THE DAILY 'NEBRASKAN i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I'iiMIkIhmI Hiituliiy. TiH-mliiy. Wi'iliii'KiIav. rhti tmiIii v iiiul I'TIiIii.v if ojii Ii wi'ck by 111" UulviTHliy of Nnl.riiHkn. OKFICI A I. INIVKKHITY lllll.KATION I'nilxr Hi tllrcil.lon of tlm Htmli'nt Tub liiallonn llouril. Knti-ri-il iin ihI i-Iiin iimlli'r ul lbs IMiMlorflrn In I I I. N'-bnixbu. iincli'r Art of CiiiiKrrHH, Mii'b I"'11. HiiliNrlilliiii ruin l'" ,'',r (IM prr hhiiiphIit Nliilili- 'I.V ft ''''",M EDITORIAL STAFF N. STORY HARDING... Editor-in-Chief JACK AUSTIN Managing Editor JESSIE WATSON Associate Editor ORVIN GASTON Newo Editor GREGG McBRIDE News Editor ROY GUSTAFSON News Editor ItKl.l.i: IAIIMVN Niicb-ly liililor (II Mil l. .Ml It II ll.l. Sioil Dilili.r Trie ilimii' li DMIl room :.'ll(l, "l " M:iil AnIIho a-il ( or in I urlliT".: HfliMI Hone. Wuril liiiiulol, llurluii lliijrr uiul Joy 1' (.ulllonl. I.i-ili lido I'iiIIi-iii mill ii'iii li-vi- I.IIOK'H, llsslsllll.l 0('..V (MlllUM. Kutliiirlmi vim Mlm-Kim:, kIiiIT urtUt. BUSINESS STAFF GLEN GARDNER... Business Manager JAMES FIDDOCK..Asst. Business Mgr. KNOX BURNETT Circulation Mgr. AclHTllMOU AxsMlllll"! I l.ll II IHI'V lilll- vy. Unllimi'.v 1'olltT, I lllloril lllrkK. NMH l.llilllP for 'I'll l I DIIUV liANTON other activity as well, nnd niuuy of ihiiin u ro presidents of tholr classes. These students will bo valuable lie ( to Uebrawka University in ilio next two yoaors uad wo muni do a llttlo "niblilnK this week. We must inaku mi Impression on our visitors. Wo liiiiH show theiu wo Hro nn a'i aioutid school, placing scholarship first, but not neglecting other aellvl lies, (live those debaters u ho.irt;' liiind lolin ku this week! Miiku tti m Welcome! We Hood tlll'lll 118 fUl.ll. I! t'ornhuskers. W. A. A. boasts of tho fact thai ul prcs nl ninety-three co-eds ari' mem bers of the organization. The goal for next .cai' In fur above- (ho hundred mailt. At a recent W. A. A. enliven lion, it was found that thin organiza tion In the most prosperous of any similar society of college girls In tin country. AMAZONS OF OLD NEBRASKA Today is Hie paper of the. W. A. A. All oilier organizations and activities must slink inui tho background for twenty-four hour.s and let liie Wo men's A;lilelie Association liiio through tlie press. Members of ibis organization, which is conceded to be the most active and spirited organ ization of its kind in the Middle Wei'.', uavo been working for many weeks preparing this edition. It Is truly Ti l Kilt paper. Mu."h credit is duo Sue Stille, '21, and Hello Kanuan, "23, for the way in which they have written, corrected and assembled "copy" for this issue. In addition to being actively interest ed in physical education at the Uni versity, tiieso co-eds are of a distinct ively journalistic frame of mind. When you read today's isiie uu will see before you the happenings in W. A. A. circles for the curren school year. Special article by Jessie Hech tol Leo an; features of iho edition. REDUCERS ARE REDUCING. There's a little group of W. A. A.'h who are spending those busy days uoildng toward a sylph like goal. We don't mean by this exactly that the goal itself Is sylph-like, but at the end el' the intensive training period, the chubby trainers hope to be able to don plaids and stripes without feel ing like mountains. Ah II is some of them fed terribly conspicuous until bedecked in unobt nisi e blacks, browns, grays or other somber shades. But Paine Kumnr tells us thai the "reducing squad" is sort of taking things too easy ef late and that a few surplus pounds have been gained. The training seemed to be a little too strenuous for a few of the apostles of Kellerman and they have decided that they prefer a heaping glass of Home style, a malted milk, some bon bons or a good novel, belter than two hours swinging dumb bells and Indian clubs. Tolling, bending or perhaps gracing the cinder track. FRIDAY, MAY 13. Union closed meeting, 8:30 p. m., Union hall, Temple. Kappa Phi picnic, 5:30 p. m., Ante