THE DAILY NKBRASKAN r IVarl Set Letters N, A. H, C 0. K. Ii. M. W Always in Stock Other Letters to Onler HALLETT I'ni Jeweler Kstal). 1871 11 0 Why Not Be A City j Manager? i The National In-titti4 f I'ulilie Ailiiiinistratioii olVcrs practical train-, inir for prospective city milli liters, pnlilic ii.linini-strators. ro'earcli experts, t.'aclicrs of yovermiiciit and civic work ers. Formerly the Traininjr School for Pnlilic Service of the New York I'mivuii of Municipal Kescirch. lievis tration liinitel. TENNIS COACH DEFEATS TOURNAMENT WINNER Cora ("Mciich') Miller, university girla tcaula rhainplon successfully re caineri lier title this year when nl,o played the winner of tlie fall turua ia. nt. Nannie Roberts, '22, was th's year's winner, after defeating lm si; tor, (V.rrlc, tlio rutier-up. Only twenty girls entered the tali t -..imminent, and tlio Ramos were handicapped by tho weather and cor. ilition of tlio courts. Tho sprinr. lournaineiit is being played off new under tlio new Tennis Club schedule' llutli Duliois, '21, is sport leader. A 1 1 II ' U ! 1 ' IJcple-. !lt oil National Institute of Public Ad-ninistralion 261 Broadway New York City HUSKERS DEFEAT HASKELL INDIANS (Continued from I'nge One) Crandall. cf 0 0 0 Totals 3 1 0 9 Haskell Indians 2. ab. r. h. WcfTord. 2b 5 0 1 Wilineit. ss I 0 0 : ; : i . r 1 1 i n n . cf 110 'ilbiu-k. II) " 0 1 ;r ver. p 1 1 i. : m n. c 1 0 2 V.utha, If 3 0 0 ic'ipson. ii' I a ( Pike. 3b 3,0 1 Post. r. ss 1 0 0 Total.' 31 2 II t'l: ; i;e -Campbell. COMMITTEE OF 200 PARTY SATURDAY The Committee of Two Hundred will give u party In tho Y. M. C. A. rooms at tho Temple, Saturday even Ins at 8 o'clock. This is ono of a series of parties that have been given by the com mittee this year. Tho nptlst young peoplo will be in charge Saturday evening. All students aro invited. MRS. LAURA PIERCE HAS GUIDED CO-ED ATHLETES TWENTY YEARS Do Y ou Need Extra Courses? Send for catalog doscribipc; over 400 courses in Ilistorv, English, Mathematics, Chemistry. Zoology, Modern Lam;uacs, Economics, Philosophy, Sociolngv, etc., mven by correspondence. Inquire how credits earned may be applied on present college program. GJl?e Hmttfrmtt nf QHjtrago HOMZ STUDY DEPT. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 291k Tear v.W-7 hgol of Dancing DANCE Saturday Night Everybody'll Be There BECK'S SYMPHONY 1.25 Incl. Tax AN OPPORTUNITY to own a fraternity home at a bargain and peeure it with a very small down payment, the balance to be paid at what you are now paying for rent. r wis., u ;. i - t . . V 1 ; -.: ' t'-r ,., ' -T i "1 T . . I ; din 1 NINE BLOCKS FROM THE CAMPUS Large house at 1216 II, occupied by Phi Gamma Deltas for several years has been turned in on purchase of another house and is now for sale. Possession this summer. vcaP AMMS DEMONSTRATED THAT IT WAS GOOD BUCI Fnn A M0DERATE PRICED HOUSE AND GET IT PAID voinw they vanted to buy their permanent home they had a rprsfnt. PC.e J ProPerty to help pay for it in place of a few rent witrhon i ouse naa a dining room that will seat thirty-five, a laW n V' hal1' and three !arge liv,nS rooms on first floor. nd twpntv ti ' 6 bed rooms and bath on second floor and beds for iwenty-uo in a dormitory on third uoor. You can own this valuable piece of property in a few years If you try. HARVEY RATHBOIE COMPANY mi t , , Realtors 711 Terminal Bldg. B2690 (Continued from Pago One) who Imped to snatch off the crown of Mary Roberts Rholnhart before an other year had llown. And every one of them had learned much from Mrs. Pierce. How to make a firm stand In the face of an on slaught, how to make every stab count, how to bring order out of chaos with the fewest number of thwacks all this she can do, and much more. S! e takes half if the danger from 'he deadly locker-room, she makes possible most of the fun we manage to have around the gvm. she's be- mended us all may she go forever. Yhc la riercc! on WORLD'S RECORD TIED IN V.'