The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1921, Image 3
THE DAILY NEBRASKA N 0 ..30 Wed., Thur., Frl., Sal. 8:20 ,Superb Headline Attractions Vaudeville's Distinguished Star SARAH PADDEN and Company In "THE CHARWOMAN" William L. GIBSON and Regina CONNELLI In Aaron Hoffman's Comedy "THE HONEYMOON" FRANK FARRON Dealer in Laughs CAMEO REVUE Music, Song and Dance MORRIS & CAMPBELL The Avl-ate.her GRANT & WALLACE Versatile Entertainers ARTIC MEHLINGER and GEORGE W. & MEYER The Singer and the popular !; M composer m 1 Mats. 25c & 50c. Eves. 25o$1.00 ' I"' lit )i fit l i l i"! ri M ! "i hi Hi 3 ! I" : v. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Slfiiiui Phi Epsilon held i's full pally ul Knights ol' Columbus Sal unlay evening Suventy-five couples wore prcacnt. The hall was docoratod with icicles, white streamers, and iini. tution snow to represent a winter scene. Ice cream, In the fraternity colors, and made in the shape of the pin and small while cakes, were served. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ilollings.vortli, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bell, Fairfield; Mrs. 13. Ewlng, and Mr. Lorry Hider, both of Omaha, were the out of town guests. Get it at OILLER'S , RESCRIPTION Ji HARMACY Sigma Chi. Eighty couples were present at the Sigma Chi fall party which was given at the Lincoln hotel Saturday night Cornstalks, autumn leaves, and pump kins furnished uu attractive Hallow eon motif. Cider, sandwiches, and pumpkin pie were served. The out of town guests wero Wallace lluntei, Henry R. Hertal, and William Schcdl man, all of Plattsmouth. Dr. and Mrs Ccudra, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. O'Shea served ns chaperons. HENDRY'S CAFE 136 No. 11th Serves Genuine Mexican Chile Con Carne 15c. Hot Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, 15c. Headquarters for New York Count Oysters At your Service Day and Night I Autumn Things from day to day are appear ing on our menu dishes that make you glad warm veather is over. Real, tasty, wholesome dishes, delightfully prepared and served on clean napery, and a real sincere courteous ness on the part of all at tendants. Once you eat here you will make it a habit. Central Hotel Cafe Kappa Alpha Theta. A house danco was given by Keppa Alpha Theta last Friday evening for their freshmen. The rooms wero very attractively decorated in autumnal manner. During the intermission re freshments were served for the forty couples who attended. Mrs. Stout and daughter, Mrs. Kennedy of Oma ha, and Janet Atkins of Kansas were out of town guests. Omega Beta Pi. Omega Beta IM gave a dance in El len Smith hall for about forty couples. Dr. II. IL Waite and Prof, and Mrs. R. B. Powers wero chaperons. Seven teen last year's men, now attending the medical school in Omaha, were back. The fraternity colors crimsori and white, were used as decorations. The orchestra was screened in with ferns. Refreshments and punch wero served during the evening. Norfolk Club. ' The Norfolk club entertained t,ven- ty five couples at a danco at the Ihisii- n il guild hcuse Friday evening wi-s tin; dance of the season and It was well intended by the members of the club. The house was decorated with red and white streamers. Refreshments we.