROM GOD'S COUNTRY'" CHARLES HITCHINSOV rhf Thrill-a-Mlnntf Stnnt Klnr In "HVRKICAKK HITCH" EXTR;- The Indian rictnre Artrens !ED WIWNG Appear In Pwiiin SHOWS START AT 1. S. fi, 1, HAT. 15e. MtiHT 25c. CHIL. 10c THE FRANCO-GERMAN PROBLEM (Continued from pnge'l.) but that settlement must bo guaran teed by the great nations of the world and Russia must bo given to under stand that any attempt to treat that ftfcrcoment as "a scrap of paper'1 will be met by the opposition of the unit ed forces of the signatory states. Then, only can armaments be re duced, as the mrinteance of order, Justice, and good faith In the rela tions with Russia will rest on the co-operation of all the great slates of the world. Beat K. U.! Beat K. U.l RUMOR NEBRASKA TO HAVE JAZZ HOUNDS Wlvilo no official action has been taken, a n.mor current on the Uni versity of Nebraska campus, hat is that there is soon to bo a Cornhusk er aggregation in Lincoln similar to the Oklahoma Jozz Hounds who made such r.n Impression a week ago. Just what nature the Nebraska or ganization will take has not been de cided but it Is believed that an an nouncement of the organization will be made soon after Director cf Ath letics Luohring's return from Kansas City. The Oklahoma Jazz Hounds, con sisting of thirty spirited Sooner boefcters, appeared on the Nebraskh gridiron between the halves and re leased a troupe of carrier pigeons hearing the Oklahoma colors. Thty were dressed In white trousers with id Jackets, Oklahoma colors. Ackerman s Orchestra distributing Easy goin' Jazz Phone B. O. H. 283 W., or B-1482 Book Your Parties Now Played 12 week engagement fit Kstcs Park this summer Now is the Time , to have To d wnsen make your Christmas Photograph Sit Today "Preserve the Present for the Future" i Studio 226 South 11th Street The University School of Music ADRIAN M. NEWENS, Director. Offers thorough training in Music, Dramatic Art. A large faculty of specialists in all departments. Anyone may enter. Full information on request. Opposite the Campus. Phone B1392 11th & R Sis oiiidm Demands of Business Knsini nn ill nimiI'Ik Inlm-il li.'l j. Tho iminvpinvil jin lln 1:iM to ! i mvlnvi-il mnl tlir first In lio "IhIiI off." Why imi (j.M Into thiisv8 ! workers whiitn- mrviivN urn nhvnyM in lmiiml V It cost nfithlns to tncticrtt DAY AMI Mt.HT I.A!KN. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS T. A. Blakeslee, A. B., Ph. B.. President. (Accredited hy American Association of Vocational Schools.) Corner O and 14th Sts. Lincoln, Nebr. t:30 Dally Com. Wrti. S:20 I p. m. Mat. ArmiHtlrf! Day Si p. m. SAMMY LEE Witili 11 Ih LADY FRIENDS HANDI.K WITH CASK" WILLIAM HALLIGAN "lllIII,OWllKOW" TONEY GREY & CO. tjAl'TlKK'S ltKK Kl.AVK.RS MILLARD & MARLIN LOA & FAY DURBYELLE FABI.KH. TOriCH. NF.WS. Harry SHARROCKS Emma SlaU. 25c fiOc. Km.-25c to SI. 00 HSEssasssisggjaBs iS ! $ Tucher-Shean i ! i JEWELERS Diamonds, Watch ta, Fine Jewelry, Clocks, SteTl Ing Silver, Cut Glass, Expert Watch, Clock end Jewelry Re Pairing and Manufacturing. OPTICIANS Eyes examined free. In our Optical Department yon may select Just what you ant in Eye Glasses or Specta cles. Fine Optical Repairing. Broken Lenses Duplicated. STATIONERS Stationery for the Office, School and Home. Waterman's Fountain Pens. Of fice Equipment and Supplies. Crane's, Whiting's and Hurd's Fine Stationery. Complete line 01 Supplies for all department of Schools and Colleges. " 0 Street Lincoln. Neb. Phone, e-1534. B-3306. W307. rW fas Rsnra-Fcrd'iCo. ? ltW'?-,0!ie ! wiU 111, a. TAILORED, jSP TS: FIRI