THE DAILY NEBItASKAN ALL THI8 WEEK MARSHALL NEILAN'S l.iitfNt MiiMtrriilrcn "BOB HAMPTON OF PLACER" WITH Jiiiiii- Klrkwrnxl, Wrxlry llitii-y, Mnrjiirlf lnw. Tut OWInllry, Noiili lli-i'ry, Tom allry mid II mull ciIk iif liiilimiH, Hi'iiul. Hr. l'li'lnr'iiir I'rolorna "Evening Among the Teepee" Beaver's Lyric Orchestra SHOWS START AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 THURS. F HI. SAT. Rlalto Symphony Orchestra Pathe Semi-Weekly News Tin! Wnrlil'H KvcnlM VIniiiiII.piI Topical and Travel Pictures SIkiwIii,; SuliJirlN mill I'ninlH (if Illll'll'Ht "HIS FOUR FAT HERS" A Nriv "i 1 1 1 1 1 1 y FRANCES CARROTHERS I.Iiii'iiIii'h WimiiI I ! Kiitrrliilnrr "THE JUCKLINS" !' WISH II HUNDRED LAWS ATTEND BAHBEQU E THURS. FRI. SAT. Liberty Concert Orchestra International News Weekly "THE SON OF TARZAN" "THE KID'S PAL" A New ( 'ninnl v THE WILSONS "AMilrlli' (t.lilllv" NAIO & RIZZO AX ACT WITH A KICK' SORORITY GIRLS Mlnlnl urn Mimical Cnniody WELLS & DEVERHA Lamont's Cockatoos and Macaws THURS. FRI. SAT. William Russell "Bare Knuckles" Also NEWS, COMEDY AND TOPICAL PICTURES 2:30-Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat.-8:20 In n TEMPTATION jj Cressy & Dayne jjjj "TOWN HALL TONIGHT" ft1 Eeit and Betty Wheeler j; ASH & IIYAMS OSC4R MIttANO TRIO Z OTTO & SHERIDAN PAUL NOLAN & CO. MATS 25c and 50c Pathe News 1 Topics of the Day EVES. 50c to $1.25 iftn'iwrii.K!HW!w urjf ;'R"sr Parade Features Morning Boxing Matches and Fancy Riding in Afternoon. Two hundred Hliidt'iitH, th! enllre, law collcgi! fjicully, Mii'iubciM nr Mm Unrein city bar association .mil tlnec unbroken horses allcndcd thu annual barbecue (,r (), ('.Kf. r j,!lvv U day Thursday, M;iy 12, at t!.e slate I'air grounds. Classes In that rnll.-f-i-won; dismissed for lln! day. The festivities lii'can at !l o'clock In lln morning w I M a parade of law Students lead by I he Inw college biiii.l. under Mie direction or Herman Kcbioedir, law '21. The parade plopped long enough In Social Science hall to vole In a body. The principal campus walkH, () street and the streets bordering Mie I'nlvcrnlly were Included in the linn of inarch. When tin merry makers readied the court. In front or University hall, they formed a circle surrounding Ihe band and sang Ihe songs of Mm University anil the law college. Dean Engberg Impersonated. Cecil Strlmple, '22, impersonated Dean Knghcrg on bis familiar bicycle, but had liltlo success In trying lo quell tlic parading students. The students were taken lo Ihe stale fair grounds In trucks and street i cars. Indoor baseball, Mm old-tune game of "horse-shoo," and -track, events occupied Ihe limn before the roast Ins: of Mm ox. Roast ox and garnishments, Ice cream, pie and coffeo were handed out to the hungry banisters at the noon hour. The Juniors of the law college trounced Mm seniors in n game of baseball, 7-fi. A home run by Herman Schroedor for the graduates featured the game. Iialleries for the seniors were Glebe and Elliott, for the Juniors, M. Miinn, Thomson and Van roll, Sohoeppel. A boxing match between four "duskies," and exhibitions or fancy riding by P.orn Coulter, '21, and James (tiffin, '21, were on the afternoon's program. The members of the law college attended the Haskell Nebraska baseball game in a body. A FEW GOOD SEATS LEFT FOR KOSMET KLUB PLAY Students Asked to Make Reservations at Once for "Most Prime Minister." Boyd Printing Co. Inivatlono Christmas Greeting Cards, Programs. B1917 For Good Eats Try the Y. M. C. A .CAFETERIA Cor. 13th and P Sts. j iu:tni:.Ti()N tiiaimm; M'lHIOt. (K rilU'ACO (SiK-rohKor In Iti'iTi-nllnn IM-I't.. t'LU'iiKO SWimil f Civics nuil I'lillaiiihrnpyl Ono year oiiirne In liferent Imi nud new hcIiooI of lruiiiiitle and I'll rimi lit r jr. SOO 8. IlulNtiril M.. (Hull Houw), llll lIKO A few good seals are left for (lie musical production, "The Most Prime Minister." which the University Kos mel Kluh is presenting at the Or i pheum theater Tuesday evening, May 17. Sltnlents are urged to buy their