THE DAILY NJCBRASKAN H i PI I i if p it ft i n a n tx H n u n K n SS U n n a K n u a u W !!fj a 1 MANY A GARMENT IS DIS CARDED AS BEING TOO OLD, WHEN ALL IT NEEDS IS A CLEANING TO PUT IT IN A WEARABLE CONDITION. OUR SERVICE SAVES CLOTHES AND MONEY. iNf rig r. v B2311 333 North Twelfth m m If 1 t i -it m I m n H m CAMPUS NOTES The architects who designed Social Science Hall and Bessey Hall iiave been selected by Kansas University as consulting; nrchitacts lor thier new ?4000,000 medical plant to bo (.recti d at Kosedalo Kansas. While ibe Chancelor of the University or Kau sas was In the city a few weeks ayo he made a very careful inspection oi the new university buildings. A year ago a delegation from Coi nell University Inspected the huili injja here cud expressed tlieinso'vrsi as finding at Nebraska one of the few state institutions that was developing its building plan aerordlng to a pleas ing and consistent plan. Recently Dean Mann of tho College of Agri nil, ure, who is making a study for building campaign at Cornell, spent a INNOCENTS SOCIETY HAS ANNUAL BANQUET Newly Elected Members for Next Year Given Initiation ' ' Ceremonies. The nineteenth annual banquet of the Innocents society followed the initatlon ceremonies May 22. at 6 p. in., in the Garden room of the Hotel Lincoln. A number of the alumni of the organization were pres ent. The initiates of this year Include high Carson, George Sims, Floyd Wright, Omaha; Story Harding, Ne braska City: Clarence Ross, David City; Andrew Schoeppel, Ransom, Kas.; Roy Wythers, Lincoln: Asa Hepperly, Norfolk; John Fucelik, Spencer; John Gibbs, Wessington Springs. S. D.; Leonard Cowley, flnv linm t ITn wns nnrticiiliirl v nlensed !.'. ....!...,..... i 'Bladen; Ilawley Barnard, Superior M 11.11 Wl" ilHlUI(-UiU lUf,UHCIlUrt building at tho Furmr Campus. and Glen Munger, Columbus. Clifford Rein acted as toastmaster, The extension division has had i The following responses were made many ca'ls from the high schools of j to toasts: "Traditions." Lynn Lloyd: the state for dramatic coaches. At Special Summer Classes in Business Training in Desi posHiuie iraiums i" i" iov ruonium num. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking, Secretarial Training, .Commercial Teaching, Etc. Expert instructors in every department.- Summer quarter opens Monday, June 6. Write for descriptive literature. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS T. A. BIake8lee, President. (Accredited by the American Association of Vocational Schools.) Corner O and 14th Streets Lincoln, Nebraska HARDY SMITH BARBER SHOP 116 North 13th Street We use a clean Turkisk towel on each customer With automatic sterilizer at each chair LINCOLN, NEBRASKA "VjuaJity rnnten Woodruff Printing Company Printers Gold n Bookbinders Stamping Phone B3500 UNCOLN. NEBRASKA 1000 03 Q Strrtt ' and Cottry ' "fV a - r're'''i u H 21 n u m n n n u n u n r Do You Need Extra Courses? Send for catalut; describing over 400 courses in Ilistorv, EnRlish, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern L;inKUats, tcononiirs, Philosophv, SiKioloRV, etc., piven by corretpondenc. Inquire how credits earned may be applied on present college program. GJl? Ilutormtt of fflljlragn HOM2 STUDY DEPT. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS -J, if AN OPPORTUNITY to own a fraternity home at a bargain and secure it with a very small down payment, the balance to be paid at what you are now paying foj rent. NINE BLOCKS FROM THE CAMPUS Large house at 1216 II, occupied by Phi Gamma Deltas for Beveral years has been turned in on purchase of another house and is now for a'e- Possession this summer. kooA r,AMMS DEMONSTRATED THAT IT WAS GOOD DUSI FOn tS,EUY A MODERATE PRICED HOUSE AND CET IT PAID m tlley wantf,d to buy their permanent homo they bad a repp? Plece of Property to help pay for it in place of a few rent kitrh , la house has a dining room that will seat thirty five, a lare oset8' hal1. an(l three large living rooms on first floor, and twon(wP0ch flve bed rooms and bath on second floor and beds for Tou can a dormllory on third floor. can own this valuable piece of property in a few years if you try. HARVEY RATHBONE COMPANY 711 ,. , Realtors 711 terminal Bldg. B2690 prestnt there aie three persons in the t'.eld doinR this work. Mrs. Louise Brown is at Beaver City drilling Ihe senior class for "The For (line Hunter." Mrs. Brown couched ihe class play at Havelock and will (ill some oilier engagements after iin ishins the work at Beaver City. Mrs, Horace J. Youns; is at Ulysses oachins the class play. Other rn iicii'.ents that Mrs. Young has filled !r:; year ai': Herce. Kiron. Iowa; r.