-e served during intermission. The chaperons wero Mr. and Mrs. Ilollis Askey. PI beta Phi.' Pi Buta Phi sorority entertained at their fall party Friday evening at the Knights of Columbus hall. The hall was decorated to represent a Japanese garden. About sixty couples were pros nt. The out of town guests w;cre Sarah Elscheid, Shenandoah, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Sonic and Elva IUnford, PlaKamouth; Mildred Rockwell, ex-'21, Omaha; Mara Saunchson, Bob Gist, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scott. rrof. and Mrs. Paul Grummann, Miss Alice Howell and Miss Edna Noble acted as chaperons. Achoth. The members of Acholh sororii y en tertained at dinner at their sorority homo Tuesday evening in honor of Mir.s Florine Reed, whoso marriage to Avery Tickering will take place soon. Covers were lnid for thirty-six guests. Phi Mu. Phi Mu entertained thirty-six cou ples at a house dance that was given in honor of their freshmen, Friday j evening. Lighted pumpkins, black cats and witches formed a Halloween decorative scheme. Light refresh ments were served during the course the evening. The chaperons weie Mr. McGlassen, Miss Clelaud, Fred Mahavek, Miss Ada Beckwith, Ida Wilson. Gamma Phi Beta. An atractive house party was given Saturday evening by the upper class men of Gamma Phi Beta sorority in honor of their pledges. Halloween decorations we.e c.-r.ied out in au tumr leases nid pumpkin- FtimpRln pie, cider, and apples were served as refreshments late in the evening. The out of town guests were Ruth Scholes, Onawa la; Ruth Peterson, Minden; Ruth Irwin, Omaha, and Jean Felton, York. Mrs. Howard Hill chaperoned. Stop, Look, Listen Special Sunday Dinner 75c. October 16, 1921. Oyster Cocktail Sour Pickles Chicken Broth With Rice CHOICE OF Baked Spring Chicken Stuffed Domestic Duckling Celery Dressinfl Teax Coffee or Milk SAVOY CAFE . MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY LVMC THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY WHERE THOUSANDS MEET THOUSANDS DAILY RUSS LEDDY & CO In the One-Act Comedy "SURGEON LAUDER, U. S. A." Merian's Swiss Canines In the Screamingly Funny Play "DOG DAYS AT BEACHVILLE" Kurt and Edith Kuehn "Dainty, Different Doings' John West "Topsy Turvey Fellow" The Stanleys The Musical Brownie The Love Egg Eighteen Minutes of Laugho "Winners of the West" A Thrilling American History Chapter Play INTERNATIONAL NEWS WEEKLY JACK GREGORY & CO. Presenting An Original Oddity "IN NOVELTY LAND" Alfred Powell & Co. The Acme of Class In a SONG AND DANCE REVUE Blanche Franklin Nat Vincent Famous Writers of Famous Song Mort Infield & Venza Nobilt Versatile Entertainers Al Stryker "Position Is Everything In Life" "For Land's Sake" For Laughing Purposes Only "Miracles of the Jungle" An Amazing Adventur. In Darkest Africa INTERNATIONAL NEWS WEEKLY ll t50 PAR-KERRY GOOD TASTE, A REASONABLE PRICE AND A CERTIFIED STANDARD OF QUALITY FORM THE BASIS ON WHICH WE RECOM MEND THE PAR-KERRY OVER-GARMENTS CUSTOM SERVICE WITHOUT THE ANNOYANCE OF A TRY -ON READY- TO -PUT- ON TAILORED AT FASHION PARK Other Fine Overcoats at $24.75 $28.75 $34.75 sMinon DevliSHfdSBmfere Tomorrow Matinee and Evening Awn H AMERICA'S GREATEST MAN DANCER & HIS COMPANY Miss Martha Graham Miss Betty May Miss Dorothea Bowen MR. CHAS. WIEDMAN (formerly of Lincoln) and Mr. Louis Horst, Concert Pianist Prices: Afternoon, 50c to $1.50; Evening 50c to $2. War tax extra NOTICE All evening boxes completely sold out. Only two afternoon boxes now available in addition to a limited number of reserved seats. No one will be seated after 2 :30 P. M. and 8 :30 P. il. after the drawing of the curtain until the conclusion of the Church Service. Text of Mr. Shawn's serman: "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32. - M . . . -. ' .. M I - - - Capital Auto Livery Co. Burt A. Anderson Rent a Ford, Drive It yoorselt Open All Night 241 No. 11. B-2698 BEET STURM'S BARBER SHOP 116 So. 13th St. EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE Peoples Grocery BABICH AND HIS P FUZE ORCHESTRA rf:00. MATS. 20c. NIGHTS 35c. QAI lto UO Zi 0E-6 iV iLilVJia Miwno ft