seats as soon 'as possible in -order that they may be sure of seeing this comedy, which is the first offering of the Klub in four years. Tickets are soiling for GO cents, $1 and $l.f.O. The cast is composed entirely of University students and they also comprise- the choruses of the play. The theme Is entirely original and was developed by members of the Kosmet Klub. The musical scores were composed by Wilbur Clienoweth. Rehearsals have been under way for almost six weeks. The players have already east aside their amateur style and have assumed a professional appearance. "Students will be humming the songs introduced for months after the performance," said a member of the committee In, charge of the play yesterday. SORORITY TENNIS TOURNEY NEXT WEEK REED AND WAUOH TO ADDRESS LUNCHEON At the Greater Nebraska luncheon today noon nt the Grand Hotel, Gu Itued and Sam Waugli, Nebraska grad uates and former athletes, will speak o;i the duLles of the students to Neb rarika. University and will eniphasl.o especially Urn services which every mini can rondo:1 to thu school (lining tiio summer. Aehloki n pio luncheon will bo hi rvod preceding til talks und an op pnr'.tiiiliy will probably b Riven for Open Forum (HsciihIhui on the sub jects diseuitsed by the rpoakois. Tl" kola for tlio hiiihliooii mid forty euiu cadi Mid may bo obtained at the dc k in Mid hold lobby Mii.i noun. The luncheon l.i under Ihe au.'piees hi" Urn llniverlsty Y. M. C. A. 'THE INVADER" TICKET SALE BEGINS TODAY Vikings and Silver Serpents Will Tag Students Only 600 Tickets on Sale. Ticket.-t go on sale today for "The Invader," a drama of modi ru busi ness, finance and love, which the Junior class will prosenl May 20, as a revival of Ihe tradition of the annual junior class play abandoned four years ago. The Vikings and Silver Serpents who have charge of the ticket sale have set today as tag-day, and the lino llckels will be distributed as lags which will soil for 75 cents. Reserva tions may be made aMer Tuesday or next, week at Ross P. Curtis music store. As this Is tho first, junior class play since the United States entered the war. it. is expected that there will be no more tickets available alter today. RAPID PREPARATIONS ARE BEING MADE FOR IVY DAY Throne and Bleachers Under Con struction Picnic Lunch Tickets on Sale. W.A.A. Girh Wear Out Old Shoes By Hiking 2.089 Miles Wi.o ra i rn''.' tho loss of hI.ou l-ii'.hir? VVI .it :K'..3ri ca'i show th( " airl lnii," on vhe nlghwayh h.i-' l.y-waja for ,0!i8 miles thl;( yea. Kalherlne Wolfe, hiking 1. -,n!er, hi," poiitv:d tho bulletin board ewiy v.:.tU end with notices for a Jaunt, to i.ome creek, nemo woods, or maybe, f.ome in a; by village, In (U' i.t of a dvmi'.u.'c. llikii.g has not only j,lve-i nunn ro i.; a cl:;:i)c: lo tu:'M I r!i ;i 1m. bir furnishes mi i pporuul y lo Ii::iKh i.; old Shu s; i i. In tleilr old (dotliei an', i ; i ni in the open air. Ju.i,t 'or such pleasures W. A. A. fclves pomL. i.owi.rd the "N." Wayne Club. All loniH i- Wayne Normal students ure Invited lo attend the Wayne club picnic, to be held Saturday at I'pvvorMi park. Meet al 2 p. m. at 10th and O Northwestern Teachers' Agency Mimic Offlre I '. , I m i -. Iilnliii I. a itfi i;kt in vi;st t'liih fifflci. ("iillrornlii bikI linwaii Knit l.iikii Cllv HiTki-lf.v, Cnllforiils Mill "A,,IVK. AI.KUT, I'llOOUKSHIVB Kit KM KNKfll.l.MKNT We iliie! more I 'ni vithII y of NHirnnkii (iriiiluiiti-H lliim liny otucr Ai.'i'lii'.v In the Went We cum II xn Imlh exinTleiiccil unit iii xicrlciiccil tcni.'licrii i v. . r If? FRANCO-AMERICAN BEAUTY SIIOrPE 143 No. 13th St., Room 8 Marcel 50c Manicure 50c For Ladies and Gentlemen Ladies' Shampoo 50c Phone L9072 Home Stylo Malted Milk 25 Cents TQ)I LLER'S UkJ 1L HARM AC Y Kappa Delta heads tho list In thu inter-sorority tennis tournament regis tration. Tho tourney will bo held uext week, begining Tuesday. Registration fee will be one dollar for each sorot- ity; this must be paid at Dircc'or Luchring'a office by