The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1921, Image 1

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    The Daily 'Nebraskan
VoiTxX'. No. 24
J L L JLLL aLjfcCB' its iJaasffiifi jliliKrfd JUnzl
: i
V.-V' if
y: r
v-' s ii f
Supplementary Groups of Men From
Lincoln, Omaha, and Other
Towns Announced.
Interfraternity Council Continues In
vestigation of High School
A supplementary list of fraternity
pledges has boon given out by the
Inter-iraternity Council The pledges
have be.. n examined and approved by
the high seheol fraternity committee
Four Lincoln names are being held
for invc uigation. All men from Oma
ha Central, who during the past yeai,
have been members of Alpha Sigma
Lambda, Beta Phi Sigma and Phi
Lambda Epsllon, all national high
school fraternities, havo been barred
and the various fraternities notilicJ
that these men ran neither be rushed
nor allowed to about the house.
The list is ast'ollows:
Don Kelley, Lincoln, Nebr.
Koy A. Phillips, Waltliill, Neb.
Donald Smith, Long Pine, Neb.
l loyd Johnson, Wahoo, Neb.
Alpha Gamma Rho.
Con It. Murray, Omaha, Nebr.
Alpha Sigma Phi.
Irwin Jelter, OOmalia, Nebr.
K.lw. F. Manger, Omaha, Nebr.
Eugene McAllister, Lincoln, Neor.
Wilbur Peterson, Lincoln, Nebr.
Otto E. Skold, Lincoln, Nebi.
Willard 0. Usher, Omaha, Nebr.
Alpha Tau Omega.
Gerald J. Carpenter, Lincoln, Nebi.
Horace Harmon, Lincoln, Nebr.
Roland L. Eastabrook, Lincoln,
Alpha Theta Chi.
Emerjs G. Jones, W ymoro, Nebr.
John E. Eleven, Met'ook, Neui.
Lumir M. Mares, Wilber,
Cliailes L. Day, Albion, Neb.
Geo. Henderson, Springfield, i? P.
Nona. in I'. Johnson, Genoa, Nebr.
Beta Theta Pi.
Alfred 11. Hanson, Omaha, Nebr.
Geo. E. Randolph, Kearney. Nebr
Bunnell Guild.
Peter T. BarbT, Omaha, I'cbr
PeLes Cue, Lincoln, Nebr.
Delta Chi.
t il Khodcs, Lincoln, Nebr.
J.iims Cooiier, Lincoln, N'.'L"
Ha hard Labium, Lincoln, Net'.',
'laroid Tliorson, Lincoln, Xi'ir
Delta Tau Delta.
Taiil tirade", Lincoln, N Mir
Pviy Olds, Lincoln, Nebr.
Tiknce Pucker, Lincoln, Nebr.
Delta Upsilon.
Ce-oigc Haigreave, Lincoln, Neoi.
l.ieiju Burl, Lincoln, Nebr.
I' ton Gi.-orge, Lincoln, Neor.
Heibeit Brownell, Lincoln, Nebr.
.oiic Peterson, Omaha, Nebr.
Kappa Sigma.
Seliukr V. Phelan, Grand Islunu,
Calvin Guttridge, Grand Island,
Clyde E. Rollins, Grand Island,
Gus Wolf, Lincoln, Nebr.
Gulyord Wilcox, Lincoln, Nebr.
PI Kappa Phi.
Montford Kiffln, Lincoln, Nebr.
Reid Tracy, Lincoln, Nebr.
Sutton Morris, Uni Place. Neb.
Eliion Kiffin, Lincoln. Neb.
Phi Delta Chi.
Edwin G. Joy, Franklin, Nebr.
Charles Einspaltr, Imperial, Nebr
Charles Innian, Sheuaudoah, la.
Phi Delta Theta.
Keiuieth Metcalf, Omaha, Nebr.
James Berry, Omaha, Nebr.
Robert Stephens, Lincoln, Nebr.
ilaynard Buchanan, Omaha, Nebr
Phi Gamma Delta.
Ward Lichtensliger, Lincoln Nebi
Ecaii Lowry, Lincoln, Nebr.
Phi Kappa Pol.
Giles Henkle, Lincoln. Nebr.
Edward Mulligan, dncoln, Nebr.