. A. A. MEET pers Up, who put the shack to rights and took the remaining buns, if any to the baker for a refund. Their working day was from nine to seven, the work hard and often un pleasant. Put not one of them ever failed to report on the dot to do her little stint. So they prospered pros pered even beyond their own hopes. They promptly made their influence felt in college affairs, they were ap proached with schemes and asked for loans, and even solicited for votes by older organizations which were at first disposed to scoff at them. Put they held to their course and stuck by their slogan, "Every Girl an Athlete." They organized competitive games, Individual contests, and en couraged a healthier interest in wo men's athletics than the University had ever seen. They affiliated with the national organization of women's athletic associations. They broadened the point of view of many, many Uni versity girls by their venture. Put best of all, they had a riotously good lime. At a timn when the world was a drear enough place, when college wo men were making sacrifices of every kind because of the war, th A. A. carried on a sane plan of. health and fun for University girls. And it came through its first perilous year with colors flying a real organization, for college girls and managed by college girls. (Ci.!!t:mi'(l fr;.m Page One) i more; Jo Creckpaum. freshman; P.ob Henderson, junior. Shot put Ruby Damme, sophomore; I jUsinPf.s Vcr.iorio P.arstow. senior; Eleanor 'ne!l, iunior. Javelin Pob Henderson, junior; Add' tkeit I) e t t m a n, sophomore; Eleanor Snell. junior. Relay race Senior, freshman, sopho more. The members of the wining relay team are Ruth McKenney, Mary Shep herd. Marjorie Barstew and Sue Stille. There were woes and vicissitudes, of course. Unimportant persons of limited vision paled at the prospect of girl athletes managing their own They rather resented the i wholesale interest in games and spoils which had sprung up through the energy of the upstart AV. A. H. Even authorities pondered on the plan - but finally deemed it fair and rea sonable. There was a fusilade of FOUNDERS OF W .A. A. WERE LIKE PILGRIM FATHERS NEVER DISMAYED (Continued from Pago One) "The Gang." It was "The Gang," direct, industrious and intelligent, who really established the V. A. A. upon its firm footing. "We must," said they, "have money. Let us squander our entire f 11.87, go into debt and undertake to feed the football fans." Whereupon they subdivided into smaller working groups and carried out this plan. There were the Sob Sisters, the luckless ones who sliced a peck of onions before each game the Gas and Flame brigade, the fear less cooks who wrestled with two vicious gasoline stoves which spat flames at the approach of a stranger the Nut Department, which pawed over two hundred pounds of peanuts and dragged them to the athletic field in the laundry boxes and the Mop- iTF I nitrAvcittr Evandon-Chicago SUMMER SESSION On the Shore cf Lake Michigan TJ.e University Campus (a t-ih'-hnnr'n ride north of the city of Chirauo) extends for ncurly a mtlcalonK the ffhoreof I Jkke Mich iprn. Boating available, bathing bearhea nrht on tbe Campus, tennis courts and frymnasium near. Dormitories for men ar. I women. Organized excursions to inter esting pointa in and near Chicago, and lako trips t.iot her rities on l,ake Michigan. Lee turvs, coni-erts, reeitals and dramatic per formances on the Can.pws. THE COLLEGE OF UOCPAL ARTS -Coonw 1. lin to H S. sn.l It. A. d-in-ees. Rrxular rt'llfiiv Mtibjf -ts, Inhi. tintr ro.inM.