Monday, May 16 at 5 p. m. This is an opportunity for real sor ority rivalry, and for the live one to capture the skin that will be award ed the winner. The weather is fine, the courts are Numerous, and tho girls are spotting them with their bright sport clothes with practice to win the tourney. The Tenni3 Club Is responsible for the tournament. Tho fee charged the sororities will go toward the skin to be given th": winner. The throne on which the Queen of the May will be crowned next Wed nesday morning on tho campus, has already been eid'ted and a line of bleachers will soon be constructed near the throne so that as many peo ple as possible will be able to view the coronation and the attending exer cises. Morning plans are under the direction of a committee from Mortar heard. Tickets for tho. picnic lunch which will be served by the Home Kconomies department en the Farm campus go on sale today at Mie Student Aetivi liis office and may bo obtained from Mortarboard memhe'rs and men of the honorary organizations of the four classes. Tho open air dance floor on which tlio Southern Rns-a-.Tazz or chestra will play during the afternoon and eening at the State Farm will he ready shortly after the first of next week. Complete committees for Nebraska's most traditional day, annual Ivy day; are as follows: I Senior class Clarence Swanson. I chairman: Ada Stidworthy. George Maguire, Floyd Wright, Ethel Ifoag land. Helen Clark. Melvin Bekins. Mortarboard Mary Rrownell, chair man; Marion Mote. Ruth Lindsay. Faye Curry, Olive Hartley. Innocent Clarence Swanson, Geo. Maguire, Jesse Patty. Junior class Edward Kokes, chair man: Milliard Ailos, Iola Garrison, Mary McCoy, Tauline Starrett, F. C. Laymon. Myrl Hardin. Mary Sheldon. Sophomore class Wallace Craig, elinlrnmn: Thomas Hartford. L. D. MacCashland. Freshman class Ruth Miller, chair man; Eldon Shlnka. Asa Waters. Ruth DuBois assisted by Marjorie Rarstow will bo in charge of the dances during the morning exercises around the throne. The junior com mittee will have charge of overseeing the bleachers and roping off the stage. Silver Serpent will decorate the stage. L Lh ll 11 to DANCE We guarantee you to danco in six private lessons. Phone for ap pointment now. Tills studio may be rented for pri vate parties. Mrs. T. E. Williams g PRIVATE STUDIO i: r.l2."S. 1220 D St. Come Out and See Our Studio. (l rotiJ5jTi?.'xi5n8K"jfX5'jKRKfSfi'A - i-juttd M ill J" fen nin ii'i' Vti'i i Villi rtir i, t,!i',;i:i!.l!3r in' : " K : I fllX - ,1' J ' Just Received Another shipment of COLLAR AT TACHED SHIRTS with that new SHORT COLLAR you ought to see them; they surely are "NIFTY." Tans, whites and neat stripes and up Shirts of GENUINE AEROPLANE CLOTH, in Tan col- 00 lar attached ' You really must see these Shirts if you like pleasant surprises. SS2SSSSZ n --a new TALKING MACHINE --for the Spring "House Dances'9 "The Singerphone" JUNIOR GIRLS WIN BASEBALL TOURNEY An important meeting of Sigma Delta Chi has been called for 6 p. m. today at the Grsnd hotel. All members are urged to be present (Continued from Page One) Hardy, Mary, short. Aitken, Coleat, 2nd. Hilton, Bernice, 3rd. Ranslem, Annabelle, rf. Wolfe, Katherine, cf. Heymen, Josephine, if. Freshmen. Pederson, Lois, c. Creekpawn, Josephine, p. Suavely, Marie, 1st. Gayle, Frances, sh. Ilines, Anna, 2nd. Eallard, Bernice, 3rd. Safford. Pearl, If. Simmons, Blanche, cf. Reese, Lola, rf. IllPt -plenty of lone 1u fill tin1 Size 51 x 22 x 24 inches, inaho;aiiJ- rased. THIS is a. Hit! machine rooms, lomr numiiifr motor. Plays all records. Kerm-d compartment for fit) records. Menus a lot of fun this sprinjr and tho price is very low. This machine is listed at if 12.".00. our special price has been $8.).00 now REDUCED to Sports Goods High Grade Sporting Goods in a Limited But Well Selected Assortment. THIS includes GOLF STICKS, golf bags, golf balls; TENNIS rackets, tennis balls and nets; baseballs, bats and mitts. Prices Are Reasonable Third Floor. A 7 '-"1 n I KC I