lope park. Phi Mu spring party, Ellen Smith lall. Sigma Alpha Epsilon spring party, Knlghs of Columbus hall. Delta Zeta spring party, Lincoln hotel. Alpha Theta Chi spring party, Rose wllde. Palladlan Literary society open meeting, Palladlan hall, Temple. Delian Literary society open meet ing, 8:30 p. m., Faculty hall. Greater University luncheon, 12 m., Grand hotel. Alpha Tau Omega picnic, Crete. Komensky club, 8 p. m., room 306, University hall. Y. W. C. A. tea, 3-5 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Komensky club, 7-11:30 p. m U hall 111. Sigma Delta Chi, 6 p. m., Grand hotel. W. A, A Subscribes To Gymnasium And Other Funds Mary Shophjcrd, '21, has won l,f&.) points in sports contests at the Lnl versify and is awarded the individual cup. This is a distinct achievement in view of tin; fa,"t that the ilo.-e-t contestant bad l,i!75 points. No girl has ever won so ninny W. A. A. points before at Nebraska University. W. A. A. IS ACTIVE The Women's Athletic Association at Nebra.-ka more commonly known as W. A. A. to a multiludo of stu dents is one of tlio most active or ganizations on the campus. Not only are its activities limited to the world of co-ed sports; this irau.s proves that its Interest. also ei. liter around jcui r. nlism. The Association ban been faithful at football games and University athletic, events. Its num bers have sold baskets of fruit, dirly and other sweets in the grandstand at games and have Hipped ham burgers and sold pop ;uid apTiies a All-Uuiv ersity parties. Loyally to the I'uivi rsity is one ef the .in:. I popular slogans of lie V A. A. Its members aie not prim jril v after pers on, .1 lmaor in the sport.; in which tney participate but are wor. ing for a mightier iVrnhuskor iaat. tutiou. You can read about the eari.'vsUur-1 gli;;gs of W. A. A. as told byJJw:s.t ; Iic.chtol Lie in another part ot tee j paper. From an insignificant organ- j ization at its beginning in 1917, it lu-.s grown to be ono of tlwj largest ami j most prosperous of all University j societies. Ana ve must not forget that . during ihc war, when tlio call women of Aimuiea were inakirg enor mous FacrefLc.-s, the W. A. A. sponsor ed a health and fun campaign !or University girls. The Women's Ath letic Association has emerged in 1911 with flying banners. PLAY THE GAME. "'They shall not pass' before they stop to look at me" each poster seems to say on the bulletin board of the W. A. A. Kvety time you come into the 'gym their colorful glare meets your stare with pictures of every whim. Win n you are tired and blue, they sympathize too for they seem to sag as you lag by. rtut Cornhuskor girl! Don't they just about always fill you with ginger an' pep nnd make you just want to grab a racket rml "Play the game?" Don't you simply kid yourself into thinking you'd be a second Ilabe Until if von had half a chance? Can't you feel almost the sting of that ball? Don't you just want to seize n bat and "Pat 'or up?" Of course yon do! You want to be at that track meet. too. Oh. for the love of Mike! Wouldn't it be fun to go on that hike? K there's anything you want to know, look at the bulletin board. If there's any place you want to go. look at the bulletin board, llur rah for the ge.nd old pal! If you want to go to a feed, sign on the hulletin board. If you want to know who's at the lend, look at the hulletin boa-d. Old bulletin board, may your posters in the future bring even greater inspira tion to the athletic Nebraska co-ed lo "Play the game." SATURDAY, MAY 14. A. A. E. smoker, Walsh hall. Wayne club picnic, 2 p. m., Epworth park. Big and Little Sisters picnic, Ante lope park. Track meet, Haskell Institute vs. University of Nebraska. Alpha XI Delta banquet, Miller and Pa ine's. Nebraska ctate high school track meet. Sigma Alpha Epsilon picnic, Crete. Chi Omega spring party, Lincoln hotel. Acacia party, Ellen Smith hall. Art club dance, Art gallery. Senior May ball, auditorium. Wayne club picnic, Epworth park. Alpha Theta Chi banquet, Lincoln hotel. Kappa