Frances Sperry, Omaha, Nebr.
Dcnald Hollenbeck, Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma Alpha Epsllon.
Paul a. Bengston, Lincoln, Nebr.
Harold Gish, Lincoln, Nebr.
John Madden, Omaha, Nebr.
Robert Minor, Hastings, Nebr.
Sigma Chi.
Edin O'Donnell. Lincoln, Nebr.
0scar R. Bauman, Lincoln, Nebr.
Carles Caldwell, Lincoln, Nebr.
(Continued on Page 4.)
Dewitz has shown the results of long
practice in his smashing off tackle
plunges. His defensive work also
shows well against all opponents the
Huskers have met this fall on the
Girls Tennis Contest On University
Courts Eliminates Fifteen on
The first round of the all-University
girl's tennis tournament has been
played off. The matches were played
off in quick tiinie Thursday and Fri
day on the courts reserved. Pearl
Safford, Louise Branstead, and Mar
garet Toole referred most of the
The results of the first round were:
Annabelle Ranslem, 6-4, 6-3
Irene Berquist
Nannie Roberts, 6-1, 6-2
Ada Mills
Ruby Dummt 6-1, S-6
Carol Williams
Sue Stille, 6-0, C-4
Helen Thompson
Jessie Hiett, S-6, 6-1
Betty Luce
Margaret Toole, "6-1, 6-1
Florence Price
Li la, Wynian,
Louise Bransteaad, 6-1, 6 0
Carolyn Airy
Zoe Sehalek, 6-1, 6-2
Dorothy Dongan, 6-3, 6-0
Jane Foster
Dorothy Teal, 6-0, 6-0
Majorie Wynian
Ruth Tanner
Jeanne Robinson,
5, 6-4
Meach Miller, 6-3, 0-1
Lois Pederson
Dorothy Shallenbergcr, 6-3, 6-3, 7-5
Anna Hines
Dorothy Whelplay, 6-3, 6-2
Pearl Safford
Marie Snavely
Alice Stevens, 6-0, 6-3
Chairmen of Committees Counting on
Big Crowd in Armory on
October 29.
Chairmen ol the omniittees for the
first fr shman party to be held in
armory, October 2, met j-riuay
,-.rnrnn in Ellon Smith hall to ap-
lint committee members and to (lis-
plans. Announcement ol tuo
members will be made .u
Tuesday Daily Nebraskan. There
1 be a meeting for all committee
members that evening in Ellen Sniltn
hall at 6 o'clock.
i..nm-otimi for the Dartv are to be
accord w-ith the Halloween season
the Jack-o-lantern plans win De
carried throughout the evening. Even
refreshments are to be or Haiiov
nature. splendid entertainment to pre-
h flan finer is being nr.nneti.
reception committee Is all keyed
to show everyone "the time or
life." :
hiiritv committee Is in need
students who can make good post-
Anyone who wishes to go uu
should see Miss ixns ocoimmu
Wilbur G Peterson, cnaumeu.
"What Is Socialism?" is Just Off Prees
Book Reresents Years 6f
Study and Thought.
Takes Up Creed Step by Step
Convincingly Re.'uies Its
"What is Socialism?" a new volume
by Dean J. K. Leltossignol of the
college of business administration
ha just been published by the Cro
well company of New York. In it
Dean LeUosslgnol continue! liis work
of many years: analyzing the funda
mental character of current, economic
problems, taking up the claims of the
Marxist socialists, pointing out their
logical and practical difficult! js, and
showing the way to a safe and liberal
adjustment of cur economic ills.
The industrial unrest in this coun
try and the experiments of socialism
in various European countries add in
terest to the volume. The uncritical
acceptaiuc by many people ot the
Marxist doctrines; the "speuelo-open-mindedness
which toys with boishev
isni"; tlie temporary .:cc:-s of the
soviet regime in Russia;; the many
searching of heart amcng various
radicals all make this book valuable.
