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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1921)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA N 1 NEWS OF THE DAY FACULTY NOTES 2-30-Wed., Thr., Frl., 8at.-8:30 Orpheum Circuit Best In Vodevll Sarah Gibson & Padden Connelli Frank Farron Morris & Camp bell. Cameo Revue. Gran & Wallace Fables Topics News Mat. 25c & 50c Eve. 22c to $1 ft MON. TUES WED 8 k WALLACE 8 REID 8 & "THE HELL & 8 DIGGERS" 8 O Other Entertaining Features O 8 ihows Start at 1. 3. 5. 7, 9 H X Mats. 20c. Nights 35c ft TH E U 8 MON. TUES. WED. 8 A Cosmopolitan Production O k "THE WILD 8 8 GOOSE,, S An Absorbing Divorce Problem k V by Gouvener Morris 0 b Other Entertaining Pictures K S Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 0 8 Mats. 15c; Night, 25c; Chil. 10c 1 1 ii it HtnHI ! ' ""' nifiiw niiiy Jesse L. Lasky Presents O GLORIA SWANSON O in Elinor Glyn's ji "THE GREAT 8 MOMENT" 8 HAROLD LLOYD 8 X In His Newest Comedy Q 'Among Those Present" 0 X CHIEF SILVER TONGUE X O Famous Indian Tenor O JJ Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 JJ Mats. 30c; Night, 50c g vaoccccGoozcccacccacccccac. 9 MON. TUES. WED CCOOOCOGOSCOSOSCCCOOOOOOCO Autumn Things from day to day are appear ing on our menu disiies that make you glad warm weather is over. Real, tasty, wholesome dishes, delightfully prepared and served on clean napery, and a real sincere courteous ness on the part of all at tendants. Once you eat here-you will make it a habit Central Hotel Cafe Effort to End Strike Chicago, Oct. 18. Telegrams sum moning the chiefs of the "big four ' brotherhoods and switchmen's union to a conference with the United States railroad labor board in an en deavor to forstall an actual walkout on the nation's railroads, wore dis patched to labor chiefs today. All of the members of the board are in the city except the three pub lic members who have ben in con ference with President Harding i.nd the interstato commerce comniision at Washington,. The latter will reach Chicago late today. Prisoners Burn Quarters Cork. Ireland, Oct. IS The work of destruction begun Sunday by the occupants of the Spike Island camp for interned prisoners when they bo camo enraged because they were not perniilt'od to attend mass, it Is al leged, was continued today, Hie cheer ing of the prisoners as they carried on their operations being plainly heard in Queenstown. Anounces Delegates London, Oct. IS Mr. Lloyd George, the prime minister, stated in the house of commons upon the aments and Far Eastern problems as ho hoped to go to the Washington conference on the limitation of arm amentsand Far Eastern problems as soou as the parliamentary an l general situation rendered it possible. The other members of the British empire delegation, the premier said, would be A. J. Balfour and Lord Leo of Fareham, first lord of the admiralty, Sir Auckland Geddes, the British ambassador at Washington, would act as a delegate. Mr, Lloyd George added, in the aDsence of the premier or any other delegate. FACULTY NOTES Dr. Llda B. Earhart of the Teacher' a College will speak bivne the Novth ei. stern Nebraska f cacher'n A ; tion at Emerson this Friday. Dr. W. E. Sealock of tho teacher's college will speak on matters of gen eral educational interest before the Lancaster county teacher's association meeting which will bo held here the latter part of tho week. Friday after noon, he is going to Osceola where he will speak at the Polk county teacher's institute. On Saturday he will be at Emerson where he will address the Northeastern Nebraska teacher's asso ciation. Dr. Charles Fordyce of tho teacher's college has been giving several lectures throughout the state. Last week ho was in Scotts Bluffs and on Monday he gave a demonstration of mental edu cational tests in Beatrice at the Gage county teacher's institute. Professor Fordyce in makingewd Stoddard of the Beatrice schools will assist Dr. Fordyce in making a com plete survey of the Beatrice schools which will probably last the entire year. MARRIAGES. Miss Lueile Dodds became the bride of Clarence Suder Sunday afternoon at the Alpha Delta Pi sorority house. Fol lowing the ceremony an informal re ception was held, the members of the sorority assisting, Mrs. Suder is a soph- more at the University of Nebraska and a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Mr. Suder is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Wants Treaty Passed. Washington, Oct. 18 Re-establish-nient of peace with Germany as nee csary for American and wor'd re habilitation was the fundamental reason given in the senate today by Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, lank ing democratic member and former chairman of the foreign relations com mittee for favoring ratification of the peace treaty with Germany. "The questin before us now," said Senator Hitchcock, "is not a choice between Wic Versailles treaty and the pending treaty, but between the pending treaty and a protracted un certainty without any treaty." 0 RUSS LEDDY 4. CO. b Sin the one art comedy V X SWISS CANINES S O A KrmarkaTjie Offerlnif O X KURT & EDITH KUEHN 8 Q Painty Different Doing O 8 .JOHN WEST 8 N The Mimical Itrownlea Q THE STALEYS O Topsy Tnrvey Fellow O 'WINNERS OF THE WEST" 8 8 A Stirring American lllntory Tal 0 - ioofl Comedy nnd Newa I'letiire V H SHOWS START AT 230, 7. 9 X X MUS. -n. Vll.HT .-. ;,. J So X BE AN ARTIST Comics, Cartoons. Fashions. News paper and Magazine Illustrating, Commercial rastel. Crayon I'or tralts. Our simple method quickly flevelopes your talent In spare time. Ry mail or local classes. Write for terms and list of aiioeessfiil stndents. Courses endorsed by ne-vspapers, magazines and famous rtict. ASSOCIATED ART STUDIOS Flatlron Bid.. New York City DANCE We guarantee to teach you to dance in six pri vate lessons. Phone for ap pointment. WILLIAM'S PRIVATE STUDIO. M.