Phi mother's day, Ellen Smith hall. W. A. A. luncheon, 1 p. m., Delevan hotel. Alpha Sigma Phi house dance. Alpha Sigma Phi house dance. Phi Delta Theta house dance. Pi Kappa Phi dance and picnic, Crete. Farm House freshman party, chap ter house. Committee of Two Hunred party for all students' 8 p. m., Temple. Catholic Students club meeting, Kniphts of Columbus hall. "What do they do with, all of the money?", Is the query of many who have watched tho W. A. A. glrlH 1P1 their tin cups to overflowing wl'h dimes a. tin y null candy, apples and hamburgers at all of the fotbnll iiu i basketball giimeH. A pledge of fr.DO to the Memorial gjuina. Miiii fund Is tho largo it nmounr given by W, A. A. lo one cause. Oi lies $250 was paid hist spring and I he treasurer Is ready to pay the re rmilnder this spring. Dining the war W, A. A. gave liber ally to aid tho war-titrlckon people. .Several large contributions were made to the soap fund whjleh was hlarle.l by Dorothy (Vnflold Khiher, a former University of Nebraska girl. The W. A. A. Is proud of tho llttlo French orphan which it. has b en supporting. Madeline 1km of Ilordeaux is now eight years old and Is tho little mis.i to whoso support W. A. A. lias been contributing for the last four years. A pert of the money earned through ih'i concessions goes to buy sweaters 1'or th' winners of the "N" and t' send delegates d Ilio national am! sectional V. A. A. conventions. Four delegates were sent to tho conventlo-i last year at Missouri and four repre sented Nebraska at the national son ventlon of the W. A. A. at Indiana. Ruth King, '21, was conei ssi'iii manager this year. , HOW ABOUT A PICNIC? Let Us Plan Your Eats. We Have Wlial You Want When You Want It,. I'lione PEOPLE'S GROCERY lu;.v7 ur '()" St. Hardships Da Not Bother These Girls On W eek-end Camps Big days or little days, Coca-Cola always is the favorite beverage. I THE COCA COLA COMPANY Atlunt a, Go. C4 SUNDAY, MAY 15. Y. W. C. A. cabinet and staff break fast, Ellen Smith hall. Phi Gamma Delta mother's day. Menorah society hike, 1 p. m., Temple. MONDAY, MAY 16. Lutheran club business meeting, 7 p. m., Faculty hall. Boost the W. A. A. J UNI NOTICES WELCOME TO DEBATERS For the end of this week the Uni versity of Nebraska has as her guests the eleven district-championship de bating teams which will battle fui state honors through ten contests of ths new tournament that concludes the fourteenth annual contests. Bo cause drawing by lot determines the side of the Question upon which each will argue, each team comes to Lin coln prepared to convince its audience on either side of the question of re pealing the literacy-test for imm. gratlon. of JU .WDI bserjre th0 Personnel of these championship teams, you will End that they are composed of the most representative students of tin Junior and Senior high school classes, "oy are not only represent? live in oeoating and a8 students but In every DAILY NEBRASKA STAFF. Applications for positions on the Daily Nebraskan staff for the first semester of 1921-22, must be In the Student Activi ties office by Monday, May 16: Editor-in-chief, managing editor, associate editor, three news editors, business manager, as sistant business manager and circulation manager. Iloost the W. A. A. Yes, that is what we say. We're the Amazons of old Nebraska. You can see us in the morning, You can see us all at noon You can hear our happy voices As we chant that grand old air: UU UN I Ver-Ver Versltl NK-nrnski Oh, Oh My! rcrhaps we're not as fair Or even yet as bright I But we'll sure put up a fight To show that we are right When we say tho day Will never come, when old U. N. Shall lack the pep we say we give To make the Phys Ed dept. live. Live! Live! Live! Boost the W. A. A. Yes. that is what we say. We're the Amazons of old Nebraska. Dangit All. When tli. class rooms seem t; choke, and even the "gym" seiin.i small and stuffy, it Is the sign lo Cue fresh-air fiends to pack their blankets for n week-end trip to Crete. What matters if it is October, or mayb March? They must get out of door Previous 'experience teaches little. Being snow-bound ono Easter vaca tion proved to be a lot of fun, as well as the next lime vhcn it rain'-.'