U is intended, primarily, for those
people who are inbued vith human
itaiian motives and need a ciiticism
of the leading movement in opposi
tion to the existing order. It is a
book for tiie students of economics
and the social sciences, as well as
for others interested in present day
Dr. LeRossignol takes up the creed
of socialism, point by point, step by
step, and concludes that tlic. entire
economic and logical background of
it is a caricature. Especially sin
gled out for sUidy from among Marx s
beliefs aie the economic inicrprota
tion of history, the labor theory of
v.Iii' the l;n- of increasing misery,
the theory of surplus value, ihe so
cialist economics of machine y, the
socialist theory of crises, the theory
of the concentration of capiUl wiili
its eurrelary of the elimination of t'.u
middle class, and the Marxian theory
of the class t-tuiggle aiul i lea ul the.
soii..l revolution. A chapter on "Th
Sects of Socialism" gives an histori
cal sketch and diseus.iion of hte vai
ious blanches of th-j revolutionists'
family, including syndicalism, llio in
dustrial workers of the world. Guohl
socialism, bolshevisin, comniunisiii,
aiiarehisin, and ihe Ameiiean social
ist parties.
or :.pu : iuti-rest Nebiaskans
vill be the chapter on "Tne onpai
tisi.n Leaguo" which is rcbtcd to li.e
socialist party. The writer points
out that the farmers who make u
the nonpartisan league vie rut "pro
letarians," really constitute the bul
wark of capitalism i.i this country.
and that every tr.i wlncu is aone
to be'KT i'..c economic coi.'.'i.'.ons ol
the agriculturalist! Ail help keep the
farmers from acceptiiiv the l evolu
tionary theories of Marx. T..jugli the
organization has been slightly linger
wi..h .socialistic leaders, the farmers
are not socialists; and reform will
in all probability be given them, even
ii' the non-partisan league dies.
"Over against tho denunciations
Ideals and promises of socialism,
witli all their power for good or evil,
capitaliJin has the tremendous ad
vantages of possessing the field as
a going concern which, witn ail its
faults, has do;e great, things in the
past, and ma do still more in time
to come, ' The remedy for mm L "i
the evil i': ihis 'world is Viv'.cr ilif
fusion of wiulth and ownership The
Dean thii.u iUi". . will come. II
believes It will come as an alternative
to revolution and widespread change.
But, ho says, "An alternative proph
ecy like this assumes, of course,, with
Marx and most of the revisionists,
that man is a rational animal, that
truth Is teachable, and that people,
individually and. collectively, may be
wisely led."
Highly Complimented.
Henry Campbell, editor of The Con
stitutional Review, nald of it: "I have
no hesitation In saying that I think
it an excellent piece of work -a tem
perate but searching exposuro of just
what socialism really Is and mans.
and a convincing refuation of its arg
unieuts and conclusions."
One of Coach Dawson's backfield
men who has distinguished himself
with his fast and effective end runs
is "Dave" Noble. He has played In
bcth the Wesleyan and Haskell games
this fall.
Kappa Delta Wins First Place
Reservations for First Play
The University Players'
ticket selling contest is at
The Kappa Delta sorority
an end.
won by
a large margin. The Kappa Dolt's
have been at work since, the very be
ginning of tho contest and deseive
the prize tliey won by their constant
hard work. They will be entitled to
receive a cash prize of $150.00. The
University Players wish to take this
opportunity to thank the contestants.
Their splendid efforts will not be for
gotten as they have helped the Play
ers to begin another successful sea
son and in this they have boosted for
a bigger and better Nebraska state
i ne reservations lor tne ocatoti
tickets purchased will begin at 3.00
a', in. Monday, October 17. Rescva
tions may be made at Ross P. Cur
tice Music Co. Single admissions
may also be purchased at the same
place. Patrons are advised to make
their reservations at once for the en
t ii o sev.son and thus be assured of a
good seat for tho six performances.
"Seven Keys to Laldpate" will be
produced at tho Temple theater, Oc
tober 20, 21, 22. Ai the rate the tick
ets are going, full houses are a.-surcd.
A number of prominent university
folks will take part. Among them
are Ih rheit Yenne s 'Hcrmy.' Mild
red Gelleuon as 'Mary.' Floyd Jo';n
srn as 'Magee,.' Irnia Mt Cowan,
Frances Gettys, George Turner, Geo.