-ivenport, Bancroi'l, Falls City and PeWitt. Miss Eleanor Kcrs has been kept busy since in January wan dramatic contests and class plays. Some of the places where she has been are: fallaway. Hastines, Plainviow and Scribner. Calls are com ins in rapidly for enKajjements for Dr. Charles Fordyce of t lie department of educational 'i asurements and research to under take school surveys net fall. Several of the large cities have already se cured his services. "True Loyalty," Iinlph AVeaverlimi; "Tappinsj," Guy Chambers; "Tried Methods," Clarence Haley; "Tapped." Hush Carson. Tho Innocents society was founded in 1002. lis purpose is the promotion of student affairs and the perpetuation of Nebraska traditions. Members of the society for the cur rent school year are Clarence Haley Kr.rsi II Bailey, Sam . ISrow noil, ( la euro wan-on. iiii.".m I 'ay, James i ;; I Hers. Seth Taylor, .Tack Ejrnn. rcnee Metz.trar, Paul Seidell, Jesse j! Patty. George Masuire and Frank;'!, Patty. !'S Ii IOTA SIGMA PI ELECTS OFFICERS Inta I The Bureau of Professional Service has received a notice that the French ministry of public instruction has j c penings for men as assistants in the j French I.yces, colleges, and noimalj school?. The duties of an assistant j are limited to two hours a day for eenvpisalion in English with French j pupils. The remainder of his time tviiy be devoted to study for his per senal benefit. For many years these positions have been filled by English men and have been very desirable Appointments for studies of the French 'aicuage and literature. This is the first time that these positions have heen open to Americans. Rev. Harry F. Huntington, Metho dist student pastor of the University, will give the commencement addresses before the graduating classes in the high schools of Yutan. Bert rand, Ne hawka, Wilber, Greenwood and Wahoo. Sigma Pi. national honorary chemical fraternity for women, ha.s elected the following officers for next year: President, Miss Josephine Graves, instructor in chemistry; vice president, Margaret Carmen; corre sponding secretary, Lila Sands; treas urer, Lucile DeCamp. Miss Graves, the president, will be sent to Berkeley, Cal., as a delegate to the national convention of lota Sigma Pi which will be held there in August. Diamonds Watches Fine Jewelry Sterling Silver Crane's, Whitings & Hurds Correspondence Paper and Cards. ! Waterman Fountain Pens. BBS hean Jewelers Opticians Commercial Stationers. 23 Years at 1123 0 St. Dr. George L. Peltier, professor of plant pathology in the botany depart ment, has recently published a paper entitled "The Influence of Tempera ture and Humidity on the Growth of the Citrus Cankor Disease," a de structive disease of oranges, lemons, grapefruits, nnd other) members of that group of flowering! plants. This paper is the fourth publication by Dr. Teltier in connection with his studies of the disease. All of these papers have been published In the ,!')i"iwl of Agricultural Research of Washington. (The Bulletin.) SUCCESS DEFINED. It's doing your Job the best you can And being Just to your fellow-man; It's making money, but holding friends. And staying true to your alms and ends; ' It's figuring how and learning why, And looking forward and thinking high. And dreaming a little and doing much; It's keeping always In closest touch With what is finest in word and deed; It's being thorough, yet making speed; It's daring blithely the field of chance While making labor a brave romance; It's going onward despite defeat And fighting staunchly, but keeping sweet; It's being clean and it's playing fair; It's laughing lightly at Dame Despair; It's looking up at the stars above. And drinking deeply of life and love; It's struggling on with the will to win, But taking loss with a cheerful grin; It's sharing sorrow, . and work, and mirth, And making better this good old earth; It's serving, striving through strain and stress. It's doing your noblest that'B Success. Go-ooeration IT ha? been the policy of the Klino Publishing Com pany to exert every resource toward giving the utmost co-operation to its clients. TODAY we are better equipped than ever to help you solve your printing problems. OUR Service Department is in charge of an expert who will prepare dummies and advise with you as to the correct typography for every purpose. ' I NEBRASKA'S LARGEST PUBLICATION HOUSE 1 Publishin George W. Klins 311 South 11th St. i )7 ?4 8 N Company '00, President Telephone B4204