KL.LlL.Xi-I i HALLETT Fountain Pens Alarm Clocks College Emblems We Repair Anything HALLETT Ksth. 1871. 1143 0. DETROIT DOCTOR HEADS MEDICAL FRATERNITY Dr. Stuart Wilson, professor of medi cine at Detroit College of Medicine, was elected president of Phi Rho Sip ma medical fraternity at the twelfth biennial convention which closed at Omaha this w eek. Chicago was named as the next meeting place. HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2 ENLARGES COLLECTION (Continued from Page 1.) the city of Mexico in 1906 by Miss Eva Thompson. From Frank A. Harrison selected personal material from the library and office of Dr. 13. L. Paine. These include papers showing the beginning of Me tlunlist social and religious work in Lincoln, memoranda upon Dr. Paine's personal practice and social relations picture of Dr. Paine as he appeared in bis younger years and valuable books. From Thurlow Lieurance, a Chinese banjo made by primitive workmen and representing an early stage of musical development. Secretary Sheldon and Mrs. Sheldon returned the past week from a field trip which included the old Pawnee village sites In the Loup valley, the site of Fort Laramie treaty at the junction of Horse creek at North Platte and the historic entry of th first I'nion Pacific train into Lyman on the I'nion Pacific extension from Oering west. BIG REGISTRATION IN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (Continued from Page 1.) the coach, expects to take a good team to Minneapolis to represent the College at the National Dairy Show October S-12, where the team will com pete against teams from the leading schools of the United States and Canada. Acricultural students are being agreeably surprised to find that they will no longer bear the odium of at tending school at the "State Farm" for the name of the campus has been of ficially changed to "Agricultural Col lege of the University of Nebraska." The State Farm is a thing of the past. Even the street cars are labelled "Ag- Cotlege," and attractive signboards ap pear on Holdrege street pointing the way to the College campus. WANT ADS. WILL THE MAN WHO BORROWED a fountain pen from a stranger in Social Science please return to sui- dent Activities office. 1 VARSITY CLEANERS k ROYWYTHERS RAYMOND FARQUHAR 1 1 Open For Business 8 QUALITY CLEANING, PRESSING AND ALTERING AT X LOWEST PRICES 8 o 8 We call for and Deliver One Day Service. i IN COLLEGE BOOK STORE "Facing The Campus" TELEPHONE B-3677 See our representative in every fraternity for special club prices open to all students. J e c r. acq,, im pi ftratford Clotty viootMc on Qweeds DINNA yc ever wear tweed fresh as th' daisies bonny as th' heather? Mon! but they're smart. Made of the choicest woolens; some of them on old hand looms. There's a breath of the hie lands in them; a pedigree of centuries behind them. Cotton and shoddy ioo absent. There's nothing quite so sprightly as a rough looking, hard wearing, "Hoot Mon" Tweed for both business and sports wear. Today the young man's most fashionable suit; always worn by the smart dressers of our metropolitan cities. "Hoot Mon" Tweeds are tailored in a wide variety of models, all typical of Stratford style leadership. It pays to buy the best The new Fall and Winter Styles are now on display fmrnrnM -THE H cujthej: :-4iiiHi''i College Book Store Facing the Campus EVERYTHING FOR THE STUDENT