Stone, Vera Carter, Hart Je.:l;s. Slod
dard Robinson, Neil Hrown make i;i
the remainder of an unusual'y strong
The Plavers wish to annoiriee t:uu
the curtain will rise promptly .t S:20
en iihrhts of iierforinance. They also
wish to announce that the Univer
sity orchestra under the direction ol
Prof. Quick will be enjoyed at ail p -r-ferniances.
Here is admittedly the
best comedy of mystery that has ever
been written.
Ben Cherrington to Visit Campus For
Three Days This Week Pro
gram Announced.
Ben Cherrington, '11, will be at tho
University Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nosdav Oct. 17-19. to peak to the
students about the social and eco
nomic conditions in Europe and es
pecially to interest us in the deplora
ble conditions existing in the Univer
sities in Europe. Miss Winifred Wygal
of Minneapolis, student secretary of
the Y W. C. A. and Dr. Arthur E.
Holt of New York, social service sec
retary will assist Mr. Cherrington.
Mr. Cherrington and Dr. Holt rave
Just returned from a summer spent
in England "and on the Continent, in
which they had unusual opportunity,
by interviews with noted men of dif
ferent opinions, as well as by keen
observation, to know the facts. Both
have unusual power of analysis of
facts. TheHr message will be fresh
and authentic.
Miss Wygal will hold interviews
with University girls on Monday, ad
dress the Vespers In Ellen Smith hall
at 5 p. m., Tuesday, and meet the Y
W. C. A. cabinet at 7 p. m. Wednesday.
Husker Warriors Recover From a Slow Stait and Put Over Six Touch
downs in Last Three Quarters of Saturday Afternoon Encount
er On University Field.
Big Crowd of Rooters See Coach Dawson's Men Demonstrate Their Abili
ty To Tackle Notre Dame and Pittsburg in Coming Eastern
Trip in The Near Future.
Uallyinjr from n slow start, tin-
Oornliusker machine pulled
toji'ol her and walloped (lie Has
kell Indians in the second frame
of the season yesterday hy a -II
to 0 count. The IJedskins put up
a real battle1 and threw a scan1 in
to the Coi'iihusker camp early in
the frame' by their flashy offense.
A bitr crowd witnessed the eon
tost. Tho first period found neither
team with a counter but durinjr
tho second, third, and fourth
(piartors, the Huskers piled up
six touch downs for a total of 41
points. The Kansas athletes were
unable to stop the Nebraska of
fense after the Cornhuskors had
once hit their regular stride. liiuifr
runs by AVri jrht. Noble, Preston,
and tho lino plunfrinir of Dewitz
wore tho chief factors in tho
Husker 's score. The. entire Husk
er lino hold like a stone wall on
defense and usually cleared tho
viiy for a pain on tho offense.
First Quarter.
Captain MeLeinore won tho toss and
the Huskers kicked off to the Indians.
On the first few plays ilio Haskell
athletes made log gains but' had to
Cornhusker Football Rally
Shows Real Nebraska Spirit
T!ie best spirit and cheering i.howii
iii recent yea is was exhibited at the
rally held Friday night in the armo.y
in preparatien for the Haskell game.
A crowd of loyal Cornhiukers
swarmed into the chapel of li.e arm
ory and filled the. lower i;or and
galleries to ovei flowing.
The progiuni started off with se
lee. ions from the. band and cheering.
Th.1 lh:'ee varisty cheerlea.l' T3, Fred
Richards, Diik Kimball and Ed. Shoe
in;. kr introduced a new sysum et
preparatory cheering, as used in the '
tory cheering which is used in tho
ast hut which has never been tiled
before at Nebraska. The cheer is
anv.ounced, the lenders give "Aie uu
ready. Hip! Hip! Hurray!" and the
rooters join in for the yell.
The Nebraska football squad was
given the placi s of prominence on the
first row of seats. Captain Swansea
in a short talk emphasized the value
of n.llies and studei.t support to the
team and urged the students to f,ivt
the players all the encouragement
possible throughout the entire season.
The football men should be helped
to keip in training, not to break il.
lie then introduced tlie twenty-eight
men from which tr-.o Scarlet aud
Cream team will be picked.
, After the band had led the root
ers in singing tho "Scarlet and
Cream" and the football team fitting
ly cheered, Dr. Fred Leuhring was
intVcduced. He said that he would
like to se. a good student representa
tion at the game. The Indians, he-
stated, have a veiy good team with a
shifty, speedy style of game.