-s in ZooIokj., Clx mistry an J rhysu-a lor pre-mi:icl stu-d.-nU. Nine eemeMer hours uf credit obtAin bbu:. titfht weeks' course. THE SCHOOL OF COBtMCRCE-Oxirs.- .-aJiriKto the d.'irre.-s lischelcr of rfc-ienee in Con.m r.-e MaMerof HupirwiM A'lnrniiftrati.m and Cvrtiftt-d I'ublic Aoeouritsnt. Courst-s in Arconntirifr, A'iv. rtiMmr. Ftl.nn.v li.isin. n OrtrsntKM .on, .-miJh A'anair n.. nt, Kurt..:- Ma. Htf-m.-nt. etr. rpfial trips of lnspc-1 i.m to fsrtnrn-s. banks sf.r-s in CtiWiKO Ni.. hmp,t(f hours of cridit obutiiuiio. weeks' course. THE SCHOOL OF EOUCATtOM - Conrsn len.linir to H 8., B.A..M A.,n.l I h.U.d. nw, siith sp-nal diploms in FliK-ation. Fruf.-s-sionsl courses tor hidh s-h'l t.'S, hers, ni.-nuiry tt'Shers, ritv sup. rint, .,d-nts. hiiffl s.-hool prinripnls. professors of tduestion in normal schools and coll. g-.s, and edu.-stional It'sd.-rs. Nine .senwf.r hours of credit oo tamable. Litrht weeks' course. THE LAW SCHOOL John 17. Wigmnrr, Mas,. Clsssee eonlu-ted in the city of t."hi rstro. Cours. s leading: to the dVfrreea of Juris U. Summer Faculty contains i.idReS of Ptste supreme courts of Illinois, orth Dakota. Mississippi and Washinton. Kourteen hours of credit obtainable. Tea weeks' course. THE SCHOOL OF MOIC-Prr C. Isfhs. won. Courses in Public S. ho.,1 Music and Ilsno Normal Methods with demonstrstioo classes. Private instrnetion in Piano Voice, tmran. Violin, Cello; class instroetion in Har mony. Musical Analysis, tar-1 raining. Solfeg gio. Six weeks' course. THE SCHOOL OF OWATOSIV - Jt'tis B. rnnta, Inrmetor. Courses k adinirto B.S. and B.A. dirrees, or diplomas in Oratory. Class work and private instruction for teachers of public Sneaking, for teachers of Kniih and for professional and amateur readers and speakers who wsnt grester plstform skill and power. Courses in I H-bate and Public Sp. sk ln for eoUege students. Tea hours of credit obtainable. Eight weeks' course. THE OlMOUsVTE SCHOOL-Coorsesleadlr to M A and Ph. O. de (Trees. Unusual library facilities in Esanstoe and Chicago. Nine hours of credit obtainable. Ceursee ewea Mossday, ha) 17, 1S21. For book of Campus tVws and detailed description of courses address "ALTER DILL SCOTT, President 247Uawveraitr Maslt Evasjstea. IHksese poisoned arrows from behind trees, much like those which harrassed our forefathers. But they only served to make the first VV. A. A. birthday the gayer. Kvery girl who plays on a team, takes a hike, enters a swimming meet. or a track competition with the hope of winnig a letter, enjoys that privi lege through the courage and the enthusiasm of "The Gang." The more girls who play and hike and swim and dance, the better you will fulfill their hope of "Kvery Girl an Athlete." I I i if I p g 2 m H i i i w. I I p I I m THE FREQUENCY WITH WHICH YOUR BEAUTIFUL AND DELICATE THINGS ARE DRY CLEANED LARGE LY DETERMINES THE LENGTH OF THEIR USEFUL NESS. KEEP YOUR GARMENTS EVER NEW. 5VA CVtr. B2311 333 North Twelfth 1 i i I m m m p Mm mm l NEBDASU Vacation Time means in most cases a return to your home town where so many pleasant hours will be spent before school opens for 1921-22. Kline's Service Spells Satisfaction Plan your next year's Sorority and Fraternity Printing while you have the leisure hours in the good old summer-time. Come back and give us a chance to convince you that The Kline Publishing Company will care for your requirements best in Service, Quality, and Des patch as well as in Price. X H x OjLPjuioniiNVj CO. 311 South 11th St. Lincoln, Nebr.