! continually. With so littlo co-operation with the elements, a third part) ef the year is being planned for Ma;-"0-22 This third party Is not limited tj W, A. A. girls. Any girl who loves t) amp may sign the bulletin hoard now or may make p'servntlon from Miss Clark now. Engineers. Last A. A. E. smoker of the year, Saturday, May 14, at Walsh hall, 12th and N. Departmental elections for next year. Smokes, talks, eats. Price 35c. R. O. T. C. All members of the R. O. T. C. who have not drawn their cap ornaments and sleeve insignia report to the sup ply room in the basement of Nebraska hall at the first opportunity and draw them. Greater Nebraska Luncheon. Tickets for the Greater Nebraska luncheon at 12 o'clock today at the Grand hotel may be obtained for 40 rents at the door. Guy Reed and Sam Waugh lead the discussion. Kappa Phi. For Kappa Phi picnic take Normal car. Meet at pavilion in Antelope park at 6 o'clock Friday. Our Inquiring Reporter Five girls who have won an "N were asked: How did you happen to go in for athletics? 1. Madeline Girard, '19, 1536 So. 22nd: I always have been crazy about athletics. 2. Ruth King, '21, 405 No. 25th: I didn't start until after I was out of high school and then I guess it was because the folks didn't approve. 3. Marjorie Barstow, '22, 1445 So. 20th: I had to be something bo 1 decided to be a "phys ed." 4. Ruth Flckes, '22, 3347 P: ways have liked to play. I al- 5. Sue Stille, '21, 1003 J: to reduce. I wanted W.A.A. Nominates Miss Louise Pound For Hall of Fame W. A. A. wishes to nominal.' for th Hall of Fame its last life niembei who liugiiM on the campus Lour-" Pound. ilerau-o: She is by far lie; mos, leiiov. no.l at Uot ' ever turned t ill a' X' bra.-.l-:r. (Sre records In t. iii.i.. golf, c I inr- L,asketball, baseb.i'.'. skating. Or t.iko her en at any one of these events some day when yovi'ie let ling agile). Because: I f r crimson head is Jammed with neatly convoluted brains (Xote the Ph. D. cum laude, ihe sparkling P. B. K., the scholarly at tainments in philology, the profound writings on everything Ironi balled.-, to (ho suffix "Ah.") Because: She has so patient! en couraged Inspiring atliletso and ca,;-r students for many years. (Lamp tin long list of her friends and admirer who have become successful nthiekv scholars, writers, teacht rs.) Because: She has that rare com bination of inteligence nnd courage. But particularly because: She s more fun than anybody on the cami uj and tnc best pitcher who ever whied an inshoot ncross the pnn. We salute, with three rousing theirs, Louisa Pound! it l : : l f t i i i. . nr vjiijaii uiiuci lug a uiiijjci iicc Snliject of .Funics W. MjiedoimM's Sermon tit ALL SOULS' llMh ill!. "II" UNITARIAN CHURCH Sunday at 11 a. in. Students Rspecially Invited. An All University Production THE MOST PRIME MINISTER Tues. Evening, May 17 Orpheum Theater STUDEXTS You will want pleasant and profitable work during the summer months. Many students have become perma nent employees handling the Harvard Classics; Junior Classics and Encyclo pedia. For particulars address P. F. Collier & Son, 312 Paird Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. LOST Pi Beta Phi pin. Tlease re turn to Student Activities office. It MEN To sell toys to dealers. Liberal commissions. Write for particulars. Wilder Mfg. Co., SL Louis, Mo. 3t LOST Delta Gamma pin. Call B1416. 5t LOST A pocketbook containing about $45. Return to Student Activities office. 4t LOST Will person who took note book from Chandler car In front of postofflce Tuesday, please return the notes to 2926 Q or 2603 O St 3t When they begin to get so thin that you have to examine 'em every morning before you put 'em on it's hightime you were picking out a Spring Suit from Magee's. $30 and up. The House of Kuppen heimer Good Clothes fies w Quality Clothes