'In Head Coach Dawson, Owden
Frank and Bill Day, Nebraska has
a coaching staff that is not equalled
anywhere In the country, the fresh
man squad has such coaches Far
ley Young, former Nebraska guard,
and Max Towle, ho was one of the
best quarterbacks the school ever pro
duced. The first year gooiball men
are getting a thprough drilling in
the fundamentals of the game and
will -be ready for varsity work ncsl
Coach DawBon made his first ap
pearance to Cornhusker followers at
the rally. The coach said that a nev
feature of his work had been furnish
ed at Nebraska by the co-eds. All
the other schools at which lie . has
coached were mens' colleges. The
girls, he stated, were a bigger factor
than he had expected. ,
punt and Nebraska look the ball on
her own 15 yard line. I'reston gained
considerable ground on a fake punt
and the Huskers made a first down
by line plunges by Wright and De
witz and a. thirty yard pass, Noble. ,
to S.vanson that brought tho stands
to their feet. Nebraska worked the
hall down to the Indian 2 yard lino
and a touchdown seemed imminent but
the Huskers lost the ball after at
tempting a forward pass over the goal
line. Alter an exchange of punts with
neither team making any ground the
whistle for the quarter sounded with
the Huskers in possession of the ball
on the Nebraska '1G yard line. Scoro
Nebraska 0, Haskell 0.
Second Quarter.
After an exchange of punts Wenke
recovered a punt on the Haskell 35
yaid line. Sehoeppel went in for
Klempke who was injured and Nixon
substituted for Peterson at center.
Line bucks and end runs by Dewitz
Preston, Noble, and Wright brought
'he hall to the Haskell 2t yard lino
where Preston tried a drop kick but
the ball went outside en the 14 yard
line. Nebraska suffered severely from
penalties inflicted all through the
game. The Indians failed to gain on
line bucks and the Huskers took the
'ball on the Haskell 37 yard lino.
Wright went for 21 yard 3 on the first
play. Dewitz, Noble and Wright car
ried the ball for small gains and De
witz went over for the initial touch
down of the game. Captain Swanson
kicked goal.
Russell and Hartley substituted for
Nellie and Wright, at this point of tho
game. Nebraska kicked off and the
Indians made good gains around the
Husker ends. Captain Swanson inter
cepted a pass at this point aud car
ried the ball to the three yard line
whore Hussell carried the ball over
( n the second play. Captain Swanson
hooted the goal. Score, Nebraska 14,
Haskell 0. The first half ended with
;1hj ball in possession of the Huskers
in tho middle of tho field.
Third Quarter.
Nebraska scored early in the half
with Noble, Wright, and Dewitz carry
ing the ball for long gains. The Husk--rs
went straight through from the
kick off for the third touchdown of
the game. Wright negotiated the final
listance. Captain Swanson again
kicked goal making the count 21 to
0. The Huskers kicked off to the In
dians and held the Haskell athletes
to their own territory. After several
penalties and long runs by Noble,
Preston, and Wright and several short
line bucks by Dewitz the Huskers
were again within scoring distance.
The Huskers displayed the best of
fensive work of the entire game in
this period. After Wright had made
the touchdown, Captain Swanson
missed the goal making the score
Nebraska 27, Haskell 0.
Coach Dawson made several subr
stitutioii3 at this point of the gama'
and the quarter ended with the Ne
braska eleven in possession of the
ball on the Haskell 20 yard line.
Fourth Quarter.
Plunges by Lewellen, Dewitz and
Hartley were responsible for the fifth
counter of the game. Lewellen car
ried the ball over and Captain Swan
son again kicked goal making the
count 34 to 0. A number of substitu
tions were made by Coach Dawson
and the entire Husker lineup was
completely changed. The final count
er of the game came after Weller
had kicked off to Haskell and the In-
dians failing to gain, punted to Lew
ellen who returned thirty-five yards
and a forward pass Hartley to Sehoep
pel, who went over the goal line
brought the total up to 40 and Cap
tain Swanson added another point
with a goal kick. This ended the scor
ing for the remainder of the game
and the "ball see-sawed back and
forth and Nebraska was in possession
of the ball when the final whistle