& a & Sow that tho sternous Tusliing pons ' ia ovor, the University students nave suited on their round of the season's galoty. Already th annual mixers have startd with th Y. M'. C. A. y. W. C. A. mixer Saturday night and a W ! C A. dancing party Sat urday afternoon fn which the girls of the diiToront classes oecaiunu ac quainted. This spirit also extended to "the fraternity world when on Thursday eveninR th DelU Delta DIta rateniiiy entertained th Delta Gam ma fraternity at an informal dancing party at the chapter house. ORPHEVM C1RCVIT Wed. Til. Frl. St. -S20 Ona Munson & Co. r II E DAILY NEBRASKA N The annual house donr BMnn ed Friday evening when Delta Sigma Delta fraternity entertained thirty couples at its home. The chapter house was decorated in turquoise and gran lie, the fraternity colors. Refreshment., consisting of brick ice cream and chocolate cake were served. The chaperones were Dr. and Mr u C. Zellers, Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Al bright, and Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Capek. Green vines and autumn falinirp formed an attractive deenrntiv scheme at the Bushnell Guild house dance Saturday evening. Thirty coud- les were present. Punch and wafers were served during the course of the evening. Prof, and Mrs. R. L. Coch- rane, and Prof, and Mrs. J. E. Almy were chaperones. The out-of-town guests were Lawrence Metzgar, Al ma; Harry Anderson, Hastings; and John Judd, Omaha. in "A MANLY REVUE" JEAN BARRIOS SONG 1MPRKSSIONS KITNER & REANY "AX OCEAN EPISODE" BUTLER & PARKER IIONT MAKE ME LACGH" PAUL CORDEN & AME RICA 'TKYIXU TO AMl'SE" LA PETIT CABARET f Manikin Musical Comedy Jean Adair & Co. "ANY HOME" Topics of Day. s R P. Pithe News Aesop's Fables. Back to Nomalcy Prices. Fifty couples were present at the Phi Kappa Psl house warming, Satur day evening. The evening was spent in dancing. Punch and pineapple ice and wafers were served. The chaperones were Mrs. Dan DeCar, Mrs. Hayward and Mr. and Mrs. V. Scott. Lyman Mead of Ashland was an out of town guest. Farm House entertained thirty-five guests at a house dance Saturday even ing. Ice cream in the fraternity colors, maroon and gold and wafers were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Derrick and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dossom, acted as chaperones. 2 MATS. S5c & 50c EVES 25c to 1.00 xi psi Pin The XI Psl Phi fraternity gave a dinner and smoker to the freshmen of the Dental College Wednesday even ing, Septmeber 21. Most of the mem bers of Uie faculty of the Dental Col leg were present. Dean Davis gave a short address on the advantages and benefits of Fiaternity life Music was rendered by a seven piece orches tra consisting mcstly of Xi Psi Phi men. MARRIAOeS A wedding which hold much interest fir the membui's of this university wa.t that of Miss Mildred Dyer of Exeter to Anion W. Godwin.. The latter attended tho University of Ne braska, while hero ho affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsllo.i r.iiterni'y. Mr. Godwin besides being a member of Square and Compass un-,1 Ag. Clubs, was a winner cf the Pershing medal. . Miss Grace Rood was married thi3 past Saturday to Guy Cleveland Chambers of this city. Both people were popular attendants of the Uni versity of Nebraska, air. Clumbers is a member of Delta Upsi'.on f.atcm ity, in his senior ho was Ivy day or ator and tt menibr of the Innocents. Green to Mr. Frank Cteoe of Omaha. Tho latter, a member of Alpha Tau Omega, is a graduate of the University of Iowa; Miss Green is a Sophomore In the University of Nebraska. EROWN DOBSON An attractive wedding took place Saturday afternoon at three o'clock at tho First Presbyterian church when Miss Elizabeth Brown became tho bride of Paul Dobson. Dr. Btnjamin H. Nce officiated. The church was decorated in roses and ferns. The b.ide wore a black hat and dress and cni ;d a bv-uquet of pink roses; tho attendants were Miss Mary Guthrie and ML'3 Ruth Lindsay, also were dressed in black and carried pink