-s. T. E. Williams In charge. 1220 D. B-4258. Johnson Favor's Treaty Washington, Oct. IS Willi a vote on ratification of the German peace treaty expected today, Senator John sun, republican, California, an "irre concilable in the Versailles treaty fight opened the day's discussion in tho senate with a statement explain ing his position in ravor of ratifica tion. Senator Johnson said he could not subscribe to the views of other "ir i econeilables" that the treaty would be likely to involve this country in Euro pean entanglements, although recog nizing the sincerity of those holding that view. The marriage of Miss Fern Hook stra and E. P. Gustin took place Satur day afternoon. Mrs. Gustin attended Knox college for two years and also the University of Nebraska where she is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. IN DAYS GONE BY FORMER UNI STUDENT IS CAMPUS VISITOR Mr. Elmer Johnson, who raduated from the college of pharmacy in 1918 was a campus visitor Tuesday. Alter his graduation Mr. Johnson went di rectly into the service ami for two years was in charge of the pharmacy department at Fort Riley, Kansas, where dispensatory service was ren dered to two hospitals caring for nearly six thousand men. Because of Mr. Johnson's efficiency he was detained long after the war had end ed and the camp nearly abandoned. Since his discharge for the army ho has been in the drug business at West Point, Nebr. 1901. Tho varsity team returned from Minnesota after playing a hard game, in which they were defeated by a score of 19 to 0. Tho team spent Sunday at Lake Minnctonka fishing, sailing, hunting and boating. 1904. Nebraska football team defeated Creighton by a score of 39 to 0. 1908. The university faculty assembled at the Lincoln hotel for dinner. This was the first of a series of dinners, lor the purpose of bringing about a feeling of cordial goodwill and com ranienship between the professors slid instructors, 1914. Doctor Orr entertained about eighty pre-medics at the Orthopedia hospital. Honorary membership into the society was extended to Drs. On-, Wolcott and Barber. 11915. Billy Sunday spoke at the St. Paul church to a special meeting of the university faculty and students. 1919. In an effort to promote friendli ness between the fraternities at the University of Nebraska and to be come better acquainted with the members of each, the fraternities un dertook the plan of exchanging guests for dinner one night (each week. WANT ADS. Say Fellers, do you know we have a new line of Nuvo guaranteed pipes? Story Cigar Store, Cor., 13th & N. "I have an opportunity for two or three capable university studenis to make good money during the college year by selling magazine subscrip tions here in Lincoln. This work leads to cxcxeptlonally renumerative work In this state during the summer. Un dcrclassmen with previous selling ex perience preferred. Lloyd G. Hals ex-'13, phone L-6434 for appointment. A complete modern ftUion of Drive Yourself Fords. Always open. Phones B-471S and B-4235. Your pat ronage solicited. Remember the loca tion, three doors west of the Orpheum theater. Motor Out Co., (formerly Central Sales Co.), 1120 P Street. HENDRY'S CAFE 136 No. 11th Serves Genuine Mexican Chile Con Came 15c. Hot Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, 15c Headquarters for New York Count Oysters At your Service Day and Night For Your Hallowe'en Tarty We have a com pie l - . . i-o -ords. cut-outs, deco- lavurs, raed and plain crepe paper, and a a.twW nelection of noise maker. George Broe.. 1213 N tt. Get it at ILLER'S RESCRIPTiON HARMACY R P Remington Portable Typewriter "Just Like Operating a Standard Remington" That's what they all say the moment they start to write on the REMINGTON PORTA BLE. The reason is the STANDARD KEYBOARD. Tho REMINGTON PORTABLE is a marvel of type writer compactness so compact that it fits in a traveling case only four inches high. But there is one thing about the REMINGTON PORT ABLE that is not compacted the KEYBOARD. A REMINGTON PORTABLE in your home will be of very material assistance to you in your school work. Sold on payments as low as 5.00 per month, almost as cheap as rent. Phone us or stop in at our office and we will be glad to show you this superior PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Remington Typewriter Co. 101 Bankers Life Bldg. Phone B-2852 Lincoln The University Players in Seven Keys to Baldpate October Temple Theatre October 20 21 22 Seat Sale and Season Tick et Reservation at Ross P. Curtice Company. 20 21 22 EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE Peoples Grocery iiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimim iiiiiiiiiiiiim The University School of Music ADRIAN M. NEWENS, Director. CONAC CLUB DANCE Lincoln Hotel Ballroom Friday, Oct. 21, '21 Beck's 6 piece Orchestra Adm. 1.10, Tax Included Offers thorough training in Music, Dramatic Art. A ,M large faculty of specialists in all departments. Anyon may TE 1 it A' - J. . , 4V. PAWtM1 1 enter, run lniormauon on request, i'umic mc v-uiui'w. I Phone, B1392 Hth R St-. UllllSIIIII iuiuiira:itu?uiii:iiniijin!!:ini:ni cninsniiniin inQimiinniKiiniicicnniiiniiiiii island YOUR HEAVY GARMENTS LET US CLEAN, PRESS AND REPAIR THEM NOW. We operate a first class thoroughly MODERX cleaning plant. OUR service is prompt and reliable. All work guaranteed to please. F2377 MODERN CLEANERS h to fe to