roses. Carlisle Jones, a fraternity brother of the groom acted as best man. Francis Diers sang "At Dawn ing' and "Calm of the Sea' duiing the service, Immediately after the srvic the young couple left for San Francisco where they viil make their home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dobson were very prominent in the University. Mrs. Dabson, although a graduate of Wellslcy, attended Nebraska Univers ity for three years. She was a mem ber of Delta Gamma sororioty, a mem ber of Mystic Sish, Xi Delta, and Sil ver Serpent honorary societies. She was also in many olTier activities. Paul Dobson was a member of Alpha Sigma Phi, football captain 1919 and a member of the Innocent Society. He giaduatd in 1920. SPANISH AS SHE IS SPOKE "Rato" is a little time; "Rata" Isi a rat I think; "Tinto" is a kind of wine, "Tinta" and kind of ink. Look, there is a "rata' rat Eating up the "fruta"' fruit! Good things wo have "gata" eat tlit it with the "bota" boot! 'Musica" i3 music Hark! Listen to the "banda" band Playing in the "Plazaz" "park! Do you "sabe" understand? Take a "banco" bnch and note Rippes a "banco" bench and note Ripples that I "hago" make, When I row my "bote" boat On tho silvery "lago" lake. But if "banda" is a band. And a "bota" is a boot,' How can "mano"' mean a hand, Or my "ropa" bo my suit? "Pino" always unions a pine, "Ropa" never is a rope, 'Minn" always means ft mine, "Sopa" no.vr is the soap. if I ask for "vino" wince, "Vino" also means it came. Combination "fine" fine! What Is in a "nombre" name? "Carta" never is a cait, "Mano" never means a Hand; What can be the "arte" art. Is ther any "piano" plan? "Mula" always means th mu'e, "Muhi." always mans the mule, "Desdo" sinco old Noah's flood. But we say "escuela" school; "Claro" clear as "lode" mud. Since a "rosa" is a roee. But a "vino" not a vine, Bj it then my "fin" or close Not another "linea" line. BROWN BETTY RESUMES SERVICE Oh me, oh mf, things certalnlf taste godd out at Brown eBtty. And why shouldn't they? Miss Beaumont has long known the whims of young peo ple and her menus are full of good things to eat. Everything is home cooked and at such reasonable prices, too. After the next show or party why not run out to 1720 South 17th for a while. You can turn the vie' or tho piano loose and dance to your heart's content. You'll find lots of Uni. folk3 out there, too. Just at present Brown Betty is offering a special 2"c luncheon t noon in addition to the regular tea ervice which is opei from noon untli nidnight each week day. Special a' '.ention is given Uni. banquets, lunch eons and after-party refreshments, "'omember Brown Betty, 1720 South 57 street. ENGAGEMENTS An announcement was made last Monday at Kappa Delta house cf the engagement of Maaeline Lucille ALL THIS WEEK LYMC ALL THIS WEEK ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW With, an all star cast including &Val lace Reid Gloria Swanson Elliott Dexter Bebe Daniels Monte Blue Wanda Hawley Theodore Roberts Agnes Ayres Theodore Kosloff Polly Moran Raymond Hatton Julia Faye f frm i V LA f2Hrtiuv J JESSE L.LASKY presents Cecil B, PHODUCTJON Gym Outfits That fulfil the requirements of the Physical Education Department. Get yours now while our stock is complete. Tom Wye Sport Coats carried in stock in all colors and sizes This is the coat that you see worn so much around the campus. AWLOR "The Sporting Goods Store" 117-119 So. 14th St. I VARSITY CLEANERS! fi ROY WYTHER55 RAYMOND FAROIII-f AR 8 lie Af fairs of AoatoD PEOLOGUK MISS FLA VIA WATERS in a classical dance AT DAWNING :.:iss lovie neville Scprano Lyric Concert Orchestra U. C. McVAY, Conductor Open For Business QUALITY CLEANING, PRESSING AND ALTERING AT LOWEST PRICES We call for and Deliver One Day Service. IN COLLEGE BOOK STORE "Facing The Campus" TELEPHONE B-3677 See our representative in every fraternity for special club prices open to all students. PRICES ALL WEEK MATINEE ALL SEATS, 30c. NIGHT ALL SEATS, 50c Coccccoccoeoco6cccoccoeoooccccoocccccoceeoecccceceocoococs